Lies by spies are always in the long run a liability, especially when expires diplomatic immunity!!! And eventually it does, and at the latest then, every devil's den and witches coven will have to face God's music as He takes them up on their responsibility on having desecrated the holy Eucharistic cup and defiled the holy truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and Jacob and Zara-Zarai. Your sins are retained, if you have from repentance and doing penance refrained.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mother Sigrid <>
Date: 17 December 2011 09:59
Subject: [Order of the Holy Rose] Liability and Responsibility
Every family these days
is facing the choice, whether
it is even safe to send to a doctor or nurse
in a practice or hospital a vulnerable
and sick member, as they might
never come home again and die
from negligence or wrongdoing down
to plain decadence at the cost of the public purse
or they might suddenly after an operation things
remember that they were not meant to see,
and are being ridiculed and tortured and
silenced with a wrong diagnosis and medication
as there is always a new initiate of a secret society
climbing up the ladder and even manipulating to death
a gall or other bladder in order to jump the queue in their
career or to get a bonus for their murderous attempt
and when they succeed even do not have to pay
their membership fee, and are invited to a
conspiring game of the tee that is ever so lame
and even organised by some murkey water
Roman or Dover sole see that wants their numbers
up for an ever higher fee
and thus even and especially hospitals have become
battlegrounds for secret societies with the help of churchwardens, who
expect a share of the pyramid icing cake, when they a holy soul
insane declare or try to threaten and kill her family through
a rotten soul, whom I once met on a bus on a hot summer's day
in the street of the Mare. Another example of an unholy mother
and greedy and seedy babylonian whore, who deluded herself
into some man-made Egyptain lore and who sold her soul
to every available bidder and her body for the highest fee,
even in every stinking and murky unholy see.
We are now all of her delusion and obsession free
as she never was, and neither her cronies and visions
of ponies, even in our worst imaginations real, and
we just get on with our lives as holy husbands and wives
without all these stupid in deathly hollows cupid playing
and from God's truth and dignity and holiness straying
witches, who are, quite frankly, simply are rotten to the core
every single one a purposeful secret society whores and bitches
of the anabaptist kind, who will now finally at the exposure
of their coven's closure and stockmarket bad foreclosure with
all their debt falling into their own created misery's grind,
and not only in their mind will all hell break loose now
also in many a church hall, as God and Jesus Christ
will now bring about every unrepentant sinner's fall,
and this time do not expect beforehand a tip off call.
You never believed in the redeeming grace of God,
now you have just your own nothingness and nirvana
to fall into, and do not expect us for loving you anymore
as you are a purposeful sinner and you have even
tried to play to my beloved his whore in order
to make my love from him stray - you never understood
true love nor have you had it in your stone heart, you
are just an empty dead shell, who likes even in a strawberry
field forever to play hell, and who hates to be woken
on Sunday morning by an Ealing or Kensington or
Hampstead Heath or Dulwich or Muenster or Toulouse church bell!!!
You are anyway to yourself now a liability, and whatever
you do, God will make you face the music and take you up
on your responsibility.
Mother Ziggy Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 17th December MMXI
From: Mother Sigrid <>
Date: 17 December 2011 09:59
Subject: [Order of the Holy Rose] Liability and Responsibility
Liability and responsibility
Every family these days
is facing the choice, whether
it is even safe to send to a doctor or nurse
in a practice or hospital a vulnerable
and sick member, as they might
never come home again and die
from negligence or wrongdoing down
to plain decadence at the cost of the public purse
or they might suddenly after an operation things
remember that they were not meant to see,
and are being ridiculed and tortured and
silenced with a wrong diagnosis and medication
as there is always a new initiate of a secret society
climbing up the ladder and even manipulating to death
a gall or other bladder in order to jump the queue in their
career or to get a bonus for their murderous attempt
and when they succeed even do not have to pay
their membership fee, and are invited to a
conspiring game of the tee that is ever so lame
and even organised by some murkey water
Roman or Dover sole see that wants their numbers
up for an ever higher fee
and thus even and especially hospitals have become
battlegrounds for secret societies with the help of churchwardens, who
expect a share of the pyramid icing cake, when they a holy soul
insane declare or try to threaten and kill her family through
a rotten soul, whom I once met on a bus on a hot summer's day
in the street of the Mare. Another example of an unholy mother
and greedy and seedy babylonian whore, who deluded herself
into some man-made Egyptain lore and who sold her soul
to every available bidder and her body for the highest fee,
even in every stinking and murky unholy see.
We are now all of her delusion and obsession free
as she never was, and neither her cronies and visions
of ponies, even in our worst imaginations real, and
we just get on with our lives as holy husbands and wives
without all these stupid in deathly hollows cupid playing
and from God's truth and dignity and holiness straying
witches, who are, quite frankly, simply are rotten to the core
every single one a purposeful secret society whores and bitches
of the anabaptist kind, who will now finally at the exposure
of their coven's closure and stockmarket bad foreclosure with
all their debt falling into their own created misery's grind,
and not only in their mind will all hell break loose now
also in many a church hall, as God and Jesus Christ
will now bring about every unrepentant sinner's fall,
and this time do not expect beforehand a tip off call.
You never believed in the redeeming grace of God,
now you have just your own nothingness and nirvana
to fall into, and do not expect us for loving you anymore
as you are a purposeful sinner and you have even
tried to play to my beloved his whore in order
to make my love from him stray - you never understood
true love nor have you had it in your stone heart, you
are just an empty dead shell, who likes even in a strawberry
field forever to play hell, and who hates to be woken
on Sunday morning by an Ealing or Kensington or
Hampstead Heath or Dulwich or Muenster or Toulouse church bell!!!
You are anyway to yourself now a liability, and whatever
you do, God will make you face the music and take you up
on your responsibility.
Mother Ziggy Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 17th December MMXI
God bless you!
Mother Sigrid Agocsi,
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ
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