Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday, 16 December 2011

A lesson with Mary Poppins


God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

From: mothersuperiorohr@hotmail.com
To: bischof_ralph@jesus-liebt-dich.info; order-of-the-holy-rose@googlegroups.com; mothersuperiorohr.holyrose@blogger.com; mothersuperiorohr.orderoftheholyrose@blogger.com; mothersuperiorohr.ssrc@blogger.com
Subject: [Order of the Holy Rose] A lesson with Mary Poppins
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 10:39:49 +0000

A Lesson with Mary Poppins

Listen very carefully, children,
there are some very evil minds out there,
hidden amongst decent and holy women
and men, as they don't know that their
schools and hospitals and banks and churches and
all sorts of institutions are used by
secret societies from the lurches as a devil's den
for their own greed and for spreading
heretical weed against the holy truth
of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and
their children Jacob, and Zara-Zarai,
and even against God Himself,

as these horrible souls are from hell
and even rent or buy or steal many a church
bell or pay for their peal in order to get
access to the church treasures and to perform
pagan rituals in former places of Egyptian,
Roman or Greek temples.

They think, we are stupid because
we do from the cup of holy truth alone
away from their buildings drink and do not
believe in a paid arranged marriage cupid but
we do not believe in their lies and most
of them are even amongst the clergy
simply murderous souls and spies,
of whom every single one the holy truth
even to God and Jesus Christ's family

And they play even at the altar
the Lord of the Flies to celebrate
their secret vow to the swine,
and it is a disgrace even to the animals,
whose names they abuse and who want
to have restored their reputation as well,
as even the animal kingdom has heard
that desecrated have been by the Judas
apostolic succession even St Paul's
church bells, so that nobody ever
the whole truth tells.

And that applies also to the dome in Rome,
under which are paintings that are only
of sin rich and celebrate evil, you see,
they in reality worship also there
the devil.

As in our house, we keep every room
free of heresy and fill it to God's glory
alone with beauty and pure thoughts
and abhorr sin against even our most
treacherous next of kin.
But the time has come that we have
to make a firm stand to some, and ignore them
completely even in the street to make them
feel in their bones their own evildoing that
is rotten to the core against Jesus Christ,
the Son of God begotten.

Und in Deutsch muessen das auch
die Suender lernen, die Jesus Christus
Wahrheit ueber seine Familie ausraeuchern
wollten und verkaufen anonym und unerkannt
als Kieler Sprotten oder Bueckling oder Makreele,
als haetten Gottes Kreaturen gar keine Seele, denn
die Haeretiker versuchen weltweit, absichtlich
mit den Schluesselwoertern der Wahrheit zu
verwischen die wahren Spuren, damit sie
ihre eigenen Luegen zum Hoechstpreis
koennen auftischen und verkaufen ihre
unwirksamen steinalten wie herzenskalten Kuren,
die geklaut wurden aus dem Buch der Maria Magdalena
von den babylonischen Huren, die Jesus Christus und
sie eingeladen hatten. und selbst ihnen ueberliessen
ihre eigenen Strohmatten, um sie zu befreien von
der Sklaverei bei den Mulatten.

Aber die sind trotzdem geblieben die ewigen
kaeuflichen Verraeterratten, die auch jetzt noch
mit den Geheimgesellschaften unter einer
Decke stecken, selbst in Duesseldorf, aber
dort und in Koeln wird es fuer manche
Kirchenwuerden nur noch geben unueberwindliche
Huerden selbst im Karneval, denn nun uebergeben
wir ihnen das Kreuz von Jesus Christus und
seiner Familie  Wahrheit und Realitaet, und die
mit der Kirchenhierarchie haeretischen Luegen
Buerden, denn fuer eine straffreie Aufklaerung
und Loesung ist nun alles zu spaet.

Gott und Jesus Christus warten nicht mehr laenger,
dass mal endlich irgendjemand freiwillig sein Unkraut
im Klostergarten jaet.

Mutter Oberin Sigrid Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 15th December MMXI
A day to remember,
Danke, Onkel Horst!
Ruhe in Frieden!
Du bist soeben auferstanden in Gottes Herrlichkeit
zusammen mit Papa,


God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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