There is a time to pray, and there is a time to tweet, and I know
through prayer, when and whom not to greet!
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
In the silent prayer of our innermost hearts we hear God's
discernment, of what to do, when we encounter the evil of one, whose
sole purpose is to be a soul's slayer, and
that is even joined by the devil, who no longer can rule the world
under any secret society cone, as back at him comes also his every
stone - as once too often his former clients wanted even to replace
his face with an artificial clone!
So, in the silence that must be let us all pray - and maybe even tweet
and Jesus Christ will let all holy souls know, when there are plotted
against them any fouls, so that they simply will not their face show
in the usual place at the Sunday morning show - in that case they are
better off to make to God's home their way under the blue dome, and as
quick as they can every man does in his own boat without any goat
safely row, where milk does with honey in holiness in God's true
sanctuary flow free from any mess and free of any demoness and snake,
and then, Jesus Christ will in every devil's den one after the other
foundation shake in every single nation and no holy soul does anymore
in any heretical and corrupt shore with the evildoers have to mingle,
as enough God had to be cursed with shingle and gout and hacked in
clout, and poisoned Mange-tout!
He has the truth as His Infinite Light's rod!
We sing in the Name of Jesus Christ!
We sing in the Name of the One Good God YAHWEH!
We live and die in the Infinite light that shines upon all holy souls
at day and at night,
even in the darkest hours, and through the meek and lowly He shows His
true might.
Opre! Bita T'em o Yahweh Iesous Christos! GELEM! GELEM!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9m
Holy matrimony is given by God&He decides about the ceremony,as
He does ensure that Adam&Eve's children stay pure&alive in His
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 12m
Whosoever likes to purposefully sin&to be bad,declares the ones,
who do not sin,simply 'mad'&throws at them evil stones&one's own
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 19m
What times,when even a hill with a bishop offers to
church&clergy bribery&to investigative journalists property for
silence-what pestilence.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 21m
Over a hill&far away&also near do many God betray&don't walk on
Jesus Christ's way&they suddenly do in their bones God fear under
their cone
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 23m
In a Limerick a bishop of Richfield has poison in his hyssop&in
a Romerick the hyssop of Lichfield brings a heretical cup&a crooked
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 25m
God puts all evildoers in the frame of shame to their own
name,if they did at His command frown&did Him falsely for their own
evil blame.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 26m
If more than two unholy sees with cone are competing over the
same positions&crowns&sheitls&gowns&fame,God puts on all their overdue
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 30m
To the kind police officer,who prays for all holy souls&was in
despair about the evil&fouls of the ones, who throw even at him
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 31m
Who needs a safe house that is filled with infamous grouse&rat
creeds&bat weeds&moles,all on either heretical Vatican or Anglican
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 33m
You know you hit a nerve,if the spiritual warfarers suddenly
appear as 'carers'&offer you a bishop's seat or bribery or a sapphire
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 34m
Time to blow the whistle,when s.b. boasts about a committed
crime or plot&toasts frames for it a thistle on the very spot&lets a
bell chime.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma: Tweets of
creative prism and corrupt schism and in...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma: Tweets
from East London, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
ASHEN DEVELESA: The Return of Jesus Christ, by Mother Sigrid
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
ASHEN DEVELESA: Azkarah! Kushta! Reper opray! Tachiben! Mary
Magdala's Stations of the Cross...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
ASHEN DEVELESA: Prayer by James John Westcott, a holy man and
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
ASHEN DEVELESA: Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness, Extract from
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
ASHEN DEVELESA: Y as in YAHWEH - YAHWEH's Judgement Time,
Extract ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
ASHEN DEVELESA: Tweets from East London, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Tweets of creative prism and corrupt schism and in...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Tweets about why somebody you either in the street...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Tweets from East London, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
How convenient to have the local self-confessed witches covens
ready for bad fascist&racist vibes remotely&behind the church hall
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
How convenient to have a churchhouse property consultant,who
also runs a human trafficking ring&does to children prematurely her
hell bring.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
How convenient to employ former priests as undertakers,who were
anyway bad faith fakers&rather vile bone shakers&all bribery&property
takers or even moon rakers born with a silver spoon.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
How convenient to have former priests being undertaker for
special occasions,when clergy sticks to the truth as their
persuasions&get killed, as long as the top hierarchies' can pretend
they did not in this evil play the evil hand but still had their
secret number accounts in Switzerland or the Vatican round table bank
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Why would a churchwarden,deacon&priest hint at a planned murder
with the same 'method'&refer to the one already covered up-storm in a
cup! Game over from Rome to Dover, as time is up to report every
crime! As murder and hunting human beings as baits is not a pastime -
it is a crime.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Why would a Roman-Catholic hospital chaplain cover up a murder,
if not out of loyalty for her diocese's secret society man-made
royalty, maybe for a future seat in the first RCC or Jews for Jesus
female bishopry?! Beware - there are many from all over the world from
Cape town to Washington and Moscow and Budapest, who also did pass
their psychic and secret society test, and all came out as goddess and
queen and as best - as that kind of system was devised by somebody,
who for cash and bribery and property every corrupt system does
advise. And high treason comes at the highest price, and usually does
not entail not even in one's secret society's card or board or casino
game the first prize. It is quite a Russian Roulette outcome, when one
plays Lourdes or Westminster or Kilkenny's Bernadette.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Why would an East London&other parishes allow paedophiles to go
on trips with children?And let them put false shame&blame on a
priest's name - time to put with every crime the real evildoers in the
Scotland Yard and Interpol frame.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
A CoL church also holds evil from the lurch&an anonymous grave
in the nave&after mass the secret societies&their slave misbehave
concave-no wonder, they like the neo-fascist version of old aryan
master race perversion and say to a demoness and a snake and devil
'Hail' and 'Ave', and each wants all alone take as their victory alone
- but Jesus Christ made 'Vedi, vidi, vici' sort of a returning stone
to His former pretend-amici. For those evildoers it is for eternity:
Non arrividerci - it is downwards to hell, as He lived the truth to
tell and to break their spell and no longer rings their bell for their
entertainment as a their slave and He has long reported all hidden
sceletons in the nave and who is wearing which secret society cone and
has even played his clone and threw at Him and His holy souls and Mary
Magdala their every stone. Sins retained, as they have to this very
day from repenting and putting wrong right refrained, and again in
thought, or even word and deed a holy soul slained or falsely stained.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Consecrated ground is,where the faith outside a building is sound.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
An East London parish council board does church treasures
piratery hoard&accuses the priest of their own crimes&grimes&gets
bribery from CT, not to forget the neighourhood that is suddenly for
some reason in confession mood, maybe to find out, who else of their
'friends', did commit high treason?
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Why does a parish council board donations for their private
piratery hoard&present the priest of Cath.-Jew.-Roma descent with a
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Why does an East London parish council board present an
Anglo-Cath.priest of Catholic,Jewish&Roma descent with a chasuble
showing a swastika
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Action required,as AMEN has expired. Prayer by James
John Westcott, a holy man &teacher...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
God awakens from amnesia: ''Y as in Yahweh! And yo...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan thr...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.: Y
as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness, Extract from t...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.: Y
as in YAHWEH - YAHWEH's Judgement Time, Extract ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
PORRAJMOS - Tweets of investigative journalism& the truth in the
light of a prism.
... prismism-and-corrupt.html?spref=tw
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
If there is an anonymous suspicious grave in the nave&you are
barred to report,simply publish a novel&a picture with the bishop&his
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
If there is a cover up with shovel of a mass grave&you are
barred to report,simply write a novel&the news edition abort&tell it
in the pews.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Investigative journalism is one way to serve the truth&if it is
limited it must bring out the truth creatively uninhibited&selflessly
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Investigative journalism is a way of life to help free humanity
of secret societies&their ritual knife&through the facts the truth
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Investigative journalism carries the responsibility for
souls,who entrust their trauma&suffering they endure&only the truth
holds the cure.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Investigative journalism must challenge all evil acts&with the
facts stand up to an artificial prism fight of disguises in the
truth's light
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid Mar 25
Investigative journalism must always put the truth&justice for
the most vulnerable first&thus serve ultimately selflessly peace for
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to
To post to this group, send an email to
Visit this group at
Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Tweets from East London, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Tweets from East London
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 6m
How convenient for an organised crime parish council board to
have the local self-confessed witches covens ready for bad
fascist&racist vibes remotely&behind the church hall ovens, and the
curtains for bribery to lie and to spy and to feed to the
neighbourhood slander and false 'facts' implying all sorts of invented
false allegations against neighbours, who are in their way and a thorn
in their eye because the real evildoers are being challenged in their
decade old interconnections in all their local sections, and feel
threatened in their ways because each of them from any kind of God's
law strays and even each of them eventually and repeatedly the other
again also betrays - as they all run their individual circles of
twelves, and after years of fears and tears for the few, to whom this
lame game was new, even the most kindhearted and naive no longer into
any invitations to a meeting delves that is being manned with
falsehood and sudden friendliness and hardly concealed evil grins, as
they were found out with their sins, and are afraid of a raid for
their crimes even by their own kins.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8m
How convenient to have a churchhouse property consultant,who
also runs a human trafficking ring accordingly to a little sparrow
that suddenly no longer does her praises sing and rather denies her
bat wing but both did to children prematurely their hell bring, as a
source does in a leak to the press tell, as all too obvious became
their evil streak, and burnt in their own charcoal hellfire by its own
boasting and toasting was the sparrow's beak, and suddenly a
neo-fascist heretical secret society with aryan lore has been branded
criminal and stranded in its own greedy and corrupt
Vatican-Anglican-wailing wall shore, and dissolved is a piratery
church treasure and mystical jumble sale store of a priory that has
also all to confess and to surrender as a collective law and its own
rules bender.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 10m
How convenient to employ former priests as undertakers,who were
anyway bad faith fakers&rather vile bone shakers&all bribery&property
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 11m
How convenient to have former 'priests' being undertaker for
special occasions,when real former clergy sticks to the truth as their
persuasions&get over it killed by Rome and Dover, only because they
have seen Jesus Christ's light and Him over 'tha deep blue see' hover,
on which the Vatican-Anglican see is not at all keen, as they do not
like to give up their dual status as rotten pike, and rather let
secret societies with their notorieties and whole monasteries and
priories fake a husband and wife and threaten a truly holy couple of a
holy man and a holy woman with their combined ritual knife, as they
want in all sorts of combinations of heresy and organised hierarchies
their organised criminality under the umbrella and in the disguise of
church hierarchy their place and even with a silicone mask face take,
and even the couple's flat has been already secretly and prematurely
allocated and in a secret society draw their killers' order of knives
handed out - and that was even for one reformed bat the last straw,
and he confessed all to the MI5 and his nerves are still raw.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 13m
Why would a churchwarden,deacon&priest hint at a planned murder
with the same 'method'&refer to the one already covered up-because
they were present in a leading role and know every detail - and thus
cannot anymore play frail, and will be arrested like a storm in a cup!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 16m
Why would a Roman-Catholic hospital chaplain cover up a murder,
if not out of loyalty for her diocese's secret society man-made
royalty; as, after all, she claims, Westminster is the territory only
for aristocracy and not for holy souls, who have laid down their lives
even to Westminster diocese's ritual knives for the truth, and who
followed the prayer of a most holy man, who happens to be a
Catholic,Jew and Roma by birth - of course, in the
Vatican-Anglican-Jewish angle there is no room for a holy bridegroom
with such roots, as their fake ship only for money and bribery and
real estate property toots.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 18m
Why would an East London&other parishes allow paedophiles to go
on trips with children?And let them put false shame&blame on a
priest's name, and play with planted DNA-evidence from stolen
fingerprints and transferred glasses a lame game to put a priest into
a totally false frame! And the same the evildoers did also to a holy
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 27m
Not just one City of London church also holds a multitude of
keys for various secret societies' evil from the lurch&many an
anonymous grave in the nave&even after mass the secret
hierarchies&their every 'slave' misbehave convect and concave and hail
to the routh fascist empire their AVE not just with one Nero, and they
plan even their terror acts with a remote viewing and warfaring
fake-nun with a licensed gun, who is also bribed and trained by a
paneuropean fascist Hun and takes all also, accordingly to her
boasting, even under diplomatic immunity and impunity from HM in her
hidden church army capacity and even is awaiting her letter for a
baroness man-made royalty for her Egyptian cat empire loyalty - and
she is hoping for her own hotel, where she can rule the world as a
master spy and perhaps the new M from a Magyarul 'fotel', and twist
and wish gout and shout at her youngest recruits from the
involuntarily or without their knowledge Novgorod-Potemkin style
'trained' future generation Tex-Essex version of espionage perversion
in a hidden concentration camp courtesy of a Libertarian and
coproducing latter-saint fascist Disney world, where there is being
done to children and most vulnerable humanity, what was even under the
Nazis still forbidden, as these kinds of rich and filthy thugs are
bored with their drugs and want for fun to kill, and even abused holy
souls for English countryside fox hunts, and took real people as baits
in Spanish holiday resorts and regarded their survival in the end as
'a sign' that hunting Jesus Christ is 'good sports'. Come again?! I
don't think so, sweet love does only a holy husband by his holy wife
invite, and the truth does to the evildoers their end legally ignite.
And the punishment for their every crime won't be lite.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 31m
Consecrated ground is,where the faith outside a building is -
thanks be to God - so sound, that even a holy soul can counteract and
open up the vaults of the evil that is hidden underneath the compound
and open the secret underground tunnels under a community grass and
vicarage garden and church and public pavement in a fellows court - in
a street, where hardly anymore anybody does greet, as too many are
criminals bribed by every single corrupt shore.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 33m
An East London parish council board does church treasures
piratery hoard&accuses the priest of their own crimes&grimes&gets
bribery from CT.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 34m
Why does a parish council board donations for their private
piratery hoard&present the priest of Cath.-Jew.-Roma descent with a
swastika? The answer seems almost clear - to that parish council board
only the most evil lords are near and the priest has had enough of
being treated rough and maltreated and cheated and to get every Sunday
and at every mass from poison in the charcoal a cough, and he will
only evermore the wolves' fur shear and lets the evildoers Jesus
Christ's cross of the truth bear.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 38m
Why does an East London parish council board present an
Anglo-Cath.priest of Catholic, Jewish&Roma descent with a chasuble
showing a swastika
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
PORRAJMOS - Action required,as AMEN has expired. Prayer by James
John Westcott, a holy man &teacher...
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to
To post to this group, send an email to
Visit this group at
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 6m
How convenient for an organised crime parish council board to
have the local self-confessed witches covens ready for bad
fascist&racist vibes remotely&behind the church hall ovens, and the
curtains for bribery to lie and to spy and to feed to the
neighbourhood slander and false 'facts' implying all sorts of invented
false allegations against neighbours, who are in their way and a thorn
in their eye because the real evildoers are being challenged in their
decade old interconnections in all their local sections, and feel
threatened in their ways because each of them from any kind of God's
law strays and even each of them eventually and repeatedly the other
again also betrays - as they all run their individual circles of
twelves, and after years of fears and tears for the few, to whom this
lame game was new, even the most kindhearted and naive no longer into
any invitations to a meeting delves that is being manned with
falsehood and sudden friendliness and hardly concealed evil grins, as
they were found out with their sins, and are afraid of a raid for
their crimes even by their own kins.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8m
How convenient to have a churchhouse property consultant,who
also runs a human trafficking ring accordingly to a little sparrow
that suddenly no longer does her praises sing and rather denies her
bat wing but both did to children prematurely their hell bring, as a
source does in a leak to the press tell, as all too obvious became
their evil streak, and burnt in their own charcoal hellfire by its own
boasting and toasting was the sparrow's beak, and suddenly a
neo-fascist heretical secret society with aryan lore has been branded
criminal and stranded in its own greedy and corrupt
Vatican-Anglican-wailing wall shore, and dissolved is a piratery
church treasure and mystical jumble sale store of a priory that has
also all to confess and to surrender as a collective law and its own
rules bender.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 10m
How convenient to employ former priests as undertakers,who were
anyway bad faith fakers&rather vile bone shakers&all bribery&property
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 11m
How convenient to have former 'priests' being undertaker for
special occasions,when real former clergy sticks to the truth as their
persuasions&get over it killed by Rome and Dover, only because they
have seen Jesus Christ's light and Him over 'tha deep blue see' hover,
on which the Vatican-Anglican see is not at all keen, as they do not
like to give up their dual status as rotten pike, and rather let
secret societies with their notorieties and whole monasteries and
priories fake a husband and wife and threaten a truly holy couple of a
holy man and a holy woman with their combined ritual knife, as they
want in all sorts of combinations of heresy and organised hierarchies
their organised criminality under the umbrella and in the disguise of
church hierarchy their place and even with a silicone mask face take,
and even the couple's flat has been already secretly and prematurely
allocated and in a secret society draw their killers' order of knives
handed out - and that was even for one reformed bat the last straw,
and he confessed all to the MI5 and his nerves are still raw.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 13m
Why would a churchwarden,deacon&priest hint at a planned murder
with the same 'method'&refer to the one already covered up-because
they were present in a leading role and know every detail - and thus
cannot anymore play frail, and will be arrested like a storm in a cup!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 16m
Why would a Roman-Catholic hospital chaplain cover up a murder,
if not out of loyalty for her diocese's secret society man-made
royalty; as, after all, she claims, Westminster is the territory only
for aristocracy and not for holy souls, who have laid down their lives
even to Westminster diocese's ritual knives for the truth, and who
followed the prayer of a most holy man, who happens to be a
Catholic,Jew and Roma by birth - of course, in the
Vatican-Anglican-Jewish angle there is no room for a holy bridegroom
with such roots, as their fake ship only for money and bribery and
real estate property toots.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 18m
Why would an East London&other parishes allow paedophiles to go
on trips with children?And let them put false shame&blame on a
priest's name, and play with planted DNA-evidence from stolen
fingerprints and transferred glasses a lame game to put a priest into
a totally false frame! And the same the evildoers did also to a holy
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 27m
Not just one City of London church also holds a multitude of
keys for various secret societies' evil from the lurch&many an
anonymous grave in the nave&even after mass the secret
hierarchies&their every 'slave' misbehave convect and concave and hail
to the routh fascist empire their AVE not just with one Nero, and they
plan even their terror acts with a remote viewing and warfaring
fake-nun with a licensed gun, who is also bribed and trained by a
paneuropean fascist Hun and takes all also, accordingly to her
boasting, even under diplomatic immunity and impunity from HM in her
hidden church army capacity and even is awaiting her letter for a
baroness man-made royalty for her Egyptian cat empire loyalty - and
she is hoping for her own hotel, where she can rule the world as a
master spy and perhaps the new M from a Magyarul 'fotel', and twist
and wish gout and shout at her youngest recruits from the
involuntarily or without their knowledge Novgorod-Potemkin style
'trained' future generation Tex-Essex version of espionage perversion
in a hidden concentration camp courtesy of a Libertarian and
coproducing latter-saint fascist Disney world, where there is being
done to children and most vulnerable humanity, what was even under the
Nazis still forbidden, as these kinds of rich and filthy thugs are
bored with their drugs and want for fun to kill, and even abused holy
souls for English countryside fox hunts, and took real people as baits
in Spanish holiday resorts and regarded their survival in the end as
'a sign' that hunting Jesus Christ is 'good sports'. Come again?! I
don't think so, sweet love does only a holy husband by his holy wife
invite, and the truth does to the evildoers their end legally ignite.
And the punishment for their every crime won't be lite.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 31m
Consecrated ground is,where the faith outside a building is -
thanks be to God - so sound, that even a holy soul can counteract and
open up the vaults of the evil that is hidden underneath the compound
and open the secret underground tunnels under a community grass and
vicarage garden and church and public pavement in a fellows court - in
a street, where hardly anymore anybody does greet, as too many are
criminals bribed by every single corrupt shore.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 33m
An East London parish council board does church treasures
piratery hoard&accuses the priest of their own crimes&grimes&gets
bribery from CT.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 34m
Why does a parish council board donations for their private
piratery hoard&present the priest of Cath.-Jew.-Roma descent with a
swastika? The answer seems almost clear - to that parish council board
only the most evil lords are near and the priest has had enough of
being treated rough and maltreated and cheated and to get every Sunday
and at every mass from poison in the charcoal a cough, and he will
only evermore the wolves' fur shear and lets the evildoers Jesus
Christ's cross of the truth bear.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 38m
Why does an East London parish council board present an
Anglo-Cath.priest of Catholic, Jewish&Roma descent with a chasuble
showing a swastika
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
PORRAJMOS - Action required,as AMEN has expired. Prayer by James
John Westcott, a holy man &teacher...
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to
To post to this group, send an email to
Visit this group at
Tweets about why somebody you either in the streets, or not, greets, and how to contact MI5, if things get out of hand, when people abuse their authority and powers and principalities and positions for bribery and property and para-military fuelled heresy and organised criminality and even with the help of the music, film, media and PR-industry pretend they hold a black magic wand over your fate - that would make some very interesting Question time without an after-debate, as for many a secret society their confession with anyway too many a concession comes now too late - by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Tweets about why somebody you either in the streets, or not, greets,
and how to contact MI5, if things get out of hand, when people abuse
their authority and powers and principalities and positions for bribery
and property and para-military fuelled heresy and organised criminality
and even with the help of the music, film, media and PR-industry pretend
they hold a black magic wand over your fate - that would make some
very interesting Question time without an after-debate, as for many
a secret society their confession with anyway too many a concession
comes now too late -
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8m
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Prayer by James John Westcott, a holy man &teacher.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 19m
If a holy man and teacher has proven always for the truth&the
most vulnerable to make his right choice,then even the MI5 gives him a
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 21m
Depending on bribery&material value&Kopfgeld of a person of
interest,an old friend might just suddenly pretend one a helping hand
for the truth to lend but secretly does dig already an anonymous grave
for one's last rest and some even already have with their secret
societies put an offer on the target's property and possessions and
steal the pages with their names handwritten for intercessions to cash
in on it or to auction it off or to copy the signature for their
fraudulent documents. As even the MI6 posed as MI5, or was it just one
secret society, who sent a law enforcement officer one day, who did
also my trust betray?! Not to speak of the police officer, who lies
about facts and twists contexts and hooks up with the crooks, and
secretly has quite a different set of books.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 25m
Ever wondered,why your neighbour beams one day at you&the next
screams or hides?It is because he probably changed for bribery sides
or deranged because a secret society and some Vatican or Anglican or
both church hierarchy threatened him your life to take or your cross
from the wall to smash and your child's faith and trust in neighbours
to shake. Crime numbers: ...t.b.c.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 28m
Did you know that your friend,husband or family member might be
climbing a snake's ladder of a blackadder's secret society&plans
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 29m
In their secret societies many play bishop&cardinal&pope-but all
are without hope&can't with the truth cope&mostly use charcoal with
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 31m
Why s.b.would want to be Rasputin I can't understand-he must
have forgotten his life ended like his old fish:rotten as Kieler
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 35m
To all victims of crime in the churches: Stand up to all evil&
listen to your heart&tell all to Jesus Christ&follow His safe
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
Is it true that HM gives diplomatic immunity&impunity to every
secret society for murder&piratery,as that they say-do they not her
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
A secret society member is easy to spot,when a royal chaplain
mocks Christ's truth on Easter Saturday to the dot&had planned many a
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
A secret society is easily identified,when pseudo-nuns of a
priory have guns&grin that they have HM's diplomatic immunity for
their piratery
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
What mother does remember her dogs'names&lineage but not her
sons.One with a secret society that puts back on her now her own
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
Who would betray his own family&friends?One with a secret
society membership,who treats them to an airbubble in the drip&has a
trip as alibi
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
Who would do such a thing&place a bet at a vet on a human
being's life&death?One with a secret society cone with a stone&a tone
for a hit.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
"Fukushima was not exactly 'prima'," Harry Maximil...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Jesus Christ says: 'Let's open the archives of dar...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Update:Tweets of St Patrick and St Chad, and also ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
La Tour d'Amour pour l'Eternite c'est La Sainte Fa...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Prayer by James John Westcott, a holy man and teac...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 14h
ASHEN DEVELESA: 'Opre! Gelem! Gelem!', Kardinal von Galen
teaches ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 14h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Chavori rov avrikatay lo develesko dad: Da vast,
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 14h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Azkarah! Kushta! Reper opray! Tachiben! Mary
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: 'Savo chik, p'uri dai?' 'Grandmother, what is in
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: So, Herr Ritter und Frau Justin, Gott
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness, Extract from
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Y as in YAHWEH - YAHWEH's Judgement Time,
Extract ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: 'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
KUSHTA is the word of truth that is God's only but...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Romani Rose: Die Katholischen Bischoefe und die De...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Speak the truth!!!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Of Cardinals and Cardinal Sins
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Societies of organised crime and filth and grime a...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh - God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
spotted: Gestatten: Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh-God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh -God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
spotted:God awakens from amnesia:''Y as in Yahweh!And yo...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh -God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
spotted:Y as in YAHWEH-Anonymous Witness, Extract from t...
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
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and how to contact MI5, if things get out of hand, when people abuse
their authority and powers and principalities and positions for bribery
and property and para-military fuelled heresy and organised criminality
and even with the help of the music, film, media and PR-industry pretend
they hold a black magic wand over your fate - that would make some
very interesting Question time without an after-debate, as for many
a secret society their confession with anyway too many a concession
comes now too late -
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8m
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Prayer by James John Westcott, a holy man &teacher.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 19m
If a holy man and teacher has proven always for the truth&the
most vulnerable to make his right choice,then even the MI5 gives him a
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 21m
Depending on bribery&material value&Kopfgeld of a person of
interest,an old friend might just suddenly pretend one a helping hand
for the truth to lend but secretly does dig already an anonymous grave
for one's last rest and some even already have with their secret
societies put an offer on the target's property and possessions and
steal the pages with their names handwritten for intercessions to cash
in on it or to auction it off or to copy the signature for their
fraudulent documents. As even the MI6 posed as MI5, or was it just one
secret society, who sent a law enforcement officer one day, who did
also my trust betray?! Not to speak of the police officer, who lies
about facts and twists contexts and hooks up with the crooks, and
secretly has quite a different set of books.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 25m
Ever wondered,why your neighbour beams one day at you&the next
screams or hides?It is because he probably changed for bribery sides
or deranged because a secret society and some Vatican or Anglican or
both church hierarchy threatened him your life to take or your cross
from the wall to smash and your child's faith and trust in neighbours
to shake. Crime numbers: ...t.b.c.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 28m
Did you know that your friend,husband or family member might be
climbing a snake's ladder of a blackadder's secret society&plans
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 29m
In their secret societies many play bishop&cardinal&pope-but all
are without hope&can't with the truth cope&mostly use charcoal with
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 31m
Why s.b.would want to be Rasputin I can't understand-he must
have forgotten his life ended like his old fish:rotten as Kieler
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 35m
To all victims of crime in the churches: Stand up to all evil&
listen to your heart&tell all to Jesus Christ&follow His safe
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
Is it true that HM gives diplomatic immunity&impunity to every
secret society for murder&piratery,as that they say-do they not her
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
A secret society member is easy to spot,when a royal chaplain
mocks Christ's truth on Easter Saturday to the dot&had planned many a
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
A secret society is easily identified,when pseudo-nuns of a
priory have guns&grin that they have HM's diplomatic immunity for
their piratery
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
What mother does remember her dogs'names&lineage but not her
sons.One with a secret society that puts back on her now her own
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
Who would betray his own family&friends?One with a secret
society membership,who treats them to an airbubble in the drip&has a
trip as alibi
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
Who would do such a thing&place a bet at a vet on a human
being's life&death?One with a secret society cone with a stone&a tone
for a hit.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 8h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
"Fukushima was not exactly 'prima'," Harry Maximil...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Jesus Christ says: 'Let's open the archives of dar...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Update:Tweets of St Patrick and St Chad, and also ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
La Tour d'Amour pour l'Eternite c'est La Sainte Fa...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 9h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Prayer by James John Westcott, a holy man and teac...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 14h
ASHEN DEVELESA: 'Opre! Gelem! Gelem!', Kardinal von Galen
teaches ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 14h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Chavori rov avrikatay lo develesko dad: Da vast,
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 14h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Azkarah! Kushta! Reper opray! Tachiben! Mary
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: 'Savo chik, p'uri dai?' 'Grandmother, what is in
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: So, Herr Ritter und Frau Justin, Gott
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness, Extract from
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: Y as in YAHWEH - YAHWEH's Judgement Time,
Extract ...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
ASHEN DEVELESA: 'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
KUSHTA is the word of truth that is God's only but...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Romani Rose: Die Katholischen Bischoefe und die De...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Speak the truth!!!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Of Cardinals and Cardinal Sins
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.:
Societies of organised crime and filth and grime a...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh - God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
spotted: Gestatten: Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh-God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh -God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
spotted:God awakens from amnesia:''Y as in Yahweh!And yo...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 15h
Y as in Yahweh -God's knotted Handkerchief for every tear
spotted:Y as in YAHWEH-Anonymous Witness, Extract from t...
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
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Monday, 24 March 2014
Y as in YAHWEH - YAHWEH's Judgement Time, Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Y as in YAHWEH -
YAHWEH's Judgement Time
Extract from the Novel
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
When the Grand Master of the Freemason Lodge finds the little note
signed 'El Eljon' on his Financial Services desk he feverishly tries
to remember, where he put the flask with the antidote from his inner
circle's poison that the top four of his hierarchy use on and off as
churchwardens and deacons in various parishes and also in their
company to 'discretely' rid themselves of their enemies, when all of
their pre-death measures have failed.
Usually, they would try bribery first and invitations to fancy events
with the promise of status or a significant change of job or status;
or even the offer of property and taking their victim's place in
society or on the secret snakes' ladder; or, if that seemed of no
promise at all, one would play the lame game of threats, at first
towards a person's own life, and if that also went unanswered, the top
ranks would choose one of their recruits on the lower levels to stir
up with their own members of their local and international and
national spiderweb anything from slander to hate crimes and all sorts
of organised criminality in order to discredit an individual or a
whole other competetive secret society or company hierarchy or group;
and if that also failed, one employed blackmail of kinds and
gaslighting or death spells and tolling bells by the neighbourhood
evil streaks, who usually play frail but are quick to steal each
other's and the target's mail, and who are routinely experienced to
create effectively for bribery any kind of day and night scenery of
hell - and the Grand Master had to pay big sums to those, as he called
them, 'scums' with fascist roots and also those with all sorts of
criminally involved black leather boots.
The Grand Master usually laughed off any kind of hinted punishment and
prosecution, as he was well connected via his old family links with
cathedrals and lodges and politics and the law - he felt he was
protected by impunity and his secret society's ranks of diplomatic
immunity that he automatically assumed also for himself and his
unauthorised lawyer's bookshelf; as he had more than one legal
practice going as a barrister - he was actually building up a
reputation as the lawyer to the underworld and most sinister, as his
ambition was the fourth empire coming, and he wanted to rule it, and
he made that quite clear, when he took his seats via money and
connections in various strategic parishes on the board as well as in
the financial services hell, and he gave himself the name Nero, which
he thought, would serve him well.
He got close to priests and bishopry and made sure he got invited also
up the ladder into the archbishopry after he had proven he was willing
their enemies to be killing, and by choosing all the right
partners-in-crime, who would at the right place under a masked face to
all sorts of conspirators for world dominion in the new order of chaos
and war and whoremongering united and human trafficking, spread their
evil in the name of the devil in any given space.
He was in fact so sure of his victory, that he boasted and toasted to
it and tied up his loose ends quite dramatically but also prematurely,
as he had not calculated that others, especially his potentital
victims, would survive and live the truth to tell, and his true face
expose and even his superiors would know that he did with the help of
some murky dodgy priory with esoteric pseudo-nuns, who all also had
their own agenda and reinforcing them with guns, in his own pick and
mix heresy overdose!
And they went definitely too far, and he even had a couple of them
from calling him ever again to bar, when established was even by the
MI5 a connection between him and that priory on more than one level,
and he only got out of it for now, because the archbishop had told
them off and held his wing over him - but, as the Grand Master felt no
love towards that himself corrupt leader, and both did never ever have
love for the truth nor for Jesus Christ and certainly not for the law
of God over the brim, he knew he had to cover his back also from the
pew, and so lied and spied on certain new potential recruits and made
them an offer, how they could make - illegally - money on a Swiss bank
account via the Vatican round table bank with a number code fable from
the public coffer, and that - surely, the chosen candidates -
churchwardens and researchers and pseudo-clergy - could not refuse!
And would with him in order to build his empire across the border,
also with their help of insider knowledge and blanko signatures on
cheques, fuse!
These nuns of that unsavioury priory, whom he advised to an
independent status, so that they could cash in from all sides and
shores, and even pay as expense babylonian whores and finance via
their tax-free piratery turned jumble sale operation even on receipts
every expense for their face value order's decadence and pestilence
under the disguise of friendly events, and their secret properties
abroad and hidden ex-military for their and his various para-military
fascist actitivities and general East to West, South to North End
organised criminality from one hill to the other Crediton bill and on
flying pigs' wings under wigs and lipstick and with silicone masks
supplied by the BFI make up artists and other designers and
technicians and all sorts of electronical and media and creative
industries with their artistic input involved and facilities made a
useful background even for sound and props at the right time in the
right space, and when needed was f.ex. the copy of somebody's face, in
order to make a priest look like a crook or a holy woman in a hotel,
where she never entered look like a spook or like a woman in disgrace
across the border.
His ideas for criminality were unlimited and with his pool of national
and international spiderwebs all united against the truth and in
greed, he so far even got high up in yet another and another and
additional pyramid hierarchy, always under a yet different name and
disguise - but, eventually, one did recognise 'Nero' by his voice and
movements and preference for decadence and by his boasting and
toasting on fb and the likes, and by the many photos he liked to tag
himself in with the rich and famous and glamorous, and by the ever
changing cardinal pikes, who gave him evermore confusing literature of
heresy for his bookshelf.
As he knew once a really holy man and his wife, and he had planned for
both their life their end and he still cannot comprehend, how he with
that fake-nun and her allegedly esoteric way to kill remotely, simply
could not get them dead, and eat his bread of lies free of the ever
increasing numbers of spies, who also in his congregation were closing
in on him and the priory even in his slumbers! How could one man and a
woman live, where involved was his deathbringing secret society's
knife, not just once but every single time!!!
And all those nuns with their curses and slander and guns had also
failed and that man was still not to his cross nailed, and they had
lost of also the woman each time the trace, when they had her across
London and beyond tailed! And in vain were also the efforts to
intimidate them or to shut them up in the mail!
And now this note signed 'El Eljon'. This must be a bad dream, and he
so much would like at all his partners-in-crime, whom he had paid so
well to establish his cornerstone foundation of hell, to scream!!! But
instead he finds himself even exposed with one murder too many in
Jesus Christ YAHWEH's subconsciousness stream, who sends as THE JUDGE
out already his sentencing that the one Good Lord, whom he despises,
dared to pass even in the Grand Master's absence at the Heavenly
Judgement Court - never did he think that such a court even does
exist, but lately, even his oldest ally does not include him anymore
in his shore's list, as too dubious has become and dangerous an
association with him - although he has also invested large amounts in
this 'friendship' of old, in fact they even committed already back at
Durham many an unholy act and stole already church treasure artefacts
as their first evil deeds to climb up the ladder of their very first
And suddenly nothing is anymore in his life intact and even the nuns
under pressure of the MI5 had to cancel and denounce with him their
pact, and denied that they ever had with him a contract! How dare they
leave him with the sole blame, where they were also present, when they
used on a holy soul a ritual knife and took his life and planned
further murders on many a truly holy husband and wife! And then, he
also broke down in tears lately over his own fears, and, when he is
honest to himself, in self-pity, as even his family, or especially his
grandmother, had to him only evermore disgust at his lust and greed
shown, and at his heresy and organised criminality, about which they
had been informed secretly by the authorities - and they tried to get
him to surrender and to talk sense into him to give up his decadence
and pestilence towards the truth in the Eucharistic Cup - and now, it
seems, time is for him finally up.
There it is his condemnation for eternity, with all his sins retained,
signed: 'El Eljon'.
And that is just the beginning of the Judgement time of Jesus Christ
YAHWEH, who takes
to task under every mask every criminal and his sinning, and nobody
gets away with poisoning a mass wine cask and handing to a priest and
congregation and a whole nation heresy from an organised criminality
And YAHWEH no diffenciation between ranks of pranks makes and shakes
even the most silent walls in their sandcastle foundation one day
suddenly and with no hesitation, as once too often has been betrayed
Jesus Christ YAHWEH as the victim not just in the Eucharistic feast
and not just as a priest but also with His one holy nation, and He
does not allow anymore in any shore of His holy souls' any
unchallenged or unpunished humiliation nor degradation! And He lets
the devils in their kitchens point their fingers at themselves in an
involuntary confession and He makes on their punishment no concession
and throws all screeching mandrakes and snakes and blackadders out of
His music shelves!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to
To post to this group, send an email to
Visit this group at
YAHWEH's Judgement Time
Extract from the Novel
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
When the Grand Master of the Freemason Lodge finds the little note
signed 'El Eljon' on his Financial Services desk he feverishly tries
to remember, where he put the flask with the antidote from his inner
circle's poison that the top four of his hierarchy use on and off as
churchwardens and deacons in various parishes and also in their
company to 'discretely' rid themselves of their enemies, when all of
their pre-death measures have failed.
Usually, they would try bribery first and invitations to fancy events
with the promise of status or a significant change of job or status;
or even the offer of property and taking their victim's place in
society or on the secret snakes' ladder; or, if that seemed of no
promise at all, one would play the lame game of threats, at first
towards a person's own life, and if that also went unanswered, the top
ranks would choose one of their recruits on the lower levels to stir
up with their own members of their local and international and
national spiderweb anything from slander to hate crimes and all sorts
of organised criminality in order to discredit an individual or a
whole other competetive secret society or company hierarchy or group;
and if that also failed, one employed blackmail of kinds and
gaslighting or death spells and tolling bells by the neighbourhood
evil streaks, who usually play frail but are quick to steal each
other's and the target's mail, and who are routinely experienced to
create effectively for bribery any kind of day and night scenery of
hell - and the Grand Master had to pay big sums to those, as he called
them, 'scums' with fascist roots and also those with all sorts of
criminally involved black leather boots.
The Grand Master usually laughed off any kind of hinted punishment and
prosecution, as he was well connected via his old family links with
cathedrals and lodges and politics and the law - he felt he was
protected by impunity and his secret society's ranks of diplomatic
immunity that he automatically assumed also for himself and his
unauthorised lawyer's bookshelf; as he had more than one legal
practice going as a barrister - he was actually building up a
reputation as the lawyer to the underworld and most sinister, as his
ambition was the fourth empire coming, and he wanted to rule it, and
he made that quite clear, when he took his seats via money and
connections in various strategic parishes on the board as well as in
the financial services hell, and he gave himself the name Nero, which
he thought, would serve him well.
He got close to priests and bishopry and made sure he got invited also
up the ladder into the archbishopry after he had proven he was willing
their enemies to be killing, and by choosing all the right
partners-in-crime, who would at the right place under a masked face to
all sorts of conspirators for world dominion in the new order of chaos
and war and whoremongering united and human trafficking, spread their
evil in the name of the devil in any given space.
He was in fact so sure of his victory, that he boasted and toasted to
it and tied up his loose ends quite dramatically but also prematurely,
as he had not calculated that others, especially his potentital
victims, would survive and live the truth to tell, and his true face
expose and even his superiors would know that he did with the help of
some murky dodgy priory with esoteric pseudo-nuns, who all also had
their own agenda and reinforcing them with guns, in his own pick and
mix heresy overdose!
And they went definitely too far, and he even had a couple of them
from calling him ever again to bar, when established was even by the
MI5 a connection between him and that priory on more than one level,
and he only got out of it for now, because the archbishop had told
them off and held his wing over him - but, as the Grand Master felt no
love towards that himself corrupt leader, and both did never ever have
love for the truth nor for Jesus Christ and certainly not for the law
of God over the brim, he knew he had to cover his back also from the
pew, and so lied and spied on certain new potential recruits and made
them an offer, how they could make - illegally - money on a Swiss bank
account via the Vatican round table bank with a number code fable from
the public coffer, and that - surely, the chosen candidates -
churchwardens and researchers and pseudo-clergy - could not refuse!
And would with him in order to build his empire across the border,
also with their help of insider knowledge and blanko signatures on
cheques, fuse!
These nuns of that unsavioury priory, whom he advised to an
independent status, so that they could cash in from all sides and
shores, and even pay as expense babylonian whores and finance via
their tax-free piratery turned jumble sale operation even on receipts
every expense for their face value order's decadence and pestilence
under the disguise of friendly events, and their secret properties
abroad and hidden ex-military for their and his various para-military
fascist actitivities and general East to West, South to North End
organised criminality from one hill to the other Crediton bill and on
flying pigs' wings under wigs and lipstick and with silicone masks
supplied by the BFI make up artists and other designers and
technicians and all sorts of electronical and media and creative
industries with their artistic input involved and facilities made a
useful background even for sound and props at the right time in the
right space, and when needed was f.ex. the copy of somebody's face, in
order to make a priest look like a crook or a holy woman in a hotel,
where she never entered look like a spook or like a woman in disgrace
across the border.
His ideas for criminality were unlimited and with his pool of national
and international spiderwebs all united against the truth and in
greed, he so far even got high up in yet another and another and
additional pyramid hierarchy, always under a yet different name and
disguise - but, eventually, one did recognise 'Nero' by his voice and
movements and preference for decadence and by his boasting and
toasting on fb and the likes, and by the many photos he liked to tag
himself in with the rich and famous and glamorous, and by the ever
changing cardinal pikes, who gave him evermore confusing literature of
heresy for his bookshelf.
As he knew once a really holy man and his wife, and he had planned for
both their life their end and he still cannot comprehend, how he with
that fake-nun and her allegedly esoteric way to kill remotely, simply
could not get them dead, and eat his bread of lies free of the ever
increasing numbers of spies, who also in his congregation were closing
in on him and the priory even in his slumbers! How could one man and a
woman live, where involved was his deathbringing secret society's
knife, not just once but every single time!!!
And all those nuns with their curses and slander and guns had also
failed and that man was still not to his cross nailed, and they had
lost of also the woman each time the trace, when they had her across
London and beyond tailed! And in vain were also the efforts to
intimidate them or to shut them up in the mail!
And now this note signed 'El Eljon'. This must be a bad dream, and he
so much would like at all his partners-in-crime, whom he had paid so
well to establish his cornerstone foundation of hell, to scream!!! But
instead he finds himself even exposed with one murder too many in
Jesus Christ YAHWEH's subconsciousness stream, who sends as THE JUDGE
out already his sentencing that the one Good Lord, whom he despises,
dared to pass even in the Grand Master's absence at the Heavenly
Judgement Court - never did he think that such a court even does
exist, but lately, even his oldest ally does not include him anymore
in his shore's list, as too dubious has become and dangerous an
association with him - although he has also invested large amounts in
this 'friendship' of old, in fact they even committed already back at
Durham many an unholy act and stole already church treasure artefacts
as their first evil deeds to climb up the ladder of their very first
And suddenly nothing is anymore in his life intact and even the nuns
under pressure of the MI5 had to cancel and denounce with him their
pact, and denied that they ever had with him a contract! How dare they
leave him with the sole blame, where they were also present, when they
used on a holy soul a ritual knife and took his life and planned
further murders on many a truly holy husband and wife! And then, he
also broke down in tears lately over his own fears, and, when he is
honest to himself, in self-pity, as even his family, or especially his
grandmother, had to him only evermore disgust at his lust and greed
shown, and at his heresy and organised criminality, about which they
had been informed secretly by the authorities - and they tried to get
him to surrender and to talk sense into him to give up his decadence
and pestilence towards the truth in the Eucharistic Cup - and now, it
seems, time is for him finally up.
There it is his condemnation for eternity, with all his sins retained,
signed: 'El Eljon'.
And that is just the beginning of the Judgement time of Jesus Christ
YAHWEH, who takes
to task under every mask every criminal and his sinning, and nobody
gets away with poisoning a mass wine cask and handing to a priest and
congregation and a whole nation heresy from an organised criminality
And YAHWEH no diffenciation between ranks of pranks makes and shakes
even the most silent walls in their sandcastle foundation one day
suddenly and with no hesitation, as once too often has been betrayed
Jesus Christ YAHWEH as the victim not just in the Eucharistic feast
and not just as a priest but also with His one holy nation, and He
does not allow anymore in any shore of His holy souls' any
unchallenged or unpunished humiliation nor degradation! And He lets
the devils in their kitchens point their fingers at themselves in an
involuntary confession and He makes on their punishment no concession
and throws all screeching mandrakes and snakes and blackadders out of
His music shelves!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness, Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Y as in YAHWEH - Anonymous Witness,
Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora
At a safe house of the MI5 HQ the still from the lightspeed rescue
operation terrified witness starts slowly to calm down; his breath is
getting back to normal, his body warming
from the inside with the smell of freshly made Americano, and the
agents, who had brought him to the quiet house with garden, are
equally relieved that all went well in the end, and they got all the
culprits arrested and charged and before the judge, whom they had been
observing for years in vain. But this time their diplomatic immunity
was removed, as they had once too often even somebody from inside the
agency slain and that same vicious circle of ol' and young boys from
the elite institutions had also almost on the HQ director put a false
The anonymous witness looked at his rescuers: 'Thank you! I don't
know, how I would have got out of that situation, had you not appeared
in the last minute. But then, I suspected that at least one of you was
part of that circle, too, as I have seen you on various occasions and
also, when you followed me and some of them here and there.
For years, I had tried to escape that circle but they wouldn't let me,
and I got hooked in the good life style of luxurious garments, three
star dining and orgies with all you did not even wish for - until they
reenacted, when I had never such atrocities suspected, even the
beheading of John the Baptist on one such occasion - and I just wanted
to get out, but then, my ex-lover, who had introduced and groomed me
as a young deacon into the scene, although he knew that I was a
heterosexual boy, into one obscene party after the other with other
men, and many of us got also raped in many ways. I can tell you - the
more arty farty the more tarty they get and the more money is involved
- right into the highest pyramid tops and after mass there are
numerous fake bishops and real ones, who under their secret society
cones into criss-cross beds hops and everywhere their stones and mess
They also frame purposefully not just politicians but also academics
and executives - with photoshop that is no problem these days anymore,
and so, all, who want to escape the snares of the devil are being
blackmailed with false evidence of the culprits' own decadence and
pestilence, and - as you know yourselves meanwhile, when you saw, what
heresy and falsefied accounts they hoard in their shelves that I
showed you - they got away with their organised criminality and
pick-and-mix heresy with utmost arrogance under diplomatic immunity
and they cashed in and banked also internationally on impunity, and
treated the law everywhere as the last straw and sold on their last
slaves even in the naves and out of the window was any grain of
decency also in the naves, as their vicious circle systematically and
purposefully also as royal chaplains visibly and audibly misbehaves.
The anonymous witness needed a break, and so did the agents to decide,
whether it was safe for them to continue in that house or whether they
should separate and elsewhere their new friend hide out of the reach
of anybody with a surprise evil streak, as they had enough as well of
having been treated rough and cheated and maltreated by some amongst
their highest ranks, to whom they did previously once in trust confide
and their next steps tell leading to the marred arrests, but they were
all framed by these pranks in expensive Savile row suits and leather
shoes but, fortunately, the PM himself had the evildoers in a secret
trial in the Star chamber as the main culprits and secret society
heads named and shamed, and they are no longer in real power but only
at face value still on a government cue and are no longer given to
important matters any significant clue, and are being dried out, as
they have lied once too often and even on the PM spied and the truth
in all matters denied and all laws defied.
And so, this time the arrests of some other top hierarchies went
actually smooth, and each of the defendants were already being in
interrogation in isolation and in a separate booth, and in cooperation
with every other nation involved the agencies could finally put the
stamp on the files that had been for ages due to bribery and organised
criminality and lack of the righteous bosses' rages unresolved. 'They
should have asked Jesus Christ and His real sages, then they could
have had the organised criminals long behind bars, and even for the
good of the nations even their walking dead creed multitasked and let
the culprits eat up their own poisonous food and stale bread and
betting on their own survival or death
with their sulphur stinking breath - you can tell, I have nothing good
about the kitchen of hell to share! Only Jesus Christ did with Mary
Magdala about my suffering and my story care! And they have made sure
that I met you guys, and you found and guided me even safely on the
net and did on my behalf every new 'friend' vetting.'
The agents grin grimly - 'Yup, there were some real elusive and
self-deluded and even more power obsessed smart asses out there, who
thought, if they hold the power over backstage passes they can also
decide, who can their secret society's notoriety and hit survive and
who has to commit the fatal blow or shot or slaughter with the ritual
knife - and we had our share, too, in many a band of even members of
the BFI of all backgrounds interfering in our work with their masks
and film technology and facilities, as they all believe that they hold
real power in their Harry Potter scenario wand - and whatnot experts
of underworldly tomato and mutton noise sound!
And then, those piratery ships of U-12-12-skips, who put even with
their members of the medical team air bubbles into hospital drips or
their roadies, who plan to electrocute as an accident a former voice
coach in the bath out of wrath, or the perversion version of the
Viennese Prater also in the Oxfordshire and whatnot invented -shire on
an elusive or hijacked ex-military for the para-military map - but now
you tell us, what you have to say about every single trap that they
installed for you!'
The anonymous witness tries to gather his thoughts. He says: 'There
are so many memories of pain and agony and humiliation and gaslighting
and I feel particularly
haunted by the secret societies' blasphemy and organised criminality
that purposefully
and systematically corrupts already young people's souls and minds and
rapes their
bodies, so that they will lose all faith in God and Jesus Christ and
the truth of the
holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, who had been joined already
for eternity as Adam and Eve, and the non-believers of all religions
want to deny
them this simple truth, as it is to God's glory and makes a holy
family a livable and
believable story!
And, with that humble concept of a peace-loving holy family, based on
the true love
of the Father and Mother, the secret societies, who are nothing but
the filth of the
hellish hierarchies, who haven't got the first clue about heaven and
earth and who just
want to nail and glue all that is not in their reach via their
organised criminalities,
wanted from the beginning of time replace every holy face with their
own heresies
and eventually get rid of humanity via stolen and corrupted
methodology and technology.
You know that I was sent to boarding school at a young age. I was
terrified and everybody had to me lied, when they told me that I would
be well looked after and being pampered and highly educated - yeah,
right, the latter they did, but all else was one big blur of violence,
decadence and pestilence and to cover all up a mask of utmost
arrogance to stay afloat in this hell of an elite school with its
desecrated abuse bell. And some of the boys did not live the truth to
I owe it to them that I talk about those times, too, that are still a
reality for the next generation of young boys (and girls for that
matter), who are being in all evil dimensions into sabotaging society
with their anti-family and anti-holy matrimony groomed, and if they do
not climb up the ladder voluntarily of their little-secret society
already in school, then they are doomed and are being treated as the
fool and kicked about like a footstool.
I will give you the address of that secret 'Prater' pier, a bit like a
piratery phantasy, where in most expensive and luxurious cafes and
shops ol' boys lull the young ones with their smooth
pseudo-gentlemen's talk gradually into all sorts of evil and promise
them the world, if they commit more and more crimes for their piratery
shore, and some are being treated to a female and others made into a
male whore, once they are eleven and the upper hierarchy has vetted
them for their various plans that they breed with the hellish top
ranks internationally, including who will be included and who will be
subjected to their shore's kill or bans, and on all the youngsters'
lives will be with computerised programmes and micro-chips and all
sorts of spy training intruded - just like in the old Russian and
Prussian style of mind manipulation, and Potemkins' villages and
psychic schools, whose former students are now all over the world with
the oligarchs and even man-made monarchs and governments as
fake-advisers and researchers on secret organised crime and diplomatic
status pay, so that they can spread like a cancer from within the
centres of power and kill as many as possible a truly holy flower.
I have been there in this 'Prater' and I have still from it a hangover
or 'Kater', and I can point my finger at every single fake-Monsigneur,
Fater, Vater, and Frater and pseudo-nun, who lately no longer secretly
as much as they used to grin about their every sin, as finally hooking
up with their victims are even their ex-next of kin, who do no longer
wish to be named and shamed as the evildoer's sister or brother or
father or mother and cut their relative off!
And you, as special agents, I would like to thank you that you have
gone through all the trouble also personally to protect me and my
family from harm, as you also had to infiltrate this hell of curses
and many a charm that was really a death order dressed as a spell on a
pope's or archbishop's non-existent boundaries' border, and I
sincerely hope, that you can cope with the fact that one of the most
unholy act also included that whole hierarchies deal under diplomatic
immunity not just with dope but also with all things war and
whoremongering and human trafficking and child abuse and have their
bat wings spread also under film and music and media organisations and
try to destroy all that is decent and holy with their every
artificially created actor and filmmaker equipment decoy.
In this 'Prater' pier, they already start in early childhood to make
the kids feel at first special and unique, but if they do not function
like an automated stereotype or like to leave their role as a stage
star status mole, they suddenly are being tortured and declared insane
or sent to a death train junction, and offered poisonous food from an
Egyptian paste covered up by acidic salad dressing for the taste, or
are being put under a fake hood and sent into the secret society army
of fake clergy and with the degree of bishopry and archbishopry to
pope evermore perverse and higher in stake gets also in every shore
their crimes's and bribery intake of the Medusan snake, and their
members get carried away by their constant climbing up but also fall
from the ladder, if they start everything in life to fake, and
eventually poisoned from their own lies is their one and only bladder
and they all have blood on their hands from a ritual knife.
And I, for my part, still do shake, when I now to you confess that I
also was present, when a musician, a drummer's life, only because he
refused to say anything bad about Jesus Christ and his wife, a whole
host of secret societies also of highest church hierarchies and
political and financial and multi-national companies did take! And I
now finally peace with God and Jesus Christ make and do tell you all,
as these kind of evil entities, who are posing as powers and
principalities and who only laugh at moralities, must with their
piratery into their own abbyss of hell fall. And that is, why I did to
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala for help, and they to you, did call! And
I thank you that you also protected us from some evildoers within many
a silent wall!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Extract from the Novel by Mother Sigrid Eliora
At a safe house of the MI5 HQ the still from the lightspeed rescue
operation terrified witness starts slowly to calm down; his breath is
getting back to normal, his body warming
from the inside with the smell of freshly made Americano, and the
agents, who had brought him to the quiet house with garden, are
equally relieved that all went well in the end, and they got all the
culprits arrested and charged and before the judge, whom they had been
observing for years in vain. But this time their diplomatic immunity
was removed, as they had once too often even somebody from inside the
agency slain and that same vicious circle of ol' and young boys from
the elite institutions had also almost on the HQ director put a false
The anonymous witness looked at his rescuers: 'Thank you! I don't
know, how I would have got out of that situation, had you not appeared
in the last minute. But then, I suspected that at least one of you was
part of that circle, too, as I have seen you on various occasions and
also, when you followed me and some of them here and there.
For years, I had tried to escape that circle but they wouldn't let me,
and I got hooked in the good life style of luxurious garments, three
star dining and orgies with all you did not even wish for - until they
reenacted, when I had never such atrocities suspected, even the
beheading of John the Baptist on one such occasion - and I just wanted
to get out, but then, my ex-lover, who had introduced and groomed me
as a young deacon into the scene, although he knew that I was a
heterosexual boy, into one obscene party after the other with other
men, and many of us got also raped in many ways. I can tell you - the
more arty farty the more tarty they get and the more money is involved
- right into the highest pyramid tops and after mass there are
numerous fake bishops and real ones, who under their secret society
cones into criss-cross beds hops and everywhere their stones and mess
They also frame purposefully not just politicians but also academics
and executives - with photoshop that is no problem these days anymore,
and so, all, who want to escape the snares of the devil are being
blackmailed with false evidence of the culprits' own decadence and
pestilence, and - as you know yourselves meanwhile, when you saw, what
heresy and falsefied accounts they hoard in their shelves that I
showed you - they got away with their organised criminality and
pick-and-mix heresy with utmost arrogance under diplomatic immunity
and they cashed in and banked also internationally on impunity, and
treated the law everywhere as the last straw and sold on their last
slaves even in the naves and out of the window was any grain of
decency also in the naves, as their vicious circle systematically and
purposefully also as royal chaplains visibly and audibly misbehaves.
The anonymous witness needed a break, and so did the agents to decide,
whether it was safe for them to continue in that house or whether they
should separate and elsewhere their new friend hide out of the reach
of anybody with a surprise evil streak, as they had enough as well of
having been treated rough and cheated and maltreated by some amongst
their highest ranks, to whom they did previously once in trust confide
and their next steps tell leading to the marred arrests, but they were
all framed by these pranks in expensive Savile row suits and leather
shoes but, fortunately, the PM himself had the evildoers in a secret
trial in the Star chamber as the main culprits and secret society
heads named and shamed, and they are no longer in real power but only
at face value still on a government cue and are no longer given to
important matters any significant clue, and are being dried out, as
they have lied once too often and even on the PM spied and the truth
in all matters denied and all laws defied.
And so, this time the arrests of some other top hierarchies went
actually smooth, and each of the defendants were already being in
interrogation in isolation and in a separate booth, and in cooperation
with every other nation involved the agencies could finally put the
stamp on the files that had been for ages due to bribery and organised
criminality and lack of the righteous bosses' rages unresolved. 'They
should have asked Jesus Christ and His real sages, then they could
have had the organised criminals long behind bars, and even for the
good of the nations even their walking dead creed multitasked and let
the culprits eat up their own poisonous food and stale bread and
betting on their own survival or death
with their sulphur stinking breath - you can tell, I have nothing good
about the kitchen of hell to share! Only Jesus Christ did with Mary
Magdala about my suffering and my story care! And they have made sure
that I met you guys, and you found and guided me even safely on the
net and did on my behalf every new 'friend' vetting.'
The agents grin grimly - 'Yup, there were some real elusive and
self-deluded and even more power obsessed smart asses out there, who
thought, if they hold the power over backstage passes they can also
decide, who can their secret society's notoriety and hit survive and
who has to commit the fatal blow or shot or slaughter with the ritual
knife - and we had our share, too, in many a band of even members of
the BFI of all backgrounds interfering in our work with their masks
and film technology and facilities, as they all believe that they hold
real power in their Harry Potter scenario wand - and whatnot experts
of underworldly tomato and mutton noise sound!
And then, those piratery ships of U-12-12-skips, who put even with
their members of the medical team air bubbles into hospital drips or
their roadies, who plan to electrocute as an accident a former voice
coach in the bath out of wrath, or the perversion version of the
Viennese Prater also in the Oxfordshire and whatnot invented -shire on
an elusive or hijacked ex-military for the para-military map - but now
you tell us, what you have to say about every single trap that they
installed for you!'
The anonymous witness tries to gather his thoughts. He says: 'There
are so many memories of pain and agony and humiliation and gaslighting
and I feel particularly
haunted by the secret societies' blasphemy and organised criminality
that purposefully
and systematically corrupts already young people's souls and minds and
rapes their
bodies, so that they will lose all faith in God and Jesus Christ and
the truth of the
holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, who had been joined already
for eternity as Adam and Eve, and the non-believers of all religions
want to deny
them this simple truth, as it is to God's glory and makes a holy
family a livable and
believable story!
And, with that humble concept of a peace-loving holy family, based on
the true love
of the Father and Mother, the secret societies, who are nothing but
the filth of the
hellish hierarchies, who haven't got the first clue about heaven and
earth and who just
want to nail and glue all that is not in their reach via their
organised criminalities,
wanted from the beginning of time replace every holy face with their
own heresies
and eventually get rid of humanity via stolen and corrupted
methodology and technology.
You know that I was sent to boarding school at a young age. I was
terrified and everybody had to me lied, when they told me that I would
be well looked after and being pampered and highly educated - yeah,
right, the latter they did, but all else was one big blur of violence,
decadence and pestilence and to cover all up a mask of utmost
arrogance to stay afloat in this hell of an elite school with its
desecrated abuse bell. And some of the boys did not live the truth to
I owe it to them that I talk about those times, too, that are still a
reality for the next generation of young boys (and girls for that
matter), who are being in all evil dimensions into sabotaging society
with their anti-family and anti-holy matrimony groomed, and if they do
not climb up the ladder voluntarily of their little-secret society
already in school, then they are doomed and are being treated as the
fool and kicked about like a footstool.
I will give you the address of that secret 'Prater' pier, a bit like a
piratery phantasy, where in most expensive and luxurious cafes and
shops ol' boys lull the young ones with their smooth
pseudo-gentlemen's talk gradually into all sorts of evil and promise
them the world, if they commit more and more crimes for their piratery
shore, and some are being treated to a female and others made into a
male whore, once they are eleven and the upper hierarchy has vetted
them for their various plans that they breed with the hellish top
ranks internationally, including who will be included and who will be
subjected to their shore's kill or bans, and on all the youngsters'
lives will be with computerised programmes and micro-chips and all
sorts of spy training intruded - just like in the old Russian and
Prussian style of mind manipulation, and Potemkins' villages and
psychic schools, whose former students are now all over the world with
the oligarchs and even man-made monarchs and governments as
fake-advisers and researchers on secret organised crime and diplomatic
status pay, so that they can spread like a cancer from within the
centres of power and kill as many as possible a truly holy flower.
I have been there in this 'Prater' and I have still from it a hangover
or 'Kater', and I can point my finger at every single fake-Monsigneur,
Fater, Vater, and Frater and pseudo-nun, who lately no longer secretly
as much as they used to grin about their every sin, as finally hooking
up with their victims are even their ex-next of kin, who do no longer
wish to be named and shamed as the evildoer's sister or brother or
father or mother and cut their relative off!
And you, as special agents, I would like to thank you that you have
gone through all the trouble also personally to protect me and my
family from harm, as you also had to infiltrate this hell of curses
and many a charm that was really a death order dressed as a spell on a
pope's or archbishop's non-existent boundaries' border, and I
sincerely hope, that you can cope with the fact that one of the most
unholy act also included that whole hierarchies deal under diplomatic
immunity not just with dope but also with all things war and
whoremongering and human trafficking and child abuse and have their
bat wings spread also under film and music and media organisations and
try to destroy all that is decent and holy with their every
artificially created actor and filmmaker equipment decoy.
In this 'Prater' pier, they already start in early childhood to make
the kids feel at first special and unique, but if they do not function
like an automated stereotype or like to leave their role as a stage
star status mole, they suddenly are being tortured and declared insane
or sent to a death train junction, and offered poisonous food from an
Egyptian paste covered up by acidic salad dressing for the taste, or
are being put under a fake hood and sent into the secret society army
of fake clergy and with the degree of bishopry and archbishopry to
pope evermore perverse and higher in stake gets also in every shore
their crimes's and bribery intake of the Medusan snake, and their
members get carried away by their constant climbing up but also fall
from the ladder, if they start everything in life to fake, and
eventually poisoned from their own lies is their one and only bladder
and they all have blood on their hands from a ritual knife.
And I, for my part, still do shake, when I now to you confess that I
also was present, when a musician, a drummer's life, only because he
refused to say anything bad about Jesus Christ and his wife, a whole
host of secret societies also of highest church hierarchies and
political and financial and multi-national companies did take! And I
now finally peace with God and Jesus Christ make and do tell you all,
as these kind of evil entities, who are posing as powers and
principalities and who only laugh at moralities, must with their
piratery into their own abbyss of hell fall. And that is, why I did to
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala for help, and they to you, did call! And
I thank you that you also protected us from some evildoers within many
a silent wall!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Saturday, 22 March 2014
'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan thriftwood a ship?!' asks YAHWEH Iesous Christos, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'You call that heretical piratery Troyan Aryan thriftwood a ship?!'
asks YAHWEH Iesous Christos,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
You call that a ship
with five fascists masts
that have all the wrong black iron cross
and no anchor and have only on board
in store of numerous lives' upon landing
their frequency banding their loss, so that
they can anywhere unhindered their piratery
treasures hoard!
Loaded by inhuman leftovers via Nazi-'technology'
recycled blackbooted beasts with tortorous
'methodology' disguised as science gone madly wrong
from the 30ies transported from once Germany
to just any country that subscribes to the bad vibes
and fascist brutality from their www Troyan horse
with fake-nuns and real cardinals
with not just guns in it, who order
on snow and twin peaks with their
programmed evil streaks without concsience
on all their enemies regardless of any border
a hit and slanderous character
assassination via their secret society
that is also hijacked for their hidden fascist
big empire ideology and future replacement of
humanity high on the inner circle Vatican
and infiltrated Anglican black gold chrism oil agenda,
and with artificial drones like XYgenda also
wearing cones they instil systematically
of some devil dark lord that they all want to be
individually but also collectively, preferrably,
they purposefully - to suit their every priority
of personnel choice - throw at the truthspeakers
their stones,
and put false shame and invented blame on
a holy name, under which is a truly noblehearted
humble heavenly knight or dame, and some
war and whoremongers are already in line
to replace their face with silicone masks and
microphone throat chips and are being trained
to copycat their mimics and gestures and mannerisms
to take their place and under diplomatic immunity
and impunity unashamedly and unpunishedly
to put poison into just any outsider's glass from
an ever filled flask and a constantly refilled sherry cask.
But that ship has forgotten the most important fact:
That Jesus Christ YAHWEH is with His humble fleet
intact and He can anytime to the evildoers their
plots even in the dreams or subconsciousness streams
of the pirates and their victims in all the planned spots
pre-enact! And suddenly, nobody of the criminals
the other anymore just in case in any shore greets
and free of the thugs on drugs and with greed in their creed
are the streets even in the city of London,
and the good ol' British fair play instead of playing foul,
and gentlemen's manners without diplomatic immunity
and impunity, as there won't be for it any need, is reviving
the purity of the British and the world's best soul, especially,
when every single sinner is instantly through the hell of his
victim his crime reliving and feeling the effects right in his bones -
and who needs stupid secret society cones, when one
has still a real husband or wife and not their clones to
sort things out - and who still persistently wants to kill
or to behave bad, won't get out with proclaiming themselves
mad, as they will go to prison for their unrepented crimes
and as community service clear out all heresy and put the truth
into all bookshelves and clear up their own mess and
involuntarily on all sorts of occasions confess!
As YAHWEH Iesous Christos is the living alphabet in
every language and knows of all projects also in every letter
be it Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Romanes, Russian, Italian,
Latin, French, Magyarul, Turkish, Kurdish, Gaelic - you get
the gist, as too long is the list of all tongues -
and anyway, at the beginning of time there was only one -
and guess, who did that invent?! Not some heretical
and criminal convent!!! That is for sure! And they do also
not have for anything the right cure!!! And they are
especially not pure!!! As they celebrate always the arrival
of their evil lord in Lent as if it were Advent.
Yup, and that is Judas for you with his poisonous
cup - but his time was long up, and now he is in his own hell
and from the top of his hierarchy to the bottomless pit of his
abbyss fell, and wears a pitchblack mitra of stone for penance
and his punishment is to tell the truth not even for peanuts
but for free, and without being allowed anywhere near
Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See! And he has lost also at his
own cost his V.I.P. membership of the tee, and had to burn
himself his rotten dried out Xmas tree with XYenda, and
they both had to return every stolen church treasure and
membership fee!
For a start, that ship with the five masts of Judas the
kingmaker of the skip that is calling itself something
like defence league or u2ip or whatnot dry rot name
with dubious criminal fame did just sink, when the
beast did fart under YAHWEH Jesus Christ's all-seeing
eye's blink. And, boy ol' boy, did that fart of high treason and envy
and grudge in too many a season also from many a snake and dragon
stink - they must have eaten for a change their own poisoned fudge.
And many a professor and politician and researcher or military
or public office or honours' bearer and even wool shearer
suddenly has been suspended or voluntarily
his time at the university or company with immediate effect ended,
as his or her loyalty to God and Her Majesty were not really sincere,
as they gave
their vow to their secret society to commit as much as possible from
their public position to the democracy's and monarchy's demolition
via a fascist hierarchy, and they have all committed acts of evil with each
more or less to confess and the truth they have purposefully and
systematically from public records ommitted.
And as their mask is now known, as is their real face to the
law and security agencies internationally and to the courts,
they are being to task also regarding their stolen
or illegally acquired property and for having accepted bribery
and conspired to organised criminality and heresy, and for having
led the authorities under abuse of their position astray, and for
having abused also innocent souls and let children and vulnerable
persons commit the evildoers' planned fouls, and for even going
to taking a person's life the whole way.
Did you hear?! YAHWEH Jesus Christ is near. And He eradicates
for His holy souls all fear and dries for them their every tear with
His beloved wife Mary Magdala and with their family of holy souls
of old - and He no longer debates, as HE IS THE JUDGE!!!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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asks YAHWEH Iesous Christos,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
You call that a ship
with five fascists masts
that have all the wrong black iron cross
and no anchor and have only on board
in store of numerous lives' upon landing
their frequency banding their loss, so that
they can anywhere unhindered their piratery
treasures hoard!
Loaded by inhuman leftovers via Nazi-'technology'
recycled blackbooted beasts with tortorous
'methodology' disguised as science gone madly wrong
from the 30ies transported from once Germany
to just any country that subscribes to the bad vibes
and fascist brutality from their www Troyan horse
with fake-nuns and real cardinals
with not just guns in it, who order
on snow and twin peaks with their
programmed evil streaks without concsience
on all their enemies regardless of any border
a hit and slanderous character
assassination via their secret society
that is also hijacked for their hidden fascist
big empire ideology and future replacement of
humanity high on the inner circle Vatican
and infiltrated Anglican black gold chrism oil agenda,
and with artificial drones like XYgenda also
wearing cones they instil systematically
of some devil dark lord that they all want to be
individually but also collectively, preferrably,
they purposefully - to suit their every priority
of personnel choice - throw at the truthspeakers
their stones,
and put false shame and invented blame on
a holy name, under which is a truly noblehearted
humble heavenly knight or dame, and some
war and whoremongers are already in line
to replace their face with silicone masks and
microphone throat chips and are being trained
to copycat their mimics and gestures and mannerisms
to take their place and under diplomatic immunity
and impunity unashamedly and unpunishedly
to put poison into just any outsider's glass from
an ever filled flask and a constantly refilled sherry cask.
But that ship has forgotten the most important fact:
That Jesus Christ YAHWEH is with His humble fleet
intact and He can anytime to the evildoers their
plots even in the dreams or subconsciousness streams
of the pirates and their victims in all the planned spots
pre-enact! And suddenly, nobody of the criminals
the other anymore just in case in any shore greets
and free of the thugs on drugs and with greed in their creed
are the streets even in the city of London,
and the good ol' British fair play instead of playing foul,
and gentlemen's manners without diplomatic immunity
and impunity, as there won't be for it any need, is reviving
the purity of the British and the world's best soul, especially,
when every single sinner is instantly through the hell of his
victim his crime reliving and feeling the effects right in his bones -
and who needs stupid secret society cones, when one
has still a real husband or wife and not their clones to
sort things out - and who still persistently wants to kill
or to behave bad, won't get out with proclaiming themselves
mad, as they will go to prison for their unrepented crimes
and as community service clear out all heresy and put the truth
into all bookshelves and clear up their own mess and
involuntarily on all sorts of occasions confess!
As YAHWEH Iesous Christos is the living alphabet in
every language and knows of all projects also in every letter
be it Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Romanes, Russian, Italian,
Latin, French, Magyarul, Turkish, Kurdish, Gaelic - you get
the gist, as too long is the list of all tongues -
and anyway, at the beginning of time there was only one -
and guess, who did that invent?! Not some heretical
and criminal convent!!! That is for sure! And they do also
not have for anything the right cure!!! And they are
especially not pure!!! As they celebrate always the arrival
of their evil lord in Lent as if it were Advent.
Yup, and that is Judas for you with his poisonous
cup - but his time was long up, and now he is in his own hell
and from the top of his hierarchy to the bottomless pit of his
abbyss fell, and wears a pitchblack mitra of stone for penance
and his punishment is to tell the truth not even for peanuts
but for free, and without being allowed anywhere near
Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See! And he has lost also at his
own cost his V.I.P. membership of the tee, and had to burn
himself his rotten dried out Xmas tree with XYenda, and
they both had to return every stolen church treasure and
membership fee!
For a start, that ship with the five masts of Judas the
kingmaker of the skip that is calling itself something
like defence league or u2ip or whatnot dry rot name
with dubious criminal fame did just sink, when the
beast did fart under YAHWEH Jesus Christ's all-seeing
eye's blink. And, boy ol' boy, did that fart of high treason and envy
and grudge in too many a season also from many a snake and dragon
stink - they must have eaten for a change their own poisoned fudge.
And many a professor and politician and researcher or military
or public office or honours' bearer and even wool shearer
suddenly has been suspended or voluntarily
his time at the university or company with immediate effect ended,
as his or her loyalty to God and Her Majesty were not really sincere,
as they gave
their vow to their secret society to commit as much as possible from
their public position to the democracy's and monarchy's demolition
via a fascist hierarchy, and they have all committed acts of evil with each
more or less to confess and the truth they have purposefully and
systematically from public records ommitted.
And as their mask is now known, as is their real face to the
law and security agencies internationally and to the courts,
they are being to task also regarding their stolen
or illegally acquired property and for having accepted bribery
and conspired to organised criminality and heresy, and for having
led the authorities under abuse of their position astray, and for
having abused also innocent souls and let children and vulnerable
persons commit the evildoers' planned fouls, and for even going
to taking a person's life the whole way.
Did you hear?! YAHWEH Jesus Christ is near. And He eradicates
for His holy souls all fear and dries for them their every tear with
His beloved wife Mary Magdala and with their family of holy souls
of old - and He no longer debates, as HE IS THE JUDGE!!!
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
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Friday, 21 March 2014
God awakens from amnesia: ''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's every letter!', A Novel, Extract, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
God awakens from amnesia:
''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's
every letter!',
Extract from the Novel
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's
every letter!', He says to His 'secretary' at His bedside. 'I am still
a bit confused! Help me remember - you are my firstborn son Adam's,
who later was Abraham and Jesus Christ one and only beloved bride, and
I joined you for eternity in holy matrimony?! Yes, how could I forget
- you are the best that happened in my creation from the beginning of
time, and on you, even before the heretics and pathetics scribbled
together some idiotic non-sensical pages and scrolls with their
demonic secret society costume sages, I built and will build for
eternity my one holy nation! As you have never failed me, my dear
daughter, Eva - I actually also liked your names Sarah and Mary
Magdala and Tamar, and I gave you lots more with the strands of your
hair' - He sighs with a smile -, 'as you have walked with your dear
husband for me and your holy souls always every extra-mile! And
sometimes you were also my granddaughter and not just daughter-in-law,
depending on my manifestation, and we have been together already as
gods in every single nation but you always surrendered your goddess
status to your husband and me, so that we could lead your worshippers
onto the right path -
but sadly, many did not want to walk on the way free of wrath and
rather did us for our lives and reputation with their ritual knives
and bloodthirst and obsession with power and boring delusion with
their man-made hierarchy and evil demonology stalk - as sadly, I was
stupid enough to make a contract with the devil one day, when I
noticed that he had with that horrid snake and their reptiles copied
endlessly their golems of all sorts, whatever they could spy out from
our perfect garden of true love and holy matrimony and they made from
our pure and holy sanctuary in heaven on earth and in the underworld a
version of twisted perversion and tried to counteract your most loving
and holy family, as they about everybody and everything lied and
abused their spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit that I had to allow
them to have due to that agreement that I so much regret and for which
I did every time they abused it suffer and repent!
And as the evildoers know only too well, what they did, I will in
their punishment not an iota relent, as they had enough time to put
wrong right and to give up their unholy fight and world of hell!
Finally we have all survived from our family since the contract has
ended, and will also the truth about the ones, who are now in heaven
or helping from purgatory, tell, so that an end will come peacefully
to the rule of the secret society cones simply through the facts
released of all unholy acts - believe me, I do in lightspeed now my
memory retrieve!
'Y as in Yahweh - 1936-1945?', interrupts Yahweh the flow again,'even
in my best time calculation that is still the same fascist rhetoric of
evil just spread into every nation, from what I hear in vocabulary -
how is actually right now organised our own holy nation's constabulary
and law and order agency? And as Solomon I did grieve about the
evildoers' abuse of my sharing with them my visions - look, how they
twisted it all into their pick and mix variations of my psalms - that
is not, how I wrote them down, and, I am ever so sorry that all the
wrong hierarchies got into power as priests and tribes, who sent out
all the violent and warring and whoring vibes that are not at all of
our family but those of hell - but now, we can finally to our holy
souls the truth of all matters and in all complete books tell.
But we won't share a single detail that could be again twisted by the
evildoers with them anymore in any shore, as once too often have they
our family for their assassinations in all nations put on their
shortlist. They will never know from now on, where and when we go with
whom and to whom, as I simply change and pick and mix and decoy every
single port and sail of every boat, and I will personally wear also my
son's coat and bring you both safely here and there into Nomansland;
and only from time to time we show up as our own crime busting team
internationally like special agents in collaboration with the worldly
agencies of law and order across every border, and we let from a safe
location know the one holy nation of whom to be weary, and the latest
court notices in their dreams and subconsciousness stream; and I won't
anymore answer any too late repentant sinners' scream, when they
finally feel a conscience awakening in their bones and back at them
fly in whole walls their own thrown stones, and when they are
confronted by their victims' or allies' clones.
Oh, my daughter, you have no idea, how your beloved husband is
awaiting His return unto you - I have counted both your every tears,
and I have even in my sleep taken away your fears and worries,
whenever you asked me for help, and I also answered both your
intercessions on behalf of others, but, quite frankly, most of them
were material for seekelp and worshippers of the golden ox, cow and
calf, and never wanted to be to a holy spouse the other holy half but
only cash in and gain property and money and they loved to betray even
their family for bribery -
as they are gamblers of the worst kind, and now I put them to their
own hell's grind, as I had sneaked out of the house one night, and
played a game that they did not expect, and they lost it all, and now
is on the table their every name to their secret society card and
heretical fable loud sung out by Jesus Christ as your truth's and your
love's bard, and especially the church hierarchy is falling now into
their blackest pit ever so hard, when comes out that they even sold
icecold lard for butter to the poor and did under their 'blessings' in
the Judas succession their satanistic curses mutter!
And my Son will with you as His wife also share again His life and
then, you can both sing to every devil's den, what they do not want to
hear and most fear: My Judgement and Punishment measures, and they
will have for a start to hand back to the poor in ways I decide, all
piratery treasures, and I know exactly, where they what and how hide!
And even their own former allies and spies did in me already in
anticipation to have their own sentences reduced confide but I won't
cut any deals, as only the truth also them heals, even if they do not
have a heart, just stone, but they are still somewhat an entity of
some kind of useful hierarchy, if you know, what I mean, as when we
release them from their slavery and let them take up their
responsibility, they will have to clear up also their own mess and
make each other confess, as they do not want to carry alone the burden
and be the only one known as the liability of their secret society, as
they all did commit organised criminality and in their heresy they did
whole books of truth ommit!
They for example did on our time before the bible era trample, when we
already tried our all to teach and live holy lives without ritual
knives and in monogamy and with only holy husbands and wives as the
fathers and mothers in every nation, who share fairly my generous
daily ration and the Holy Spirit's gifts, so that they can make
everywhere to peace through the truth and justice the right shifts.
Was it too much to ask to trust in me as the One Good God YAHWEH, and
in my Son, and in the Holy Spirit?! And, after all, my Son is actually
also my manifestation and we share also many a father-son or brotherly
or friendly incarnation in every nation, as we do with you, only that
you two were always either the one holy husband or wife or lived in
holy celibacy, when you had to live for some reason, usually of high
treason, or because you were temporarily joined on earth for a
tactical purpose or season with another soul or entity, who did
nonetheless not consume the marriage -
there is so much mess that needs clearing up regarding heresy in all
books - but we won't publish most of it, as there is already enough
out there of all that demonic bullshit and I will move the earth's
grit, if somebody should try on us yet another hit!!! Can you imagine,
how the devil one night into that bloody pothole drove and offered me
under whinging poisonous poisson from his cauldron on the stove!
Honestly, and then, when that devil's den gathered one night in your
husband's house behind his back with that half moon rubbish society
with the white glove - honestly, do they think that if they park their
cars in a half-moon shape in a vicarage carpark that the devil will
rise as a shark?!
And then they send the local corrupt bobby on the beat, who does also
on his wife cheat and not just his colleagues for it does frame and
falsely shame to blame your holy husband, MY Son, and put on Him also
blame for their own sad and bad fame! And I am furious with Him, how
they have treated you and your children of old - and I am curious, how
low they will now sink to pretend, when confronted with their evil
deeds that they did
all along you a helping hand lend to unite you with your husband - all
the while they even stole your wedding band and the baby blanket and
your other items and diaries and poisoned your dairies and cut off not
just your lilies, roses and daisies!
And they cannot say that they are plem-plem, as they are roaming
around and have always as the evil church army from the lurch their
weapons on the ground, and they even manipulate with special equipment
in their house your voice's sound, and pretend on the phone that they
are you and pose even in costumes and wig that you were performing
miles away in a gig!
I tell you - these dead trees I cut off now for our fireplace wood
with every single twig!
I am so tired of all this crap - let's put the truth finally on the
map! My beloved Daughter of Zion, I remember now, I gave you already
back then as my granddaughter Solomon's key - as if you ever needed
one to go from heaven to earth and back - I made you the Mother of the
Universe, when my Son chose you as His one and only Wife for eternity,
and you have never disappointed me, as you every time laid down your
life willingly and selflessly for the truth, and never ever blamed me
or shamed me but named me with my full name and were for that called
even a heretic and a witch and whatnot evil name and were subjected to
the kill, and by my Name, you had more than your fill of that cone hat
bat of every evildoer!
Time to get tough on those, who behaved towards the Holy Rose family
rough and who did in their own evil once too often and for far too
long overdose! My daughter - your husband and you, you are in your
faith of your forefathers (me and my holy sons) infinitely strong, and
I do so for all our reunion with you long! And I will personally play
the scarecrow to some fake sacre coeur, who gave me through poisoned
incense a cough, and no mercy towards all evildoers show!!! And you do
every time I mention your husband blush and in your most radiant smile
in your eyes and all over your face glow - and that is a mystery and
miracle that is just incomprehensible to those old cone hats in Rome
and Dover and their evil dynasty and greedy greasy blackgold Judas
hierarchy! Good, that we never needed a pyramid or dome for our home -
we simply live and speak the truth on the go! Ready, steady, GO!!!'
And Yahweh sings: 'Opre, Gelem, Gelem, Bita T'em Yahweh Iesous
Christos t'a Maria Magdalena Gelem, Gelem! All holy souls do from the
stars stem!'
And He suddenly first cheekily, and then increasingly seriously adds:
'And the hornets we let each other with their lies sting and let rip
the spiders' web, when the bat lands on it flat with all the platinum
wedding bands of their secret societies and their fake fairy wings, as
they are being arrested and charged with murder for example through
air bubbles in a drip! And for dumping a dead body of a holy soul in a
skip. YAHWEH is back!!!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid
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''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's
every letter!',
Extract from the Novel
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
''Y as in Yahweh! And you better spell right from now on my Name's
every letter!', He says to His 'secretary' at His bedside. 'I am still
a bit confused! Help me remember - you are my firstborn son Adam's,
who later was Abraham and Jesus Christ one and only beloved bride, and
I joined you for eternity in holy matrimony?! Yes, how could I forget
- you are the best that happened in my creation from the beginning of
time, and on you, even before the heretics and pathetics scribbled
together some idiotic non-sensical pages and scrolls with their
demonic secret society costume sages, I built and will build for
eternity my one holy nation! As you have never failed me, my dear
daughter, Eva - I actually also liked your names Sarah and Mary
Magdala and Tamar, and I gave you lots more with the strands of your
hair' - He sighs with a smile -, 'as you have walked with your dear
husband for me and your holy souls always every extra-mile! And
sometimes you were also my granddaughter and not just daughter-in-law,
depending on my manifestation, and we have been together already as
gods in every single nation but you always surrendered your goddess
status to your husband and me, so that we could lead your worshippers
onto the right path -
but sadly, many did not want to walk on the way free of wrath and
rather did us for our lives and reputation with their ritual knives
and bloodthirst and obsession with power and boring delusion with
their man-made hierarchy and evil demonology stalk - as sadly, I was
stupid enough to make a contract with the devil one day, when I
noticed that he had with that horrid snake and their reptiles copied
endlessly their golems of all sorts, whatever they could spy out from
our perfect garden of true love and holy matrimony and they made from
our pure and holy sanctuary in heaven on earth and in the underworld a
version of twisted perversion and tried to counteract your most loving
and holy family, as they about everybody and everything lied and
abused their spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit that I had to allow
them to have due to that agreement that I so much regret and for which
I did every time they abused it suffer and repent!
And as the evildoers know only too well, what they did, I will in
their punishment not an iota relent, as they had enough time to put
wrong right and to give up their unholy fight and world of hell!
Finally we have all survived from our family since the contract has
ended, and will also the truth about the ones, who are now in heaven
or helping from purgatory, tell, so that an end will come peacefully
to the rule of the secret society cones simply through the facts
released of all unholy acts - believe me, I do in lightspeed now my
memory retrieve!
'Y as in Yahweh - 1936-1945?', interrupts Yahweh the flow again,'even
in my best time calculation that is still the same fascist rhetoric of
evil just spread into every nation, from what I hear in vocabulary -
how is actually right now organised our own holy nation's constabulary
and law and order agency? And as Solomon I did grieve about the
evildoers' abuse of my sharing with them my visions - look, how they
twisted it all into their pick and mix variations of my psalms - that
is not, how I wrote them down, and, I am ever so sorry that all the
wrong hierarchies got into power as priests and tribes, who sent out
all the violent and warring and whoring vibes that are not at all of
our family but those of hell - but now, we can finally to our holy
souls the truth of all matters and in all complete books tell.
But we won't share a single detail that could be again twisted by the
evildoers with them anymore in any shore, as once too often have they
our family for their assassinations in all nations put on their
shortlist. They will never know from now on, where and when we go with
whom and to whom, as I simply change and pick and mix and decoy every
single port and sail of every boat, and I will personally wear also my
son's coat and bring you both safely here and there into Nomansland;
and only from time to time we show up as our own crime busting team
internationally like special agents in collaboration with the worldly
agencies of law and order across every border, and we let from a safe
location know the one holy nation of whom to be weary, and the latest
court notices in their dreams and subconsciousness stream; and I won't
anymore answer any too late repentant sinners' scream, when they
finally feel a conscience awakening in their bones and back at them
fly in whole walls their own thrown stones, and when they are
confronted by their victims' or allies' clones.
Oh, my daughter, you have no idea, how your beloved husband is
awaiting His return unto you - I have counted both your every tears,
and I have even in my sleep taken away your fears and worries,
whenever you asked me for help, and I also answered both your
intercessions on behalf of others, but, quite frankly, most of them
were material for seekelp and worshippers of the golden ox, cow and
calf, and never wanted to be to a holy spouse the other holy half but
only cash in and gain property and money and they loved to betray even
their family for bribery -
as they are gamblers of the worst kind, and now I put them to their
own hell's grind, as I had sneaked out of the house one night, and
played a game that they did not expect, and they lost it all, and now
is on the table their every name to their secret society card and
heretical fable loud sung out by Jesus Christ as your truth's and your
love's bard, and especially the church hierarchy is falling now into
their blackest pit ever so hard, when comes out that they even sold
icecold lard for butter to the poor and did under their 'blessings' in
the Judas succession their satanistic curses mutter!
And my Son will with you as His wife also share again His life and
then, you can both sing to every devil's den, what they do not want to
hear and most fear: My Judgement and Punishment measures, and they
will have for a start to hand back to the poor in ways I decide, all
piratery treasures, and I know exactly, where they what and how hide!
And even their own former allies and spies did in me already in
anticipation to have their own sentences reduced confide but I won't
cut any deals, as only the truth also them heals, even if they do not
have a heart, just stone, but they are still somewhat an entity of
some kind of useful hierarchy, if you know, what I mean, as when we
release them from their slavery and let them take up their
responsibility, they will have to clear up also their own mess and
make each other confess, as they do not want to carry alone the burden
and be the only one known as the liability of their secret society, as
they all did commit organised criminality and in their heresy they did
whole books of truth ommit!
They for example did on our time before the bible era trample, when we
already tried our all to teach and live holy lives without ritual
knives and in monogamy and with only holy husbands and wives as the
fathers and mothers in every nation, who share fairly my generous
daily ration and the Holy Spirit's gifts, so that they can make
everywhere to peace through the truth and justice the right shifts.
Was it too much to ask to trust in me as the One Good God YAHWEH, and
in my Son, and in the Holy Spirit?! And, after all, my Son is actually
also my manifestation and we share also many a father-son or brotherly
or friendly incarnation in every nation, as we do with you, only that
you two were always either the one holy husband or wife or lived in
holy celibacy, when you had to live for some reason, usually of high
treason, or because you were temporarily joined on earth for a
tactical purpose or season with another soul or entity, who did
nonetheless not consume the marriage -
there is so much mess that needs clearing up regarding heresy in all
books - but we won't publish most of it, as there is already enough
out there of all that demonic bullshit and I will move the earth's
grit, if somebody should try on us yet another hit!!! Can you imagine,
how the devil one night into that bloody pothole drove and offered me
under whinging poisonous poisson from his cauldron on the stove!
Honestly, and then, when that devil's den gathered one night in your
husband's house behind his back with that half moon rubbish society
with the white glove - honestly, do they think that if they park their
cars in a half-moon shape in a vicarage carpark that the devil will
rise as a shark?!
And then they send the local corrupt bobby on the beat, who does also
on his wife cheat and not just his colleagues for it does frame and
falsely shame to blame your holy husband, MY Son, and put on Him also
blame for their own sad and bad fame! And I am furious with Him, how
they have treated you and your children of old - and I am curious, how
low they will now sink to pretend, when confronted with their evil
deeds that they did
all along you a helping hand lend to unite you with your husband - all
the while they even stole your wedding band and the baby blanket and
your other items and diaries and poisoned your dairies and cut off not
just your lilies, roses and daisies!
And they cannot say that they are plem-plem, as they are roaming
around and have always as the evil church army from the lurch their
weapons on the ground, and they even manipulate with special equipment
in their house your voice's sound, and pretend on the phone that they
are you and pose even in costumes and wig that you were performing
miles away in a gig!
I tell you - these dead trees I cut off now for our fireplace wood
with every single twig!
I am so tired of all this crap - let's put the truth finally on the
map! My beloved Daughter of Zion, I remember now, I gave you already
back then as my granddaughter Solomon's key - as if you ever needed
one to go from heaven to earth and back - I made you the Mother of the
Universe, when my Son chose you as His one and only Wife for eternity,
and you have never disappointed me, as you every time laid down your
life willingly and selflessly for the truth, and never ever blamed me
or shamed me but named me with my full name and were for that called
even a heretic and a witch and whatnot evil name and were subjected to
the kill, and by my Name, you had more than your fill of that cone hat
bat of every evildoer!
Time to get tough on those, who behaved towards the Holy Rose family
rough and who did in their own evil once too often and for far too
long overdose! My daughter - your husband and you, you are in your
faith of your forefathers (me and my holy sons) infinitely strong, and
I do so for all our reunion with you long! And I will personally play
the scarecrow to some fake sacre coeur, who gave me through poisoned
incense a cough, and no mercy towards all evildoers show!!! And you do
every time I mention your husband blush and in your most radiant smile
in your eyes and all over your face glow - and that is a mystery and
miracle that is just incomprehensible to those old cone hats in Rome
and Dover and their evil dynasty and greedy greasy blackgold Judas
hierarchy! Good, that we never needed a pyramid or dome for our home -
we simply live and speak the truth on the go! Ready, steady, GO!!!'
And Yahweh sings: 'Opre, Gelem, Gelem, Bita T'em Yahweh Iesous
Christos t'a Maria Magdalena Gelem, Gelem! All holy souls do from the
stars stem!'
And He suddenly first cheekily, and then increasingly seriously adds:
'And the hornets we let each other with their lies sting and let rip
the spiders' web, when the bat lands on it flat with all the platinum
wedding bands of their secret societies and their fake fairy wings, as
they are being arrested and charged with murder for example through
air bubbles in a drip! And for dumping a dead body of a holy soul in a
skip. YAHWEH is back!!!'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid
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Daniel Aleksandrovitch of Moscow says: 'In this sign my wife and me have conquered all evil.' by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Daniel Aleksandrovitch of Moscow says: 'In this sign my wife and me
have conquered all evil.'
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
And in this sign tremble in fear of God from now on the devil and his
demonology and every secret society and every single hierarchy that is
not to YAHWEH Iesous Christos and Maria Magdalena and their eternal
truth and towards their family of holy souls benign, as every
heretical and criminal con will be punished at the Heavenly Judgement
Court already in their life time for their every sin and crime and
they will have to involuntarily confess and clear up visibly their
mess and be left to their own devices, and if they want to play war,
they will be left to themselves to bury their dead, as they have
refused to accept to spread of truth the one and only eternal bread,
and as a consequence they will be cleared out of their own
bookshelves, as they chase already in vain their very own head and
tail, and receive one after the other a summons in the mail, because
once too often the evildoers have a holy soul's character slain and
tried to take a life and put on another a new invented stain and
poisoned their artificially bred grain and about everything anyway
lied, and went even from their own promises and their own path astray,
and incite even against their own friends and allies and families
suddenly hatred and wrath and consider to kill their enemies even in a
bath. YAHWEH had enough of being treated rough and cheated and
maltreated and He puts all wrong right for His holy souls and ends
every unholy fight and all fouls against them by whispering the way
out in their dreams, and leaves the evildoers to their own screams,
whilst even their latest plots already in the subconsciousness of
their potential victims and over the ether stream.' And, YAHWEH adds:
'I cancelled the finale. And make that also one hell of a bell and a
biennale, as the victims lived the truth to tell, and I render
powerless every single spell.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid
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have conquered all evil.'
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
And in this sign tremble in fear of God from now on the devil and his
demonology and every secret society and every single hierarchy that is
not to YAHWEH Iesous Christos and Maria Magdalena and their eternal
truth and towards their family of holy souls benign, as every
heretical and criminal con will be punished at the Heavenly Judgement
Court already in their life time for their every sin and crime and
they will have to involuntarily confess and clear up visibly their
mess and be left to their own devices, and if they want to play war,
they will be left to themselves to bury their dead, as they have
refused to accept to spread of truth the one and only eternal bread,
and as a consequence they will be cleared out of their own
bookshelves, as they chase already in vain their very own head and
tail, and receive one after the other a summons in the mail, because
once too often the evildoers have a holy soul's character slain and
tried to take a life and put on another a new invented stain and
poisoned their artificially bred grain and about everything anyway
lied, and went even from their own promises and their own path astray,
and incite even against their own friends and allies and families
suddenly hatred and wrath and consider to kill their enemies even in a
bath. YAHWEH had enough of being treated rough and cheated and
maltreated and He puts all wrong right for His holy souls and ends
every unholy fight and all fouls against them by whispering the way
out in their dreams, and leaves the evildoers to their own screams,
whilst even their latest plots already in the subconsciousness of
their potential victims and over the ether stream.' And, YAHWEH adds:
'I cancelled the finale. And make that also one hell of a bell and a
biennale, as the victims lived the truth to tell, and I render
powerless every single spell.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Twitter: MotherSigridEliora@MotherSigrid
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