Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Casino Cardinale Mortale, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Casino Cardinale Mortale,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Jesus Christ says to the cardinals: 'You want to dance with my wife's truth
to her tune for your life, Monsignores?! Then surrender first your
ritual knife, then you
admit to your every planned on us hit, and then with your every devil's den
that you set up strategically between Rome and Dover all over, not just
under the roof of Brook or Wren or in a building of Foster and with interior
design that does with your desire to kill align and is never benign but spooky
to say the least, you stop your every black mass and orgy and heretical feast,
and you confess your every sin and crime and clear up visibly and audibly
your every mess voluntarily!

You know by now only too well that I did her all that she needed to know
for her own security and protection about your organised criminality tell
and that I broke your every single against us and our holy souls' spell,
and meanwhile not even oyster and shell can afford your liability anymore
in any shore, as you are one hell of fascist and Anti-Christ and anabaptist
and terrorist structure responsibility even for your ancient standards
and flags,
that were always secretly run by the masterrace obsession wheel and your
delusion and greed for power and lust, and you have brought it upon yourself
with one gamble and shamble too many that you go now publicly with your
money spinning schemes bust, and your war and whoremongering across
the multi-nationals' boards and countries, where just any of you secretly
gambles and sells out and keeps blackhole taxation hidden and piratery
treasures hoards.

And once too often one of you boastingly did to Virgin Islands with a
at the cost of lives lost on a Virgin Transatlantic board and forgot to clear up
your mess of your ritual knives afterwards even on hospital wards, where
you danced your tango mortale and went before your last round with
your bloodhound
for billionaires' raffle rewards in many a casino royale before you returned
in disguise under vestments and mitra or skullcap or hat again to your rotten
corrupt shore to bring back some more stolen treasures for your local babylonian
whore and your secret wife, who was already getting nervous at your delay,
as you did a stopover on the way to Rome via Dover -

and had a little chat with yet another famous actor and musician, whom you
recruited as a bat, and who were ever so useful to your and your favourite
monasteries of evil with their torture skills and their black magic
frills, and had
them demonstrate the effects of sounds and tones and gestures and pretend
terror methodology that they learnt in the Tibetan monastery with whom you
secretly also collaborate but not all monks on senior level did let
you into their
secrets, as too much money they wanted from you and your latest recruits of
fame were more easily satisfied with the promise that they could just take a
pick from your witches's covens' honours list dames, and you added simply
also to the next suggestion of dubious honours their names for a reward,
should they succeed and win the trust of my wife to ask her to coach them
in a critical state of their life, so that eventually they could stab her or me
with their ritual knife.

But by now you know that I always took her, even in separation, always
by her hand and in my strife, as I am always in her, around her, behind her,
above her, below her, next to her, and she is the apple of my eye, whilst
I even all over the world and even in the sky simultaneously without any
needed electronic equipment with my whole family of holy souls on your
fouls spy, and thus, we were able to undo your every fable and prove you
guilty of your every crime, sin and lie, and you have a hard time now even
to your pope and to the other cardinals your trance visions to deny, as they
have also confessed that they like you messed, and even your anabaptist
wives long guessed that you are one hell of a liar and unholy friar.

And I warned my wife not to touch ground in any of your monasteries,
as I knew that you would try to kill her even in the pew, and I have had
of your threats and maltreats more than enough and get now with the
facts of your unholy acts also in the courts on you tough without the
need on you to get rough - but make no mistake, we do no longer
from you any bullshit nor any hit take, and you are under observation
with every step you do, and not just by worldly authorities but also
by all of our heavenly family partly in the unseen worlds and partly
on earth, and we know exactly, when you put poison into what in our
kitchen hearth.

And we also know, who are your conspirators and mercenary terminators
that you send us on our way, as the likes of you pikes were always going
from all of God's law astray and you always did our trust betray!
But you see, now even the blind can see, and the deaf hear so much
about you, that they no longer you fear but feel God's outcry in their ear
and bones, and will make you take off your head your secret society cone
by returning to you with one look your every stone and make you and yours
burn in your own hell and my fiery wheel of purification that you from them
did their human dignity and truth and life want to take and they did survive
your every attack with your ritual knife and did the truth about you
tell in every

You think that I would really that low sink that I would with you and your popes
in the Vatican or in your dependance of fascist lore in the Anglican shore also
your Judas poison from your stolen St Chad cup drink and let myself of your
Satanistic sulphur stink and how dare you to accuse St Etheldreda of heresy,
when she had to endure our life-long separation for the sake of the
one holy nation
in that incarnation, although she was joined to me by God as my
eternal wife, and
we both suffered unspeakably with our extended family that we could
not officially
spend together as husband and wife and parents then our life.

You have played in one too many incarnations of ours with our lives your casino
card and chessboard game and wanted again an October revolution with your
heretical and criminal organisation and tacky pompous elocution sealed by your
evil grin and by committing under our names with your own unholy dames every
kind of sin to give us your own blames and shames - but we lived to return them
all to you and put wrong right and end your most unholy fight and survived your
every attack, and you no longer successfully into our accounts
unpunishedly hack,
as you are mo watched now by somebody, who is above your skills and not by
any of you in holiness and creativeness matched!!!

And you know only too well that I have barely publicly the surface of
your rotten
organisation and heretical institution scratched, and have not even started yet
to expose your every beast and reptile that you with the Tibetans also hatched
for your fascist empire lore in your every ditch shore all over the
world, including
a Dover answering priory with underground torture facility - and, by
the way, I have
changed the codes for its security. By the way, I have insider
information that you
are also involved in a plot that would put you in many a monarchy also for high
treason on the spot, so that the United Nations would like to see you removed
from your status of diplomatic immunity and impunity not just for your
systematic abuse in many countries, but also for assisted euthanasia,
in elite Catholic schools and fascist terrorist networksbuilding in
your universities
and grooming of minors and young women and men into organised
prostitution for your promiscuous holy matrimony opposed institution,
and for all sorts of organised criminality
and war and whoremongering and piratery to name but a few reasons for your
eon old high treasons, and there are now accumulating the witness statements
and testimonials standing up for court trial and ready to go live to
put finally back to
your own name the shame and blame you attached to God and me and my wife -

and there won't be a deal via a royal charter or seal and no exception
for you under
the Magna Carta - if you think for one moment you can still get away
us and our truth to kill, then you are in with a surprise for your
every evil den and thought, as your own
blacksmith confessed that you had your intended crimes even for future
in iron wrought - and we actually many of you in flagranti in the act
caught, and prevented
thus many a mercenary mass onslaught! You have no idea or conception
yet of what
awaits you, once I awaken in you your conscience and of God fear, and
I just laugh
out aloud, when you shed your self-pity crocodile tear, as we had more
than enough
experience of that, when we each of you did as wolves shear and with
the last black
wool came out also a bat, and none of you anymore in any shore any kind of crime
by yourself to destroy your own evidence for your pestilence resolves
as some kind
of Father Brown under a hood, and the inspectors of our police do also
not accept
any kind of water from you nor your poisoned food! Is that understood?!

My law enforcement comes in without being announced and your bribery money,
by the way to my agency's account, was officially registered and in your records
bounced and the Casino Cardinale Mortale of the Vaticano is now also closed, as
it definitely in its own obsession with church banking also in the
Anglican shore
via an offshore blackhole oil and diamond and gold mole in the archbishopry in
his own cocaine around his little brain overdosed, and even in
Westminster Cathedral
is not everybody, what he seems, and has replaced the poison with lemonade for
the former bishop, who with it the sunflowers hosed in the secret
garden. And my heart
for you lot does at this moment and forevermore harden and you are officially
sentenced with your whole rotten shore by me, Jesus Christ, the Son of
God begotten!

El Eljon Jesus Christ YAHWEH I AM WHO I AM


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