Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

To Whom It may Concern

Today I had a big clear out of old flyers, invites and miscellaneous, and I came across this invitation that brought back to me
a whole host of memories that invoked God's rage. How can it be God's work to exclude worshippers from a service and how is it serving God and the spiritual church of Christ, when at the reception afterwards ('acceptance only') self-pompously proclaiming Freemason Masters of Lodges openly recruit in the company of the bishop new members...
And how is this fitting for Christian clergy to allow this kind of thing happening? And why would a bishop on that occasion would call my then nine year old daughter, who had just had her first holy communion at Corpus Christi in that year (probably the last one in the Anglo-Catholic part of the Church of England) 'the queen of the Night' in reference to the 'Magic Flute'...

And how is it that the consecration of new bells for an Anglo-Catholic  parish church was also on invitation only under the exclusion of the parish members?!

I am sure that Her Majesty would not be amused as the Defender of the Faith, if she knew, what is going on at masses and services of the Church of England that are meant to be to the glory of God (or am I wrong?!) through members of secret societies unashamedly and unblushingly blaspheme God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit and betray from within the spiritual church of Christ.

In retrospective, I must confess that I should not have attended a service that excludes worshippers from being part of the joyful occasion of inducting a holy priest into his office. The priest is no longer priest of this parish, and I am proud that he is not as obviously he tried in vain to nurture the congregation and lead them home to God on Jesus Christ's path. As one member of that parish said to me on another occasion: 'Your faith is a bit too much for us here.'

And one Saturday, when I was churchsitting at another church in the city with a co-parishioner a man had let himself in before us and was quite annoyed that we were there the whole afternoon. Accordingly to this  man his 'friends' society' were apparently promised exclusive usage of the church in the long run and that it would be closed to the public.

I would like to make it very clear that I am absolutely horrified that churches are being openly desecrated by Freemasons and other secret societies, who try to defile even the liturgy, and who all have their own agenda and want to do all their own thing, like pushing through gay marriages, women bishops and Anti-Christ movements abusing the buildings designed - actually by Freemasons...

As long this is going on and allowed in the Name of the Crown and with the 'blessing' of the Bishop of London I will well stay away from the Church of England, as I am a true follower of the spiritual church of Jesus Christ, and not of any heretical self-designed copycat family tree organisation that seems to play games with powers and principalities and that keeps out holy children and families, and mocks foremost the very nucleus of creation - Jesus Christ's holy family and their holy truth.
And why?! Because modern society finally even legally and equally proportioned in man-made lore and law can unchallengedly practise Satanism, witchcraft and other pagan heresies in their hired out desecrated facilities for lots of money and a high membership fee - that is not the church of Jesus Christ but I call that outright for what it is: the church of the Anti-Christ.

And the church of Rome is also withholding all sorts of truth and does not right wrong and teaches lies by spies and lets get away and go from God and the true church of Christ  astray the faithful. But fortunately, all, who listen to Jesus Christ in their hearts and serve God alone and not some fallen entity and who do not wear on their heads a secret society cone or believe in some self-declared and man-anointed golem as God's clone have so far humbly and obediently survived every single stone thrown at them by the liars, who are actually unholy spies disguised as nuns and friars, and who systematically abuse children and holy souls in order to fulfill for their secret society their criminal role - as make no mistake, no clergy, who claims to serve God nor parish council nor parishioner, who has given a vow to Jesus Christ would allow for holy men and women to be threatened with their lives, with the lives taking of their loved ones nor would they behave like hypocrits and slanderers - but then, when a whole pyramid hierarchy is on top of any denomination, then very quickly Judas opens the doors with the help of Satan's key of false promises and his seal of numerous a mammon worshipping immoral deal in war and whoremongery - and a once holy priest finds himself as a slave cleaning up after secret societies' mess also in the sanctuary and in the nave the floor, and has to wash out from gin and tonic or champagne the baptism font.

You think that is a lie?! Well, what am I to think, when even a chaplain claiming to represent the crown talks about these matters in all detail from the culpit at Easter, just after he purposefully forgot the whole liturgy and rather remembered fondly many a font-party - that is a setting that is based on utter decadence and on a system of fixed church betting.  And do not wish to have a part of this, as I will have to meet my Maker, God in Jesus Christ, who is all-seeing and all-hearing and knows exactly, what is up to every Anti-Christ, and I am horrified to the first to be last by not speaking out, and so, here it is my last desperate plea to the Defender of the Faith and God's Almighty Shout.
As I have had enough by the secret societies to be slandered, poisoned, hunted and hacked and to be threatened with my life and cursed with blisters and gout.

I humbly offer to Jesus Christ on His return the shelter of the Holy Rose See that is free of slavery and of a membership fee and serves God and mankind in His church selflessly for free by sharing all that we have and we do not steal at all, and certainly not from the public coffer.
We serve God in utmost obedience and lead and live a holy life either in voluntary celibacy or in holy matrimony, and we do not own any property as an order and do never have money to save as we share all with the needy - but we do no longer overnourish the greedy and certainly do not invite into our house the seedy and purposeful sinners.

They have to stay outside without our free nourishment as they have purposefully and most maliciously betrayed every single sacrament, and do not even anymore pretend to repent and unashamedly the babylonian whore their dirty filthy hand lend. We do obey God's commandments and Jesus Christ even simplified His law and He never lied and He was for that constantly spied on by every single spiritual con, who themselves wanted to play a mock version of a lady and a Lord, or in Spanish: Dona and Don.
The truth was already spoken out by John Donne, and he is herewith Done! And so is Anne Donne. They lived against all the odds and gave up their lives for each other and espoused themselves as one in flesh to God and Christ's spiritual church, but they were already back then attacked and even still posthumously they are purposefully slandered and mocked from the lurch by those, who always against Jesus Christ as God's beloved Holy Rose all honour, laud and glory lacked.

Well, only the truth sets us free and me and our little Holy Rose family will have the best Christmas ever because we are free of the slavery of any secret society, who tried to prevent us to bring out the truth about Jesus Christ and His wife Mary Magdala, and their murdered babies Jacob and Zara-Zarai - and this simple truth of the holy family has been oppressed so long as almost all want to destroy holy matrimony and celibacy in order to make mankind subject to slavery and fear for the personal greed of a few, who are throughout their ranks each of them a spiritual crook and con, who were with Satan's help trying to destroy the complete holy book - as what we know as the bible is still fragmented and tempered with and deprived of the missing pieces that are hidden away and hornethived.

I only say this: Whosoever does at the innocents and holy souls hiss, and gives even at the supposedly holy Eucharist to their sister and brother a Judas' kiss is also willing to climb up in the ranks to act as a murderer, who does with a ritual knife takes a life in his obsession and delusion of power and who is also the eternal enemy of Jesus Christ the mustard seed sower and lets only spread his weed instead of nurturing in the church many a holy flower in holiness. And that kind of soul also openly and publicly their every sin against their every next of kin boastingly does confess - but never to Almighty God, but all these treacherous souls will now find themselves suddenly in the dock of the Heavenly judgment court publicly and God will ask and take them to task on why they refused to recognize and acknowledge and in loving-kindness to embrace Jesus Christ and His own little family. And in that moment He will rip off their faces also their accumulated secret society masks and He no longer asks obedience to His commandments but justice and the truth demands.

The contract with the devil is over and Judas has no longer the key to the world of obsession and delusion and all his sandcastles are coming down - and all because the demoness, who was envious of her own son's crown, and who also gave birth to a twin half-brother, who was not from Joseph but from some Jewish court the clown. And that is why they always and again stained and slained at many a shrine the wedding gown of Mary Magdala, and for all this betrayal she did almost in her see of tears and fears drown but then awakened her trust and she served God and her beloved spouse out of true love and in purity and blessed was only for a short while their marital life but it was despite the odds full of bliss and blessed marital lust, and that paradise was already back then destroyed by the demoness, when she made Eve for the demoness' own sins confess as the demoness could not stand the idea of an eternal wedding band and rather roamed around and brought fallen angels to earth's ground and made them all sorts of sinners and unholy strayers and it is those, who became the crusade slayers and greedy and seedy spy and child and whoretrafficking church betrayers, who told about the truth any kind of lie and to this very day the holy truth to God and Jesus Christ and their family deny.

But the truth will now reveal itself and the dead meat that is now in almost every monastery and other bookshelf will be simply replaced by the living word by the returning into anonymity shepherd of shepherds Jesus Christ and His wife Mary Magdala and His children and their true friends, who are their family, and that will be the first happy Christmas, where finally at least for our family it will be the most wonderful of holiest truth the first feast of the Holy Rose, and we have abundance of spiritual gifts and love for all our true family in an overdose. But the sins of our enemies are from now on retained and they will have to carry from this moment on our cross, and that will leave many a fallen angel at a total loss of everything, as they refused to give up their lives for God on Jesus Christ's path and rather chose to make money and gain property on the path of betrayal and wrath. And now begins the time of the devil's era's aftermath, and closed is the gate to forgiveness to all unrepentant sinners and even those, who do, will have to pass first many a test of utmost obedience and humility and bear their penance in grace before they are ever again allowed into the holy family's vicinity and are being revealed God's face.
And silent it will be indeed for those, who tried to wipe off the Holy Rose also from many an ethereal interface, but not a peaceful night, as God will in their dreams show them the consquences and the suffering of their every incited unholy fight, and financially it will be for them also extremely tight and nobody will be left of the family of God to answer their agonized screams.

As now everybody will get a taste of their own medicine in order to learn that life is about for a holy life to yearn, and to serve God and mankind selflessly and to nurture one's holy family, and then, when former enemies keep passing their tests in life and stop altogether to use any knife except for cooking, then we have a chance the world in Jesus Christ's all-encompassing with peace, unity and human dignity and in holiness to enhance - and free of trance but full of singing and joyful dance. And in the heavenly kingdom on earth there is nobody about anything whinging but voluntarily even most blissfully at home the bells ringing, and in our kitchen hearth there is flowing freely milk and honey but there is no hornet anybody lethally stinging, and we are the living holy family's creed and do all for free house and feed in one way or another - somewhere is always available a bed for a holy sister or brother, as help is always welcomed by any holy father and mother but holy and leading a life in holiness they must - as our home is based on trust!

Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) ELIORA Agocsi
Mother Superior
Order of the Holy Rose

P.S.: I am always asked, whether we are a charity and I always say: We are sharing all our gifts freely and do not own property nor do we hoard money and thus we are the living charity in our hearts, and that does not need a formality nor a legality - that is all man-made and not heavenly. We are simply holy human beings as much as we can be and try to raise our children holy, and keep away from those, who play with God and His creation spiritual roly-poly, and we have to prove ourselves daily selflessly and go for God the extra-mile and we do not even behave against our worst enemies vicious and vile but we do stand up with the living word alone as our sword of truth against all, who throw at God's family and the holy truth their stone. They will find themselves indeed now very, very alone.

Anno Domini Iesu Christi 7th December MMXI


God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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