Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 5 July 2014

Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee, and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee, and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten without a special sentencing deal, or He might just give you unexpectedly a taste of your own heretical and pathetically meal, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And simply cut all bribery for your every cardinal's every secret society and take them to task without their mask on their organised criminality and heresy legally, and revoke their and forfeit your own diplomatic immunity and impunity, and already your see is free for the truth and free of demonology! And grant permission for every case of unexplained death posthumously for exhumation and excavation in every of your crusader stricken nation - et voila, there is finally justice through the truth and everlasting peace of Jesus Christ through a completed forensic investigation. And stop bullying whistleblowers into litigation, or you might yourself end in foreclosure, when the United Nations declare you guilty of war crimes and allow international disclosure to your former spies to counteract your multi-national industries'lies. After all, your last exorcist's death was also inconclusive and your interference most intrusive and your circle of initiates most sickening rich exclusive and thus most explosive by your own blasting and war and whoremongering terrorism sponsoring and high financing blackholestandards, if one believes your mole, who also admitted that he from St Chad a cup stole, whilst he was on the Anglican dole, and wore also as a thief visibly the stolen silver-grey suit and purple shirt on a video in an inner city church of Londinium and a former churchwarden there confessed that she also with holy souls on your behalf and paylist messed and threw at them on your and  your predecessor's command her own fouls from her churchwarden pew. Not to forget the American pie spy from Boston with her parents sent by the priory of St Margaret, both, Boston and Haggerston, who threatened the Mother Superior of the Abbey of the Holy Rose also with repercussions should she continue to speak the truth. You see, too many are already no longer hidden and rather admit they did, what is by God's law strictly forbidden and feel regarding also a hamster quite guilt ridden. In the end the devils always point the fingers at themselves, and you do not need exorcist books by crooks in the bookshelf but just speak and live the truth and confess and clear up your own and your whole See's mess and say especially Sorry! To the 500 000 Sinti and Roma,who parished in the Holocaust and who are still not welcome under any of your doma - not that they even intend to enter your bloodstained places of evil,as you know only too well that they are still systematically by your pseudo-academics and fascist doctors maltreated in your secret laboratory hell, and I myself have witnessed, how children are abducted and kept in your Catholic institutions and abused - save us your fake-piety elocutions, as long as you do not publicly admit that you even authorised, of course, in deniability, that whistleblowing priests and nuns are to be subjected to a fatal mercenary hit and to be replaced in their community quietly with the help of bribed and blackmailed PCCs and threatened clergy and the help of a willing priory to be killing a holy soul'slide and reputation also from both sides, COE and RCC in every nation. Jorge, God has called you by your name to put on you your long overdue shame and blame and to clear His own and His son's and Mary Magdala's and their family of holy souls' name. You are being put into the frame of crimes against humanity, don't bullshit us with yet another old bag of stones of your twisted demonology - time is long up, and anyone can see that you haven't got the faintest idea that the poisonous Judas cup was never holy nor a grail and you did the truth of Jesus Christ on all levels and in all corners of the world fail. And I won't even bother to send to the Vatican anymore mail - I stay well away from hell and from your every evil place, as I know your every demon with his and her inhuman face and the Vatican is an institution full of disgrace.

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