Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Thursday, 8 December 2011

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: Blessed be the House of Iesous Christos and Mary Magdala

 In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Blessed be the House of Iesous Christos and Mary Magdala

Isn't it interesting that suddenly all evildoers and traitors
queue up to get their chance to put some poison
into Mary Magdala's cup?!

All want to be invited to her table and invite even her
to their house for the first time in order to fulfill some
stupid Charismatic self-invented or telepathically suggested
fable of a group of women, who supposedly were with Mary Magdalene,
when she found in the tomb Jesus' linnen.

They know only too well that this is not true, as with her
were Christ's few disciples, who helped her cope
with her loss, and about whom Jesus' parental and wider
family then and later and since the wedding never gave
a toss as they were equally excluded from the gospel

with their original and true records, and so was Mary
Magdalene's and Jesus' own living words and those
of Philip especially, who had always supported and
prepared and taken the heat for Jesus'
and Mary Magdala's wedding and stood by them
in their holy matrimony most faithfully in all
incarnations, and he also took care often of
the needs of their children on many occasions,
for example, when Josephe and Maximilian-Franz
were killed off for their simple holy truth by those,
who either wanted to deny or claim for themselves
in mirror image or as a sort of clone the family
of the Holy Rose -

which is also nothing new, and has not only happened
since the Elders betrayed also Boaz, Oved and Ruth
and refused to put wrong right in the community
of saints, from the sanctuary and in the pew.
All sorts of heresy have been imposed from the beginning
of the church from the lurch against the true holy family
of Jesus Christ and His friends, who are part of His
small and faithful heavenly communion of saintly souls
in the comfort of nurturing brother- and sisterhood and
for that they have been excluded from the church that
is run inofficially by any kind of treacherous secret society
and that is the simple reason, this highest of treason,
that there is no true Christian unity -

as purposefully these heretics do their own thing
and either are against Jesus' and Mary Magala's wedding ring
or they want to claim in some kind of sickening polygamy and
orgiastic ceremony their ill-visionary and unholy community, and they
have made sure that the living word is through
their means  twisted and mocked by ways of performance
and spiritual arrogance that is utterly rotten and impure
and involves ridiculing prayer, or treating the holy truth
as a lie in an underlying layer of secret and silent prayer
that then is sealed by a mocking or desecrating gesture

or a server, deacon, priest or bishop overdoe the singing
and Angelus-ringing and praying with a fallen angel's winging
in a voice that is either pompous and theatrical or whinging -
it is time to spill on every foe of this unholy kind the beans
as once too often is even a murderer actively continuing
in the sanctuary with his deadly games and acts, as if the body of
Christ tastes like some smelly codroe.

And once too often has he stepped a most holy priest on the toe
and has used even a rosary as a desperate weapon of spiritual
warfare as he is the head of a murderous secret society, who
tries to bring death on highest command of a bishopry in Londinium
against Jesus and Mary Magdala and their faithful friends, who are
their true holy family in Christ, and who desperately want to prevent
from manfifestation like always before in the last minute the holy
matrimony of Jesus and Mary Magdala also in this incarnation as
they know they won't be able anymore to prevent us from telling
the holy truth and from manifesting the one holy nation.

And they were always desperate to prevent especially any fruits coming
from Mary Magdala's womb that they cursed as a tomb, and she only stood
a chance to conceive, when God and Jesus through the secret societies work
their mind intrusion and fed them all the wrong intuition and informations'
infusion in trance or even in dance, as these kind of fools need either some kind
of weed or the blood of a victim bitten by a rat or bat to copy and mock
and multiply any kind of lie and invent and make all the wrong footstools
in order to deny the true holy family's creed.

Yup, God and Jesus tricked them into thinking that by their stupid
poisonous cup drinking and treacherous eye-blinking they could
prevent actually Mary Magdala also in this present incarnation from
conceiving. She was cursed on every occasion but Jesus made sure
that she conceived through the Holy Spirit miraculously but physically
by a man, who married her intentionally on God's intervention
with the wrong religious persuasion to deflect the attention from
the true and one and only bride of Christ, so that she was sheltered
from a church that was out for her kill and nursed her daughter
safely out of reach from slaughter from the secret societies' lurch,
who want to push through and enthrone yet another version
in utmost perversion of a family of the Anti-Christ, who have
a painting hanging in their palace of the same name of Jesus
in this present incarnation,

and they boast about their
fake family tree that they invented with the help of an unholy
bishop somewhere in Londinium without any integrity but
with their artificial man-made authority at many a dinner

We shall see, who will try next their attack on Mary Magdala
in that murky Dover sole see as competing now is
 for the highest prize and trophy for her dead body  
and that of Jesus every kind of secret society
in any kind and degree and grade and variety of notoriety
of murderous and treacherous mentality, and
paying even an extra-high membership fee are clubs, who
breed even artifically cloned cubs to replace her child that
is holy and knows that her every enemy, who smiles
into her face is anything but kind and gentle and mild.
And God and Jesus are now going furiously on the traitors
and evildoers wild.

Prepare for a long night, as the Holy Spirit will simply
through the Holy Truth end this unholy fight, and then
revealed will be in God's good time but in our lifetime
still the truth not only since Ruth but starting with the true
story of Adam and Eve and everything that really happened
in this marriage of the eternal blessed wedding ring.
And don't be surprised, if you are a member or Master
of a secret society out for our kill, if you are not mentioned
at all in our will or in the book of life, as today is Judgment Day
and Christ has cut you already yesterday off, und macht Euch
jetzt allen auch in deutscher Sprache Zoff, as once too often
did you our friendship and hospitality betray - the likes
of you will now be subjected to instant mortality in the book of life,
because once too often you have used against us or planned
to use a ritual knife. You are going from now on through your
own mind's hell's grind and are in your dreams dragged like
your victims under Blackfriars' and unholy friars' watery windmill.

And Christ is now also sending the efigy of the Anti-Christ
down with His fiery wheel from every unholy hill as once to
often did you only blasphemously at the Name of Jesus kneel.

ARISE to your own conscience and repentance or you
will end up in your soul's eternal demise.
Over and exposed will be your every bloody disguise!!!

And you better make sure that a bride and bridegroom
stay in their minds and hearts and souls pure before
and during and after the wedding as you are even
sinking that low to stain with lies already their bedding
by your spies.
We have been here before once too often, no more
says the one and only Anne More, and Done! says her
one and only beloved husband John Donne!

You might think that if you pretend to play Catholic and
choose unhumbly as a priest a mantilla for your wife,
who in reality is toying with the thought of becoming
herself a priestess and by copying in an original place
and church from the lurch the story of John Donne
and his family you can claim his incarnation for yourself,
then you will be surprised, how your soul will be demised
in every single bookshelf as you are being cut off also
from the book of life as an Anti-Christ, and that is it in a gist.

And Christ has in numerous a copy safeguarded in many a place
and palace and monastery secretly His enemies' and all their
crimes' list. Now you might feel the heat, when Jesus starts to
light His fiery Emmanuel's wheel as He is keen on this special treat
and He has especially cleaned even and newly consecrated your own church
- guess, what, from the lurch -
and just needs Mary Magdalene again to polish like in the olden days
not so long ago the pews with Mr Sheen to bring out some new shine
and then the holy truth can clearly be seen - and if you are not willing
to repent and fall at the Name of Jesus and in His presence before your
Lord and God and King of Kings incarnate on your knee, you will hear
the impact of Mary Magdala's on the table banging fist for law and order
as once too often have you crossed to blasphemy and to the violation of
all commandments the border - and usually only out of greed and because
you even are of weed a hoarder and of money and property.

You have done it once too often and that was for God and Jesus and the rest
of the remaining true holy family of Christ the last straw. You can forget
your first and last prize draw, and also your stupid number addicted riffle-raffle
ticket and betting business as that is all from the devil and the Anti-Christ.
Kannst Du mir mal sagen, warum Du eigentlich kein Mensch bist?

Ist das wirklich so schwer, einfach ein guter Mensch zu sein, und in Deiner
Seele und in Deinem Herzen bleiben rein - Du musst doch nur immer die Wahrheit sagen
und nicht luegen und betruegen, und Du musst auch in Zeiten von Pleiten den Schritt
ins Paradies auf dem Weg von Jesus wagen - Du brauchst doch nur fuer Dich und Deinen Nachbarn auch ein Stueck des Weges bis zum Ende jeden Tag aufs Neue Dein Kreuz und
mein und seins zu tragen! Gott und Jesus haben eine Riesenwut im Bauch, und ich
spuere das auch in meinem eigenen Magen.

Bist Du denn wirklich so verloren, und vergoren, dass Du Dich einfach nicht willst mit
Gott und der Welt vertragen? In dem Fall, werden Dich Gott und Jesus nun persoenlich
beim Juengsten Gericht anklagen, und das hat begonnen und bereite Dich vor,
Ihnen Rede und Antwort zu stehen von Angesicht zu Angesicht. Und wenn Du
dann zusammenbrichtst unter Deiner Schuld und Jesus Traenen und Huld, wirst
Du vielleicht auch lernen, einfach zu haben mit Gott und Jesus und vor allem mit Dir
selber Geduld. Aber so geht es in Deinem Leben nicht weiter, denn Jesus wird nun alle
dazu auffordern, nach Heiligkeit zu streben, denn einmal zu oft hast Du Dich und Deine
Nachbarn benommen gegen Gott und die Welt daneben. Und Deine Sandburgen enden
nun eh alle im Bankrott. Und wenn Du Dich nicht grundlegend im Sinne der Gottes Gebote
aenderst, wirst Du Dich im Kreis drehen in Deinem eigenen beissenden Spott.
Denn wir sind nicht boesartig und gemein, sondern wir danken nur Gott, dass er uns so liebt,
dass er Seinen Sohn fuer uns gegeben hat, und ist das wirklich zuviel verlangt, uns daran
zu erinnern im von einem maennlichen Apostel gesegneten Brot und Wein?!

Denn Jesus war ein Mann, und darum kann sein Koerper nur gesegnet und so umgewandelt werden in Brot von einem Mann - sogar ein Schwein das grunzend verstehen kann!
Und lass Dich doch mal wenigstens in einer Holy Rose Familienkirche sehen so dann und wann.

Mother Ziggy Agocsi
Anno Domini Easter Sunday MMXI



God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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