Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Monday 24 March 2014

Y as in YAHWEH - YAHWEH's Judgement Time, Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Y as in YAHWEH -

YAHWEH's Judgement Time

Extract from the Novel

by Mother Sigrid Eliora


When the Grand Master of the Freemason Lodge finds the little note
signed 'El Eljon' on his Financial Services desk he feverishly tries
to remember, where he put the flask with the antidote from his inner
circle's poison that the top four of his hierarchy use on and off as
churchwardens and deacons in various parishes and also in their
company to 'discretely' rid themselves of their enemies, when all of
their pre-death measures have failed.

Usually, they would try bribery first and invitations to fancy events
with the promise of status or a significant change of job or status;
or even the offer of property and taking their victim's place in
society or on the secret snakes' ladder; or, if that seemed of no
promise at all, one would play the lame game of threats, at first
towards a person's own life, and if that also went unanswered, the top
ranks would choose one of their recruits on the lower levels to stir
up with their own members of their local and international and
national spiderweb anything from slander to hate crimes and all sorts
of organised criminality in order to discredit an individual or a
whole other competetive secret society or company hierarchy or group;

and if that also failed, one employed blackmail of kinds and
gaslighting or death spells and tolling bells by the neighbourhood
evil streaks, who usually play frail but are quick to steal each
other's and the target's mail, and who are routinely experienced to
create effectively for bribery any kind of day and night scenery of
hell - and the Grand Master had to pay big sums to those, as he called
them, 'scums' with fascist roots and also those with all sorts of
criminally involved black leather boots.

The Grand Master usually laughed off any kind of hinted punishment and
prosecution, as he was well connected via his old family links with
cathedrals and lodges and politics and the law - he felt he was
protected by impunity and his secret society's ranks of diplomatic
immunity that he automatically assumed also for himself and his
unauthorised lawyer's bookshelf; as he had more than one legal
practice going as a barrister - he was actually building up a
reputation as the lawyer to the underworld and most sinister, as his
ambition was the fourth empire coming, and he wanted to rule it, and
he made that quite clear, when he took his seats via money and
connections in various strategic parishes on the board as well as in
the financial services hell, and he gave himself the name Nero, which
he thought, would serve him well.

He got close to priests and bishopry and made sure he got invited also
up the ladder into the archbishopry after he had proven he was willing
their enemies to be killing, and by choosing all the right
partners-in-crime, who would at the right place under a masked face to
all sorts of conspirators for world dominion in the new order of chaos
and war and whoremongering united and human trafficking, spread their
evil in the name of the devil in any given space.

He was in fact so sure of his victory, that he boasted and toasted to
it and tied up his loose ends quite dramatically but also prematurely,
as he had not calculated that others, especially his potentital
victims, would survive and live the truth to tell, and his true face
expose and even his superiors would know that he did with the help of
some murky dodgy priory with esoteric pseudo-nuns, who all also had
their own agenda and reinforcing them with guns, in his own pick and
mix heresy overdose!

And they went definitely too far, and he even had a couple of them
from calling him ever again to bar, when established was even by the
MI5 a connection between him and that priory on more than one level,
and he only got out of it for now, because the archbishop had told
them off and held his wing over him - but, as the Grand Master felt no
love towards that himself corrupt leader, and both did never ever have
love for the truth nor for Jesus Christ and certainly not for the law
of God over the brim, he knew he had to cover his back also from the
pew, and so lied and spied on certain new potential recruits and made
them an offer, how they could make - illegally - money on a Swiss bank
account via the Vatican round table bank with a number code fable from
the public coffer, and that - surely, the chosen candidates -
churchwardens and researchers and pseudo-clergy - could not refuse!
And would with him in order to build his empire across the border,
also with their help of insider knowledge and blanko signatures on
cheques, fuse!

These nuns of that unsavioury priory, whom he advised to an
independent status, so that they could cash in from all sides and
shores, and even pay as expense babylonian whores and finance via
their tax-free piratery turned jumble sale operation even on receipts
every expense for their face value order's decadence and pestilence
under the disguise of friendly events, and their secret properties
abroad and hidden ex-military for their and his various para-military
fascist actitivities and general East to West, South to North End
organised criminality from one hill to the other Crediton bill and on
flying pigs' wings under wigs and lipstick and with silicone masks
supplied by the BFI make up artists and other designers and
technicians and all sorts of electronical and media and creative
industries with their artistic input involved and facilities made a
useful background even for sound and props at the right time in the
right space, and when needed was f.ex. the copy of somebody's face, in
order to make a priest look like a crook or a holy woman in a hotel,
where she never entered look like a spook or like a woman in disgrace
across the border.

His ideas for criminality were unlimited and with his pool of national
and international spiderwebs all united against the truth and in
greed, he so far even got high up in yet another and another and
additional pyramid hierarchy, always under a yet different name and
disguise - but, eventually, one did recognise 'Nero' by his voice and
movements and preference for decadence and by his boasting and
toasting on fb and the likes, and by the many photos he liked to tag
himself in with the rich and famous and glamorous, and by the ever
changing cardinal pikes, who gave him evermore confusing literature of
heresy for his bookshelf.

As he knew once a really holy man and his wife, and he had planned for
both their life their end and he still cannot comprehend, how he with
that fake-nun and her allegedly esoteric way to kill remotely, simply
could not get them dead, and eat his bread of lies free of the ever
increasing numbers of spies, who also in his congregation were closing
in on him and the priory even in his slumbers! How could one man and a
woman live, where involved was his deathbringing secret society's
knife, not just once but every single time!!!

And all those nuns with their curses and slander and guns had also
failed and that man was still not to his cross nailed, and they had
lost of also the woman each time the trace, when they had her across
London and beyond tailed! And in vain were also the efforts to
intimidate them or to shut them up in the mail!

And now this note signed 'El Eljon'. This must be a bad dream, and he
so much would like at all his partners-in-crime, whom he had paid so
well to establish his cornerstone foundation of hell, to scream!!! But
instead he finds himself even exposed with one murder too many in
Jesus Christ YAHWEH's subconsciousness stream, who sends as THE JUDGE
out already his sentencing that the one Good Lord, whom he despises,
dared to pass even in the Grand Master's absence at the Heavenly
Judgement Court - never did he think that such a court even does
exist, but lately, even his oldest ally does not include him anymore
in his shore's list, as too dubious has become and dangerous an
association with him - although he has also invested large amounts in
this 'friendship' of old, in fact they even committed already back at
Durham many an unholy act and stole already church treasure artefacts
as their first evil deeds to climb up the ladder of their very first

And suddenly nothing is anymore in his life intact and even the nuns
under pressure of the MI5 had to cancel and denounce with him their
pact, and denied that they ever had with him a contract! How dare they
leave him with the sole blame, where they were also present, when they
used on a holy soul a ritual knife and took his life and planned
further murders on many a truly holy husband and wife! And then, he
also broke down in tears lately over his own fears, and, when he is
honest to himself, in self-pity, as even his family, or especially his
grandmother, had to him only evermore disgust at his lust and greed
shown, and at his heresy and organised criminality, about which they
had been informed secretly by the authorities - and they tried to get
him to surrender and to talk sense into him to give up his decadence
and pestilence towards the truth in the Eucharistic Cup - and now, it
seems, time is for him finally up.

There it is his condemnation for eternity, with all his sins retained,
signed: 'El Eljon'.
And that is just the beginning of the Judgement time of Jesus Christ
YAHWEH, who takes
to task under every mask every criminal and his sinning, and nobody
gets away with poisoning a mass wine cask and handing to a priest and
congregation and a whole nation heresy from an organised criminality

And YAHWEH no diffenciation between ranks of pranks makes and shakes
even the most silent walls in their sandcastle foundation one day
suddenly and with no hesitation, as once too often has been betrayed
Jesus Christ YAHWEH as the victim not just in the Eucharistic feast
and not just as a priest but also with His one holy nation, and He
does not allow anymore in any shore of His holy souls' any
unchallenged or unpunished humiliation nor degradation! And He lets
the devils in their kitchens point their fingers at themselves in an
involuntary confession and He makes on their punishment no concession
and throws all screeching mandrakes and snakes and blackadders out of
His music shelves!

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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