Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Update: Who guards the guardians: The one Good God Jesus Christ, and He is no longer playing the observer but is taking to task all, who in public or in secret societies a mask, and will from them publicly to take up their responsibility ask, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Who guards the guardians:
The one Good God Jesus Christ,
and He is no longer playing the observer
but is taking to task all, who wear in public
or in secret societies a mask, and will
from them publicly to take up their
responsibility ask,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Who guards the guardians:
The one Good God Jesus Christ,
and He is no longer playing the silent observer
and orders 'Do as you are told' receiver but is taking to task all,
who wear in public or in secret societies a mask, and will
from them publicly to take up their
responsibility ask, especially from those,
who did in greed and weed and lust
and war and whoremongering and in
heresy and blasphemy overdosed,
and from those, who tried to kill
His eternal holy family of the Holy Rose
with ritual knives and who tried to take
lives with poisoned mass wine from
an archbishopry cask, poured out by
bishops and priests into the Judas cup
from an especially dedicated to a dark Lord
evildoers' flask.
Not just did the heretics with organised criminality
steal, into death ill-heal, and abuse their every
single spiritual gift in order to mankind across the border
a fatal blow to deal,
but also systematically lied to holy souls and destroyed
their very conscience and broke their hearts, so that
they would eventually blame God for the evildoers'
own shame and fouls and give to God a bad name.
Endless catch22 and circle negotiations at pretend peace talks,
of which each member the other secretly with
their own dirt entraps and everywhere even on non-existent maps stalks,
mostly leading into evermore purposefully stirred up
mess, of which nobody of the keyplayers and
decisionmakers took responsibility and to which
they hardly ever, and if at all, only behind closed
doors without consequences, did confess -
but the one Good God has grown up and no longer
sits patiently and seemingly helpless and shrugging
at the round boardroomtables and listens to the most
outrageous invented blackhole fables but furiously
with the acts of most unholy acts makes tabula rasa
even in the most hidden casa, and rolls back all stones
that the secret societies threw at Him and His holy souls
under their cones and lets them one after the other
from their high horse in His own lving words as His
only swords even in Norse fall,
and makes known that behind the scenes most obscenes
those, who supposedly do not eat pork and with fake-piety
do from sins allegedly also in Cork abstain do in reality whore
in every other and in each other's shore and all worship secretly
mammon and the babylonian whore and sell on whole countries or wipe
them out, accordingly to their ten year plans, which they
also update with hitlists of death every year on the
high mountain tops, where there are no electronic bugs,
who will be next killed of those, who are in the multi-
nationals' profit's way and which mercenaries are the
latest acquisition with even less conscience to dispose
the bodies of holy souls in rugs - quite lifechanging
decisions for some; but the good news is: The time
for the Hour of Judgment through Jesus Christ has come.
God heard and saw all these pseudo-negotations
of a self-pompous evil-selected rich and sickening few,
who also gradually in every generation and century
more and more with the help of the devil bought
themselves a place in the parish council boards
and in pulpits as white collar dollar culprits, and
bribed and threatened the churchwardens, who
were also increasingly by the industries pre-selected,
so that they would also for the pseudo-charitable fake-philantropists
with only as much generosity as their donations
would enable them to fraud their tax profit margin
and to get thus their return for their investment
in church treasure goldsmith piratery and
for their every charitable organisation and act
they make sure that the whole wide world
knows via their PR-departments that they get
the best availabler media coverage also thrown in
as a bargain.
And the one Good God Jesus Christ also
endured the interruption of His beloved golf game
by those, who do not even know, where to put a tee,
but who only trample on the grass of England's hills green
and proclaimed they had seen a Countenance Divine
in their Satanic mills leading to a fatal hit with a little ball on a
holy soul's
head, who then had by a devil's den handicap his final fall -
and whilst the boardrooms' pretended golfing grooms
discuss taking real lives with ritual knives courtesy
of some bullshit heretical book written by a crook -
who was also a mercenary spook with sulphur breath in his time
and who was paid by Wilfred and Hilda and their society
to give St Chad a bad name after his death
and who was furious that St Etheldreda under the shelter
of her eternal wedding wreath with the one Good God Jesus Christ,
whose incarnation was also St Chad and hers Mary Magdala,
simply would not get by him or any other but St Chad in heaven never mind
on earth laid -
honestly, Hilda had sent even her spies to spread lies about
St Etheldreda's hair and braid, and tried to bribe her maid,
but it was Owini in the end, who accepted the bribery and went
over paid for also by Rome and Dover with his axe to live
in St Chad's community, and St Etheldreda and St Chad
knew instantly that they had a traitor in their midst but they
treated him like a brother not just in the pew.
God knew that one day, once the contract with the devil
would be over, all, who did Him and His wife with their
ritual knife betray, would eventually or very suddenly
have to confess even their long forgotten rotten mess
and clear up their crimes and endless list of sins
and face the music of those, whom they did betray,
although the victims had welcomed their murderers
as kins.
And many of those, who in heresy and organised criminality
also today overdose, have been around with their evil
not just in the underworld and forced Jesus Christ's true
church of the Holy Rose even underground, whilst the evildoers
and liars and unholy friars systematically climbed with their
whole rotten institution with evermore smokescreen regulation
and standing spotlight ovation and self-pompous elocution
up their golden empire snake's ladder and did crown
even their every blackadder and stole unblushingly
from Mary Magdala's previous incarnations for their
own evil purposes to defile her purity her every wedding
gown and wedding veil or wreath and desecrated them
with their sulphur beasts' stinking breath, and nowadays
they are even trying to be lying that they are in business
with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala on ether linking
but God has had enough of the evildoers' boardroom
lying and scrying and truth denying and talks tacheles,
tachiben, kushta with them, as once too often have
the white collars at the cost of holy souls' lives lost
played their evil casino game and have given to
God their own bad shame and He hands back to
them even for the murder of more than three children the
blame, as that just fit so usefully into the boardrooms
doomsday game, and gives them an excuse again
with all forces of evil mercenaries for the big wipe-out
in every oil and gold and diamond and gas interest region
to fuse and to send in the para-military troops and even
the real army, who then gets framed and set up, should
things turn nasty, so that the mercenaries are not shamed
but the proper military gets blamed -
et voila, the boardrooms can continue in the chaos of
anarchy or civil war to corrupt furthermore yet another
evil multi-national shore. But Jesus Christ now interferes
with the round tables also in most secret vaults and leaks
to all authorities with integrity the mercenaries' and secret
talks and the inner secret circles of Vatican and Anglican
fascist and fortune wheel gamblers' planned defaults.
As the churches knew only too well that once God has
exposed their evil game to their name and their victims
lived the truth to tell over from Rome to Dover and all over
would be their black magic spell and they no longer
could use openly nor secretly their eon old well oiled
greasy bribery and torture machinery, and no longer
send holy men and women as baits and black fox for
merciless manhunts into aristocratic secret woods in England's pastures
green or in Spain on a secret pleasure and piratery
treasure island, where the victims, who had surrendered
themselves voluntarily to protect another holy soul's life
from being taken with a ritual knife, to the sheer sickening
pleasure of some rotten branches of the aristocracy -
but Jesus Christ made sure that all survived, after
the contract with the devil had run out and did one after
the other at them with all their crimes and sins even in
their dreams shout and let bounce back all their curses
and stupid spells, and now more than actually care to admit
and even less, who this share, wake up in the middle of the
night with their silent Munch screams and involuntarily
already confess and all to God tell, if He only reduces their
sentence -
but too much was their purposeful decadence and pestilence
and arrogance and yet another last death dance in trance -
all will be dealt with accordingly to the severity of their crimes
and sins, and they will all have to go to Canossa publicly
and not just before their kins, and will be cut off from Jesus Christ's
and Mary Magdala's family, whom they wanted all dead,
and put even poison into their croissant and bread and coffee
and tea courtesy of every single heretical criminally minded see
and not just a few also were buried anonymously or at sea,
or innocently put on trial and those, who claimed to be their
friends in good times for bribery, were at court of their friendship
in denial and of the truth in defiance, and had made with evil
their aliance and allegiance.
Not just God but all of His holy souls are sick and tired
of this evil lame game and they simply now hand back
to every name their long overdue own shame and blame
and the licence to kill and for diplomatic immunity and
impunity has also expired in God's heavenly kingdom
on earth, and in God's family there never did exist such
an exemption and exeption's list - as all are taken to task
on their deeds, and holy souls rather did die than to tell
with their last breath an evil lie and they also do not
on their neighbours spy but they do all evil by speaking
it out aloud defy.
But Jesus Christ does borrow their simply innocent and
very observant out of natural curiosity and joy about
God's perfect creation in every nation little eye, and
sees and hears everything also from a little sparrow
or seagull or as a falcon or owl and thus escapes
with Mary Magdala sometimes a bit narrow but unharmed
from every wolf, who with his bitch at the moon howl.
And God says: 'And, by the way, let's name him back
and put all his overdue on Saul, and dismiss
Paul and send to his own hell Peter and let them both
from their own snake's ladder fall, as they never ever
answered for telling the truth and nothing but the truth
my call, and instead crowned themselves in the bookshelves
and married secretly many an anabaptist Anti-Christ blackadder,
whilst they helped themselves through piratery and artificially
stirred up wars and crusades to evermore gems and bricks
and rocks - and ticking for their institutions of evil self-pompous
elocutions are now all the boardrooms of the world's clocks.
And I need to call my wife to wash me some borrowed socks, as
mine got ripped by a ritual knife by some bastard, who wanted
to grill me in piping hot lard but I escaped and he could only
resign and got arrested immediately and he confessed all
and that testimony is to the boardrooms and fake-bridegrooms
not at all benign - can the defendants of the top boardrooms,
please, at the dock align.'
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
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