Olive bread anybody? Fresh bread, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:50 - Public
Mind you, it becomes so boringly repetitive and obvious even, as these kind of 'king-makers' and 'reborn insects turned queens' are of each other extremely envious and thus, one the other with poison injects and with an unknown virus spread from a phial from her secret society infects. If you encounter such spiritual pus you better 999 dial, as they might have threatened you not to do so, as they pretend...Expand this post »
Mind you, it becomes so boringly repetitive and obvious even, as these kind of 'king-makers' and 'reborn insects turned queens' are of each other extremely envious and thus, one the other with poison injects and with an unknown virus spread from a phial from her secret society infects. If you encounter such spiritual pus you better 999 dial, as they might have threatened you not to do so, as they pretend that they the ministry of defence also a helping hand lend but in reality they are just empty boasters and vicious toasters, who every law and rule to their own amendment bend and altogether in more or less 'high places' their bribery money spend - but rest assured, once the real authorities have latched onto them, they won't even show in your neighbourhood anymore nor in their corrupt shore their faces, as then they would have to admit that they even stole as a mole from each other the laces and secretly cursed each other during the graces.
+1 And many church Elders must be prepared to also answer to God and to the authority, why they knew and did not take up their responsibility - as mainly, their selection process is so corrupt and secretive, due to the potent...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:43 - Public
Midnight, and such commotion on the pavement, must be a Judas apostles' predicament.
18:36 - Shared from +1 - Public They probably play the 'Magic Flute' after midnight or 'Cats' with conical magic hats and wearing bespoke capes that make them look like a bat - anyway, that is not Jesus Christ's way, and...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:42 - Public
But then, there are even more fools, who think they rule the show and want to controll even the international opinion poll than mass produced footstools - if you come close to one of those, who in their own importance overdose, better take from their suggested path an unexpected u-turn stroll, as they might just be planted on you with greetings of somebody else's wrath.
Only a fool would try to snatch Mary Magdalene's footstool and on it creatures of heresy to hatch, as God never created beasts in a batch but the evil ones found now in angels returned from heaven their match, who only preten...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:39 - Public
Stand up to evil, and report a crime, especially, when you see under a false pretence a pseudo-policeman in disguise a church bell chime, who throws at holy souls on behalf of his secret society by creating the impression of impunity and diplomatic immunity and under a witness protection programme orchestrates even against his supposed colleagues, who are in the way of organised criminality, falsely incriminating filth and grime.
From Fraud to Organised Criminality, take your pick from the neighbourhood for the nearest plots of secret society lodges or witches covens, of whom every single one under the diplomatic immunity and impunity scheme their ta...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:34 - Public
And the holy souls rather leave a sandcastle behind that has put them with its evil network to the grind and follow the call of their Heavenly Father: Bita tem, gelem gelem!
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 16:41 - Public And now we ask from the Jesuits and from the Knights of Malta: What is it going to be - lies of spies or the truth and nothing but the truth! As long overdue is your contribution to the one...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:30 - Public
And God's mills might grind slowly but thoroughly and eventually the truth will its seeker find and suddenly over from Rome to Dover is the most unholy fight.
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome. In the Name of the Fathe...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck
14:26 - Public
And as much as the indifference is still watching on, how whole groups do each other kill - the viciousness and evil intent is even worse and evermore malicious amongst the evildoers, who spread their heresy and want to eradicate all truth and peace and prevent human beings from leading a life in holiness and unity in basic human dignity - and if we are not careful, and do not on evil the beans spill...Expand this post »
And as much as the indifference is still watching on, how whole groups do each other kill - the viciousness and evil intent is even worse and evermore malicious amongst the evildoers, who spread their heresy and want to eradicate all truth and peace and prevent human beings from leading a life in holiness and unity in basic human dignity - and if we are not careful, and do not on evil the beans spill, we are responsible, if our children are subjected again to the kill of those, who play master-race and put their secret society masks on their face - but God might just suddenly in them also again simply through the truth in a courtroom the evildoers own gloom and atmosphere of doom instill and teach them respect and fear of the law again, when He Himself in His various manifestations causes even the highest pyramid hierarchies to shed of repentance a tear and feel in their bones under their secret society cones suddenly coming back at them their every stain and cross station that they inflicted upon others, as God does not take lightly to mammon worshippers, who commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and want to replace Jesus Christ and His true holy family of holy souls with anti-Christ clones and fake religious sisters and brothers, of whom not a single one about the poor and meek and vulnerable bothers but just for fun also in black magic ceremonies even in cathedrals after hours smothers and , and with a fake nun and pseudo-priest even under the use of a ritual knife and gun directed at horrified holy souls with utmost notoriety aims and their lives maims , and at the next society dinner party as the fat cat society 'visionary' decides about the upcoming arranged marriage banns between the latest recruits and ladder climbers of his secret society, as he is the king-maker, is he not, and thus feels himself even above the crown of yet another majesty, whom he does in reality not even respect but is of the honours list a frequent taker also for his gentlemen's club, and for his organised war and whoremongering circle he also produces with professionals many an illegitimate cub to secure the next generation of the brothel family of heretical self-deluded grandeur - it is time to let the mud spill over its own kingdom of a polluted corrupt see from Rome to Dover, so that at least one day one can have some grass again under one's feet and of truth a feast even in every street - and for that God will simply render powerless of every bat its army and fleet.Collapse this post
Romani Rose, head of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, reminded those present at Wednesday's inauguration that racist sentiment directed at gypsies in Europe remains alive and well....http://www.spiegel.de/fotostr...
Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius
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