A Story: The heavenly Order of St Chad the Martyr&his living Celtic
church is free of the corruption of any thistle, clover&garter&of any
heretical organised criminality&fascist&other secret society from the
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
The heavenly Order of St (Naomh Ceadda) the Martyr and his living
Celtic church is free of the devil and his demons, as God separated
His holy souls from any heretical occult pus and brings to justice
unexpectedly and uncompromisingly also the last wave of rage of utter
evil and any belated fouls of any hidden devil towards the holy truth
and Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's holy souls' eternal family story
Stripped of their anyway borrowed spiritual gifts and of their
delusional power the evildoers simply wilt, as they were only weed
sowing and never any holy flower growing and they did tilt even the
most holy truth and creed under a secret society cone hat by preying
as a bat and praying over the blood of a rat; and by throwing at holy
souls their every stone in disguise of fake piety they even openly
boasted about their cowardous notoriety under diplomatic immunity and
But God is free to make now against the golden ox, calf and cow and
their every secret society raffle ticket prized other half towards
truth, justice and peace all the right shifts in His very own ancient
Holy Rose See that St Chad (Naomh Ceadda) and St Etheldreda (San
Aethelthryth) also lived but sadly not their enemies' silent poison
But God has vowed to put wrong right and to end for His holy souls the
longest unnecessary fight of evil powers and principalities against
His beloved people of the Infinite and eternal light, and so, also
finally Naomh Ceadda his beloved San Aethelthryth gets officially at
his side, as he also had enough of being treated rough and being
cheated again and again and being wrongly accused with somebody's
else's own stain and of San Aethelthryth almost again slain by every
see from Rome to Dover and of being poisoned by bloodthirsty aryan
Huns even in the incense through a cough, and he as the incarnate
Jesus Christ lets the walking dead bury their own dead, as they anyway
repeatedly and to the last nano-second rejected his true living bread,
and went purposefully from God astray, and confused purposefully his
consecrated ground with clay and they mocked St Etheldreda's alias the
incarnate Mary Magdala's unshakable simple faith because it was the
truth and also sound.
And he so missed her smile with a dimple, although he tried to spot
her on numerous an extra-mile but he at the same time decided it would
be best for her to stay at home, as otherwise she might be shot by
either the Roman or Dover dome, and so, he at least did for her
longingly and most gently the bell exceedingly chime, as they were,
are and always will be two souls and hearts beating as one since they
lived from the beginning of time and as Adam and Eve they already did
in God's love for each other and for their holy souls fight against
their truth as far as possible every crime.
Their simple desire for a holy family's happiness and human dignity
and peace and harmony in God's perfect creation and order without the
need even for any border they and their children from the stars were
always and again subjected to the greed and envy of any property
horder by every single evil den with their demons and evildoers, who
are simply inhuman and and were never, are nor will be holy women and
men but bitter and envious walking dead lemons, who will in the end
have to live on their own stale bread.
St Chad Day, 26th October MMXIII
Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Sins retained,popes!
There is one thing especially, which God never forgives: The purposeful blasphemy and heresy against the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sins retained, popes, as you have from putting wrong right refrained.
Update2:Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee, and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Whosoever is not at home with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and their holy
truth and eternal family of holy souls, has no home anymore in any shore,
especially not under any dome that throws at holy souls and their truth
fouls and destroys human dignity systematically out of greed and envy wit
organised criminality under the disguise of utmost heresy and with
unblushing mockery and blasphemy against God, the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit, in short: against the one and only Holy Trinity. And to those,
who in occult feminism overdose I simply say this: 'why don't you just
there, from where you once came, continue at each other to hiss, as you
make only ever anyway a lousy and cruel and rotten mother and do never with
holiness and humility bother. Wear your secret society cone in your own
hell and receive back your every stone and find yourself after all your
backfiring curses and black magic spells by all means in the end totally
alone amongst the walking dead - you ate our true bread but rejected it,
and we survived the truth about your hell to tell! And by now already many
of you even from your highest snakes' ladder fell and there won't be
anymore bribery and blackholes property at the cost of lives lost
unchallengedly, as from now on even and especially the Vatican and CoE and
many a rabbi and imam stand under watch in utmost public scrutiny! Is that
clear?! Maybe you can tell - I live in the truth of Jesus Christ and I am
home,where I can be myself,as God made me in the truth, I don't need a
f...dome, and why would I ever want to come to Rome, where Jesus Christ and
His family were never welcome and home.
Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and
unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee,
and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten without a special
sentencing deal, or He might just give you unexpectedly a taste of your own
heretical and pathetical meal, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
And simply cut all bribery for your every cardinal's every secret society
and take them to task without their mask on their organised criminality and
heresy legally, and revoke their and forfeit your own diplomatic immunity
and impunity, and already your see is free for the truth and free of
demonology! And grant permission for every case of unexplained death
posthumously for exhumation and excavation in every of your crusader
stricken nation - et voila, there is finally justice through the truth and
everlasting peace of Jesus Christ through a completed forensic
investigation. And stop bullying whistleblowers into litigation, or you
might yourself end in foreclosure, when the United Nations declare you
guilty of war crimes and allow international disclosure to your former
spies under their protection to counteract your multi-national
industries'lies. After all, your last exorcist's death was also
inconclusive and your interference most intrusive and your circle of
initiates most sickening rich exclusive and thus most explosive by your own
blasting and war and whoremongering terrorism sponsoring and high financing
blackholestandards, if one believes your mole, who also admitted that he
from St Chad a cup stole, whilst he was on the Anglican dole, and wore also
as a thief visibly the stolen silver-grey suit and purple shirt on a video
in an inner city church of Londinium and a former churchwarden there
confessed that she also with holy souls on your behalf and paylist messed
and threw at them on your and your predecessor's command her own fouls
from her churchwarden pew. Not to forget the American pie spy from Boston
with her parents sent by the priory of St Margaret, both, Boston and
Haggerston, who threatened the Mother Superior of the Abbey of the Holy
Rose also with repercussions should she continue to speak the truth. You
see, too many are already no longer hidden and rather admit they did, what
is by God's law strictly forbidden and feel regarding also a hamster quite
guilt ridden. In the end the devils always point the fingers at themselves,
and you do not need exorcist books by crooks in the bookshelf but just
speak and live the truth and confess and clear up your own and your whole
See's mess and say especially Sorry! To the 500 000 Sinti and Roma,who
parished in the Holocaust and who are still not welcome under any of your
doma - not that they even intend to enter your bloodstained places of
evil,as you know only too well that they are still systematically by your
pseudo-academics and fascist doctors maltreated in your secret laboratory
hell, and I myself have witnessed, how children are abducted and kept in
your Catholic institutions and abused - save us your fake-piety elocutions,
as long as you do not publicly admit that you even authorised, of course,
in deniability, that whistleblowing priests and nuns are to be subjected to
a fatal mercenary hit and to be replaced in their community quietly with
the help of bribed and blackmailed PCCs and threatened clergy and the help
of a willing priory to be killing a holy soul's life and reputation also
from both sides, COE and RCC, in every nation. Jorge, God has called you by
your name to put on you your long overdue shame and blame and to clear His
own and His son's and Mary Magdala's and their family of holy souls' name.
You are being put into the frame of crimes against humanity, don't bullshit
us with yet another old bag of stones of your twisted demonology, as crying
out are numerous more bones and God knows them all and does each soul by a
special name long before they enter their mothers' womb- you know time is
long up, and anyone can see that you haven't got the faintest idea that the
poisonous Judas cup was never holy nor a grail and you did the truth of
Jesus Christ on all levels and in all corners of the world fail, and your
predecessor is not just a fool to believe in a certain stone and to put
himself on Jesus Christ's throne and Mary Magdala's footstool with his
hidden SS-boots on, about which he is still so proud and does still want to
kill the truth from his black cloud! Now you know, why I won't even bother
to send to the Vatican anymore mail - I stay well away from hell and from
your every evil place, as I know your every demon with his and her inhuman
face and the Vatican is an institution full of disgrace.
truth and eternal family of holy souls, has no home anymore in any shore,
especially not under any dome that throws at holy souls and their truth
fouls and destroys human dignity systematically out of greed and envy wit
organised criminality under the disguise of utmost heresy and with
unblushing mockery and blasphemy against God, the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit, in short: against the one and only Holy Trinity. And to those,
who in occult feminism overdose I simply say this: 'why don't you just
there, from where you once came, continue at each other to hiss, as you
make only ever anyway a lousy and cruel and rotten mother and do never with
holiness and humility bother. Wear your secret society cone in your own
hell and receive back your every stone and find yourself after all your
backfiring curses and black magic spells by all means in the end totally
alone amongst the walking dead - you ate our true bread but rejected it,
and we survived the truth about your hell to tell! And by now already many
of you even from your highest snakes' ladder fell and there won't be
anymore bribery and blackholes property at the cost of lives lost
unchallengedly, as from now on even and especially the Vatican and CoE and
many a rabbi and imam stand under watch in utmost public scrutiny! Is that
clear?! Maybe you can tell - I live in the truth of Jesus Christ and I am
home,where I can be myself,as God made me in the truth, I don't need a
f...dome, and why would I ever want to come to Rome, where Jesus Christ and
His family were never welcome and home.
Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and
unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee,
and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten without a special
sentencing deal, or He might just give you unexpectedly a taste of your own
heretical and pathetical meal, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
And simply cut all bribery for your every cardinal's every secret society
and take them to task without their mask on their organised criminality and
heresy legally, and revoke their and forfeit your own diplomatic immunity
and impunity, and already your see is free for the truth and free of
demonology! And grant permission for every case of unexplained death
posthumously for exhumation and excavation in every of your crusader
stricken nation - et voila, there is finally justice through the truth and
everlasting peace of Jesus Christ through a completed forensic
investigation. And stop bullying whistleblowers into litigation, or you
might yourself end in foreclosure, when the United Nations declare you
guilty of war crimes and allow international disclosure to your former
spies under their protection to counteract your multi-national
industries'lies. After all, your last exorcist's death was also
inconclusive and your interference most intrusive and your circle of
initiates most sickening rich exclusive and thus most explosive by your own
blasting and war and whoremongering terrorism sponsoring and high financing
blackholestandards, if one believes your mole, who also admitted that he
from St Chad a cup stole, whilst he was on the Anglican dole, and wore also
as a thief visibly the stolen silver-grey suit and purple shirt on a video
in an inner city church of Londinium and a former churchwarden there
confessed that she also with holy souls on your behalf and paylist messed
and threw at them on your and your predecessor's command her own fouls
from her churchwarden pew. Not to forget the American pie spy from Boston
with her parents sent by the priory of St Margaret, both, Boston and
Haggerston, who threatened the Mother Superior of the Abbey of the Holy
Rose also with repercussions should she continue to speak the truth. You
see, too many are already no longer hidden and rather admit they did, what
is by God's law strictly forbidden and feel regarding also a hamster quite
guilt ridden. In the end the devils always point the fingers at themselves,
and you do not need exorcist books by crooks in the bookshelf but just
speak and live the truth and confess and clear up your own and your whole
See's mess and say especially Sorry! To the 500 000 Sinti and Roma,who
parished in the Holocaust and who are still not welcome under any of your
doma - not that they even intend to enter your bloodstained places of
evil,as you know only too well that they are still systematically by your
pseudo-academics and fascist doctors maltreated in your secret laboratory
hell, and I myself have witnessed, how children are abducted and kept in
your Catholic institutions and abused - save us your fake-piety elocutions,
as long as you do not publicly admit that you even authorised, of course,
in deniability, that whistleblowing priests and nuns are to be subjected to
a fatal mercenary hit and to be replaced in their community quietly with
the help of bribed and blackmailed PCCs and threatened clergy and the help
of a willing priory to be killing a holy soul's life and reputation also
from both sides, COE and RCC, in every nation. Jorge, God has called you by
your name to put on you your long overdue shame and blame and to clear His
own and His son's and Mary Magdala's and their family of holy souls' name.
You are being put into the frame of crimes against humanity, don't bullshit
us with yet another old bag of stones of your twisted demonology, as crying
out are numerous more bones and God knows them all and does each soul by a
special name long before they enter their mothers' womb- you know time is
long up, and anyone can see that you haven't got the faintest idea that the
poisonous Judas cup was never holy nor a grail and you did the truth of
Jesus Christ on all levels and in all corners of the world fail, and your
predecessor is not just a fool to believe in a certain stone and to put
himself on Jesus Christ's throne and Mary Magdala's footstool with his
hidden SS-boots on, about which he is still so proud and does still want to
kill the truth from his black cloud! Now you know, why I won't even bother
to send to the Vatican anymore mail - I stay well away from hell and from
your every evil place, as I know your every demon with his and her inhuman
face and the Vatican is an institution full of disgrace.
Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee, and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Popes, past and present, heal yourselves by speaking the truth and unplugging your rotten murky unholy aryan heretical see and waive your fee, and surrendering to Jesus Christ,The Son of God begotten without a special sentencing deal, or He might just give you unexpectedly a taste of your own heretical and pathetically meal, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
And simply cut all bribery for your every cardinal's every secret society and take them to task without their mask on their organised criminality and heresy legally, and revoke their and forfeit your own diplomatic immunity and impunity, and already your see is free for the truth and free of demonology! And grant permission for every case of unexplained death posthumously for exhumation and excavation in every of your crusader stricken nation - et voila, there is finally justice through the truth and everlasting peace of Jesus Christ through a completed forensic investigation. And stop bullying whistleblowers into litigation, or you might yourself end in foreclosure, when the United Nations declare you guilty of war crimes and allow international disclosure to your former spies to counteract your multi-national industries'lies. After all, your last exorcist's death was also inconclusive and your interference most intrusive and your circle of initiates most sickening rich exclusive and thus most explosive by your own blasting and war and whoremongering terrorism sponsoring and high financing blackholestandards, if one believes your mole, who also admitted that he from St Chad a cup stole, whilst he was on the Anglican dole, and wore also as a thief visibly the stolen silver-grey suit and purple shirt on a video in an inner city church of Londinium and a former churchwarden there confessed that she also with holy souls on your behalf and paylist messed and threw at them on your and your predecessor's command her own fouls from her churchwarden pew. Not to forget the American pie spy from Boston with her parents sent by the priory of St Margaret, both, Boston and Haggerston, who threatened the Mother Superior of the Abbey of the Holy Rose also with repercussions should she continue to speak the truth. You see, too many are already no longer hidden and rather admit they did, what is by God's law strictly forbidden and feel regarding also a hamster quite guilt ridden. In the end the devils always point the fingers at themselves, and you do not need exorcist books by crooks in the bookshelf but just speak and live the truth and confess and clear up your own and your whole See's mess and say especially Sorry! To the 500 000 Sinti and Roma,who parished in the Holocaust and who are still not welcome under any of your doma - not that they even intend to enter your bloodstained places of evil,as you know only too well that they are still systematically by your pseudo-academics and fascist doctors maltreated in your secret laboratory hell, and I myself have witnessed, how children are abducted and kept in your Catholic institutions and abused - save us your fake-piety elocutions, as long as you do not publicly admit that you even authorised, of course, in deniability, that whistleblowing priests and nuns are to be subjected to a fatal mercenary hit and to be replaced in their community quietly with the help of bribed and blackmailed PCCs and threatened clergy and the help of a willing priory to be killing a holy soul'slide and reputation also from both sides, COE and RCC in every nation. Jorge, God has called you by your name to put on you your long overdue shame and blame and to clear His own and His son's and Mary Magdala's and their family of holy souls' name. You are being put into the frame of crimes against humanity, don't bullshit us with yet another old bag of stones of your twisted demonology - time is long up, and anyone can see that you haven't got the faintest idea that the poisonous Judas cup was never holy nor a grail and you did the truth of Jesus Christ on all levels and in all corners of the world fail. And I won't even bother to send to the Vatican anymore mail - I stay well away from hell and from your every evil place, as I know your every demon with his and her inhuman face and the Vatican is an institution full of disgrace.
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Update: Jesus Christ to Pope: 'Give me a holy humanist anytime over a Satanist, as the former believes blindly in my truth and lives already my way, and does not commit like the latter against me and my wife any crime against our life with a ritual knife, and a humanist is at least no Anti-Christ, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jesus Christ to Pope: 'Give me a holy humanist anytime over a
Satanist, as the former believes blindly in my truth and lives already
my way, and does not commit like the latter against me and my wife any
crime against our life with a ritual knife, and a humanist is at least
no Anti-Christ,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
Jesus Christ to Pope:'Give me a Humanist anytime over a Satanist,as
they believe my truth&are not Anti-Christ&don't commit against me
crime. Already in my incarnation as Ferdinand I. with my beloved wife
Anna, we continued to build our bridges through our truth of our holy
matrimony as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala. Why do you think Clemens
August von Galen did with you lot from your poisonous Judas cup
already as Bishop Dietrich of Muenster drink and not of your betrayal
of our truth stink?! Because he always and again, as he already did as
John the Baptist paid the price of your hell, so that he could in the
end finally the truth about us tell and break from your lowest to the
highest places by exposing your faces underneath the masks your every
evil spell, and he did also with the incarnate Marlowe and Blake
together in Londinium these days before the authorities tell, and now
you are in for a special treat, when you hear that your own devilish
breed has finally felt in their bones of me fear and of my judgment,
as my wife Mary Magdala is returning all your stones that you threw at
us through your hierarchy and through your churchwardens from the
pulpit, the sanctuary and the pew - you are so old in this game, it is
just too lame even to your name and I will put back to yours all your
own long overdue shame and blame and then, you can go back to the den,
from where you once already came with your cones, and you still will
have to do as you are by God from now on told, you eternal miserable
criminal heretic and con! You have the longest time authorised
unchallengedly by your various knights orders death spells and
murderous hells signed 'El Eljon' - time to teach you, who your Master
of old is, you Anti-Christ!
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3m
Jesus Christ to former archbishop:'You see,the good Buddha&me are
friends&I like Mary Magdala's tummy filled with life&her mummy milk
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 5m
Jesus Christ says to former archbishop:'You fell for the Buddha of
hell&failed to recognise my truth but the good Buddha&me broke yr
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
MaryMagdala says:Ye,church hierarchies,make sure my husband Jesus
Christ gets back all his clothes that you let by yr churchwardens
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Is it not strange,Former Archbishop,that churchwardens as thieves
would use stolen gear from priests&accuse them that they with crime
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Is it not strange somewhat,Former Archbishop,that under yr watch even
shirts&suits&cussocks were stolen from priests that featured in
crimes.And, by the way,
former and present Archbishop, it strikes me that under your command
suddenly vintage suits and shirts of certain priests are in high
demand that were stolen by your churchwardens from the vicarages - and
then, they suddenly are turning up in forensic investigations in all
sorts of dubious corrupt nations, who steal from their own even the
last rice and bread rations, and a strand of hair here, a clipped toe
nail there even at a hotelroom of an especially expensively at the
cost of the diocese known whore in Strand - makes you wonder, to what
length your archdiocese actually does go to frame the few remaining
priests, who are opposed to your multinational greasy and corrupt
blackgold politics and heretical organised criminality as standards RCC and
CoE policy under your watch,
and you also had again like your predecessor all sorts of neighbours
and colleagues and outsiders and clients against my wife lined up for a
consultancy match - but you failed with your evil breed's batch, as
once too often you tried to have her nailed with bribery or property
or money and subjected her and her family, which is also mine, to a
most rough patch of violence and pestilence and arrogance that stinks
to heaven from your hell so much, I feel even her pain, when I ring
your bloody desecrated bell. And I no longer do as I am by you told,
but rather sing and speak and live and bow to the truth, and stand up
to your evil
and take my beloved wife into my arms and with her say to God: 'Behold!
Here is your truth alive in husband and wife, and we have survived
every evil church hierarchies' ritual knife and give you thanks, and
disappear into anonymity from those ranks of Franks pranks and St
Magnus and St Paul's and St whatnot Scheinheiligen- brutality of the dioceses'
making and the top hierachies are anyway even to children their piety
faking and all,
what they can get out of the CoE and Vatican in property and money and
bribery taking.
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 1h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.: But
Archbishop, that was the wrong Buddha with the...
Expand Collapse
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Clemens August von Galen - Nec laudibus nec timore : But Archbishop,
that was the wrong Buddha with the...
Expand Collapse
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
PORRAJMOS - Holocaust Memorial for the Sinti and Roma, R.I.P.: But
Archbishop, that was the wrong Buddha with the...
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
Not every night nurse is murderous&sometimes she is being subjected to
an evil Princess'curse,who practices her witchcraft might at night.
Expand Collapse
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
Might as well that a self-styled Tinkerbell from hell was hit by her
own returning curse&can no longer count on a return from death spell.
In reply to Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 4h
How lovely it would be,if all helped for free without a fee to
protect God's peaceful&most loving Holy Jesus Christ See of human
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
@MotherSigrid The latest MI5 novel is out-do I hear anybody in
fear of God confess their mess,as He does rather loud aloud
shout&hates gout.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
@Reuters @holyrose_abbeyMaybe God had enough of being treated as a
commodity&of a stock market presence sponsored viral cough&gets now
In reply to HolyRose Abbey and 1 other
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 4h
@guardian I would never fall for the false promises of that man
again that he made at the memorial of Yitzhak Rabin&who proclaims
living dead
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 4h
@guardian Interesting that he was never made a lord.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
@holyrose_abbey Must have been a curse of Diana's witches, who
used Blair for their voodoo dolls stitches.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 3h
@guardian @holyrose_abbey He knows all of hell,as he survived the
truth to the authorities to tell&picked up on the way out how2break
Retweeted by HolyRose Abbey
Reuters Top News @Reuters 4h
Lightning strikes One World Trade Center in Manhattan. Editor's Choice
photos: http://reut.rs/VhSxhS pic.twitter.com/JiHZ81yiDc
Embedded image permalink
5:33 PM - 3 Jul 2014 · Details Flag media Flagged (learn more)
Retweeted by HolyRose Abbey
Metropolitan Police @metpoliceuk 4h
Check our latest @flipboard magazine from @MPSintheSky featuring some
stunning images of #London http://flip.it/eK5to
View summary Hide summary
Retweeted by Mother Sigrid Eliora
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey Jul 2
@guardian The very thought is a sin - YOU SHALL NOT KILL
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Retweeted by Mother Sigrid Eliora
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey Jul 2
@montimai @AP @nwinfield Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the
life. Not a corrupt institution that has cardinals with ritual knife.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
But Archbishop, that was the wrong Buddha with the wrong meditation, who makes a curse against Jesus Christ his Tibetan contemplation, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
But former Archbishop, that was the wrong Buddha with the wrong
meditation, who makes a curse against Jesus Christ his Tibetan
contemplation, and who has not surrendered to Jesus Christ, and who
made you spread lies against the one Good God Jesus Christ, and let
you act as an evil lightning rod, or are you saying you are really
Jesus Christ's way betraying and from God's law and the truth
straying?! And even the good Buddha, who is actually surrendering to
Jesus Christ and His truth also betraying?! As that would explain a
hell of a lot holy souls' under your watch slaying for the truth, and
account for almost all of the bishops' towards the truth of Jesus
Christ on your command dismaying.
Or are you simply a tired ol' wolf, who lost his battle on the way,
and stopped to howl, when the pope you relied on turned out to be an
even bigger fascist aryan heresy con out for also economical
competition in every nation?! And even bribed for your battle against the truth
of also the real St Chad and St Etheldreda alias Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdala to maltreat and cheat against a truth speaking voice therapist
and voice coach of the British Association for Performing Arts a
certain musical secret society Rattle, and had with the support of a
certain Madonna next door to the BAPAM based Kabbalah Centre againt
the truth of Jesus Chris and Mary Magdala's holy matrimony a most
unholy battle?! That was also under your watch led by an inofficial
Westminster churchhouse/St James Palace team turned Sunday school
teacher and whatnot cantor screecher in St Chad's Haggerston?! We are
waiting, Mr former Archbishop, as there were really holy souls in this
war of yours lost and we are no longer contemplating but expecting you
to pick up the cost! And you were long overdue to repent and confess
and to clear up your mess not just this last Pentecost! And you better
answer Jesus Christ's letter and promise you will from now on do
better and live and speak the truth and give up your evil streak for
good under your pseudo-Holy Rose hood!!! And hand out the truth and
nothing but the truth!!!
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 2h
No wonder Herr Ratzinger&former archbishop got on so well,as they both
conspired not the truth to tell&gave a vow to hell&used curse&spell.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 2h
So,now we know that contemplation&meditation is used to curse Jesus
Christ&Mary Magdala's footstool even by former archbishop without
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 2h
What is all contemplation&meditation worth,if it leads astray from the
truth,especially,where Jesus Christ has long shown the way.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
How lovely it would be,if all helped for free without a fee to
protect God's peaceful&most loving Holy Jesus Christ See of human
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@MotherSigrid The latest MI5 novel is out-do I hear anybody in
fear of God confess their mess,as He does rather loud aloud
shout&hates gout.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@Reuters @holyrose_abbeyMaybe God had enough of being treated as a
commodity&of a stock market presence sponsored viral cough&gets now
Lightning strikes One World Trade Center in Manhattan. Editor's Choice
photos: http://reut.rs/VhSxhS
In reply to HolyRose Abbey and 1 other
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 2h
@guardian I would never fall for the false promises of that man
again that he made at the memorial of Yitzak Rabin&who proclaims
living dead
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 2h
@guardian Interesting that he was never made a lord. But then,
there are things that are not even acceptable and commendable under
the codex of oaths in Oxford.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@holyrose_abbey Must have been a curse of Diana's witches, who
used Blair for their voodoo dolls stitches.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@guardian @holyrose_abbey He knows all of hell,as he survived the
truth to the authorities to tell&picked up on the way out how2break
Retweeted by HolyRose Abbey
Reuters Top News @Reuters 2h
Lightning strikes One World Trade Center in Manhattan. Editor's Choice
photos: http://reut.rs/VhSxhS pic.twitter.com/JiHZ81yiDc
Embedded image permalink
5:33 PM - 3 Jul 2014 · Details Flag media Flagged (learn more)
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Not every night nurse is murderous&sometimes she is being
subjected to an evil Princess'curse,who practices her witchcraft might
at night.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Might as well that a self-styled Tinkerbell from hell was hit by
her own returning curse&can no longer count on a return from death
Posted By Blogger to Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose
on 7/03/2014 07:56:00 pm
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
meditation, who makes a curse against Jesus Christ his Tibetan
contemplation, and who has not surrendered to Jesus Christ, and who
made you spread lies against the one Good God Jesus Christ, and let
you act as an evil lightning rod, or are you saying you are really
Jesus Christ's way betraying and from God's law and the truth
straying?! And even the good Buddha, who is actually surrendering to
Jesus Christ and His truth also betraying?! As that would explain a
hell of a lot holy souls' under your watch slaying for the truth, and
account for almost all of the bishops' towards the truth of Jesus
Christ on your command dismaying.
Or are you simply a tired ol' wolf, who lost his battle on the way,
and stopped to howl, when the pope you relied on turned out to be an
even bigger fascist aryan heresy con out for also economical
competition in every nation?! And even bribed for your battle against the truth
of also the real St Chad and St Etheldreda alias Jesus Christ and Mary
Magdala to maltreat and cheat against a truth speaking voice therapist
and voice coach of the British Association for Performing Arts a
certain musical secret society Rattle, and had with the support of a
certain Madonna next door to the BAPAM based Kabbalah Centre againt
the truth of Jesus Chris and Mary Magdala's holy matrimony a most
unholy battle?! That was also under your watch led by an inofficial
Westminster churchhouse/St James Palace team turned Sunday school
teacher and whatnot cantor screecher in St Chad's Haggerston?! We are
waiting, Mr former Archbishop, as there were really holy souls in this
war of yours lost and we are no longer contemplating but expecting you
to pick up the cost! And you were long overdue to repent and confess
and to clear up your mess not just this last Pentecost! And you better
answer Jesus Christ's letter and promise you will from now on do
better and live and speak the truth and give up your evil streak for
good under your pseudo-Holy Rose hood!!! And hand out the truth and
nothing but the truth!!!
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 2h
No wonder Herr Ratzinger&former archbishop got on so well,as they both
conspired not the truth to tell&gave a vow to hell&used curse&spell.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 2h
So,now we know that contemplation&meditation is used to curse Jesus
Christ&Mary Magdala's footstool even by former archbishop without
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 2h
What is all contemplation&meditation worth,if it leads astray from the
truth,especially,where Jesus Christ has long shown the way.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
How lovely it would be,if all helped for free without a fee to
protect God's peaceful&most loving Holy Jesus Christ See of human
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@MotherSigrid The latest MI5 novel is out-do I hear anybody in
fear of God confess their mess,as He does rather loud aloud
shout&hates gout.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@Reuters @holyrose_abbeyMaybe God had enough of being treated as a
commodity&of a stock market presence sponsored viral cough&gets now
Lightning strikes One World Trade Center in Manhattan. Editor's Choice
photos: http://reut.rs/VhSxhS
In reply to HolyRose Abbey and 1 other
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 2h
@guardian I would never fall for the false promises of that man
again that he made at the memorial of Yitzak Rabin&who proclaims
living dead
HolyRose Abbey @holyrose_abbey 2h
@guardian Interesting that he was never made a lord. But then,
there are things that are not even acceptable and commendable under
the codex of oaths in Oxford.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@holyrose_abbey Must have been a curse of Diana's witches, who
used Blair for their voodoo dolls stitches.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
@guardian @holyrose_abbey He knows all of hell,as he survived the
truth to the authorities to tell&picked up on the way out how2break
Retweeted by HolyRose Abbey
Reuters Top News @Reuters 2h
Lightning strikes One World Trade Center in Manhattan. Editor's Choice
photos: http://reut.rs/VhSxhS pic.twitter.com/JiHZ81yiDc
Embedded image permalink
5:33 PM - 3 Jul 2014 · Details Flag media Flagged (learn more)
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Not every night nurse is murderous&sometimes she is being
subjected to an evil Princess'curse,who practices her witchcraft might
at night.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid 1h
Might as well that a self-styled Tinkerbell from hell was hit by
her own returning curse&can no longer count on a return from death
Posted By Blogger to Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose
on 7/03/2014 07:56:00 pm
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
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an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
The hell under diplomatic immunity and impunity ends now anytime for any filth, grime and crime and tabula rasa that was sponsored by many a most pompous casa and God all sandcastle foundations in all nations simply with the truth and facts of most unholy acts shakes, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
The hell under diplomatic immunity and impunity ends now anytime for any filth, grime and crime and tabula rasa that was sponsored by many a most pompous casa and God all sandcastle foundations in all nations simply with the truth and facts of most unholy acts shakes, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
R.I.P. Savash Saka. The truth will prevail.
Thank you for entering voluntarily hell to save many a life - sadly,
the pact with the devil to spare the innocents cost you your own
through the evildoers' collectively on you used ritual knife but they
have one after the other uttered nonetheless to those, whom you wanted
to protect their murderous threats, that they made a living hell for
many with the help of secret societies and they even boasted under
their sulphur breath and from behind closed doors and windows about
their diplomatic immunity and impunity, allegedly granted to them by
the Anglican and Vatican See. But the truth sets finally all victims
free and your place in heaven is one of the highest, from where you
can shine the light on this most unholy fight without anymore of any
rotten corrupt shore fright. In eternal gratitude. Sigrid
No Place Like Hell - Ruah at Pleasure Unit 2003
God knows no man-made kings and queens but takes away also on earth
diplomatic immunity and ends impunity anytime for any filth, grime and
crime and tabula rasa even in a most pompous casa with the truth
makes, and all sandcastle foundation in all nations simply with the
facts of most unholy acts shakes,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
If a father cheats on his wife and on his daughter, and subjects both
numerous times to a ritual knife and threatens and bullies his
friends, who know the truth about his criminal secret society
affiliations in all nations, then there must be some very high level
foul play involved and diplomatic immunity and impunity that provides
to such evildoer an exit way and many a reopened Giraffe and werewolf
fascist route's hideaway, so that he can steal away secretly - but
those, who do to a secret society and their every criminal provide a
place to hide like a monastery or priory will not be able, if
uncovered is their every financial debacle hidden under many a round
table boardroom fable, and they themselves have to admit that they
also had a part in every plot for a murderous hit and undersigned
blanco cheques and handed out whole diplomatic coffers full of
blackhole money for bribery and organised criminality, so that the
truth would never emerge in anything. And eventually, a whole
insititution goes down its own whitewash bubblewaterdrain, as God
makes visible every single stain and the blood of their victims on
their murderers' hands that they call in blasphemy even stigmata, and
simply makes tabula rasa in every Alma Mater and Vatican and Anglican
secret society casa and holds simply on to whosoever is left and
visible to spill on the rest from bottom to top with the hard facts
the beans with most peaceful means.
And suddenly exposed is also a twitter porn ring, and a guitarist,
composer, teacher and singer will never in his whole life anymore in
any shore for bribery and property to his dark Lord of whom he thinks
that it is him himself in the bookshelf, sing and with his last breath
he will cry and beg God for mercy but he will be so very alone, as
back even then, will be arriving in the shape and size of a mocked
priest his last stone, whom he with dead bodyparts shocked under a
secret society cone. And with the wind is all his rotten breath -
If you think this is fiction, then just attend a Heavenly Judgment
court session also on earth, and you will be shocked, who whom with
whom in the most criminal and heretical ways flocked, and even cursed
and muttered under their breath in their prayer against the priest and
deacon and holy souls their spells of hells and desecrated in thought
and deed the churchbells with the assistance and without resistance
but for bribery and property deals - not just one but numerous
strayers with endless evil layers, who wanted to prevent that Jesus
Christ, Mary Magdala and their holy family ever from their wounds and
scars heals, and that is, why God as part of His judgment the
unrepentant evildoers all from his court and presence bars and
condemns them for eternity with all their sins retained, as they have
even against their kins of mercy and the truth and of putting wrong
right refrained and rather put on a most unholy fight even against a
most holy mother and father.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
Long before his last Chrism mass as a bishop a rotten liar became an
unholy friar&betrayed the truth of Jesus Christ the Son of God
begotten. His high treason against God and his refusal of the truth
and of the justice that comes with it and which leads alone to peace
and healing was his downfall, and that is, why he must have to bless
the oils forgotten. Might as well, as he only served ever in both
corrupt sees in his own secret society with his hidden notoriety that
is strictly forbidden his very own version of hell and harboured
accordingly to the mess he left behind for his priests, whom he put
still in his 'service' to the grind in their mind and threatened to
subject them and their loved ones to the kill under the cones of his
secret society of the golden ox and calf and cow from every single
Ford's Sunday morning show and banked on impunity for the allegedly
concerted Vatican-Anglican via a special secret mercenary's status of
diplomatic immunity. Not everybody, who falls for a Grey eminence
behind the scenes in a cathedral at night is as
obscene to perform a ritual of a demonic creature of the devil and
sings 'natus est'. And the victims of some most unholy trinity is even
talked about by many a former churchwarden not just in the early
morns, when the bishop with the acting warden watches secretly on
facebook boasted about by the other watcher and vulnerable victim
matcher forbidden porn. That is quite some thorn that a bishop with
poisonous hyssop leaves behind for his battered flock - but what does
one expect, if a whole church hierarchy in both sees finds even
torture not a cause for concern but rather for further neglect and
treats every victim of ritual and other abuse as reject. Seems to Mary
Magdala that a whole secret society posing as church hierarchy is on
the seat to the big eject.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
A former bishop of one corrupt see went to another&found himself in
the arms of the same rotten shore&smells rotten to the core&is long
forgotten but will for eternity have to do penance and bear his cross
of having had a part in many an innocent and holy life's loss and also
inflicted by both shores with a ritual knife.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
A whole secret society posing as church hierarchy refuses to tell the
truth about Jesus Christ&Mary Magdala,so holy souls&victims of a
corrupt see can only expect neglect and are being treated and
maltreated as 'Reject', and are still subjected to the kill and had
more than their fill of every corrupt and immoral and highly
criminally silent shore. And God and His holy souls have been once too
often here before and demand now justice for all the victims of the
evildoers' fouls. With greetings also from one Savash Saka and many a
priest, who spills from heaven now the beans with most peaceful means
and warns all potential victims from their assailants's kills in time,
so that prevented can yet again another plotted crime. And these days
even the holy children have easily the secret society members in the
streets spotted and even in their school or on the way to their
training or at the playing field in the park - as rotten to the core
stinks already from afar, not to mention the look of a crook, many a
predatory ocean's shark, who will never ever sing to God 'Hark' - but
God simply also lets now all bloodhounds at their owners back bark
instead of intimidating and killing the programmed victims - thus is
the power of a little humble violet flower at a wall, so that in the
right time can be made to the police a quick call and to an end comes
even the most brutal and organised Sunday morning jumble sale with its
outbranching church stall. AVON d'bishmaya, illa passan min beesha,
Our Father, and deliver us from the evil ones, the ones, who sell even
Avon as a cream in their Sunday morning after mass church hall hell
and put on vulnerable holy souls a witches' curse and malicious prayer
spell and threaten them with repercussions through an old nun, if they
should the truth of their abuse tell. Not just one churchwarden and
verger in this merger and in conjunction with certain bishops from
this ladder of the snakes fell and none of their victims anymore their
bullshit of a holy shore takes but had enough of having to survive yet
another attempt of a hit.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
R.I.P. Savash Saka. The truth will prevail.
Thank you for entering voluntarily hell to save many a life - sadly,
the pact with the devil to spare the innocents cost you your own
through the evildoers' collectively on you used ritual knife but they
have one after the other uttered nonetheless to those, whom you wanted
to protect their murderous threats, that they made a living hell for
many with the help of secret societies and they even boasted under
their sulphur breath and from behind closed doors and windows about
their diplomatic immunity and impunity, allegedly granted to them by
the Anglican and Vatican See. But the truth sets finally all victims
free and your place in heaven is one of the highest, from where you
can shine the light on this most unholy fight without anymore of any
rotten corrupt shore fright. In eternal gratitude. Sigrid
No Place Like Hell - Ruah at Pleasure Unit 2003
God knows no man-made kings and queens but takes away also on earth
diplomatic immunity and ends impunity anytime for any filth, grime and
crime and tabula rasa even in a most pompous casa with the truth
makes, and all sandcastle foundation in all nations simply with the
facts of most unholy acts shakes,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
If a father cheats on his wife and on his daughter, and subjects both
numerous times to a ritual knife and threatens and bullies his
friends, who know the truth about his criminal secret society
affiliations in all nations, then there must be some very high level
foul play involved and diplomatic immunity and impunity that provides
to such evildoer an exit way and many a reopened Giraffe and werewolf
fascist route's hideaway, so that he can steal away secretly - but
those, who do to a secret society and their every criminal provide a
place to hide like a monastery or priory will not be able, if
uncovered is their every financial debacle hidden under many a round
table boardroom fable, and they themselves have to admit that they
also had a part in every plot for a murderous hit and undersigned
blanco cheques and handed out whole diplomatic coffers full of
blackhole money for bribery and organised criminality, so that the
truth would never emerge in anything. And eventually, a whole
insititution goes down its own whitewash bubblewaterdrain, as God
makes visible every single stain and the blood of their victims on
their murderers' hands that they call in blasphemy even stigmata, and
simply makes tabula rasa in every Alma Mater and Vatican and Anglican
secret society casa and holds simply on to whosoever is left and
visible to spill on the rest from bottom to top with the hard facts
the beans with most peaceful means.
And suddenly exposed is also a twitter porn ring, and a guitarist,
composer, teacher and singer will never in his whole life anymore in
any shore for bribery and property to his dark Lord of whom he thinks
that it is him himself in the bookshelf, sing and with his last breath
he will cry and beg God for mercy but he will be so very alone, as
back even then, will be arriving in the shape and size of a mocked
priest his last stone, whom he with dead bodyparts shocked under a
secret society cone. And with the wind is all his rotten breath -
If you think this is fiction, then just attend a Heavenly Judgment
court session also on earth, and you will be shocked, who whom with
whom in the most criminal and heretical ways flocked, and even cursed
and muttered under their breath in their prayer against the priest and
deacon and holy souls their spells of hells and desecrated in thought
and deed the churchbells with the assistance and without resistance
but for bribery and property deals - not just one but numerous
strayers with endless evil layers, who wanted to prevent that Jesus
Christ, Mary Magdala and their holy family ever from their wounds and
scars heals, and that is, why God as part of His judgment the
unrepentant evildoers all from his court and presence bars and
condemns them for eternity with all their sins retained, as they have
even against their kins of mercy and the truth and of putting wrong
right refrained and rather put on a most unholy fight even against a
most holy mother and father.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
Long before his last Chrism mass as a bishop a rotten liar became an
unholy friar&betrayed the truth of Jesus Christ the Son of God
begotten. His high treason against God and his refusal of the truth
and of the justice that comes with it and which leads alone to peace
and healing was his downfall, and that is, why he must have to bless
the oils forgotten. Might as well, as he only served ever in both
corrupt sees in his own secret society with his hidden notoriety that
is strictly forbidden his very own version of hell and harboured
accordingly to the mess he left behind for his priests, whom he put
still in his 'service' to the grind in their mind and threatened to
subject them and their loved ones to the kill under the cones of his
secret society of the golden ox and calf and cow from every single
Ford's Sunday morning show and banked on impunity for the allegedly
concerted Vatican-Anglican via a special secret mercenary's status of
diplomatic immunity. Not everybody, who falls for a Grey eminence
behind the scenes in a cathedral at night is as
obscene to perform a ritual of a demonic creature of the devil and
sings 'natus est'. And the victims of some most unholy trinity is even
talked about by many a former churchwarden not just in the early
morns, when the bishop with the acting warden watches secretly on
facebook boasted about by the other watcher and vulnerable victim
matcher forbidden porn. That is quite some thorn that a bishop with
poisonous hyssop leaves behind for his battered flock - but what does
one expect, if a whole church hierarchy in both sees finds even
torture not a cause for concern but rather for further neglect and
treats every victim of ritual and other abuse as reject. Seems to Mary
Magdala that a whole secret society posing as church hierarchy is on
the seat to the big eject.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
A former bishop of one corrupt see went to another&found himself in
the arms of the same rotten shore&smells rotten to the core&is long
forgotten but will for eternity have to do penance and bear his cross
of having had a part in many an innocent and holy life's loss and also
inflicted by both shores with a ritual knife.
Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now
A whole secret society posing as church hierarchy refuses to tell the
truth about Jesus Christ&Mary Magdala,so holy souls&victims of a
corrupt see can only expect neglect and are being treated and
maltreated as 'Reject', and are still subjected to the kill and had
more than their fill of every corrupt and immoral and highly
criminally silent shore. And God and His holy souls have been once too
often here before and demand now justice for all the victims of the
evildoers' fouls. With greetings also from one Savash Saka and many a
priest, who spills from heaven now the beans with most peaceful means
and warns all potential victims from their assailants's kills in time,
so that prevented can yet again another plotted crime. And these days
even the holy children have easily the secret society members in the
streets spotted and even in their school or on the way to their
training or at the playing field in the park - as rotten to the core
stinks already from afar, not to mention the look of a crook, many a
predatory ocean's shark, who will never ever sing to God 'Hark' - but
God simply also lets now all bloodhounds at their owners back bark
instead of intimidating and killing the programmed victims - thus is
the power of a little humble violet flower at a wall, so that in the
right time can be made to the police a quick call and to an end comes
even the most brutal and organised Sunday morning jumble sale with its
outbranching church stall. AVON d'bishmaya, illa passan min beesha,
Our Father, and deliver us from the evil ones, the ones, who sell even
Avon as a cream in their Sunday morning after mass church hall hell
and put on vulnerable holy souls a witches' curse and malicious prayer
spell and threaten them with repercussions through an old nun, if they
should the truth of their abuse tell. Not just one churchwarden and
verger in this merger and in conjunction with certain bishops from
this ladder of the snakes fell and none of their victims anymore their
bullshit of a holy shore takes but had enough of having to survive yet
another attempt of a hit.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
Update: Who guards the guardians: The one Good God Jesus Christ, and He is no longer playing the observer but is taking to task all, who in public or in secret societies a mask, and will from them publicly to take up their responsibility ask, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Who guards the guardians:
The one Good God Jesus Christ,
and He is no longer playing the observer
but is taking to task all, who wear in public
or in secret societies a mask, and will
from them publicly to take up their
responsibility ask,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Who guards the guardians:
The one Good God Jesus Christ,
and He is no longer playing the silent observer
and orders 'Do as you are told' receiver but is taking to task all,
who wear in public or in secret societies a mask, and will
from them publicly to take up their
responsibility ask, especially from those,
who did in greed and weed and lust
and war and whoremongering and in
heresy and blasphemy overdosed,
and from those, who tried to kill
His eternal holy family of the Holy Rose
with ritual knives and who tried to take
lives with poisoned mass wine from
an archbishopry cask, poured out by
bishops and priests into the Judas cup
from an especially dedicated to a dark Lord
evildoers' flask.
Not just did the heretics with organised criminality
steal, into death ill-heal, and abuse their every
single spiritual gift in order to mankind across the border
a fatal blow to deal,
but also systematically lied to holy souls and destroyed
their very conscience and broke their hearts, so that
they would eventually blame God for the evildoers'
own shame and fouls and give to God a bad name.
Endless catch22 and circle negotiations at pretend peace talks,
of which each member the other secretly with
their own dirt entraps and everywhere even on non-existent maps stalks,
mostly leading into evermore purposefully stirred up
mess, of which nobody of the keyplayers and
decisionmakers took responsibility and to which
they hardly ever, and if at all, only behind closed
doors without consequences, did confess -
but the one Good God has grown up and no longer
sits patiently and seemingly helpless and shrugging
at the round boardroomtables and listens to the most
outrageous invented blackhole fables but furiously
with the acts of most unholy acts makes tabula rasa
even in the most hidden casa, and rolls back all stones
that the secret societies threw at Him and His holy souls
under their cones and lets them one after the other
from their high horse in His own lving words as His
only swords even in Norse fall,
and makes known that behind the scenes most obscenes
those, who supposedly do not eat pork and with fake-piety
do from sins allegedly also in Cork abstain do in reality whore
in every other and in each other's shore and all worship secretly
mammon and the babylonian whore and sell on whole countries or wipe
them out, accordingly to their ten year plans, which they
also update with hitlists of death every year on the
high mountain tops, where there are no electronic bugs,
who will be next killed of those, who are in the multi-
nationals' profit's way and which mercenaries are the
latest acquisition with even less conscience to dispose
the bodies of holy souls in rugs - quite lifechanging
decisions for some; but the good news is: The time
for the Hour of Judgment through Jesus Christ has come.
God heard and saw all these pseudo-negotations
of a self-pompous evil-selected rich and sickening few,
who also gradually in every generation and century
more and more with the help of the devil bought
themselves a place in the parish council boards
and in pulpits as white collar dollar culprits, and
bribed and threatened the churchwardens, who
were also increasingly by the industries pre-selected,
so that they would also for the pseudo-charitable fake-philantropists
with only as much generosity as their donations
would enable them to fraud their tax profit margin
and to get thus their return for their investment
in church treasure goldsmith piratery and
for their every charitable organisation and act
they make sure that the whole wide world
knows via their PR-departments that they get
the best availabler media coverage also thrown in
as a bargain.
And the one Good God Jesus Christ also
endured the interruption of His beloved golf game
by those, who do not even know, where to put a tee,
but who only trample on the grass of England's hills green
and proclaimed they had seen a Countenance Divine
in their Satanic mills leading to a fatal hit with a little ball on a
holy soul's
head, who then had by a devil's den handicap his final fall -
and whilst the boardrooms' pretended golfing grooms
discuss taking real lives with ritual knives courtesy
of some bullshit heretical book written by a crook -
who was also a mercenary spook with sulphur breath in his time
and who was paid by Wilfred and Hilda and their society
to give St Chad a bad name after his death
and who was furious that St Etheldreda under the shelter
of her eternal wedding wreath with the one Good God Jesus Christ,
whose incarnation was also St Chad and hers Mary Magdala,
simply would not get by him or any other but St Chad in heaven never mind
on earth laid -
honestly, Hilda had sent even her spies to spread lies about
St Etheldreda's hair and braid, and tried to bribe her maid,
but it was Owini in the end, who accepted the bribery and went
over paid for also by Rome and Dover with his axe to live
in St Chad's community, and St Etheldreda and St Chad
knew instantly that they had a traitor in their midst but they
treated him like a brother not just in the pew.
God knew that one day, once the contract with the devil
would be over, all, who did Him and His wife with their
ritual knife betray, would eventually or very suddenly
have to confess even their long forgotten rotten mess
and clear up their crimes and endless list of sins
and face the music of those, whom they did betray,
although the victims had welcomed their murderers
as kins.
And many of those, who in heresy and organised criminality
also today overdose, have been around with their evil
not just in the underworld and forced Jesus Christ's true
church of the Holy Rose even underground, whilst the evildoers
and liars and unholy friars systematically climbed with their
whole rotten institution with evermore smokescreen regulation
and standing spotlight ovation and self-pompous elocution
up their golden empire snake's ladder and did crown
even their every blackadder and stole unblushingly
from Mary Magdala's previous incarnations for their
own evil purposes to defile her purity her every wedding
gown and wedding veil or wreath and desecrated them
with their sulphur beasts' stinking breath, and nowadays
they are even trying to be lying that they are in business
with Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala on ether linking
but God has had enough of the evildoers' boardroom
lying and scrying and truth denying and talks tacheles,
tachiben, kushta with them, as once too often have
the white collars at the cost of holy souls' lives lost
played their evil casino game and have given to
God their own bad shame and He hands back to
them even for the murder of more than three children the
blame, as that just fit so usefully into the boardrooms
doomsday game, and gives them an excuse again
with all forces of evil mercenaries for the big wipe-out
in every oil and gold and diamond and gas interest region
to fuse and to send in the para-military troops and even
the real army, who then gets framed and set up, should
things turn nasty, so that the mercenaries are not shamed
but the proper military gets blamed -
et voila, the boardrooms can continue in the chaos of
anarchy or civil war to corrupt furthermore yet another
evil multi-national shore. But Jesus Christ now interferes
with the round tables also in most secret vaults and leaks
to all authorities with integrity the mercenaries' and secret
talks and the inner secret circles of Vatican and Anglican
fascist and fortune wheel gamblers' planned defaults.
As the churches knew only too well that once God has
exposed their evil game to their name and their victims
lived the truth to tell over from Rome to Dover and all over
would be their black magic spell and they no longer
could use openly nor secretly their eon old well oiled
greasy bribery and torture machinery, and no longer
send holy men and women as baits and black fox for
merciless manhunts into aristocratic secret woods in England's pastures
green or in Spain on a secret pleasure and piratery
treasure island, where the victims, who had surrendered
themselves voluntarily to protect another holy soul's life
from being taken with a ritual knife, to the sheer sickening
pleasure of some rotten branches of the aristocracy -
but Jesus Christ made sure that all survived, after
the contract with the devil had run out and did one after
the other at them with all their crimes and sins even in
their dreams shout and let bounce back all their curses
and stupid spells, and now more than actually care to admit
and even less, who this share, wake up in the middle of the
night with their silent Munch screams and involuntarily
already confess and all to God tell, if He only reduces their
sentence -
but too much was their purposeful decadence and pestilence
and arrogance and yet another last death dance in trance -
all will be dealt with accordingly to the severity of their crimes
and sins, and they will all have to go to Canossa publicly
and not just before their kins, and will be cut off from Jesus Christ's
and Mary Magdala's family, whom they wanted all dead,
and put even poison into their croissant and bread and coffee
and tea courtesy of every single heretical criminally minded see
and not just a few also were buried anonymously or at sea,
or innocently put on trial and those, who claimed to be their
friends in good times for bribery, were at court of their friendship
in denial and of the truth in defiance, and had made with evil
their aliance and allegiance.
Not just God but all of His holy souls are sick and tired
of this evil lame game and they simply now hand back
to every name their long overdue own shame and blame
and the licence to kill and for diplomatic immunity and
impunity has also expired in God's heavenly kingdom
on earth, and in God's family there never did exist such
an exemption and exeption's list - as all are taken to task
on their deeds, and holy souls rather did die than to tell
with their last breath an evil lie and they also do not
on their neighbours spy but they do all evil by speaking
it out aloud defy.
But Jesus Christ does borrow their simply innocent and
very observant out of natural curiosity and joy about
God's perfect creation in every nation little eye, and
sees and hears everything also from a little sparrow
or seagull or as a falcon or owl and thus escapes
with Mary Magdala sometimes a bit narrow but unharmed
from every wolf, who with his bitch at the moon howl.
And God says: 'And, by the way, let's name him back
and put all his overdue on Saul, and dismiss
Paul and send to his own hell Peter and let them both
from their own snake's ladder fall, as they never ever
answered for telling the truth and nothing but the truth
my call, and instead crowned themselves in the bookshelves
and married secretly many an anabaptist Anti-Christ blackadder,
whilst they helped themselves through piratery and artificially
stirred up wars and crusades to evermore gems and bricks
and rocks - and ticking for their institutions of evil self-pompous
elocutions are now all the boardrooms of the world's clocks.
And I need to call my wife to wash me some borrowed socks, as
mine got ripped by a ritual knife by some bastard, who wanted
to grill me in piping hot lard but I escaped and he could only
resign and got arrested immediately and he confessed all
and that testimony is to the boardrooms and fake-bridegrooms
not at all benign - can the defendants of the top boardrooms,
please, at the dock align.'
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land
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Tuesday, 1 July 2014
A Deptford Ship makes a u-turn from a fascist skip and suddenly hands even over to Captain Kidd a stolen urn via a repentant dean of St Paul I, II, III and an archbishop from Dover, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A Deptford Ship makes a u-turn from a fascist skip and suddenly hands
even over to Captain Kidd a stolen urn via a repentant dean of St
Paul I, II, III and an archbishop from Dover,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A Deptford Ship makes a u-turn from a fascist skip and its captain,
Admiral Nelson, suddenly hands even over to Captain Kidd a stolen urn
via a repentant dean of St Paul I, II, III and a former archbishop
from Dover, and suddenly, even some Anabaptists from Muenster distance
themselves from going down in History Today as fascist empire
conspirators in a range rover in the bookshelves and hand back to
Captain Kidd also at the Canal Mary Magdala's wedding gown from one of
her more recent incarnations, cleansed from all their evil
incantantations, as they do not wish to end in a Zwinger nor as a
mandrake and hellbound spellsinger for the rest of eternity in their
evil confraternity.
Interesting, what happens, if the truth comes out at low tide, when
nobody can anything anymore in any shore hide but has the truth with
all its mud to confide and to clear up their mess and confess,
confess, confess.
And to the truth also the rest of history from the beginning of time
until today to readdress and to keep every book free of any crook and
free of sinning.
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even over to Captain Kidd a stolen urn via a repentant dean of St
Paul I, II, III and an archbishop from Dover,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
A Deptford Ship makes a u-turn from a fascist skip and its captain,
Admiral Nelson, suddenly hands even over to Captain Kidd a stolen urn
via a repentant dean of St Paul I, II, III and a former archbishop
from Dover, and suddenly, even some Anabaptists from Muenster distance
themselves from going down in History Today as fascist empire
conspirators in a range rover in the bookshelves and hand back to
Captain Kidd also at the Canal Mary Magdala's wedding gown from one of
her more recent incarnations, cleansed from all their evil
incantantations, as they do not wish to end in a Zwinger nor as a
mandrake and hellbound spellsinger for the rest of eternity in their
evil confraternity.
Interesting, what happens, if the truth comes out at low tide, when
nobody can anything anymore in any shore hide but has the truth with
all its mud to confide and to clear up their mess and confess,
confess, confess.
And to the truth also the rest of history from the beginning of time
until today to readdress and to keep every book free of any crook and
free of sinning.
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God says to the evil snakes:'My family no longer your crap takes and simply removes you from your own secret maps&lets you no longer linger around our hot water taps', by Mother Sigrid Eliora
God says to the evil snakes:'My family no longer your crap takes and
simply removes you from your own secret maps&lets you no longer linger
around our hot water taps',
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
God says to the evil snakes:'My family no longer your crap takes and
simply removes you from your own secret maps&lets you no longer linger
around our hot water taps,
and you cannot slither secretly away from your responsibility and
accountability and
your organised mass mishaps with poison and bites and murderous hits and
strangulations amongst all nations is also not subject to deniability by your
secret society, as you are one hell of a bunch of credit crunch fraudsters
and churchhouses maudsters and vicious and malicious and murderous female
and Eunuch hierarchy that has its common lame game total and utter anarchy,
so that you can employ your para-military mercenary strategy of cold war
equipment and loose cannons, with which you also shoot at the law of church
canons but you won't anymore in Deptford at St Paul's your piratery heretical
Guy Fawkes ship for your dark Lord toot, as the devil has put his lance through
his own foot.
You think De Beers piratery diamonds are your best friends? Well, think again,
as even your blackgold oystershell sponsors in the archbishopry suddenly
stand in the cold before autumn even in the summer and in the desert without
goldrush rain, and from me you get only evermore in every shore around every
corner my worst look at you crook with my utter disgust and disdain at your
unspeakable evil intent and lust.
You have not changed a bit, since you the first time against Eve and Adam hit
and you on their holy matrimony with your contempt for my perfect holy
creation through
their family of holy stars did spit! And it was you, who purposefully
my people through
manufactured artificially blasters into warzones split, although they
are the eternal
peaceloving family, who gets on anywhere with each other, as they are
all Adam and Eve's children and have known even me as their brother.
You beasts are simply troublemakers and evildoers, who don't want
peace and are getting
bored with my kind family - but let me tell you this, when you cannot
even see them any longer or not speak to them, when you see them,
because you towards them misbehaved
purposefully, you will those times unspeakably miss, when you still
had the chance in their holiness and selfless love to enhance your own
life, but you wanted to kill them for their truth and their true love
and holy matrimony and blessed voluntary celibacy and their good
fruits with your bloody ritual knife, and rather had your own evil
apostolic succession that disguised evil intercessions and curses
under blessings and after your prayers you sent your fascist doctors
and death nurses to inflict even more unnecessary pain on my family
of holy souls, only for you their money and property to gain, and then
you put on them with your own heresy and fouls on my holy souls on top
of your cone hat also your own character stain, although you had them
physically and by reputation in every nation, wherever possible most
brutally by a mercenary slain.
You know by now that whenever you even as much try as to attack them
anymore in their
sleep ever so deep, I simply shout out aloud without a laugh your name
and let a police officer in the street you greet with a scarecrow
'peep' and to his enforcement giving a beep!
And then, your whole devil's den will fall from your broken ladder
into your collective abbyss also under Wren and Brook ever so steep!
And you are in for a surprise, when you realise I was not the one, you
had down for my demise, as I pretended to be another brother, and
simply wore high heels to appear like him tall, and did in fact your
every unholy act in the church register even at St Paul's I and II
revise, and your sentencing
via churchhouse auditors devise, and I sacked almost all of your legal
advisors to the PCCs, as they have not exactly done you a favour under
their secret society cone, and
to you I return now also your every single stone -
and let me tell you this: 'When I am through with you legally, then
everybody will give your bloody diamond path with your horrid Henry
warriorking path a miss and back to all your fellow snakes a God
almighty hiss, and you will dread from any bishop a Jimmy Savile style
enforced Judas kiss that you did impose on my eternal family of the
Holy Rose, ye bastards in the shape and sizeof snakes and reptiles and
mandrakes - my family no longer your atombomb trailers on our
reputation in any nation takes and your foundations simply into dust
shakes by exposing, who has been where and when with whom against whom
in organised criminality, abuse and greed and lust and heresy
And your every handler from Westminster is now also on trial and no
longer of their own part in denial, as once too often they left their
poisonous phial behind and so, even the real law enforcement put them
now also regarding and concerning your role as mole through not just
the Deptford mill's grind but you also will have to explain, where you
when from whom with whom piratery treasures of St Chad and St
Etheldreda from the hands of a trusted few of old stole, who have had
an eye on your activities not just in Ely but also
in New Delhi.
You are one hell of a fascist wheel masterrace delusion and your way
of mind intrusion and foul language elocution paired with Cockney
porkypie execution and wighaired mindless recess into an unlawful and
illegal mess is not helping your case - and you are no longer having
immunity and impunity in your Deptford mill hill - as your victims
lived the beans with peaceful means also on you to spill, and you
cannot pretend that you are ill or insane or frail, as you are fit to
travel offshore and to sign yet another contract and pact with evil
under your name and that of your legend but in your handwriting that
you also left in the fitness studio and also at a luxurious
restaurant's till to pay with a blanco church cheque your bill - does
that, my dearie, a little fear finally of me instill?! Remember: YOU
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simply removes you from your own secret maps&lets you no longer linger
around our hot water taps',
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
God says to the evil snakes:'My family no longer your crap takes and
simply removes you from your own secret maps&lets you no longer linger
around our hot water taps,
and you cannot slither secretly away from your responsibility and
accountability and
your organised mass mishaps with poison and bites and murderous hits and
strangulations amongst all nations is also not subject to deniability by your
secret society, as you are one hell of a bunch of credit crunch fraudsters
and churchhouses maudsters and vicious and malicious and murderous female
and Eunuch hierarchy that has its common lame game total and utter anarchy,
so that you can employ your para-military mercenary strategy of cold war
equipment and loose cannons, with which you also shoot at the law of church
canons but you won't anymore in Deptford at St Paul's your piratery heretical
Guy Fawkes ship for your dark Lord toot, as the devil has put his lance through
his own foot.
You think De Beers piratery diamonds are your best friends? Well, think again,
as even your blackgold oystershell sponsors in the archbishopry suddenly
stand in the cold before autumn even in the summer and in the desert without
goldrush rain, and from me you get only evermore in every shore around every
corner my worst look at you crook with my utter disgust and disdain at your
unspeakable evil intent and lust.
You have not changed a bit, since you the first time against Eve and Adam hit
and you on their holy matrimony with your contempt for my perfect holy
creation through
their family of holy stars did spit! And it was you, who purposefully
my people through
manufactured artificially blasters into warzones split, although they
are the eternal
peaceloving family, who gets on anywhere with each other, as they are
all Adam and Eve's children and have known even me as their brother.
You beasts are simply troublemakers and evildoers, who don't want
peace and are getting
bored with my kind family - but let me tell you this, when you cannot
even see them any longer or not speak to them, when you see them,
because you towards them misbehaved
purposefully, you will those times unspeakably miss, when you still
had the chance in their holiness and selfless love to enhance your own
life, but you wanted to kill them for their truth and their true love
and holy matrimony and blessed voluntary celibacy and their good
fruits with your bloody ritual knife, and rather had your own evil
apostolic succession that disguised evil intercessions and curses
under blessings and after your prayers you sent your fascist doctors
and death nurses to inflict even more unnecessary pain on my family
of holy souls, only for you their money and property to gain, and then
you put on them with your own heresy and fouls on my holy souls on top
of your cone hat also your own character stain, although you had them
physically and by reputation in every nation, wherever possible most
brutally by a mercenary slain.
You know by now that whenever you even as much try as to attack them
anymore in their
sleep ever so deep, I simply shout out aloud without a laugh your name
and let a police officer in the street you greet with a scarecrow
'peep' and to his enforcement giving a beep!
And then, your whole devil's den will fall from your broken ladder
into your collective abbyss also under Wren and Brook ever so steep!
And you are in for a surprise, when you realise I was not the one, you
had down for my demise, as I pretended to be another brother, and
simply wore high heels to appear like him tall, and did in fact your
every unholy act in the church register even at St Paul's I and II
revise, and your sentencing
via churchhouse auditors devise, and I sacked almost all of your legal
advisors to the PCCs, as they have not exactly done you a favour under
their secret society cone, and
to you I return now also your every single stone -
and let me tell you this: 'When I am through with you legally, then
everybody will give your bloody diamond path with your horrid Henry
warriorking path a miss and back to all your fellow snakes a God
almighty hiss, and you will dread from any bishop a Jimmy Savile style
enforced Judas kiss that you did impose on my eternal family of the
Holy Rose, ye bastards in the shape and sizeof snakes and reptiles and
mandrakes - my family no longer your atombomb trailers on our
reputation in any nation takes and your foundations simply into dust
shakes by exposing, who has been where and when with whom against whom
in organised criminality, abuse and greed and lust and heresy
And your every handler from Westminster is now also on trial and no
longer of their own part in denial, as once too often they left their
poisonous phial behind and so, even the real law enforcement put them
now also regarding and concerning your role as mole through not just
the Deptford mill's grind but you also will have to explain, where you
when from whom with whom piratery treasures of St Chad and St
Etheldreda from the hands of a trusted few of old stole, who have had
an eye on your activities not just in Ely but also
in New Delhi.
You are one hell of a fascist wheel masterrace delusion and your way
of mind intrusion and foul language elocution paired with Cockney
porkypie execution and wighaired mindless recess into an unlawful and
illegal mess is not helping your case - and you are no longer having
immunity and impunity in your Deptford mill hill - as your victims
lived the beans with peaceful means also on you to spill, and you
cannot pretend that you are ill or insane or frail, as you are fit to
travel offshore and to sign yet another contract and pact with evil
under your name and that of your legend but in your handwriting that
you also left in the fitness studio and also at a luxurious
restaurant's till to pay with a blanco church cheque your bill - does
that, my dearie, a little fear finally of me instill?! Remember: YOU
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Casino Cardinale Mortale, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Casino Cardinale Mortale,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jesus Christ says to the cardinals: 'You want to dance with my wife's truth
to her tune for your life, Monsignores?! Then surrender first your
ritual knife, then you
admit to your every planned on us hit, and then with your every devil's den
that you set up strategically between Rome and Dover all over, not just
under the roof of Brook or Wren or in a building of Foster and with interior
design that does with your desire to kill align and is never benign but spooky
to say the least, you stop your every black mass and orgy and heretical feast,
and you confess your every sin and crime and clear up visibly and audibly
your every mess voluntarily!
You know by now only too well that I did her all that she needed to know
for her own security and protection about your organised criminality tell
and that I broke your every single against us and our holy souls' spell,
and meanwhile not even oyster and shell can afford your liability anymore
in any shore, as you are one hell of fascist and Anti-Christ and anabaptist
and terrorist structure responsibility even for your ancient standards
and flags,
that were always secretly run by the masterrace obsession wheel and your
delusion and greed for power and lust, and you have brought it upon yourself
with one gamble and shamble too many that you go now publicly with your
money spinning schemes bust, and your war and whoremongering across
the multi-nationals' boards and countries, where just any of you secretly
gambles and sells out and keeps blackhole taxation hidden and piratery
treasures hoards.
And once too often one of you boastingly did to Virgin Islands with a
at the cost of lives lost on a Virgin Transatlantic board and forgot to clear up
your mess of your ritual knives afterwards even on hospital wards, where
you danced your tango mortale and went before your last round with
your bloodhound
for billionaires' raffle rewards in many a casino royale before you returned
in disguise under vestments and mitra or skullcap or hat again to your rotten
corrupt shore to bring back some more stolen treasures for your local babylonian
whore and your secret wife, who was already getting nervous at your delay,
as you did a stopover on the way to Rome via Dover -
and had a little chat with yet another famous actor and musician, whom you
recruited as a bat, and who were ever so useful to your and your favourite
monasteries of evil with their torture skills and their black magic
frills, and had
them demonstrate the effects of sounds and tones and gestures and pretend
terror methodology that they learnt in the Tibetan monastery with whom you
secretly also collaborate but not all monks on senior level did let
you into their
secrets, as too much money they wanted from you and your latest recruits of
fame were more easily satisfied with the promise that they could just take a
pick from your witches's covens' honours list dames, and you added simply
also to the next suggestion of dubious honours their names for a reward,
should they succeed and win the trust of my wife to ask her to coach them
in a critical state of their life, so that eventually they could stab her or me
with their ritual knife.
But by now you know that I always took her, even in separation, always
by her hand and in my strife, as I am always in her, around her, behind her,
above her, below her, next to her, and she is the apple of my eye, whilst
I even all over the world and even in the sky simultaneously without any
needed electronic equipment with my whole family of holy souls on your
fouls spy, and thus, we were able to undo your every fable and prove you
guilty of your every crime, sin and lie, and you have a hard time now even
to your pope and to the other cardinals your trance visions to deny, as they
have also confessed that they like you messed, and even your anabaptist
wives long guessed that you are one hell of a liar and unholy friar.
And I warned my wife not to touch ground in any of your monasteries,
as I knew that you would try to kill her even in the pew, and I have had
of your threats and maltreats more than enough and get now with the
facts of your unholy acts also in the courts on you tough without the
need on you to get rough - but make no mistake, we do no longer
from you any bullshit nor any hit take, and you are under observation
with every step you do, and not just by worldly authorities but also
by all of our heavenly family partly in the unseen worlds and partly
on earth, and we know exactly, when you put poison into what in our
kitchen hearth.
And we also know, who are your conspirators and mercenary terminators
that you send us on our way, as the likes of you pikes were always going
from all of God's law astray and you always did our trust betray!
But you see, now even the blind can see, and the deaf hear so much
about you, that they no longer you fear but feel God's outcry in their ear
and bones, and will make you take off your head your secret society cone
by returning to you with one look your every stone and make you and yours
burn in your own hell and my fiery wheel of purification that you from them
did their human dignity and truth and life want to take and they did survive
your every attack with your ritual knife and did the truth about you
tell in every
You think that I would really that low sink that I would with you and your popes
in the Vatican or in your dependance of fascist lore in the Anglican shore also
your Judas poison from your stolen St Chad cup drink and let myself of your
Satanistic sulphur stink and how dare you to accuse St Etheldreda of heresy,
when she had to endure our life-long separation for the sake of the
one holy nation
in that incarnation, although she was joined to me by God as my
eternal wife, and
we both suffered unspeakably with our extended family that we could
not officially
spend together as husband and wife and parents then our life.
You have played in one too many incarnations of ours with our lives your casino
card and chessboard game and wanted again an October revolution with your
heretical and criminal organisation and tacky pompous elocution sealed by your
evil grin and by committing under our names with your own unholy dames every
kind of sin to give us your own blames and shames - but we lived to return them
all to you and put wrong right and end your most unholy fight and survived your
every attack, and you no longer successfully into our accounts
unpunishedly hack,
as you are mo watched now by somebody, who is above your skills and not by
any of you in holiness and creativeness matched!!!
And you know only too well that I have barely publicly the surface of
your rotten
organisation and heretical institution scratched, and have not even started yet
to expose your every beast and reptile that you with the Tibetans also hatched
for your fascist empire lore in your every ditch shore all over the
world, including
a Dover answering priory with underground torture facility - and, by
the way, I have
changed the codes for its security. By the way, I have insider
information that you
are also involved in a plot that would put you in many a monarchy also for high
treason on the spot, so that the United Nations would like to see you removed
from your status of diplomatic immunity and impunity not just for your
systematic abuse in many countries, but also for assisted euthanasia,
in elite Catholic schools and fascist terrorist networksbuilding in
your universities
and grooming of minors and young women and men into organised
prostitution for your promiscuous holy matrimony opposed institution,
and for all sorts of organised criminality
and war and whoremongering and piratery to name but a few reasons for your
eon old high treasons, and there are now accumulating the witness statements
and testimonials standing up for court trial and ready to go live to
put finally back to
your own name the shame and blame you attached to God and me and my wife -
and there won't be a deal via a royal charter or seal and no exception
for you under
the Magna Carta - if you think for one moment you can still get away
us and our truth to kill, then you are in with a surprise for your
every evil den and thought, as your own
blacksmith confessed that you had your intended crimes even for future
in iron wrought - and we actually many of you in flagranti in the act
caught, and prevented
thus many a mercenary mass onslaught! You have no idea or conception
yet of what
awaits you, once I awaken in you your conscience and of God fear, and
I just laugh
out aloud, when you shed your self-pity crocodile tear, as we had more
than enough
experience of that, when we each of you did as wolves shear and with
the last black
wool came out also a bat, and none of you anymore in any shore any kind of crime
by yourself to destroy your own evidence for your pestilence resolves
as some kind
of Father Brown under a hood, and the inspectors of our police do also
not accept
any kind of water from you nor your poisoned food! Is that understood?!
My law enforcement comes in without being announced and your bribery money,
by the way to my agency's account, was officially registered and in your records
bounced and the Casino Cardinale Mortale of the Vaticano is now also closed, as
it definitely in its own obsession with church banking also in the
Anglican shore
via an offshore blackhole oil and diamond and gold mole in the archbishopry in
his own cocaine around his little brain overdosed, and even in
Westminster Cathedral
is not everybody, what he seems, and has replaced the poison with lemonade for
the former bishop, who with it the sunflowers hosed in the secret
garden. And my heart
for you lot does at this moment and forevermore harden and you are officially
sentenced with your whole rotten shore by me, Jesus Christ, the Son of
God begotten!
El Eljon Jesus Christ YAHWEH I AM WHO I AM
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Jesus Christ says to the cardinals: 'You want to dance with my wife's truth
to her tune for your life, Monsignores?! Then surrender first your
ritual knife, then you
admit to your every planned on us hit, and then with your every devil's den
that you set up strategically between Rome and Dover all over, not just
under the roof of Brook or Wren or in a building of Foster and with interior
design that does with your desire to kill align and is never benign but spooky
to say the least, you stop your every black mass and orgy and heretical feast,
and you confess your every sin and crime and clear up visibly and audibly
your every mess voluntarily!
You know by now only too well that I did her all that she needed to know
for her own security and protection about your organised criminality tell
and that I broke your every single against us and our holy souls' spell,
and meanwhile not even oyster and shell can afford your liability anymore
in any shore, as you are one hell of fascist and Anti-Christ and anabaptist
and terrorist structure responsibility even for your ancient standards
and flags,
that were always secretly run by the masterrace obsession wheel and your
delusion and greed for power and lust, and you have brought it upon yourself
with one gamble and shamble too many that you go now publicly with your
money spinning schemes bust, and your war and whoremongering across
the multi-nationals' boards and countries, where just any of you secretly
gambles and sells out and keeps blackhole taxation hidden and piratery
treasures hoards.
And once too often one of you boastingly did to Virgin Islands with a
at the cost of lives lost on a Virgin Transatlantic board and forgot to clear up
your mess of your ritual knives afterwards even on hospital wards, where
you danced your tango mortale and went before your last round with
your bloodhound
for billionaires' raffle rewards in many a casino royale before you returned
in disguise under vestments and mitra or skullcap or hat again to your rotten
corrupt shore to bring back some more stolen treasures for your local babylonian
whore and your secret wife, who was already getting nervous at your delay,
as you did a stopover on the way to Rome via Dover -
and had a little chat with yet another famous actor and musician, whom you
recruited as a bat, and who were ever so useful to your and your favourite
monasteries of evil with their torture skills and their black magic
frills, and had
them demonstrate the effects of sounds and tones and gestures and pretend
terror methodology that they learnt in the Tibetan monastery with whom you
secretly also collaborate but not all monks on senior level did let
you into their
secrets, as too much money they wanted from you and your latest recruits of
fame were more easily satisfied with the promise that they could just take a
pick from your witches's covens' honours list dames, and you added simply
also to the next suggestion of dubious honours their names for a reward,
should they succeed and win the trust of my wife to ask her to coach them
in a critical state of their life, so that eventually they could stab her or me
with their ritual knife.
But by now you know that I always took her, even in separation, always
by her hand and in my strife, as I am always in her, around her, behind her,
above her, below her, next to her, and she is the apple of my eye, whilst
I even all over the world and even in the sky simultaneously without any
needed electronic equipment with my whole family of holy souls on your
fouls spy, and thus, we were able to undo your every fable and prove you
guilty of your every crime, sin and lie, and you have a hard time now even
to your pope and to the other cardinals your trance visions to deny, as they
have also confessed that they like you messed, and even your anabaptist
wives long guessed that you are one hell of a liar and unholy friar.
And I warned my wife not to touch ground in any of your monasteries,
as I knew that you would try to kill her even in the pew, and I have had
of your threats and maltreats more than enough and get now with the
facts of your unholy acts also in the courts on you tough without the
need on you to get rough - but make no mistake, we do no longer
from you any bullshit nor any hit take, and you are under observation
with every step you do, and not just by worldly authorities but also
by all of our heavenly family partly in the unseen worlds and partly
on earth, and we know exactly, when you put poison into what in our
kitchen hearth.
And we also know, who are your conspirators and mercenary terminators
that you send us on our way, as the likes of you pikes were always going
from all of God's law astray and you always did our trust betray!
But you see, now even the blind can see, and the deaf hear so much
about you, that they no longer you fear but feel God's outcry in their ear
and bones, and will make you take off your head your secret society cone
by returning to you with one look your every stone and make you and yours
burn in your own hell and my fiery wheel of purification that you from them
did their human dignity and truth and life want to take and they did survive
your every attack with your ritual knife and did the truth about you
tell in every
You think that I would really that low sink that I would with you and your popes
in the Vatican or in your dependance of fascist lore in the Anglican shore also
your Judas poison from your stolen St Chad cup drink and let myself of your
Satanistic sulphur stink and how dare you to accuse St Etheldreda of heresy,
when she had to endure our life-long separation for the sake of the
one holy nation
in that incarnation, although she was joined to me by God as my
eternal wife, and
we both suffered unspeakably with our extended family that we could
not officially
spend together as husband and wife and parents then our life.
You have played in one too many incarnations of ours with our lives your casino
card and chessboard game and wanted again an October revolution with your
heretical and criminal organisation and tacky pompous elocution sealed by your
evil grin and by committing under our names with your own unholy dames every
kind of sin to give us your own blames and shames - but we lived to return them
all to you and put wrong right and end your most unholy fight and survived your
every attack, and you no longer successfully into our accounts
unpunishedly hack,
as you are mo watched now by somebody, who is above your skills and not by
any of you in holiness and creativeness matched!!!
And you know only too well that I have barely publicly the surface of
your rotten
organisation and heretical institution scratched, and have not even started yet
to expose your every beast and reptile that you with the Tibetans also hatched
for your fascist empire lore in your every ditch shore all over the
world, including
a Dover answering priory with underground torture facility - and, by
the way, I have
changed the codes for its security. By the way, I have insider
information that you
are also involved in a plot that would put you in many a monarchy also for high
treason on the spot, so that the United Nations would like to see you removed
from your status of diplomatic immunity and impunity not just for your
systematic abuse in many countries, but also for assisted euthanasia,
in elite Catholic schools and fascist terrorist networksbuilding in
your universities
and grooming of minors and young women and men into organised
prostitution for your promiscuous holy matrimony opposed institution,
and for all sorts of organised criminality
and war and whoremongering and piratery to name but a few reasons for your
eon old high treasons, and there are now accumulating the witness statements
and testimonials standing up for court trial and ready to go live to
put finally back to
your own name the shame and blame you attached to God and me and my wife -
and there won't be a deal via a royal charter or seal and no exception
for you under
the Magna Carta - if you think for one moment you can still get away
us and our truth to kill, then you are in with a surprise for your
every evil den and thought, as your own
blacksmith confessed that you had your intended crimes even for future
in iron wrought - and we actually many of you in flagranti in the act
caught, and prevented
thus many a mercenary mass onslaught! You have no idea or conception
yet of what
awaits you, once I awaken in you your conscience and of God fear, and
I just laugh
out aloud, when you shed your self-pity crocodile tear, as we had more
than enough
experience of that, when we each of you did as wolves shear and with
the last black
wool came out also a bat, and none of you anymore in any shore any kind of crime
by yourself to destroy your own evidence for your pestilence resolves
as some kind
of Father Brown under a hood, and the inspectors of our police do also
not accept
any kind of water from you nor your poisoned food! Is that understood?!
My law enforcement comes in without being announced and your bribery money,
by the way to my agency's account, was officially registered and in your records
bounced and the Casino Cardinale Mortale of the Vaticano is now also closed, as
it definitely in its own obsession with church banking also in the
Anglican shore
via an offshore blackhole oil and diamond and gold mole in the archbishopry in
his own cocaine around his little brain overdosed, and even in
Westminster Cathedral
is not everybody, what he seems, and has replaced the poison with lemonade for
the former bishop, who with it the sunflowers hosed in the secret
garden. And my heart
for you lot does at this moment and forevermore harden and you are officially
sentenced with your whole rotten shore by me, Jesus Christ, the Son of
God begotten!
El Eljon Jesus Christ YAHWEH I AM WHO I AM
Round Table Boardrooms seem to decide, who with whom in the churches from the lurches plays bride and bridegroom, and who gets to steal and sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heirloom, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Round Table Boardrooms seem to decide, who with whom in the churches
from the lurches plays bride and bridegroom, and who gets to steal and
sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heirloom,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Round Table Boardrooms of multi-national corporations seem even to
decide, who with whom in the churches from the lurches gets to play
bride and bridegrooms,
and who gets to steal and sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's
heirloom, and who gets a special deal and insider-information to share
on blackgold oil and arms and diamonds from De Beers and all sorts
of special medicines that cause to whole countries not just harms but
are intended to wipe them wholly out, so that easily can be taken over
by some fake-archbishopry from Dover and some puppet papal hierarchy
with secretly worshipping a Madonna by name as the babylonian Guy
Fawkes whore also financed by the round table vault in Rome, also the
oil and gold and diamond sources and financed the biggest anarchy that
will give an
excuse to the fascist fourth empire strategy to take over the world
with the help of all sorts
of mercenary and para-military hierarchy -
is it any wonder, that to these kind of adulterous, promiscuous,
blasphemous and mammon worshipping self-pompous white collars decides
also who has to groom already children already for their future
fascist empire role and who will be their slave and mole courtesy of
the secret societies' infiltrators in social science and social care,
and as churchwardens and PCCs are answerable only to bishopry they can
be relied on to do as they are told, as they are handsomely paid for
their services rendered and x-amounts of spare sets of sensitive keys
for all sorts of secret societies, and they arrange even paedophilia
in big style and drugs supplies for thugs and mercenary spies, who
only ever walk for bribery money and property for themselves the
extra-mile with their invented lies and fouls about holy souls, who
are in their way, and they also do to climb up to the highest top of
the snake's ladder unblushingly human life individually and
collectively slay and even the trust
of their own family and friends for sheer greed betray.
And how many a fascist Maria hears her name already in every shore
celebrated with the Roman empire greeting 'AVE' - after one too many
bottle of most expensive Tuscany Soave. And suddenly a liability but
in clear visibility and no way out of deniability becomes to a whole
boardroom industry and Vatican the connection also to media and music
and film and to the Argentina crocodile tears a singer inventing
herself first as Lesbian Jewish demoness, then as Evita as Catholic
Argentine Clementine snake and fake-saint and then again as Jewish
female rabbi to sell her cursed merchandise also in connection with
international concert agents, who rather had a good profit from her
use of them as d'argent provocateurs in the underworldly and Brown
connections and whatnot organised sex trade and gambling and war and
whoremongering beasts inflations under her direction -
and suddenly what once seemed so easy to achieve under the umbrella of
papal and other multi-national boardroom funded and conspired
heretical lore spread purposefully by just any willing babylonian
whore has proven too much for some of them, and they suddenly in
paranoia and madness all confess, as they took the heavenly vision of
marble and gold and gems for real, and hoped that if they the truth
kill they can have the real big deal -
the one that Barbarossa mentioned and invented actually with some
rabbis of the day and some imams, who were all with him on the path
free of wrath and peace, and they simply used the allegory of the
story of the chariot and sent in the letter to the then pope their
biggest ever test - and to this very day the Jesuits and Benedictines
and Franciscans and all sorts of orders and fake-knights' hoarders
across the borders abuse their system of finance and credit and
monasteries for their ongoing organised criminalities and under all
sorts of heresies that they themselves not even believe - but even a
former archbishop and pope and future ones will one day grieve, when
back at them come all their stones and fouls that they threw at holy
souls under secret society cones from the pulpit and the pew and from
pyramid glass roofs with their devil's and Pan hoofs.
And their lame game is neither new nor can hide from the real law
enforcement now their every crew, as they are only actually left of
the holy ones in high positions very few, and those, who are holy,
point their finger at the evildoers and blow out the fire of the
cauldrons and pour out the evil boardroom stews and into the temples
of mammon worship sets suddenly in and lingers doom and gloom and
whispers are going around that Jesus Christ has with His special
agency for justice and law entered also their grounds to take to task
with their real face under their mask every bloodhound, and He already
all in evidence, what He needed found and can prove all their
pestilence and decadence, and He wipes out their arrogance and shows
His disgust and their disgrace into their face.
And no estate agent multi-national anymore in any shore unnoticedly
and unchallengedly and unpunishedly whole properties even in councils
to their fake-undercover spies lets, so that they can spread about
holy souls lies and throw at them fouls. As one too many of them did
wake up with a poisoned cup in the field, and no longer is a woman or
man made cushy by international immunity and impunity but has to stand
trial and can no longer be for their organised criminality in denial,
as found on their ground was also many a poisonous or viral phial, and
witnesses and victims alike have testified to various degrees of evil
deeds for the multi-national fees and for having spread purposefully
the wrong and heretical creeds and bribed journalists even with
endless supplies of weeds.
And, of course, to come back to the multi-national boardroom infiltration
and penetration and affiliation and association with all sorts of
secret societies within the Anglican and Vatican church hierarchies:
It is so easy to see and retrace the lines of all the wolves and
swines in their gradual
poisoning of the mass wines in every corrupt see, and who has with whom made
a deal on how to harm holy men and women systematically, so that they with
black magic curses would not from their scars heal or to kill off
their friends and
family or themselves, and to wipe out their e-mail contacts entirely,
and to enlist the help of some cashstricken or every greedy aristocracy
and voila, the boardrooms enlisted also the likes of infiltrator pikes
of the old
Anglo-Catholic structure, of whom each meanwhile elsewhere hitchhikes
and no wonder, that their bishopry was doomed from the beginning with
purposefully orchestrated pseudo-sinning, as the bishops sank so low
even on their priests false fame to bestow and murderous spells and
all kinds of spiked drinks and involuntary drugs hells - quite some thugs
in vestments, who pretend the truth and Her Majesty a hand to lend
on Sunday morn but the rest of the week they rather subscribe to gambling,
whoring and porn and October revolution before the next Guy Fawkes' night -
but this time there won't be saving them their elocution, as out of the cage
is God's rage for truth and justice and peace and He will this time bring down
simply with the facts of most unholy notorious organised criminal acts
with the law alone, and simply hand back publicly and entirely unexpectedly
the evil hierarchies' every spell. And who is to say that the truth can only
be published by the corrupted media - it is better in the hands of the innocent
and meek, as they are righteous and not at all weak, and even a baby
can cry and prevent its parents from a lie or from committing fraud or
a murder and knows, who is her or his heavenly true mother and father
and rather escapes barefeet out of a pram to them, and eats even as a
former enforced vegan with their eternal holy father and mother eggs
and ham or steak - as once too often have the babies' or children's
birth father and mother shown also towards them their evil streak
and have frightened them with a hammer, when wearing a beak,
and have threatened them with torture or death, should they dare
to share the truth about their evil associations in all nations.
And it is not just the infiltration of the dioceses but also the evildoers'
abuse of spiritual gifts in the bishopry and apostolic Judas succession
in every nation that purposefully stirs up with bribery and threats
and false promises artificial rifts, so that strategically a whole country
would not make for peace any shifts.
Once too often, one too many, and in the end of all the sandcastles
won't stand anymore in any shore any!!!
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from the lurches plays bride and bridegroom, and who gets to steal and
sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heirloom,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Round Table Boardrooms of multi-national corporations seem even to
decide, who with whom in the churches from the lurches gets to play
bride and bridegrooms,
and who gets to steal and sell on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's
heirloom, and who gets a special deal and insider-information to share
on blackgold oil and arms and diamonds from De Beers and all sorts
of special medicines that cause to whole countries not just harms but
are intended to wipe them wholly out, so that easily can be taken over
by some fake-archbishopry from Dover and some puppet papal hierarchy
with secretly worshipping a Madonna by name as the babylonian Guy
Fawkes whore also financed by the round table vault in Rome, also the
oil and gold and diamond sources and financed the biggest anarchy that
will give an
excuse to the fascist fourth empire strategy to take over the world
with the help of all sorts
of mercenary and para-military hierarchy -
is it any wonder, that to these kind of adulterous, promiscuous,
blasphemous and mammon worshipping self-pompous white collars decides
also who has to groom already children already for their future
fascist empire role and who will be their slave and mole courtesy of
the secret societies' infiltrators in social science and social care,
and as churchwardens and PCCs are answerable only to bishopry they can
be relied on to do as they are told, as they are handsomely paid for
their services rendered and x-amounts of spare sets of sensitive keys
for all sorts of secret societies, and they arrange even paedophilia
in big style and drugs supplies for thugs and mercenary spies, who
only ever walk for bribery money and property for themselves the
extra-mile with their invented lies and fouls about holy souls, who
are in their way, and they also do to climb up to the highest top of
the snake's ladder unblushingly human life individually and
collectively slay and even the trust
of their own family and friends for sheer greed betray.
And how many a fascist Maria hears her name already in every shore
celebrated with the Roman empire greeting 'AVE' - after one too many
bottle of most expensive Tuscany Soave. And suddenly a liability but
in clear visibility and no way out of deniability becomes to a whole
boardroom industry and Vatican the connection also to media and music
and film and to the Argentina crocodile tears a singer inventing
herself first as Lesbian Jewish demoness, then as Evita as Catholic
Argentine Clementine snake and fake-saint and then again as Jewish
female rabbi to sell her cursed merchandise also in connection with
international concert agents, who rather had a good profit from her
use of them as d'argent provocateurs in the underworldly and Brown
connections and whatnot organised sex trade and gambling and war and
whoremongering beasts inflations under her direction -
and suddenly what once seemed so easy to achieve under the umbrella of
papal and other multi-national boardroom funded and conspired
heretical lore spread purposefully by just any willing babylonian
whore has proven too much for some of them, and they suddenly in
paranoia and madness all confess, as they took the heavenly vision of
marble and gold and gems for real, and hoped that if they the truth
kill they can have the real big deal -
the one that Barbarossa mentioned and invented actually with some
rabbis of the day and some imams, who were all with him on the path
free of wrath and peace, and they simply used the allegory of the
story of the chariot and sent in the letter to the then pope their
biggest ever test - and to this very day the Jesuits and Benedictines
and Franciscans and all sorts of orders and fake-knights' hoarders
across the borders abuse their system of finance and credit and
monasteries for their ongoing organised criminalities and under all
sorts of heresies that they themselves not even believe - but even a
former archbishop and pope and future ones will one day grieve, when
back at them come all their stones and fouls that they threw at holy
souls under secret society cones from the pulpit and the pew and from
pyramid glass roofs with their devil's and Pan hoofs.
And their lame game is neither new nor can hide from the real law
enforcement now their every crew, as they are only actually left of
the holy ones in high positions very few, and those, who are holy,
point their finger at the evildoers and blow out the fire of the
cauldrons and pour out the evil boardroom stews and into the temples
of mammon worship sets suddenly in and lingers doom and gloom and
whispers are going around that Jesus Christ has with His special
agency for justice and law entered also their grounds to take to task
with their real face under their mask every bloodhound, and He already
all in evidence, what He needed found and can prove all their
pestilence and decadence, and He wipes out their arrogance and shows
His disgust and their disgrace into their face.
And no estate agent multi-national anymore in any shore unnoticedly
and unchallengedly and unpunishedly whole properties even in councils
to their fake-undercover spies lets, so that they can spread about
holy souls lies and throw at them fouls. As one too many of them did
wake up with a poisoned cup in the field, and no longer is a woman or
man made cushy by international immunity and impunity but has to stand
trial and can no longer be for their organised criminality in denial,
as found on their ground was also many a poisonous or viral phial, and
witnesses and victims alike have testified to various degrees of evil
deeds for the multi-national fees and for having spread purposefully
the wrong and heretical creeds and bribed journalists even with
endless supplies of weeds.
And, of course, to come back to the multi-national boardroom infiltration
and penetration and affiliation and association with all sorts of
secret societies within the Anglican and Vatican church hierarchies:
It is so easy to see and retrace the lines of all the wolves and
swines in their gradual
poisoning of the mass wines in every corrupt see, and who has with whom made
a deal on how to harm holy men and women systematically, so that they with
black magic curses would not from their scars heal or to kill off
their friends and
family or themselves, and to wipe out their e-mail contacts entirely,
and to enlist the help of some cashstricken or every greedy aristocracy
and voila, the boardrooms enlisted also the likes of infiltrator pikes
of the old
Anglo-Catholic structure, of whom each meanwhile elsewhere hitchhikes
and no wonder, that their bishopry was doomed from the beginning with
purposefully orchestrated pseudo-sinning, as the bishops sank so low
even on their priests false fame to bestow and murderous spells and
all kinds of spiked drinks and involuntary drugs hells - quite some thugs
in vestments, who pretend the truth and Her Majesty a hand to lend
on Sunday morn but the rest of the week they rather subscribe to gambling,
whoring and porn and October revolution before the next Guy Fawkes' night -
but this time there won't be saving them their elocution, as out of the cage
is God's rage for truth and justice and peace and He will this time bring down
simply with the facts of most unholy notorious organised criminal acts
with the law alone, and simply hand back publicly and entirely unexpectedly
the evil hierarchies' every spell. And who is to say that the truth can only
be published by the corrupted media - it is better in the hands of the innocent
and meek, as they are righteous and not at all weak, and even a baby
can cry and prevent its parents from a lie or from committing fraud or
a murder and knows, who is her or his heavenly true mother and father
and rather escapes barefeet out of a pram to them, and eats even as a
former enforced vegan with their eternal holy father and mother eggs
and ham or steak - as once too often have the babies' or children's
birth father and mother shown also towards them their evil streak
and have frightened them with a hammer, when wearing a beak,
and have threatened them with torture or death, should they dare
to share the truth about their evil associations in all nations.
And it is not just the infiltration of the dioceses but also the evildoers'
abuse of spiritual gifts in the bishopry and apostolic Judas succession
in every nation that purposefully stirs up with bribery and threats
and false promises artificial rifts, so that strategically a whole country
would not make for peace any shifts.
Once too often, one too many, and in the end of all the sandcastles
won't stand anymore in any shore any!!!
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