TWEETS: Not all history repeats itself,when simply it is thrown out of the bookshelf.

God told Ruth&Boaz that Noemi was bad&they were about her refusal to repent really sad&when Ruth survived the birth,Noemi was at God mad.
Ruth found out from God that Noemi's sons were poisoned&He takes now to task that soul&all,who played on her behalf as a golden calf foul.
Why are some people so keen on a family tree polished by Mr Sheen? It must be a queen,who wants to be Ruth but not tell about God the truth.
Not all history repeats itself,when simply it is thrown out of the bookshelf & replaced with the holy truth, says the one and only Ruth!
Fellows Court is in Haggerston&it is like old Babylon filled with any kind of spiritual con&has THE devil's den even under a hoofchurch roof
I know that in Fellows Court Her Majesty is always welcome in every home! As they have a rainbow as a dome&also house royalty from old Rome.
Congratulations to her Majesty, who I heard loves the Eastend very much!Maybe she would like to come as a guest to the fellows in our court!
Even a queen God makes scream in her dream,when turns out that she poisoned for Mary Magdala&for a cat the cream,when wearing a cone hat.
What queen would offer Mary Magdala sapphires of the world&a pretend heavenly gown,if not one that has herself never for God selflessly sown
What queen would be on giving away for buying silence so keen about the truth that has already been twisted by her for God,Boaz,Oved&Ruth?
We know one bribery that was offered,says one pretending secret society,as we did it to find out,who was vending against Mary Magdala a hit.
We know the lady-in-waiting from fishmongery,says one secret society about the other,she came here to bring a stinking fish &unholy mother.
Which lady-in-waiting in fishmongery, asks God now with Jesus Christ every single society,has offered to Mary Magdala for silence a bribery?
ElisabethI.hides secretly in the wardrobe by a church with the help of a city bishop,who offered the role also to many other devil's brides
Irish News: Rev Ian Paisley rushed to hospital after suspected heart attack- VIDEO (IrishCentral)
Imagine, being hid in a wardrobe nearby a city church,who pretended to be St Brid around the globe&wore ElisabethI.dress
Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus,wiederholt Ferdinand I.&fuegt hinzu,dass die Kleiderkammer der Kirche nicht ist ein Theaterkostuemfundus.
Nur wer anstatt der heiligen Wahrheit Heresie lehrt,braucht fuer seinen Spott nicht zu sorgen,wenn Gott tut der Gerechtigkeit Fluegel borgen
Alle Gabelungen der Wahrheit fuehren auf Jesus Christus Weg fuehren zu Gott,&die nach Rom und jeder heretische Dom gehen darueber bankrott.
@wilsberg I passed your house every morning on my way to the cathedral&to school on my bicycle,it is so nice to see it featured in the films
Why did Barbarossa have to flee with Beatrice on a mule?Because of the then secret societies,who still kill&rule with heresies¬orieties.
Not the holy truth is heresy but heresy is being presented by secret societies in churches that have allowed them for far too long to rule
Not the holy truth is wrong but the secret societies from the lurches in the churches incl.the Catholic one,who allows openly an pagan cone.
A bishop in many a city plays 'Carry on' as spiritual hoofcon&sells all to everybody to get also a title of 'hon' under a glass pyramid roof
A bishop in a city promises all to everybody,who give him title,money&property under glass roof with a devil's hoof&he was filmed in a spoof
Rasputin sold all to everybody,who gave him money or property but they didn't know that he promised sandcastles&fata morganas to anybody.
What kind of bishop would threaten holy priests&declare them for visions insane?One that has sold thrones to everybody with Freemason cones.
What kind of bishop would use a sermon to list his board memberships in the city?One that uses his Freemasonry openly in a church hierarchy.
What kind of bishop would say to an innocent child:'you are the queen of the night'&then:'never offer a bishop peanuts'-one of a devil's den
@MutterSigrid @RCWestminster Jesus CHRIST is THE way, THE truth, and THE life.
Nobody can unpunishedly pick&mix&mess with his responsibility in a monarchy or democracy-it is integrity alone in God that lends authority.
Sts Maria,Anastasia&Alexei dreamt that Rasputin in his sleep screamed&said that he ate his own poison in the milk his golden cow had creamed
Sts Maria,Anastasia&Alexei didn't trust Rasputin as he gave them poisoned wheat,when he told them he had at Wilhelm's table an Elijah's seat
Sts Maria,Anastasia&Alexei wouldn't eat the fish&bread from wheat that Rasputin put in a dish,as it was poisoned&he had a special evil seat.
Confident and Catholic: New lecture series examines priorities for the Catholic church in England and Wales.
Rasputin worked with black magic in secret societies&committed any kind of notorieties for fees&initiated members for a variety of degrees.
Sts Anastasia,Maria&Alexei knew that Rasputin would them betray but still they wouldn't wish anybody killed but by God sent into the clay.
Sts.Jacob&Zara-Zarai knew also as Sts Aaron&Miriam&Sts Rudolf&Sophie they would be betrayed by God's enemies in the pew
Seelen,die von Gott erwaehlt wurden fuer einen fruehen Tod in einer anderen Inkarnation,leben nun lange,denn sie sind Seine Manifestation.
Seelen,die frueh in den Himmel zurueck durften&dafuer gewaltsam sterben mussten,das schon vor ihrer Geburt von Gott zur Vorbereitung wussten
St Maria,St Anastasia&St Alexei wussten schon frueh,dass der Tod sie jung erwartet,darum taten sie alles,dass jeder seine Funken versprueh.
St Anastasia&St Maria spielten fuer St Alexei immer am Hofe Tester,damit er beim Erdbeerenverstecken im Schuh der Gaeste wuerde immer Bester
St Anastasia wuenschte sich zurueck mit St Alexei in den Himmel als Stern,so sehr hatten sie Gott,Jesus Christus&Seine Familie gern nah&fern
St Anastasia erinnert sich gern an das russische Schachspiel,das sie spielte mit ihrem geliebten Bruderherz Alexei&gemeinsam waren sie fern.
Die Heilkunst ist von Gott gegeben,um den Menschen in den Himmel auf Erden kostenfrei zu heben,sodass er dann gesundet heilig kann leben.
@zeitonline Hoffentlich verlassen die Waffenhaendler und sonstigen Kriegsgewinnler Syrien auch.
Die roten Teppiche bedeuteten Jesus Christus&Maria Magdalena noch nie etwas,denn fuer viele ihrer Freunde&sie selber die denTod einlaeuteten
Gott sei Dank,sagt Maria Magdalena,dass Jesus Christus die Adresse weiss von einem Frank,der auch nur Seinen Tod lesen will in der Presse.
Wie gut, denkt sich Jesus Christ,dass meiner Maria Magdalas Teppich zu klein ist fuer ihren Koerper,den mal wieder tot will der Anti-Christ.
Wie gut,denkt sich Gott,dass mein roter Teppich zu klein ist,um mich als Leiche darin einzurollen,falls die mich mal wieder umbringen wollen
God&Jesus Christ bestow on all holy souls with integrity any gifts&authority needed at a certain moment of time to prevent any sin or crime.
@IrishCentral May Prince William's generation know everlasting peace and unity forevermore on Jesus Christ's way of truth&justice.AMEN
Jesus Christ is sick&tired that God is also threatened with a bishop's boundarystick because He with the holy truth a congregation inspired.
Good riddance,Mary Magdala to a Freemason in the neighbourhood,who threatened to serve her breasts to Jesus Christ on a plate-word out2late!
Nbdy can stop Mary Magdala a word of truth to drop,as she simply walks the other way,if an assassin waits with a knife or gun at a bus stop.
Nothing can stop Mary Magdala the holy truth of His return to drop,as God&Jesus Christ had once too often before a knife at heart to stop
Some royalty must have the blues,as certain living words did not amuse&a bribery of blue gems&silk is by a poet rejected&a throne is ejected
Queen's Irish visit was a 'major turning point' in her life says Prince William (IrishCentral)
Nothing can beat the heat out of the living word of Jesus Christ the shepherd,even when threatened with His wife on a plate as dead meat.
Poetry seems to be working&is being read,when God makes the living word His lightning rod&royalty offers a poet bribery to stop as a bread.
Mother Superior
Order of the Holy Rose (OHR)
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