Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday 29 May 2014

Already Adam and Eve were framed and falsely shamed by that evil snake and her every devil and demon and witch and other tacky fake, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Adam&Eve were framed even back then by the snake&her devils',and
witches'&demons' den - God knows they were wrongly shamed&blamed by a
tacky fake and He does no longer from the real evildoers' any more
crap take and puts even their every hidden piratery shore from Bethany
to Novgorod to Westbury and Walsingham and Watford to Wexford and
Drusiusland on the map, and exposes more than one life lost that was
presented as a suicide or 'mishap' and was actually induced by ritual
knives or poison from a watertap or by delusional and obsessed
ex-husbands and -wives, who wanted to get a piece of the cake of a
quick buck of some billionaires' elusive oasis and blackhole and
concentration camp of the fourth reich nightmare vision - beware of
endless a backfiring collusion, when God finally takes all to task
under their secret society mask in every nation and plays in their
minds Troyan horse intrusion and even spells His name free of shame in
Hebrew out or in Norse - then even a doctor like St Theodore falls
suddenly from his high secret village horse, and Wilfred and Hilda
suddenly no longer secretly dance cheek to cheek a waltz - as the
Elders of the real saints march in with at the top a most holy
grandmother and sister of God called Mathilda. And she would never in
her dreams take someone's money and go fascist Venezuela.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Abraham's&Sarah's true children don't mingle with evildoers,who wish
on them shingle&worse&the Holy Spirit simply lets them return to the
evil senders their own stones that they threw under secret society
cones and from the pulpit or pew and they can by now even in Norse
write His name as a rune & rather share a horse than to own one paid
for by spiritual warfare with the wrong frequency and tune.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Abraham's&Sarah's true children keep rather to themselves&the truth
not locked up in secret bookshelves&live in peace with God the Father
and know exactly, who is their mother and their sister and brother and
belongs to the eternal holy family and fulfill with them selflessly
their God-given destiny.

Mother Sigrid Eliora @MotherSigrid · now

Abraham's&Sarah's holy stars heal each other's scars&teach the
truth&live in the light of His name&keep it free of shame&the evil
beast with one look tame, as they know exactly, who of the evildoers
put them when and where and how with whom into a false frame and
return to every crook his own crooked staff and hook, and declare his
every heretical book worthless plunder and riff-raff and spill also
the beans with peaceful means on all, who wanted to kill holy souls
and threw at them from the pew or pulpit their fouls.


Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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