Fisherman's Wharf,
by Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Rainbows over rainbows over rainbows
are sparkling in the sun over the deep blue see,
when God sets His holy souls from all slavery free
and His joy about the victory over evil finally shows,
and His holy ones gather as Jesus Christ's family
in His Fisherman's Wharf unnoticedly by
the unholy selfish moral dwarfs and cones and only
on paper and in title giants of secret societies,
who would never like the former settle for a shared free modest meal
of burrito and beans and water and for a symbolic
feast of Irish coffee and home-made cheap but delicious toffee.
Auspicious also Amram's musicians, who are also Yocheved's friends
and who were also comforting as much as they could and providing
a hiding cave and a blanket and tent for shelter against the Roman
empire and Egyptian and Greek heretical murderous helter-skelter
of many a later nave already at Golgatha for Mary Magdala,
after Jesus Christ's and their children Jacob and Zara's death,
and it was those hidden holy souls, who only pretended to use
language in the presence of traitors and evildoers that reflected
their arrogant and patronising fouls.
But to their eternal nomad king and queen of heaven they were
always and again loyal and in their hearts most warm and noble
and royal, as they honoured the living truth of the eternal
wedding wreath that already was blessed by God for
Adam and Eve.
The Sinti and Roma were always rejected by any heretical temple
or doma, as they knew and kept safe the holy truth against
the false knights and kings and queens, who would only pretend,
the original chosen holy souls of God, who always and again
did from any evil and from vows to the devil refrain, a helping
hand to lend, and evildoers are easily to spot, as they constantly
God's law treat as the last straw and to their own selfish purpose amend
and with their secret society every holy rule bend
against the nucleus of God's creation, a holy family for all of humanity,
sprung from Adam and Eve, whose souls were later incarnated also
in Abraham and Sarah, Yocheved and Amram, Boaz and Ruth
and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala to name but a few, and
as they were throughout history betrayed by many a heresy
that was even purposefully planned and planted by the piratery
and twists of the demoness and the devil, of whom each their own
slaves as recruits and clown enlists to mock God's family
of holy souls that He entrusted to the original couple Adam and Eve
and in every incarnation without any abracadabra incantation
but into their most loving selfless care in order to restore
law and order across every border and to unite
the one holy nation in every generation.
No more messing around, the Sinti and Roma
have helped in collaboration with all holy souls from heaven
and on earth to bring Jesus Christ's spiritual church
on the ground, as their faith in the truth of holy matrimony is sound,
although they had also a lot of infiltration by pseudo-gypsies and
travellers, who wanted to give them a bad and unholy name
and put with their drunken and pagan zick-zack tactics
on holy souls the evildoers' own shame and blame.
But God made the beast tame and finished quietly
the most lame game in the history of all times,
and simply spills the beans on every unholy see's
and secret society's notorieties and crimes
of all varieties, including those against humanity.
God bless the Sinti's and Roma's holy souls,
who witnessed and experienced in all sad and mad
and bad ways on their own bodies and in their own lives
the ritual knives of the secret societies but not one
of them God and the holy truth betrays, as a holy soul
never from true love and purity in their heart strays
and without hesitation cuts off any traitor and evildoer
from any Sinti and Roma clan, who is proven to have
played, and then, also in even a Jewish and Irish
and whatnot Charismatic devil's den with the truth
for her own selfish gain catch-as-catch-can and
who has only ever given birth to the next dragons' batch.
All evildoers find now in the united family of Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and make that from Adam and Eve,
their perfect match towards justice through the truth alone
and their beloved Nomad community will against the traitors finally all
testimony and facts of most unholy acts to the heavenly
judgment court and whenever possible also to the
appropriate worldly authority dispatch, so that their children
can onto their holy mother's breast in peace and basic happiness
and harmony and unity and in human dignity latch.
We might be vulnerable in a tent but it is a small price to pay,
if we can take it in turns, and all have a roof over their head
and share, what is there, and speak and live only the truth as their
daily bread instead of telling porky-pies compiled by
mercenary spies of violent and greedy crusades, whose soldiers
have let disappear many a corpse of a holy soul, who announced
that the return of the good God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is near.
And all holy souls will simply through the truth made heard
and visible all over the world clear out all fouls and
teach the unholy ones about having worn secret society cones
and having created SS-clones of God almightily fear;
and over Irish coffee and palinka,
and water and kefir and vodka rather than poisoned heretical wine
sold for an elite by a greedy and seedy French twisting Dom perignion swine paid for
by Rome and Dover they shave his and her false beard,
with which the Rumpelstiltskin evildoers are even their own illegitimate heirs blacklisting as fake Levites -
what hypocrits.
And in the middle of fending off murderous hits against the family of the Holy Rose,
and against every Holy Flower's name, as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala claim back from the evil ones
their once perfect garden that they did with the help of the Sinti and Roma now did with the
truth unweed, and clear all holy souls from any false blame and shame and expose every
unholy knight and treacherous dame, also under every doma.
Over from Rome to Dover and around the globe is the rule of the secret society cones
and of Roman empire style bully clones and heretical pathetic beards, and back at the
senders come all curses also to death doctors and nurses and all stones.
And freed from all hypocrisy and heresy and evil filthy phantasy is also the clergy and there is no
need for a church hierarchy, as all serve God either in voluntary blessed celibacy and
holy matrimony, and help each other in their worldwide holy community.
God bless the holy souls of the Sinti and Roma,
you kept the truth holy and defended it with your lives
against the ritual knives, and were stung again and again
by just any heretical beehives, who wanted to corrupt
Jesus Christ's way of living and selfless giving
of spiritual gifts, with which you long healed wherever
you went any man-made rifts and I thank you for
helping all other anonymous and known holy souls
from heaven and on earth to make to the truth even
the right highest mountain shifts, and thus,
all spiritual heretical pus now into its own
insignificance of their nirvana drifts. For them
it is from now on: nada, nothing, they are on their
own, and have to bury their dead alone and are being
looked upon as spiritual con, who let God and Jesus Christ
even play for them the clown and declared the holy souls
plem-plem. And that includes those, who refused to speak out
God's names because they wanted to replace the true Holy Trinity
with their own self-made deity hidden under Hashem, the name -
I simply say this: all evildoers and liars and traitors never did
from God's holy souls but from an evil beast and the devil
May the Infinite Light of God's truth's might shine upon you always,
and no matter, from where you are coming and from what ways,
we will meet again, be it in the sun or in the fog or in the rain,
and I thank you that none of you ever from God's law strays
nor our trust betrays.
Mathair Sigrid Eliora

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.
by Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Rainbows over rainbows over rainbows
are sparkling in the sun over the deep blue see,
when God sets His holy souls from all slavery free
and His joy about the victory over evil finally shows,
and His holy ones gather as Jesus Christ's family
in His Fisherman's Wharf unnoticedly by
the unholy selfish moral dwarfs and cones and only
on paper and in title giants of secret societies,
who would never like the former settle for a shared free modest meal
of burrito and beans and water and for a symbolic
feast of Irish coffee and home-made cheap but delicious toffee.
Auspicious also Amram's musicians, who are also Yocheved's friends
and who were also comforting as much as they could and providing
a hiding cave and a blanket and tent for shelter against the Roman
empire and Egyptian and Greek heretical murderous helter-skelter
of many a later nave already at Golgatha for Mary Magdala,
after Jesus Christ's and their children Jacob and Zara's death,
and it was those hidden holy souls, who only pretended to use
language in the presence of traitors and evildoers that reflected
their arrogant and patronising fouls.
But to their eternal nomad king and queen of heaven they were
always and again loyal and in their hearts most warm and noble
and royal, as they honoured the living truth of the eternal
wedding wreath that already was blessed by God for
Adam and Eve.
The Sinti and Roma were always rejected by any heretical temple
or doma, as they knew and kept safe the holy truth against
the false knights and kings and queens, who would only pretend,
the original chosen holy souls of God, who always and again
did from any evil and from vows to the devil refrain, a helping
hand to lend, and evildoers are easily to spot, as they constantly
God's law treat as the last straw and to their own selfish purpose amend
and with their secret society every holy rule bend
against the nucleus of God's creation, a holy family for all of humanity,
sprung from Adam and Eve, whose souls were later incarnated also
in Abraham and Sarah, Yocheved and Amram, Boaz and Ruth
and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala to name but a few, and
as they were throughout history betrayed by many a heresy
that was even purposefully planned and planted by the piratery
and twists of the demoness and the devil, of whom each their own
slaves as recruits and clown enlists to mock God's family
of holy souls that He entrusted to the original couple Adam and Eve
and in every incarnation without any abracadabra incantation
but into their most loving selfless care in order to restore
law and order across every border and to unite
the one holy nation in every generation.
No more messing around, the Sinti and Roma
have helped in collaboration with all holy souls from heaven
and on earth to bring Jesus Christ's spiritual church
on the ground, as their faith in the truth of holy matrimony is sound,
although they had also a lot of infiltration by pseudo-gypsies and
travellers, who wanted to give them a bad and unholy name
and put with their drunken and pagan zick-zack tactics
on holy souls the evildoers' own shame and blame.
But God made the beast tame and finished quietly
the most lame game in the history of all times,
and simply spills the beans on every unholy see's
and secret society's notorieties and crimes
of all varieties, including those against humanity.
God bless the Sinti's and Roma's holy souls,
who witnessed and experienced in all sad and mad
and bad ways on their own bodies and in their own lives
the ritual knives of the secret societies but not one
of them God and the holy truth betrays, as a holy soul
never from true love and purity in their heart strays
and without hesitation cuts off any traitor and evildoer
from any Sinti and Roma clan, who is proven to have
played, and then, also in even a Jewish and Irish
and whatnot Charismatic devil's den with the truth
for her own selfish gain catch-as-catch-can and
who has only ever given birth to the next dragons' batch.
All evildoers find now in the united family of Jesus Christ
and Mary Magdala, and make that from Adam and Eve,
their perfect match towards justice through the truth alone
and their beloved Nomad community will against the traitors finally all
testimony and facts of most unholy acts to the heavenly
judgment court and whenever possible also to the
appropriate worldly authority dispatch, so that their children
can onto their holy mother's breast in peace and basic happiness
and harmony and unity and in human dignity latch.
We might be vulnerable in a tent but it is a small price to pay,
if we can take it in turns, and all have a roof over their head
and share, what is there, and speak and live only the truth as their
daily bread instead of telling porky-pies compiled by
mercenary spies of violent and greedy crusades, whose soldiers
have let disappear many a corpse of a holy soul, who announced
that the return of the good God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is near.
And all holy souls will simply through the truth made heard
and visible all over the world clear out all fouls and
teach the unholy ones about having worn secret society cones
and having created SS-clones of God almightily fear;
and over Irish coffee and palinka,
and water and kefir and vodka rather than poisoned heretical wine
sold for an elite by a greedy and seedy French twisting Dom perignion swine paid for
by Rome and Dover they shave his and her false beard,
with which the Rumpelstiltskin evildoers are even their own illegitimate heirs blacklisting as fake Levites -
what hypocrits.
And in the middle of fending off murderous hits against the family of the Holy Rose,
and against every Holy Flower's name, as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala claim back from the evil ones
their once perfect garden that they did with the help of the Sinti and Roma now did with the
truth unweed, and clear all holy souls from any false blame and shame and expose every
unholy knight and treacherous dame, also under every doma.
Over from Rome to Dover and around the globe is the rule of the secret society cones
and of Roman empire style bully clones and heretical pathetic beards, and back at the
senders come all curses also to death doctors and nurses and all stones.
And freed from all hypocrisy and heresy and evil filthy phantasy is also the clergy and there is no
need for a church hierarchy, as all serve God either in voluntary blessed celibacy and
holy matrimony, and help each other in their worldwide holy community.
God bless the holy souls of the Sinti and Roma,
you kept the truth holy and defended it with your lives
against the ritual knives, and were stung again and again
by just any heretical beehives, who wanted to corrupt
Jesus Christ's way of living and selfless giving
of spiritual gifts, with which you long healed wherever
you went any man-made rifts and I thank you for
helping all other anonymous and known holy souls
from heaven and on earth to make to the truth even
the right highest mountain shifts, and thus,
all spiritual heretical pus now into its own
insignificance of their nirvana drifts. For them
it is from now on: nada, nothing, they are on their
own, and have to bury their dead alone and are being
looked upon as spiritual con, who let God and Jesus Christ
even play for them the clown and declared the holy souls
plem-plem. And that includes those, who refused to speak out
God's names because they wanted to replace the true Holy Trinity
with their own self-made deity hidden under Hashem, the name -
I simply say this: all evildoers and liars and traitors never did
from God's holy souls but from an evil beast and the devil
May the Infinite Light of God's truth's might shine upon you always,
and no matter, from where you are coming and from what ways,
we will meet again, be it in the sun or in the fog or in the rain,
and I thank you that none of you ever from God's law strays
nor our trust betrays.
Mathair Sigrid Eliora

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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