Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

rock, what rock, Peter?!

Rock, what rock, Peter?!
ask Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala

rock around the clock
pr spinning does not replace a confession
for some serious sinning, especially, if one
is seen in a pr exercise as a man-declared martyr
and the rock of st peter,
who does real lives and reputations slaughter
behind the scenes, especially through spies,
who spread purposefully instead of holy truth
even at Christmas heresy.

what kind of martyr is this, who allows
even a garter to be run by golden cows
and the devil - sounds to me that there
is around the clock only going on evil
tick tack tock

it is time that standing up is the
awakening flock, whom the secret societies
tried to put even in their lame game into the dock
for their own crimes - but as always is the weakest link
the one that might not as much but very visibly of
deceit and betrayal stink as it has become a liability
through too much drink and about spilling the beans
also on the prophecies that a holy soul made in a certain
ice rink

what a shame that an unholy dame again has played
with a holy soul an ever so lame game
and tried to put on a former friend her own shame and blame

but now every secret society will tumble down and stumble
over every single notoriety that they have committed in every church
from the lurch in any given unthinkable variety -
and it does not read like a panto pig show, as sinister and dark
it even does glow from all its filth and grime in a pinnacle of glass
and in candlesticks from brass that are being defiled by some
devil worshipper with his paid lass

hey, dingadingading, give up your foul play and murderous
crime against Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's eternal wedding ring,
as every single bird already for their anniversary of Canaan does
even in cold weather chirp and sing and Jesus Christ has long
made white from purple heather without any black magic,
which seems to be to secret witches and druids and high priests
and priestesses of secret societies so very tragic, as they have
lost their own plot and are being put and fined now on the spot
personally by the Son of God begot Jesus Christ, as He has
taken charge of His  heavenly kingdom on earth and started
silently His revolution and is most effectively without any
pr and elocution but by simply loving His wife and turtledoving
at their own kitchen hearth,

and that has been seen even by the blind all over the world, and heard by the deaf
as they have seen a certain leaf of holy truth on their grass in the park,
and the lame is suddenly faster than in his own murky see a drowning credit shark,
who let bloodhounds once too often in front of many a vicarage
door too threateningly bark!!!

and your invitations to mass or for a first visit to your temple
you can forget, as we do not need your sandcastle of lies and full of spies
and do not need your bullets and your knives as we cut now through your
bullshit and no  longer take your threats of a hit silently, as your tactics
are as old as they are lame, and we declare over now through ignoring
simply your game and get on outside your bloody church with our
lives as holy husbands and wives in our flock, and those, who are aunties
and maidens are living like the uncles and boys in blessed voluntary
celibacy and do not want to join your secret society, nor are they
interested in your adultery and blasphemy and mockery of sanctity
and holiness -

you have some real issues with greed and weed, and you mock
even the worshippers, who give their last penny to Jesus Christ's flock,
but I know for a fact that even in your stone heart somewhere somehow
sometime will rip open with the Mustard Seed as I planted it with
my innocent and tearful prayer free of your stupid cone.
And I know that without holiness in your life you can never be intact
and are totally utterly alone, on your own.

In any case, you have the longest time thrown at Jesus Christ
and His beloved wife and children your filth and grime
and tried to wipe off on them your very own crime
and you have for the last time impersonated him as a clown
and you never had Mary Magdala's original wedding gown.

Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) Eliora Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 20th December MMXI


God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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