Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Saturday, 14 January 2012
The Fisherman's Wife
The Fisherman's Wife
I am just a holy fisherman's wife,
and it is not an easy life to
feed the united peaceful godly nation with the treasures
God provides for free in His holy see -
as those, who charge for their bread and wine
off Pudding Lane and Billingsgate a membership fee
rather silence us with their rose windows filled up with bricks
instead of letting in God's word into their stone hearts
because they treat the poor and meek as spiritual pus and consider
them unworthy and weak, and with their evil streak
they even play disguised as some pretending pious father
for their own panto in the sanctuary their parts;
and for them the holy family's
story omnibus with the demon version of perversion ends and
starts, and that is, why my husband rather from that kind of
closed and secretive society parts, and no longer his own neck and nose
into a polluted see sticks that on heresy and church treasury
criminality in numbers does overdose, and disturbs my husband's
and mine and our daughter's slumbers.
They say we swear and we are possessed by demons
but it is in fact them, who try to disguise that they even
try to rob us of our fish and steal even like a trophy from the greengrocers
the parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, and the lemon and lime for
their wine and dine affairs in the crypt at night,
and only God knows, what is going on at many an
underground sight as with them new tunnels and
bunkers there is not coming into broad day light
much more sound other than their garbles about their
new world order might - if you ask me they have all
lost their marbles.
And you hear it now every day that they are all
getting ever younger with dementia - I wonder, whether
that is because they are drinking and stinking of brothel
and drugs and are in reality simply thugs, who even
pretend they can fly like a sheikh out of an old Roman or
Egyptian temple on expensive antique rugs, as sometimes
I wonder, when they ask me to wash the next morning
their mugs with my fish water, and I share with them
for free my bubble and squeak hash - but me husband
told me from now on never to give any of our pie and mash
to any spiritual con,
as once too often many a fake pious Don was in fact
a bloodthirsty spie - what do yer say! Even the Roman
and Dover soles now from Jesus Christ stray, and do His
spiritual church betray. At least that is what me husband
tells me, and that is, why I am actually glad that the fish
market is now totally free from any kind of murky water
brine and we simply swim in our own little beautiful and
holy see without any membership fee, and we feed
the hungry and lost with the truth as our never-ending living
nourishment without a charge,
and we shelter them from those, who already wanted
to kill John Donne because He was the incarnate Holy Rose
and His family, as once too often did they try on
the faithful and meek to spy and to them about the truth
lie. And John Donne holds still the key in His soul's memory
and in heaven for all the incarnations of Jesus Christ
to God's last gate. And for the unrepentant souls sadly
all fake admittance out of self-pittance comes now too late,
and their sins are retained, as they have once too often
from telling the truth and from confession to God refrained,
and have others with their own shame stained and put on
their name their own due blame -
I will never understand, why people sell their souls
for peanuts - for what?! For some sad five minute and
then forgotten forever fame - that stinks even up to heaven
rotten - why do they refuse to even believe in Jesus Christ
the Son of God begotten?
'Well, now all evildoers are in for their own demise from
the book of life', says Jesus Christ, through Mary Magdala,
this time as His beloved eternal fisherman's wife, 'as once
too often have they used in their secret society or in their
private room against the eternal bride and bridegroom a
ritual knife and a curse and even got paid for it by a public
purse, when some tried to kill the holy family also as a
death angel doctor or Satanistic nurse. And they have
also desecrated many a church bell, and for that they
go now into their own mind's hell, as God personally
will through the holy spirit in the united nations' subconsciousness
stream in many a dream all truth tell.
And that is not something, anybody could foretell,
nor sell, as that is entrusted to the only soul that is
also a heavenly church bell, and protected from any
spell or charm of God's enemies, as He won't allow
anymore on her harm, and whosoever tries to violate
her frequency, will receive a visit by even a worldly
but holy gendarm, who will any evildoer instantly
disarm and bring to justice every crime at the sound
of the bell that only Jesus Christ in heaven and on earth
can chime, wherever He is but it won't be the one
sung about in many a nursery rhyme, as one cannot
be sure, whether a so-called heritage sight is really
inside still pure, as nowadays all seem to rather
put more value the fabric to insure than to provide
for free for the poor and needy the right cure.
I am just a fisherman's wife and I have a simple
faith and I do not intend to complicate with through
the greedy and seedy our holy life. So, if you want
something to eat that is also the truth and thus
for your soul and your body nutritious, then you have
to give up behaving towards us and Jesus Christ's flock
malicious and vicious and treating us like spiritual pus -
as we only use the purest fish stock and give thanks to
God for all that we are and have, and we do in prayer
and in every aspect of our lives in holiness rave, and
we do not wish to be dissected by your ritual knives
and threatened with some anonymous countryside grave
or some hidden hole in your nave.
God bless you, and I rather recommend to you
your every sin to God to repent, as it would be a shame,
if we had to endlessly put on you your every single
blame like in the olden times publicly - but we need
to make sure that pure is our every next of kin in their
heart and soul, and that nobody in our family does
with our life plays foul. So, we try our best to lead by example
and we won't anybody blame, who only tried to pass their test
to a delusion and obsession with mind's intrusion, if they repent
that they have about us lied and on us spied and did on our
reputation purposefully trample, and even on us in your
stupid mirrors scryed -
but we do detest any kind of falsehood especially
in a nun's or monk's hood and any kind of violence
and pestilence and spiritual decadence in it committed, no matter who
is hiding underneath to distribute poisonous snake food also from
Hampstead Heath to the bearer of the one and only eternal wedding wreath
of Adam and Eve, and the holy mother of the firstborn children of creation,
who were also slandered from the beginning of time by a most unholy nation.
And so, I feel as the holy fisherman's wife and mother of a holy child
left extremely by mankind alone, but God and Jesus Christ no longer
allow to be thrown fortunately, unpunishedly against Eve and Mary Magdala
even the tiniest stone and the holy children of Adam in all incarnations have
never God's love and fear of letting Him down outgrown, and are serving
the Holy Trinity in holiness each as the most faithful priestly drone.
They gave me many a gift and I try my best to heal with each one
any fishmarket rift, and I do very much care that all holy souls are being
fed their share of the living word that is the truth in flesh and we must
live God's law in order for justice to be a living entity in our hearts
for eternity and not the last straw. And I never liked any kind of lottery
ticket to sell or draw, as that is in God's eyes a mighty unholy flaw.
And after last night, in which God did even almost at Jesus Christ
in impatience scream but avoided it as otherwise there
would have also been involved an old brotherly fight,
I would not recommend to test Him on His promise
not to flood the world, as He is following His Son Jesus Christ's path
and no longer punishes mankind out of wrath but He has seen that every
single story that was supposed to be lived and written to His glory was
actually mocked and so, God is so shocked that even now under the weight
of His tears almost me husband's fisherman's boat rocked and almost at the wrong
yard docked with the wrong anchor -
good, that we of those a few spare parts
stocked and the sheep already safely somewhere else flocked, where they can
live without fears from the wolves, as the beast in man simply not anything,
it seems, voluntarily resolves that could save the world even in a dream
made reality, God is very keen to release the facts of all evildoing and crime
into the righteous authorities' subconsciousness stream, who have very much
intact their integrity, and from there everybody then just on the right intuition
and impulse acts, and finds the right words at the right time,
and that is the secret recipe of the simple but holy fisherman's and his wife's chime.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 14th January MMXII
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