Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Saturday 31 May 2014

'It's Pentecost', says the inner circle of the parish council board, 'who has the keys lost?!', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'It's Pentecost', says the inner circle of the parish council board,
'who has the keys lost?!',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'It's Pentecost', says the inner circle of the parish council board,
'who has the keys lost?! The bishop suddenly wants to know, and he was
in panic called by the archbishop and churchhouse and every diocese
between Anglican and Roman see suddenly play with us cat and mouse -
is that the thanks that we let in their Westminster inner thinktanks
at night, so that they can blame on us now their own shame and even
attach their victims' blood to our name, as they had here quite a
number of lives inexplicably after their secret black masses and
orgies and notorieties lost, and we had to pay also for their funeral
directors, who are all organised undertakers, who can make look a
priest like a spook and even us like a crook and who are actually
actors and former stunts, who are professional piety fakers.

And now even our own vicar is on our back and says that we did steal
from him and into his accounts hack, and the donations for the jumble
sale stack. And that he has proof that we also each had a key and sold
even for bribery and property a place under his roof, when we thought
he was on holiday or on a retreat - okay, then, let's admit that we
also had a part in accomodating in this devils' den his and his wife's
murderous hit, and that we smeared them with the help of the priory
with our own bullshit and invented also all sorts of slander to give
them a bad name, and, yes, we wanted at the expense at their lives
cost get some impunity bespoken fame with our community by setting
each up our own secret society - after all, the very top of the church
hierarchy has done the same and wants now us for their lame game blame
and no longer shelter us under their diplomatic immunity, as they say
that it was us, who were responsible for the fabric of the building
and that we signed, admittedly, many a blanko cheque also for
ourselves and put purposefully all sorts of heresy in the bookshelves,
and let the vicar bless at the Christmas do Satan and his elves.

But to now also tell us from the pulpit that we are plain criminals
and fascists and witches and have to accept our punishment for that we
wanted him slain and that we put on him numerous and at every
opportunity even in the wider community a character stain is really
hard to believe - at least we pretended with him at the loss of many
an innocent life's loss to grieve and we were not bad faking even our
piety and laid hand on even with out of hours illegal undertaking -
but we have done so under the promise of impunity, as the church
hierarchy and the priory told us we are trustworthy and would be
rewarded well, if we simply continued lies to tell, and to put on the
whole area a spell and to keep out all official spies and prevent the
vicar from ringing as an alarm or for communication the bell.

We only did all these horrid things because we were led to believe we
serve our country, when we accept even property of ex-military land
for bribery and build a secret village for the Fourth Reich fascist
elite, to which we also belong - after all, there was even some
royalty supposedly, who made the whole community with their occasional
visit look evermore growing strong, even with a churchhouse property
consultant and her wider family pulling the strings through their
secret computer manipulation and as physical mayor and mercenary
police and spynet - of which we are also a part! And we thought we
were officially acting as deputy and could simply, when East London
comes down make in our little secret villages, of which we have little
models in the Sundayschool in the church hall, a new start.

And now the vicar tells us, that he has received real arresting powers
by the real authorities and that he has only stayed on, so that they
could to the last one expose every con and hand us all over in one big
news blast from Rome to Dover, and that we would not be given even if
we now confessed a relief deal! And he also wants us to say sorry to
our 'victims', so that their souls and his can heal!

Can you imagine?! Well, we all know that we never did really in his
light shine but we thought he is simply one of us, and also a swine!
But now he turns out to be somebody else and wants to go home to his
wife and let us drown in our own brine, and all we get now is his
disgust at our lust and his frown! And only because we stole that
lady's gown and spat on her mat and cut off the blossoms from her
plants that he had given her as a gift, and recruited also her
neighbours as a mole! I mean, what is their problem, everybody in this
community accepted what we thought was the official secret service
informer dole.

And now it turns out, we were also conned and framed and for the top
hierarchies of pranks for their own agenda framed! What ARE we going
to do at Pentecost?! To what extent shall we admit that we were also
planning with our ex-military members on the vicar before the others
could get the high premium on his head, a hit?! After all, nobody
would think that an old chap would still be able to even clap his
hands, never mind using the knife in his stick to murder the priest,
or for an old frail nun to shoot him with her gun out of her sleeve -
but it seems the hierarchies are going to burn us instead; but they
have not reckoned with us, as we can also on them blow the whistle and
tell about the poison in the wine and bread and in the incense and
about their decadence and pestilence and about their secret organised
criminality meetings, where even a police officer pretends to be a
member of the thistle - yeah, right, next is his inner circle of the
garter, or what?! With his barbershop goatee fake Merlin's beard - he
better not start with us also his fight, as we have seen him stealing
from the vicarage a letter and him with a key also at night in their
in the absence of the vicar heard.

But, brothers and sisters, what ARE we going to do tomorrow - it will
be Pentecost, and you all know we do had a part in lives lost, and it
is not looking good by the growing pressure and spreading of every
public blogpost. That is too high a cost, if yet another life gets
lost because of our silence - we must confess and to the truth the
balance and accounts redress and clear up with the law authorities
through the vicar officially our own mess, and then hope that we can
in the dock with God's help and the Holy Spirit for the first time
without black magic facing the truth cope. As from heaven the saintly
Elders are also on our backs, and none of them the most grim
determination in every nation to bring down all evil lacks. And they
won't allow that anybody of us furthermore for any shore secretly and
for bribery and property any piratery stocks, as Jesus Christ lately
always at the right time in the right place his holy souls flocks.

And He also seems to know, how we stole money and property and
donations from the priory and from many a monastery, when we went on
pilgrimage, and that we met up in many a pub, and toasted and boasted
about our own version of the lion and the lioness and their future cub
and he even knows that we also got prime membership in a casino and
golf club! After all we have done here under our secret society cone -
all in vain, as he simply returns now to us our every stone and
character stain and has us, when does us snub, also show his contempt
and disgust that we wanted him and his beloved family slain.That is
borderline to God's disdain!'

Mother Sigrid Eliora


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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