Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 21 March 2014

God awakens from amnesia: ''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's every letter!', A Novel, Extract, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God awakens from amnesia:
''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's
every letter!',

Extract from the Novel

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's
every letter!', He says to His 'secretary' at His bedside. 'I am still
a bit confused! Help me remember - you are my firstborn son Adam's,
who later was Abraham and Jesus Christ one and only beloved bride, and
I joined you for eternity in holy matrimony?! Yes, how could I forget
- you are the best that happened in my creation from the beginning of
time, and on you, even before the heretics and pathetics scribbled
together some idiotic non-sensical pages and scrolls with their
demonic secret society costume sages, I built and will build for
eternity my one holy nation! As you have never failed me, my dear
daughter, Eva - I actually also liked your names Sarah and Mary
Magdala and Tamar, and I gave you lots more with the strands of your
hair' - He sighs with a smile -, 'as you have walked with your dear
husband for me and your holy souls always every extra-mile! And
sometimes you were also my granddaughter and not just daughter-in-law,
depending on my manifestation, and we have been together already as
gods in every single nation but you always surrendered your goddess
status to your husband and me, so that we could lead your worshippers
onto the right path -

but sadly, many did not want to walk on the way free of wrath and
rather did us for our lives and reputation with their ritual knives
and bloodthirst and obsession with power and boring delusion with
their man-made hierarchy and evil demonology stalk - as sadly, I was
stupid enough to make a contract with the devil one day, when I
noticed that he had with that horrid snake and their reptiles copied
endlessly their golems of all sorts, whatever they could spy out from
our perfect garden of true love and holy matrimony and they made from
our pure and holy sanctuary in heaven on earth and in the underworld a
version of twisted perversion and tried to counteract your most loving
and holy family, as they about everybody and everything lied and
abused their spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit that I had to allow
them to have due to that agreement that I so much regret and for which
I did every time they abused it suffer and repent!

And as the evildoers know only too well, what they did, I will in
their punishment not an iota relent, as they had enough time to put
wrong right and to give up their unholy fight and world of hell!
Finally we have all survived from our family since the contract has
ended, and will also the truth about the ones, who are now in heaven
or helping from purgatory, tell, so that an end will come peacefully
to the rule of the secret society cones simply through the facts
released of all unholy acts - believe me, I do in lightspeed now my
memory retrieve!

'Y as in Yahweh - 1936-1945?', interrupts Yahweh the flow again,'even
in my best time calculation that is still the same fascist rhetoric of
evil just spread into every nation, from what I hear in vocabulary -
how is actually right now organised our own holy nation's constabulary
and law and order agency? And as Solomon I did grieve about the
evildoers' abuse of my sharing with them my visions - look, how they
twisted it all into their pick and mix variations of my psalms - that
is not, how I wrote them down, and, I am ever so sorry that all the
wrong hierarchies got into power as priests and tribes, who sent out
all the violent and warring and whoring vibes that are not at all of
our family but those of hell - but now, we can finally to our holy
souls the truth of all matters and in all complete books tell.

But we won't share a single detail that could be again twisted by the
evildoers with them anymore in any shore, as once too often have they
our family for their assassinations in all nations put on their
shortlist. They will never know from now on, where and when we go with
whom and to whom, as I simply change and pick and mix and decoy every
single port and sail of every boat, and I will personally wear also my
son's coat and bring you both safely here and there into Nomansland;
and only from time to time we show up as our own crime busting team
internationally like special agents in collaboration with the worldly
agencies of law and order across every border, and we let from a safe
location know the one holy nation of whom to be weary, and the latest
court notices in their dreams and subconsciousness stream; and I won't
anymore answer any too late repentant sinners' scream, when they
finally feel a conscience awakening in their bones and back at them
fly in whole walls their own thrown stones, and when they are
confronted by their victims' or allies' clones.

Oh, my daughter, you have no idea, how your beloved husband is
awaiting His return unto you - I have counted both your every tears,
and I have even in my sleep taken away your fears and worries,
whenever you asked me for help, and I also answered both your
intercessions on behalf of others, but, quite frankly, most of them
were material for seekelp and worshippers of the golden ox, cow and
calf, and never wanted to be to a holy spouse the other holy half but
only cash in and gain property and money and they loved to betray even
their family for bribery -

as they are gamblers of the worst kind, and now I put them to their
own hell's grind, as I had sneaked out of the house one night, and
played a game that they did not expect, and they lost it all, and now
is on the table their every name to their secret society card and
heretical fable loud sung out by Jesus Christ as your truth's and your
love's bard, and especially the church hierarchy is falling now into
their blackest pit ever so hard, when comes out that they even sold
icecold lard for butter to the poor and did under their 'blessings' in
the Judas succession their satanistic curses mutter!

And my Son will with you as His wife also share again His life and
then, you can both sing to every devil's den, what they do not want to
hear and most fear: My Judgement and Punishment measures, and they
will have for a start to hand back to the poor in ways I decide, all
piratery treasures, and I know exactly, where they what and how hide!
And even their own former allies and spies did in me already in
anticipation to have their own sentences reduced confide but I won't
cut any deals, as only the truth also them heals, even if they do not
have a heart, just stone, but they are still somewhat an entity of
some kind of useful hierarchy, if you know, what I mean, as when we
release them from their slavery and let them take up their
responsibility, they will have to clear up also their own mess and
make each other confess, as they do not want to carry alone the burden
and be the only one known as the liability of their secret society, as
they all did commit organised criminality and in their heresy they did
whole books of truth ommit!

They for example did on our time before the bible era trample, when we
already tried our all to teach and live holy lives without ritual
knives and in monogamy and with only holy husbands and wives as the
fathers and mothers in every nation, who share fairly my generous
daily ration and the Holy Spirit's gifts, so that they can make
everywhere to peace through the truth and justice the right shifts.
Was it too much to ask to trust in me as the One Good God YAHWEH, and
in my Son, and in the Holy Spirit?! And, after all, my Son is actually
also my manifestation and we share also many a father-son or brotherly
or friendly incarnation in every nation, as we do with you, only that
you two were always either the one holy husband or wife or lived in
holy celibacy, when you had to live for some reason, usually of high
treason, or because you were temporarily joined on earth for a
tactical purpose or season with another soul or entity, who did
nonetheless not consume the marriage -

there is so much mess that needs clearing up regarding heresy in all
books - but we won't publish most of it, as there is already enough
out there of all that demonic bullshit and I will move the earth's
grit, if somebody should try on us yet another hit!!! Can you imagine,
how the devil one night into that bloody pothole drove and offered me
under whinging poisonous poisson from his cauldron on the stove!
Honestly, and then, when that devil's den gathered one night in your
husband's house behind his back with that half moon rubbish society
with the white glove - honestly, do they think that if they park their
cars in a half-moon shape in a vicarage carpark that the devil will
rise as a shark?!

And then they send the local corrupt bobby on the beat, who does also
on his wife cheat and not just his colleagues for it does frame and
falsely shame to blame your holy husband, MY Son, and put on Him also
blame for their own sad and bad fame! And I am furious with Him, how
they have treated you and your children of old - and I am curious, how
low they will now sink to pretend, when confronted with their evil
deeds that they did
all along you a helping hand lend to unite you with your husband - all
the while they even stole your wedding band and the baby blanket and
your other items and diaries and poisoned your dairies and cut off not
just your lilies, roses and daisies!

And they cannot say that they are plem-plem, as they are roaming
around and have always as the evil church army from the lurch their
weapons on the ground, and they even manipulate with special equipment
in their house your voice's sound, and pretend on the phone that they
are you and pose even in costumes and wig that you were performing
miles away in a gig!
I tell you - these dead trees I cut off now for our fireplace wood
with every single twig!
I am so tired of all this crap - let's put the truth finally on the
map! My beloved Daughter of Zion, I remember now, I gave you already
back then as my granddaughter Solomon's key - as if you ever needed
one to go from heaven to earth and back - I made you the Mother of the
Universe, when my Son chose you as His one and only Wife for eternity,
and you have never disappointed me, as you every time laid down your
life willingly and selflessly for the truth, and never ever blamed me
or shamed me but named me with my full name and were for that called
even a heretic and a witch and whatnot evil name and were subjected to
the kill, and by my Name, you had more than your fill of that cone hat
bat of every evildoer!

Time to get tough on those, who behaved towards the Holy Rose family
rough and who did in their own evil once too often and for far too
long overdose! My daughter - your husband and you, you are in your
faith of your forefathers (me and my holy sons) infinitely strong, and
I do so for all our reunion with you long! And I will personally play
the scarecrow to some fake sacre coeur, who gave me through poisoned
incense a cough, and no mercy towards all evildoers show!!! And you do
every time I mention your husband blush and in your most radiant smile
in your eyes and all over your face glow - and that is a mystery and
miracle that is just incomprehensible to those old cone hats in Rome
and Dover and their evil dynasty and greedy greasy blackgold Judas
hierarchy! Good, that we never needed a pyramid or dome for our home -
we simply live and speak the truth on the go! Ready, steady, GO!!!'
And Yahweh sings: 'Opre, Gelem, Gelem, Bita T'em Yahweh Iesous
Christos t'a Maria Magdalena Gelem, Gelem! All holy souls do from the
stars stem!'

And He suddenly first cheekily, and then increasingly seriously adds:
'And the hornets we let each other with their lies sting and let rip
the spiders' web, when the bat lands on it flat with all the platinum
wedding bands of their secret societies and their fake fairy wings, as
they are being arrested and charged with murder for example through
air bubbles in a drip! And for dumping a dead body of a holy soul in a
skip. YAHWEH is back!!!'

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid

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