Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 1 July 2014

A priory tells all in order to bring also their pseudo-agency handlers of a late Princess' Witches' Coven from Vatican to Anglican to the fall, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

A priory tells all in order to bring also their pseudo-agency handlers
of a late Princess' Witches' Coven from Vatican to Anglican to the

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Good that the nation was blessed with the BBC programme of Spooks that
finally helps even a Mother Superior to understand, what the hell was
going on in her own vicinity and in her virtual abbey, as she was
surrounded by recruits of some self-declared MI7 crooks of some
Vatican/Anglican/Tibetan shore homeland security of the fourth fascist
empire that so much wants to destroy England and Wales from within and
in Scotland newly transpire and merge with Westminster Cathedral and
'top politicians and officials' as the new power over Scottish
resources under the lore of a late princess' delusion and obsession
with mind intrusion and black magic that ended on numerous holy souls
and even the evildoers in the end themselves tragic, as worthless are
now their bookshelves with all their silly but sad plots exposed and
everybody with their true face and not their legend's name cooked and
boiled up by two sisters, let us call them after their own legend
Miller and Quiche as in Lorraine, who found with their computernetwork
also for the setting up of a purposefully steered Guy Fawkes
conspiracy for female and Eunuch bishopry in order to destroy every
single roy except for their fascist empire one with the help of their
concerted Drury lane secret societies' cone, and paid for courtesy of
Vatican money and Anglican lost fortunes in the crash in 2008 that
were never explained were all planted and carefully thrown at the
Mother Superior of the Abbey of the Holy Rose their every stone in
order to prevent her from speaking out aloud, what she started to see
in visions and dreams -

but they had gone too far and even bribed or threatened some law
society members and high court judges but they called out to God for
help and He answered their screams. And a
another long established witches coven that posed as a priory tells
now all in order to bring also their pseudo-agency handlers of that
former late Princess' Witches' Coven from Vatican to Anglican to
Tibetan to the fall, as they rather confess to their own mess and
admit that they also plotted many a hit on holy souls and organised
criminality and heresy but they are willing now with a new conscience
to clear up their mess and to their evil deeds to confess and to
finally surrender to Jesus Christ as their one and only St Saviour,
and suddenly all fake-agents' legends of supposedly spooks emerge not
just those about that Westminster female general and her
computerspecialist sister's duo mortale and by the Dalai Lama and his
death squad also from Manchester and Bath trained death spell
specialists, at least that is, what they boasted, with contacts right
up to the top.

Turns out they even set up and framed agents and real spooks and
fraudulently manipulated even the accounts of many a church and
cathedral via their infiltrators on the PCCs, and some 'old' families'
legends were also used to have a Bruce here, a MacCartney there, or a
Napier or a Campbell hijacked as an illegitimate or even illegitimate
spruce just to build 'trust' with all sorts of neighbours of certain
priests and holy women, who might be in the way of the female and
Eunuch bishopry, which would automatically or at least with the
increasing blackmailing and corruption and war and whoremongering
sourced by the moneypot of the secret societies with all sorts of
twisted and fascist empire ambition's combined access finally also to
the downfall of the House of Lords and of the parliament, and so, they
would do their all to bring the decent and good officers of the police
and security services and of all walks of life and professions, also
in the academia to the fall.

One professor of arts also now his participation in the beastly
neighbourhood scheme farts, after he realised he could be in for his
arrest as part in many a murderous scenario, to which he was put up by
some pike called Mike from Ontario - that professor cooked the private
dinners for each of the top four top sinners of every secret society
for £100 per head, with a view from his house on a vicarage and on a
holy woman's flat and balcony, and every time present was also her
civil partnership, who introduced himself as the 'ex-spouse'.

Anyway, both witches' covens' former recruits do also confess that
they have used as musicians and artists and secretaries throat chakra
death spells on their former teacher and on all, who were to their
secret society shore in the way and who had answered God's call and
would not the truth anymore betray.

The patterns were always the same - first an attempt of bribery and
society climb for the potential targets, and when that tactic failed,
the good neighbour or student or churchwarden or parish council member
turned bad and tried to make the holy soul they attacked with the help
of other recruited neighbours and even by former friends and former
family look mad, and when that failed, one whispered and left threats
of arson, knives, or a phone call, in which one leaves a message of
renewed contact and then suddenly in a nightmare some witch mare tries
to strangle or make one loose one's voice but holy souls even make
with a strangled throat still to the truth and for justice and peace
their choice.
And if the threats also failed, one had the target with false
accusations via fake witnesses nailed, who would unblushingly lie even
in a police statement and in court - but that only worked as long as
all parties - evildoers and victims - would keep quiet and not speak

But once too often the lame game was committed and the truth ommitted
and now even the evildoers suddenly feel for the first time under
their real name exposed with their every crime and sin of themselves
disgust and shame, as even their former friends and family do them now
for their role as mole blame and do them as the real culprits also
from the pulpits and from the pew publicly name and everybody,
especially the real law enforcement agency, can by now see, who was
all along a rotten fish from every murky corrupt see and their real
name is to them also not new and so, finally the evildoers can be put
into the forensic frame - and that is the beginning of God's Judgement
court and living punishment even for the walking dead, who will now
have to eat their own evil deeds' or their stalking talking head's
bread all over the world, as God takes to task all secret societies
and rips off the faces their mask, and then, even every hidden devil's
den of the Vatican and Anglican and Tibetan and other war and
whoremongery hierarchy will have to admit to their every hit and
poison in a cask, and they can no longer enslave the world with their
organised criminality and bullshit.

And where they still do they might still kill but make no mistake, God
will leave the walking dead to bury their own dead, and they will have
to continue to do so, until nothing will be left from their piratery
theft and fraud and mass murder but their own last crumbs of their
greedy stale bread, and then, even the hardest stone hearts will wish
they could suck at the breast of a most holy mother or in the most
holy father's arms their thumbs, as organised criminality and evil
tapestry of invented legends and names only ever even a non-existent
entity numbs, and their crocodile tears of self-pity nobody hears.

And one day, such a self-invented and fake mother-daughter legend of
some fake Rosalie and Susie Bruce will still iive to regret that they
tried a holy woman and her daughter to kill and God will grant them no
time over the punishment for their unrepented crime to fret, as they
will be taken to task with their real name and put with their
attempted murder plots and their committed crimes into real agencies'
frames and then, a Rosalie might find out that her supposed mother
Susie was really an illegitimate Rob Roy spruce and was actually not
in India but in an asylum for her cruelty and covered-up murder and
fascist empire egomania - as you see, in that rotten masterrace see
everybody wants to be the top cone hat or wear the Arthurian legend
crown and the women want all a non-existing grail and wear a
never-existed gown, and if it had, it would have long disappeared with
Elisabeth I in her lake, as she also wanted to lie in Loch Ness as THE
monstress and demoness queen, on which her beloved John Dee was so
keen - really, one worries, when one hears, who is nowadays even
regarding worthy to disappear in Loch Ness as the top notch demoness
in a yellow submarine to steal from a deserted and desecrated St Chad
church the supposedly last can of Mr Sheen (of course, the greedy
churchwardens did not tell that they also put on their latest box put
on a priory spell and that nobody but them would win every bet that
they put on a holy man's and woman's life with their ritual knife even
at the vet, but their latest curse also again backfired, and even they
start to see now that their lease on their evildoing and on their
membership in Drury lane has finally truly expired,

and whilst God just evermore shakes His head in disgust at the
evildoers' obsession with greed and lust and Jesus Christ works
tirelessly to let all the mammon worshippers with their sandcastles
declare each other insane and go bust, all evildoers, especially the
secret societies hidden in church hiearchies and monarchies and
democracies will have to face now the music in their own underworldly
space not just in their dreams but all real law enforcement agencies
with real authority and integrity will start to make tabula rasa in
even a pope's, archbishop's, bishop's, king's and queen's, princesses
and princes', a.s.f. to rockbottom churchwardens' and PCC's private
and expatriate foreign casa with God's fury, as finally farted even
the beast has in the lane of Drury and over not just from Rome to
Dover but all over is the secret society's poisonous orgy of one hell
of a wrong Eucharistic feast and piratery treasure blackhole sale, as
exposed by their own shame and at the cost of lives with ritual knives
lost fame is now every real name and is simply put into an organised
criminality internationally frame.

And don't anybody dare for their own share in this most eon old
conspiracy against the truth and against justice and against the true
paradise on earth of the living and everlasting peace God to blame!

And God from now on only evermore for His true holy family in the Holy
Rose shore care, and leaves unanswered any calls by hypocritical
fascist wailing walls and murderous greedy and weedy Pallbearers


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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