Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday 19 March 2014

There once were a devil & a demoness,who stole in Lent a suit&a dress&left their mess from Halloween&are still out holy souls on a contract to slander & to kill but their own allies do on them the beans spill, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

There once were a devil & a demoness,who stole in Lent a suit&a
dress&left their mess from Halloween&are still out holy souls on a
contract to slander & to kill but their own allies do on them the
beans spill,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

There once were a devil & a demoness,and might even be now,
who stole in Lent a suit & a dress& left their mess from Halloween
&are still out holy souls on a contract to slander & to kill
but their own allies do on them the beans with the facts
of ALL their unholy acts spill, and suddenly on the evil
couples a simple wooden cross and a rose with rosebuds
do of God never known fears instill,

and the evildoers have to hide at night and at day their secret tears,
as they know that YAHWEH through Jesus Christ in
giant steps with His justice through the truth nears,
and for all the evil twosomes,who are not really couples,
just purposefully or through a secret society draw
joint evildoing pairs, sometimes also of the same sex,
including those, who played also clone to a rose
and as their ex, to commit blasphemy against
holy matrimony of one husband and his wife
joined by God, is suddenly over from Rome to Dover
their cosy life of bribery and free luxurious property,
as the lame game is known under their very own name
and transferred also to their accounts the invoices
black on white with their own shame;

as neither the secret societies nor official agencies
and not even the para-militaries, by whom the couples
were booked and paid and placed, can afford such obvious
cock up of unwanted embarrassment
and do not appreciate their sudden fame, and of being
put from moment to the other in an internationally conspiracy
and even terrorism frame, and were in quite
a shock that even a gate keeper of hell, who had so far
fulfilled her purpose of keeping apart holy souls by spreading
on them in the neighbourhood her own fouls and slander
and smeared the victims with her fabricated combinations of gossip
would risk her climb of the ladder up to a 'dame' in all nations
and denominations,

for her evil community services rendered
to simply vent her fury about the delay of payments of the temple
from the lane of Drury and from all her other organised
criminality assignments with slanderous and murderous
and fraudulent condiments and predicaments and judgements
at their targets - for the whole www community via transmission
and for the local neighbourhood in vocal hate crime and fate
welder vocal hell chime to hear -.

That brought even on the scene all, who also played their
secret society notoriety role ever so obscene, who now also
rightly fear to be exposed in a court of law, as they also
had teamed up with that walking hell of a fascist
devil's hoof- and mouth-disease, but who had desperately
with their priory tried to limit their already known organised criminality
to a minimum of targeted slander and had even forbidden her any further
blasphemy and mockery and heresy, as their every secret society
fears their highest ever fall and already did from all secret agencies
receive a summons in the mail and tried to avoid every call by
the Pall Mall, and are constantly on the move and tried to get
rid of all the stolen piratery and furniture even in an Elgin
grove -

but too many evildoers have lately pretended already to have lost their marbles
and to be frail, and are not convincing with their denying and lying
and conflicting
toasting and boasting garbles that it looks like they are no longer
in control in any diocese of their crooks,and have to issue also on highest
command a summons in the mail against their own inofficial secret
society spies,
who had the nerve to pose as official spooks, whilst they committed
fraud even in the military books and ommitted the truth from all their
accounts -

and with some ol' boys, their mountain to a Himalayan summit amounts
also in their unpaid and unsuccessful bills, and there are no more
hills left in any criminal and heretical shore of any babylonian whore to hide,
as once too often she has been already twice and three times over
with the same plots in Rome and Dover before and has no other
chance for her very survival in the law enforcement with the truth
to confide - but without witness protection and without a fancy new
beginning, as she did not voluntarily confess her sinning.

And suddenly the lowest ranks of the pranks find themselves
being sacrificed by their top hats out of the bookshelves or
suicided or poisoned or with a heart attack, and the surviving
being put and fined on the spots, and they are no longer safe
from their own secret societies' ritual knives and fear for their
own reputation and to loose all convenience in their former
lives and they are suddenly wanted under their own names
in every nation, where they spent a free luxurious holiday
to slander and put in a false frame a most holy man and woman,

as Yahweh does no longer allow false shame and blame on
His every real holy knight and dame, who are mostly only before the
heavenly throne in all their glory known, unless they have to
play anvil in the first row, and only sometimes they are
also on earth in all humility and selflessly serving God in
a status of royalty and they always show to the most
vulnerable also in the truth through Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
their loyalty.

Time is up - now the evildoers have to drink from their own
poisonous cup and stink of their sulphur and plots and their
own shame is visible and audible to their own name, when
publicly they are exposed as they once too often in their
boasting and toasting of holy souls overdosed, and too early
celebrated their evil victory -

YAHWEH is demanding the truth
in every single story and cuts off everybody, who is not willing
to acknowledge Jesus Christ from the beginning of time
in also His pre-written glory, as His truth and that of His holy
eternal matrimony with Mary Magdalene and of all their
incarnations of their souls has been falsefied in every single crook book
that was rewritten and changed to heresy and often to unholiness
by some spook, who was serving the devil and the evil of some
greedy and weedy demoness, and whole institutions and church
and temple hierarchies will have to their lies to confess and to clear
up their mess - and YAHWEH will anyway all the books to the
truth redress.

In the Name of YAHWEH - Opre! Bita T'em o Yahweh Iesous Christos
t'a Maria Magdalena Gelem! Gelem!
Fiat iustitita Iesu Christi et pereat mundus!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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