Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Round Table Boardrooms seem to decide, who with whom in the churches from the lurches plays bride and bridegroom, and who gets to steal and sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heirloom, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Round Table Boardrooms seem to decide, who with whom in the churches
from the lurches plays bride and bridegroom, and who gets to steal and
sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heirloom,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Round Table Boardrooms of multi-national corporations seem even to
decide, who with whom in the churches from the lurches gets to play
bride and bridegrooms,
and who gets to steal and sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's
heirloom, and who gets a special deal and insider-information to share
on blackgold oil and arms and diamonds from De Beers and all sorts
of special medicines that cause to whole countries not just harms but
are intended to wipe them wholly out, so that easily can be taken over
by some fake-archbishopry from Dover and some puppet papal hierarchy
with secretly worshipping a Madonna by name as the babylonian Guy
Fawkes whore also financed by the round table vault in Rome, also the
oil and gold and diamond sources and financed the biggest anarchy that
will give an
excuse to the fascist fourth empire strategy to take over the world
with the help of all sorts
of mercenary and para-military hierarchy -

is it any wonder, that to these kind of adulterous, promiscuous,
blasphemous and mammon worshipping self-pompous white collars decides
also who has to groom already children already for their future
fascist empire role and who will be their slave and mole courtesy of
the secret societies' infiltrators in social science and social care,
and as churchwardens and PCCs are answerable only to bishopry they can
be relied on to do as they are told, as they are handsomely paid for
their services rendered and x-amounts of spare sets of sensitive keys
for all sorts of secret societies, and they arrange even paedophilia
in big style and drugs supplies for thugs and mercenary spies, who
only ever walk for bribery money and property for themselves the
extra-mile with their invented lies and fouls about holy souls, who
are in their way, and they also do to climb up to the highest top of
the snake's ladder unblushingly human life individually and
collectively slay and even the trust
of their own family and friends for sheer greed betray.

And how many a fascist Maria hears her name already in every shore
celebrated with the Roman empire greeting 'AVE' - after one too many
bottle of most expensive Tuscany Soave. And suddenly a liability but
in clear visibility and no way out of deniability becomes to a whole
boardroom industry and Vatican the connection also to media and music
and film and to the Argentina crocodile tears a singer inventing
herself first as Lesbian Jewish demoness, then as Evita as Catholic
Argentine Clementine snake and fake-saint and then again as Jewish
female rabbi to sell her cursed merchandise also in connection with
international concert agents, who rather had a good profit from her
use of them as d'argent provocateurs in the underworldly and Brown
connections and whatnot organised sex trade and gambling and war and
whoremongering beasts inflations under her direction -
and suddenly what once seemed so easy to achieve under the umbrella of
papal and other multi-national boardroom funded and conspired
heretical lore spread purposefully by just any willing babylonian
whore has proven too much for some of them, and they suddenly in
paranoia and madness all confess, as they took the heavenly vision of
marble and gold and gems for real, and hoped that if they the truth
kill they can have the real big deal -

the one that Barbarossa mentioned and invented actually with some
rabbis of the day and some imams, who were all with him on the path
free of wrath and peace, and they simply used the allegory of the
story of the chariot and sent in the letter to the then pope their
biggest ever test - and to this very day the Jesuits and Benedictines
and Franciscans and all sorts of orders and fake-knights' hoarders
across the borders abuse their system of finance and credit and
monasteries for their ongoing organised criminalities and under all
sorts of heresies that they themselves not even believe - but even a
former archbishop and pope and future ones will one day grieve, when
back at them come all their stones and fouls that they threw at holy
souls under secret society cones from the pulpit and the pew and from
pyramid glass roofs with their devil's and Pan hoofs.

And their lame game is neither new nor can hide from the real law
enforcement now their every crew, as they are only actually left of
the holy ones in high positions very few, and those, who are holy,
point their finger at the evildoers and blow out the fire of the
cauldrons and pour out the evil boardroom stews and into the temples
of mammon worship sets suddenly in and lingers doom and gloom and
whispers are going around that Jesus Christ has with His special
agency for justice and law entered also their grounds to take to task
with their real face under their mask every bloodhound, and He already
all in evidence, what He needed found and can prove all their
pestilence and decadence, and He wipes out their arrogance and shows
His disgust and their disgrace into their face.

And no estate agent multi-national anymore in any shore unnoticedly
and unchallengedly and unpunishedly whole properties even in councils
to their fake-undercover spies lets, so that they can spread about
holy souls lies and throw at them fouls. As one too many of them did
wake up with a poisoned cup in the field, and no longer is a woman or
man made cushy by international immunity and impunity but has to stand
trial and can no longer be for their organised criminality in denial,
as found on their ground was also many a poisonous or viral phial, and
witnesses and victims alike have testified to various degrees of evil
deeds for the multi-national fees and for having spread purposefully
the wrong and heretical creeds and bribed journalists even with
endless supplies of weeds.

And, of course, to come back to the multi-national boardroom infiltration
and penetration and affiliation and association with all sorts of
secret societies within the Anglican and Vatican church hierarchies:
It is so easy to see and retrace the lines of all the wolves and
swines in their gradual
poisoning of the mass wines in every corrupt see, and who has with whom made
a deal on how to harm holy men and women systematically, so that they with
black magic curses would not from their scars heal or to kill off
their friends and
family or themselves, and to wipe out their e-mail contacts entirely,
and to enlist the help of some cashstricken or every greedy aristocracy
and voila, the boardrooms enlisted also the likes of infiltrator pikes
of the old
Anglo-Catholic structure, of whom each meanwhile elsewhere hitchhikes
and no wonder, that their bishopry was doomed from the beginning with
purposefully orchestrated pseudo-sinning, as the bishops sank so low
even on their priests false fame to bestow and murderous spells and
all kinds of spiked drinks and involuntary drugs hells - quite some thugs
in vestments, who pretend the truth and Her Majesty a hand to lend
on Sunday morn but the rest of the week they rather subscribe to gambling,
whoring and porn and October revolution before the next Guy Fawkes' night -

but this time there won't be saving them their elocution, as out of the cage
is God's rage for truth and justice and peace and He will this time bring down
simply with the facts of most unholy notorious organised criminal acts
with the law alone, and simply hand back publicly and entirely unexpectedly
the evil hierarchies' every spell. And who is to say that the truth can only
be published by the corrupted media - it is better in the hands of the innocent
and meek, as they are righteous and not at all weak, and even a baby
can cry and prevent its parents from a lie or from committing fraud or
a murder and knows, who is her or his heavenly true mother and father
and rather escapes barefeet out of a pram to them, and eats even as a
former enforced vegan with their eternal holy father and mother eggs
and ham or steak - as once too often have the babies' or children's
birth father and mother shown also towards them their evil streak
and have frightened them with a hammer, when wearing a beak,
and have threatened them with torture or death, should they dare
to share the truth about their evil associations in all nations.

And it is not just the infiltration of the dioceses but also the evildoers'
abuse of spiritual gifts in the bishopry and apostolic Judas succession
in every nation that purposefully stirs up with bribery and threats
and false promises artificial rifts, so that strategically a whole country
would not make for peace any shifts.

Once too often, one too many, and in the end of all the sandcastles
won't stand anymore in any shore any!!!

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