Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Free manure


God bless you!


From: mothersuperiorohr@hotmail.com
To: benedictxvi@vatican.va; bischof_ralph@jesus-liebt-dich.info; order-of-the-holy-rose@googlegroups.com
Subject: Free manure
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 00:12:23 +0000

Free Manure

Now, that I call sharing freely for free,
when one is invited to help oneself to free
manure for one's deweeded garden as for its
new growth the right cure -
just bring your own bag and you have
compost without a golden price tag

maybe with the manure of horses
one can make a former paradise garden
that was overgrown full with  dark shadow
again pure with a blossoming Jesus Christ's green

with free manure from South London -
courtesy of a holy horse that is free of
any secret society lore, and does not care
about a family tree that almost every mole
for themselves stole and put into piratery
shore monastery bookshelves, into which
even sneaked Satan's elves

'Free manure, just bring your own bag'
- yup, Jesus Christ knows, how best His kingdom
of heaven also in His garden on earth grows,
as He appeared already back then to Mary Magdala
as the gardener, with a beard,

and the holy spirit's
wind will from now on keep out the stink
of every secret society and their weed variety
at God's eye blink, and putting a bit of free manure
in the flower pots on the window sill will put also
every witch and druid in the night through their own
mind's mill, so that they will finally to their own
sins confess and clear up their concerted mess
and nevermore trying through scrying like Mary Magdala's
invented evil and tacky twin sister to dress,
and they also will to clear their conscience
by holy means finally the beans on their spymasters
spill, as once too often they were asked a holy mother
and daughter to kill and to put them not only in their
dream through the slaughter but in reality -

it is a tough life to belong to Jesus Christ's family,
as almost everybody claimes to be them without
wanting though to carry their cross and without
taking for anything any responsibility as safe they felt
and backe up by the diplomatic immunity of their high
society secret society, who on the highest level
commit or become partner to just any also tax evading
notoriety in any riotous affair variety!!!

You better, if you are a member of a secret society
clear up your neighbour's garden and window sill
from your spells and desecrated bluebells as truth
has the habit of coming out in God's purrfect time
and makes even of the most evil deed against the true
holy family's creed suddenly all the right reason
and rhyme in this Advent season, and betrayal
of God and His family is also on earth by the Jesus Christ's flock
seen and treated as high treason.

If you wonder, why you have not received a Christmas
card by now from Jesus Christ's flock, then it is, because
they no longer send one to those, who did the Holy Rose
purposefully and most maliciously mock, and you are in
this Christmas for a big reality check and shock, as God
and Jesus Christ have taken about your activities also
stock, and they are some mighty nasty rotten secret societies'
nativities that have caused the health services many cavities
as where to bring all the products of the one night stands
of secret societies after their birth, when nobody anymore
wants the illegitimate children of high society foster
and adopt.

Ihr muesst doch denken, dass Gott im Himmel ist bekloppt,
dass er Euch noch nicht laengst in den Knast gesteckt
hat! Aber er holt jetzt nach, mit den richtigen Leuten und in Hast,
die nicht stammen aus Euren Geheimgesellschaftsmeuten,
was er schon laengst gut durchgeplant hat, und da der
Vertrag mit dem Teufel abgelaufen ist, hat er nun freie
Bahn vorbereitet ehemalige Gerichtsgebaeude, die schon viel zu lange
lagen brach, und so Gott ein Machtwort auch in dieser Sache
auf einer Mahnwache sprach; und sogar schon wichtige Gestaendnisse auch amtlich
von so manchem Anti-Christ sind, der nicht mehr laenger ist
ein berufsmaessiger Optimist oder Pessimist, je nach bezahlter Thinktank-
Orientierung mit je nach Windrichtung Meinungsoptimierung,
und laengst abgelaufen fuer Eure freiwillige Rueckkehr zur
Moralitaet und den Gesetzen ist auch Eure Galgengnadenfrist, doch noch
anzuerkennen freiwillig Jakob und Sara-Sarai, die beide sind Jesus Christus
und Maria Magdalenas Kind.

Denn Gott nicht so bescheuert ist, das er noch laenger von dem
Kakao trinkt, durch den Ihr ihn auch noch in der Judaskirche
zieht -
nee, so tief nicht einmal mehr Jesus Christus jemals wieder
sinkt, Euch als des goldenen Kalbes Sklave zu dienen!
Und Ihr koennt jetzt Eure Hornissen zurueckpfeifen, denn stechen
mit dem Dorn der Daemonin koennen inzwischen auch, wie Ihr an meinem
Ton heraushoeren koennt, alle unsere heiligen Bienen, denn wir wollen nicht
laenger ueber Eure Luegen und Morde und Euren Terror gegen uns weinen,
und wir lassen uns auch nicht mehr von Euch anleinen, sondern wir taten
in der Stille und im Leiden und im Sterben und unter Jesus Christus, Gottes
Heiliger Rose, Kreuz zur Bluete reifen. Aber das tun nur die wahren Schafherden
von Jesus Christus im Himmel und auf Erden begreifen, und die findet man
nicht mehr in Geheimgesellschaften als Gottes braver Soldat Schwejk, sondern
die haben mit Gott Eure versauten Haeuser verlassen und leben lieber
anonym unter den Massen, und leihen sich gegenseitig selbst die Tassen, die
Ihr auch noch von Ihnen klautet, da Ihr immer auf Sandburgen bautet, die Ihr
als Kopien von himmlischen Palaesten Euch ausgemalt habt.

Ihr seid doch plem-plem, und nicht ganz bei Trost, wenn Ihr glaubt, dass
Jesus Christus nur bei Gott ist zuhaus im Frost oder wenn er betet
nach Ost' - He is everywhere, where He can invite around His table that Mary Magdala
sets and prepares with free food, the Holy Eucharistic host.
And that, actually, was, is and always will be secretly and more and more
openly believed by most.
And now that the devil is in his deep death's sleep for eternity, and lying in state in hell,
he has no more solution to anything to anybody to tell as only ever empty elocution
under mind's intrusion was his trade, and he with force and threats every truth forbade
and had buried his victims by their own dead with a spade!!!

Time to speak out, and if you are ready to confess, then give God personally a shout.
But if you continue to wish upon Jesus Christ's own holy family that includes his flock
still gout and worse, then you are in for a shock, especially, if you are a self-deluded
dead god called Tor on the Glastonbury Tor, who now does know, why suddenly stopped
his clock courtesy of Oma Mathilde, whose granddaughter was given
a name that is in origin Norse, as she on Easter Monday one year, when she knew
she had the wrong man called her son-in-law, as she saw on her deathbed, how he
started a fire in a church of St Chad at the crib's straw, also saw in her vision
that Sigrid means the rider, who sits with the king on the horse after victory, and her king
is only ever the King of Kings Jesus Christ.
And so, the manure was a hint of Oma Mathilde in heaven that God should now finally also
in this matter the last line draw and take that bastard up on his responsibility, who tried
to destroy from within the holy family for eternity. Stupid cone wearing self-declared
wizard on a bus, he is simply plain spiritual pus with blood on his hands and lots
of filth and grime and even crime it seems and espionage is also to add to his
multiple blamage. That should cause some ripples and damage to many a
liar's and unholy friar's and pretender-nun with a gun's reputation.

God wants free of the golden cow shit and free of a murderous hit His one
holy nation.

Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) Eliora Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 21st December MMXI


God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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