Amazing graces - would the real faces show up in real places and
reclaim spaces for God and the truth,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Amazing graces -
would the real faces, please, show up in real places and reclaim
spaces for God and the truth and shut down those, where Elders and
evildoers did in the pew and sanctuary in their heresy and organised
criminality overdose?! And prove to me that they did indeed live and
teach the truth and nothing but the truth and did to Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala a helping hand lend to spread as their daily bread the
reality of their holy matrimony and their sadly butchered little holy
That would be truly amazing, if not anymore in every shore but the
heavenly Holy Rose shore would the real flock in the shelter of the
truth be grazing and set the world with the facts ablazing to put all
wrong right and to end the most unholy historical and theological and
whatnot -cal fight - as God spreads with all His holy souls anyway His
wings and demonstrates to the evildoers with the evidence of their
decadence and pestilence around the glob His true might and takes from
outpost to outpost His flight and all sandcastles to their foundations
shakes and stings back with the proof of most unholy acts under every
desecrated roof the hornets, who did with organised criminality not
just in numerous a monastery and priory but also under diplomatic
immunity and with the promise of impunity piratery treasures and
stolen documents stack and spread heresy, especially aryan master-race
lore amongst every nation in every variation with the help of many a
neo-fascist shore en galore with ancient torture crusades and
mercenary army and legion spades.
Most, who wish upon others a 'Happy Easter' have in fact in mind to
put a 'sister' or 'brother' to their hell's grind, whilst at face
value they wish them 'well' and behind their back curse them with gout
and blister and poison their teaspout - and pretend to provide the
right clue the truth to tell and to lend holy souls a helping hand.
Especially, the higher the evildoers climb their secret society ladder
the more filled with heresy and organised criminality internationally
is also their bladder, and they join the club of yet another lying cub
and scrying blackadder and have already for the x-factor time and
place with yet another silicone face under a false identity killed and
falsely and purposefully on holy souls with the evildoers their own
fouls spilled and windowsilled and with threats to their lives or that
to their wives with ritual knives broken hearts milled.
There is no more blasphemy left that God has not endured and He won't
allow anymore by any shore, as He wants His Holy Spirit and His family
of holy souls from all fouls with the truth for final justice from
injustice cured and will enforce peace with the truth alone, and by
simply returning behind the scenes all obscenes and criminal and
heretical and otherwise unlawful stones to the senders and law-benders
and loophole-blackhole amenders and babylonian war- and
And one knows the fruits of holy souls - they simply abstain from all
fouls! And help each other selflessly and do from committing evil
refrain, and they do also not even their worst enemies butcher or
slain or their reputation falsely stain but base on testimonials of
holy souls and proven accusations and facts their witness' or victims'
statement and do even rather one more than one less sin confess, that
they did not even commit but just in case they might have forgotten
another - but as they trust in God the Holy Spirit will never ever
anything of significance ommit from the records, as all is recorded in
the heavenly accounts, and any holy soul is mortified that even as
much as a thought might have for condemnation qualified!
As holy souls live in the awareness that although God sees and hears
everything and so do all other holy souls, one has to confess even the
smallest innocent mishaps to counteract any evildoers' fouls that they
blame on them and put with their own fouls falsely on a holy soul
their shame. The time has come, where every evildoer will have to
clear up eventually and often abruptly and involuntarily their own
mess, when they suddenly in the middle of boasting about their evil's
victory that they clearly 'confess' verbally, whilst they are innocent
neighbours are toasting unblushingly - and God lets the evildoers also
lose their grip on their devil's fiddle and undo even the most ancient
deceitful riddle, and thus, all heretical pus will be simply thrown
out of the true holy story's omnibus of old, and history does unfold,
as it was always quietly amongst the holy souls independently told.
And holy souls of all denominations amongst all nations have always
said to Adam about Eve and to Abraham about Sarah and to Jesus Christ
about Mary Magdala: 'Behold, there is your wife, with whom you always
and again do share your life for eternity, and we are your eternal
family - you are our father and mother, and sometimes the men are also
your brother or uncle and the women your sister or auntie, or we are
all cousin or
parents - you knew us before we were even born, and without you in our
lives we are forlorn and you without us!
And we feel with you, when you are in forced separation for security
reasons and offer you always our humble tent for accomodation in every
nation against all high treasons, and celebrate with you all holy
seasons given by the one Good God - and we do not need a pew to see
your light, as you shine even in the darkness, and when silently
singing to God 'Harkness!' as His truth's lightning rod. And we thank
the one Good God YAHWEH Iesous Christos that we are not in our souls
about anything that matters torn, as we simply know our way to the
place of holiness, which is everywhere, here and there, where there is
a holy face that shines in the truth of Jesus Christ in all His
incarnations and that of His wife Mary Magdala and their family free
of a ritual knife, as only in their peace through justice and truth
there is eternal life; and we follow their example and do not on
blessed holy celibacy and holy matrimony trample and their livjng
stories of true love and perseverance are ample - that is why we have
so many enemies, who envy our contentment that they as our guests did
sample. But God will no longer invite anybody, who cheats on the truth
and maltreats it, around His table, as once too often Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and their family of holy souls had yet again to survive
an attack of a ritual knife or poison and were subject to a conspiracy
by many a nation, who wanted to take their life and replace even their
face and true curriculum vitae with a constructed fable and with other
'players', who are really from God eternal strayers, and they lie in
multiple layers and abuse their spiritual gifts to make to evil their
selfish shifts and to cause amongst holy souls with their fouls
purposefully rifts - but such a creature of hell does eventually
get back its every spell and will tremble in fear, when it hears
under self-pitiful tears a bell, as God is to the truth and to His holy
souls now always near, and also lets point the evildoers at themselves
for every plot and fines on the spot even the by corruption and greed
joint pike and oyster shell, and lets their surviving victims the truth tell
and with the testimonials in the courtshelves suddenly
no longer working are also any faeries' or elves' spells.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
Blessed be God. Blessed be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and their holy family of old. Blessed be the children of Abraham and Sarah.

Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah
Monday, 7 April 2014
Amazing graces - real faces show up in the real places and reclaim places for God and the truth in God's good time, by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Amazing graces - would the real faces show up in real places and
reclaim spaces for God and the truth,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Amazing graces -
would the real faces, please, show up in real places and reclaim
spaces for God and the truth and shut down those, where Elders and
evildoers did in the pew and sanctuary in their heresy and organised
criminality overdose?! And prove to me that they did indeed live and
teach the truth and nothing but the truth and did to Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala a helping hand lend to spread as their daily bread the
reality of their holy matrimony and their sadly butchered little holy
That would be truly amazing, if not anymore in every shore but the
heavenly Holy Rose shore would the real flock in the shelter of the
truth be grazing and set the world with the facts ablazing to put all
wrong right and to end the most unholy historical and theological and
whatnot -cal fight - as God spreads with all His holy souls anyway His
wings and demonstrates to the evildoers with the evidence of their
decadence and pestilence around the glob His true might and takes from
outpost to outpost His flight and all sandcastles to their foundations
shakes and stings back with the proof of most unholy acts under every
desecrated roof the hornets, who did with organised criminality not
just in numerous a monastery and priory but also under diplomatic
immunity and with the promise of impunity piratery treasures and
stolen documents stack and spread heresy, especially aryan master-race
lore amongst every nation in every variation with the help of many a
neo-fascist shore en galore with ancient torture crusades and
mercenary army and legion spades.
Most, who wish upon others a 'Happy Easter' have in fact in mind to
put a 'sister' or 'brother' to their hell's grind, whilst at face
value they wish them 'well' and behind their back curse them with gout
and blister and poison their teaspout - and pretend to provide the
right clue the truth to tell and to lend holy souls a helping hand.
Especially, the higher the evildoers climb their secret society ladder
the more filled with heresy and organised criminality internationally
is also their bladder, and they join the club of yet another lying cub
and scrying blackadder and have already for the x-factor time and
place with yet another silicone face under a false identity killed and
falsely and purposefully on holy souls with the evildoers their own
fouls spilled and windowsilled and with threats to their lives or that
to their wives with ritual knives broken hearts milled.
There is no more blasphemy left that God has not endured and He won't
allow anymore by any shore, as He wants His Holy Spirit and His family
of holy souls from all fouls with the truth for final justice from
injustice cured and will enforce peace with the truth alone, and by
simply returning behind the scenes all obscenes and criminal and
heretical and otherwise unlawful stones to the senders and law-benders
and loophole-blackhole amenders and babylonian war- and
And one knows the fruits of holy souls - they simply abstain from all
fouls! And help each other selflessly and do from committing evil
refrain, and they do also not even their worst enemies butcher or
slain or their reputation falsely stain but base on testimonials of
holy souls and proven accusations and facts their witness' or victims'
statement and do even rather one more than one less sin confess, that
they did not even commit but just in case they might have forgotten
another - but as they trust in God the Holy Spirit will never ever
anything of significance ommit from the records, as all is recorded in
the heavenly accounts, and any holy soul is mortified that even as
much as a thought might have for condemnation qualified!
As holy souls live in the awareness that although God sees and hears
everything and so do all other holy souls, one has to confess even the
smallest innocent mishaps to counteract any evildoers' fouls that they
blame on them and put with their own fouls falsely on a holy soul
their shame. The time has come, where every evildoer will have to
clear up eventually and often abruptly and involuntarily their own
mess, when they suddenly in the middle of boasting about their evil's
victory that they clearly 'confess' verbally, whilst they are innocent
neighbours are toasting unblushingly - and God lets the evildoers also
lose their grip on their devil's fiddle and undo even the most ancient
deceitful riddle, and thus, all heretical pus will be simply thrown
out of the true holy story's omnibus of old, and history does unfold,
as it was always quietly amongst the holy souls independently told.
And holy souls of all denominations amongst all nations have always
said to Adam about Eve and to Abraham about Sarah and to Jesus Christ
about Mary Magdala: 'Behold, there is your wife, with whom you always
and again do share your life for eternity, and we are your eternal
family - you are our father and mother, and sometimes the men are also
your brother and the women your sister or auntie or uncle or cousin or
parents - you knew us before we were even born, and without you in our
lives we are forlorn and you without us!
And we feel with you, when you are in forced separation for security
reasons and offer you always our humble tent for accomodation in every
nation against all high treasons, and celebrate with you all holy
seasons given by the one Good God - and we do not need a pew to see
your light, as you shine even in the darkness, and when silently
singing to God 'Harkness!' as His truth's lightning rod. And we thank
the one Good God YAHWEH Iesous Christos that we are not in our souls
about anything that matters torn, as we simply know our way to the
place of holiness, which is everywhere, here and there, where there is
a holy face that shines in the truth of Jesus Christ in all His
incarnations and that of His wife Mary Magdala and their family free
of a ritual knife, as only in their peace through justice and truth
there is eternal life; and we follow their example and do not on
blessed holy celibacy and holy matrimony trample and their livjng
stories of true love and perseverance are ample - that is why we have
so many enemies, who envy our contentment that they as our guests did
sample. But God will no longer invite anybody, who cheats on the truth
and maltreats it, around His table, as once too often Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and their family of holy souls had yet again to survive
an attack of a ritual knife or poison and were subject to a conspiracy
by many a nation, who wanted to take their life and replace even their
face and true curriculum vitae with a constructed fable and with other
'players', who are really from God eternal strayers.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Abbey of the Holy Rose (Celtic Church of St Chad)" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to abbeyoftheholyrose+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send an email to abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com.
Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
reclaim spaces for God and the truth,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Amazing graces -
would the real faces, please, show up in real places and reclaim
spaces for God and the truth and shut down those, where Elders and
evildoers did in the pew and sanctuary in their heresy and organised
criminality overdose?! And prove to me that they did indeed live and
teach the truth and nothing but the truth and did to Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala a helping hand lend to spread as their daily bread the
reality of their holy matrimony and their sadly butchered little holy
That would be truly amazing, if not anymore in every shore but the
heavenly Holy Rose shore would the real flock in the shelter of the
truth be grazing and set the world with the facts ablazing to put all
wrong right and to end the most unholy historical and theological and
whatnot -cal fight - as God spreads with all His holy souls anyway His
wings and demonstrates to the evildoers with the evidence of their
decadence and pestilence around the glob His true might and takes from
outpost to outpost His flight and all sandcastles to their foundations
shakes and stings back with the proof of most unholy acts under every
desecrated roof the hornets, who did with organised criminality not
just in numerous a monastery and priory but also under diplomatic
immunity and with the promise of impunity piratery treasures and
stolen documents stack and spread heresy, especially aryan master-race
lore amongst every nation in every variation with the help of many a
neo-fascist shore en galore with ancient torture crusades and
mercenary army and legion spades.
Most, who wish upon others a 'Happy Easter' have in fact in mind to
put a 'sister' or 'brother' to their hell's grind, whilst at face
value they wish them 'well' and behind their back curse them with gout
and blister and poison their teaspout - and pretend to provide the
right clue the truth to tell and to lend holy souls a helping hand.
Especially, the higher the evildoers climb their secret society ladder
the more filled with heresy and organised criminality internationally
is also their bladder, and they join the club of yet another lying cub
and scrying blackadder and have already for the x-factor time and
place with yet another silicone face under a false identity killed and
falsely and purposefully on holy souls with the evildoers their own
fouls spilled and windowsilled and with threats to their lives or that
to their wives with ritual knives broken hearts milled.
There is no more blasphemy left that God has not endured and He won't
allow anymore by any shore, as He wants His Holy Spirit and His family
of holy souls from all fouls with the truth for final justice from
injustice cured and will enforce peace with the truth alone, and by
simply returning behind the scenes all obscenes and criminal and
heretical and otherwise unlawful stones to the senders and law-benders
and loophole-blackhole amenders and babylonian war- and
And one knows the fruits of holy souls - they simply abstain from all
fouls! And help each other selflessly and do from committing evil
refrain, and they do also not even their worst enemies butcher or
slain or their reputation falsely stain but base on testimonials of
holy souls and proven accusations and facts their witness' or victims'
statement and do even rather one more than one less sin confess, that
they did not even commit but just in case they might have forgotten
another - but as they trust in God the Holy Spirit will never ever
anything of significance ommit from the records, as all is recorded in
the heavenly accounts, and any holy soul is mortified that even as
much as a thought might have for condemnation qualified!
As holy souls live in the awareness that although God sees and hears
everything and so do all other holy souls, one has to confess even the
smallest innocent mishaps to counteract any evildoers' fouls that they
blame on them and put with their own fouls falsely on a holy soul
their shame. The time has come, where every evildoer will have to
clear up eventually and often abruptly and involuntarily their own
mess, when they suddenly in the middle of boasting about their evil's
victory that they clearly 'confess' verbally, whilst they are innocent
neighbours are toasting unblushingly - and God lets the evildoers also
lose their grip on their devil's fiddle and undo even the most ancient
deceitful riddle, and thus, all heretical pus will be simply thrown
out of the true holy story's omnibus of old, and history does unfold,
as it was always quietly amongst the holy souls independently told.
And holy souls of all denominations amongst all nations have always
said to Adam about Eve and to Abraham about Sarah and to Jesus Christ
about Mary Magdala: 'Behold, there is your wife, with whom you always
and again do share your life for eternity, and we are your eternal
family - you are our father and mother, and sometimes the men are also
your brother and the women your sister or auntie or uncle or cousin or
parents - you knew us before we were even born, and without you in our
lives we are forlorn and you without us!
And we feel with you, when you are in forced separation for security
reasons and offer you always our humble tent for accomodation in every
nation against all high treasons, and celebrate with you all holy
seasons given by the one Good God - and we do not need a pew to see
your light, as you shine even in the darkness, and when silently
singing to God 'Harkness!' as His truth's lightning rod. And we thank
the one Good God YAHWEH Iesous Christos that we are not in our souls
about anything that matters torn, as we simply know our way to the
place of holiness, which is everywhere, here and there, where there is
a holy face that shines in the truth of Jesus Christ in all His
incarnations and that of His wife Mary Magdala and their family free
of a ritual knife, as only in their peace through justice and truth
there is eternal life; and we follow their example and do not on
blessed holy celibacy and holy matrimony trample and their livjng
stories of true love and perseverance are ample - that is why we have
so many enemies, who envy our contentment that they as our guests did
sample. But God will no longer invite anybody, who cheats on the truth
and maltreats it, around His table, as once too often Jesus Christ and
Mary Magdala and their family of holy souls had yet again to survive
an attack of a ritual knife or poison and were subject to a conspiracy
by many a nation, who wanted to take their life and replace even their
face and true curriculum vitae with a constructed fable and with other
'players', who are really from God eternal strayers.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
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Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/abbeyoftheholyrose.
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