Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday 30 May 2014

Forensic Investigation and Enquiry into the anatomy of organised criminality committed not just by numerous a monastery, priory and secret society:Who is guarding the guardians, who abuse the trust and position given even against their own family and nation, as they are by greed driven, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Forensic Investigation and Enquiry into the anatomy of organised criminality
committed not just by numerous a monastery, priory and secret society:

Who is guarding the guardians, who abuse the trust and position given
even against their own family and nation, as they are by greed driven,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Who is guarding the guardians, who abuse the trust and position
given even against their own family and nation,
as they are by greed driven, and not to forget, their obsession
and delusion with heresy that they enforce with organised criminality
via their every secret society, for which they also recruit an equally corrupt
bunch of wider society and from many a company and church and
just any hierarchy, even ex-military turned mercenary -

and you find them hidden behind pompous titles in costumes
of circumstance, in which they perform or let dance their
notoriety and try to make fascism and slavery and holiness'
abolition for all the norm - well, I for my part do to that kind of hell
not conform and tell the vicar off, if I think he rings for the wrong
kind of guardians the bell! And God does the rest and breaks
every witches' coven's spell by putting even whole parish church
council boards to the test in the dock in front of Jesus Christ's flock,
as God Himself has taken in all His manifestations, and there are
many, of all crimes, filth and grimes stock and by now, the golden
ox, calf and cow have no longer left any one troup or group that
is not by God invaded to bring their evil lame game show to an end -

there simply aren't any instititutions and societies and associations
left, who are not in some way of at least one guardian suddenly
weary, who has in a haste left, who always had this strange Egyptian
paste, and it turns out that he with another one wore a secret society
cone and threw from the pew and sometimes the pulpit at innocent
souls their stone and cursed unborn babies with cleft and committed
in broad daylight even in a purple shirt in a crypt Sunday's collection'
s theft, which left the vicar and his few holy souls in the congregation
of the donations bereft.

But there are also musicians and scientists and all sorts of skilled
mercenaries, who through their secret societies commit all kinds
of notorieties and who are outright murderous bullies, who hide
behind their leaders' diplomatic immunity and impunity, as he holds
his hand, or she, over them, and sends them out even at the taxpayers'
cost to have truthspeakers and whistleblowers against these 'guardians'
killed and afterwards get 'lost' or declared mad or suicidal and their victims'
murder is covered up by a whole freemasonry temple and templar knights
and whatnot deluded and power obsessed inner circles, who put
for a lot of taxpayers' money their secret little private mercenary
fight and conspiracy, and eventually, too many wanted a piece of the big cake,
be it from the churches or the lands or from just any kind of enterprise,
including broadband and fibre optic or an attractive Mount monastery,
that is experienced with a long standing track record in letting disappear
those, whom the guardians fear or to harbour criminals without detection
be it Catholic, Anglican or Coptic or whatnot purposefully cryptic in

Even many a former train station and hidden villages on ex-military grounds
are being hoarded and death trains by baits and their hunters boarded,
who are also
life gambling casino punters, and royal parks to which the secret society
has the keys abused for secret meetings and rituals and then with body
parts filled
that are, if ever found, anonymously and get treated as unexplained deaths,
as these kind of guardians give and take with plastic bags and poison depending
on their agenda lives' breaths;

usually they take life from holy souls and steal their identity or
even their persona
and make it their own agenda, just to give a person a bad name and to
put on them
false shame and blame. And with access to the latest science
facilities and technology
it is even for the corrupt musicians and dressmakers and directors of
all sorts of
criminal and warfaring creativity an easy game to copy a voice over another and
to let look a holy soul like a crook and as if he has been also at the same time
in some crime violating his position as a spook -

as usually the real offenders are the highest ranks of pranks, who appear even
on honours' lists and belong to a secret circle that like to conspire
for greed and lust
and let even governments with money schemes they concocted bust, so
that eventually
they can take over every country and to topple the last resistant
ones, they simply
create anarchy and terror and blame it on others, whom they have falsely shamed
and named with their huge and well-black oiled PR- and marketing machinery,
with which they build up their evil strategically, and let even
authors of children's
stories and films eventually turn from good to bad, and if they object make them
simply look mad or the killer societies let them die out and burn, and throw in
a funeral that makes people sad.

And then, there are those, who plan even at the cost of innocent lives lost,
with doubles their own demise at taxpayers' cost, so that they can continue
their life of decadence and pestilence courtesy of the guardians of monarchy
and secret society and church hierarchy secretly, and go shopping at night
in Knightsbridge with a nut as a costume knight and visit their own pyramid,
where their every witch and inofficial spy always the latest stolen MI6 and MI5
or CIA passports and agendas hid - and where they leave their instructions
for the next auction bid and murderous hit by some old mate from some
pretender-Jacobite with amibition to join next year in the Upper house
the debate; or their next door neighour, who also is in the same kind of
affiliation, might want to be an independant Scottish or Irish or Welsh
kind of newly created warlord, and use his old boys connections nonetheless
from Oxford or Romford or Cambridge and Walsingham, where the covens
have their secret shrines, and each of them with the other only ever
under a mask wines and dines and misbehaves,

but God now all false Merlin beards and facial hair in the forensic departments
shaves and has bodies exhumed and newly investigated and old cases
brought up at His heavenly Judgement court before an uncorruptable
jury of holy souls and with the help of the Elders, and then, every such
devil's den stands suddenly with their real faces and names in the dock
and there are not left any spaces, where their governments will not
find them, as helping them to find all true criminals, no matter, what their
rank, will be Jesus Christ's very own flock, and not just Judas will be
in for a shock, when Jesus Christ comes with Mary Magdala and
Jacob and Zara-Zarai to the doctor in some secret Westbury and
plays to him whilst eating peanuts a recording , that was made by
a nun with a gun at the Walsingham shrine once upon a time,
where recorded is even a bishop's plot of numerous a crime,

together with a guardian of that facility that has more bones buried
anonymously from victims than the devil cares to remember, but
each and every single one will be like a returning rolling stone,
when in the next synod or parliament will be against him a polling,
and everybody knows by now that not just this bishop has no guts
to speak the truth,, and well documentated also by the authorities
is not just his evil streak, and his associates' costumes in Cambridge
cathedral at night in birds' feathers with beak. Not to forget a hammer
that caused to numerous innocent little girls and boys a stammer,
which was used for Inca ceremonies and then, there was also
filmed the lance with the vinegar sponge and a certain paintbrush
underneath a church and vicarage with bunker that holds, accordingly
to the guardian of such facilities, even one secret husband of
one Eva Braun's secret remains but he disintegrated and
decomposed, when the fridge broke down and
the matter just got further out of hand, when the church
house property consultant with the latest top leaders of the Drury
lane freemasonry temple played with the thought to have a mocking
wedding ceremony of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's wedding
reenacted - that was even too much for a chair, who rather then
to the real holy souls of the MI5 defected and did confess and clear
up his mess, and as nobody knew officially, he did not even get
as leader of his own secret society by his own enemies rejected

and so he was able to gather even more evidence of evermore
corrupt shore decadence and pestilence and is now ready to
report all to the rest of the world, and has already done so to his highest
superior, and thus he has passed also his very last citizen of the
heavenly kingdom on earth test, and he did give his very best,
as exposed will be every single one with a secret society cone,
who in heresy and organised criminality and abuse of position
and authority and in their own delusion and obsession and
greed and lust overdosed, and who did with all sorts of evil
mingle and it might just be in the shape and size of the latest
product placement jingle gone horribly wrong -

and backed up with some government backed news on those,
who did plot against even a prime minister and a prince consort
from the benches and the pews. Alright?! I think there could
be a new wave of abstinence, as after all, who wants to be the first
that low to fall and to sink publicly that low and from Judas' poisonous
cup of heresy with the prime minister or Prince Phillip to drink?!
And afterwards to get not just a shave of the fake Merlin's beard
but also a facelift, when the silicone mask is being removed
visibly and just like Jesus Christ was stripped of all dignity,
they are naked before the courts, and being taken with all
charges read out aloud taken by their own lust and facts of
most unholy acts by their victims of human and sex trafficking
and forced prostitution to task. Not to forget a sip of their own
poison from their very own mass wine flask.

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet

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