Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday, 11 January 2013

To whom the bells toll, and to whom they chime God decides on His Judgment throne with Jesus Christ alone, and returns every secret society cone's stone

Sigrid Kuck

11:57 AM  -  Public
Not all holy Roma have left India, and they also are law abiding citizens in every continent, including Europe, Africa and America. And they all know the KUSHTA, the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala. And also, that Martha and a Maria were sadly not kind to the infants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, as they were killed by their enemies but Jesus Christ took them with Him to heaven as Jacob and Zara.
Events in 1936 and some sad facts about the treatment of Roma and Sinti in and after the Holocaust »
Joseph Ratzinger grew up in a climate of Aryan heresy and Anti-Roma propaganda. Bavaria was the first country that introduced a 'Zigeunerbuch' (Gypsy Book), a register of some over 3,000 names of Roma...

Sigrid Kuck

11:54 AM  -  Public
Truth and retaining of sins and condemnation is the simple word that counts, when every sin to a capital one amounts, and the sinner still throws his stone at the one, he rather wants to kill than in man again fear of God to instill and to bring justice and law and order across the border about. One of these days God might just almightily, when He has had enough of being treated in His guesthouse as prisoner rough at His assassins shout. And He already lets bounce back all curses and lets money flow back from blackholes into public purses, and thus even doctors and nurses lack the funds to wish upon others or misdiagnose gout.
Living Eschiatology »
The Celtic Church of Naomh Ceadda is alive and well and will to all the truth tell and does not need for this a building nor a bell, as it is the living creed of Jesus Christ and simply stays away fro...
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Sigrid Kuck

11:50 AM  -  Public
A bank for a church of Jesus Christ? Sounds to me like the constitution of an Anti-Christ, especially, when silence crowns its capital sin and the official head treats Jesus Christ and His kin as clowns. No wonder, one of these days God also from face to face over grace frowns from Rome to Dover.
1936 - and some very sad facts about the treatment of the Roma and Sintii in and after the Holocaust - Abbey of the Holy Trinity Haggerston / Cill Trionoid Naofa Haggerston »
1936 - and some very sad facts about the treatment of the Roma and Sintii in and after the Holocaust - Abbey of the Holy Trinity Haggerston / Cill Trionoid Naofa Haggerston

Sigrid Kuck

12:25 PM  -  Public
Time to let Jesus Christ personally deliver the stone tablets with love also from Moses, like Father like Son like Holy Spirit, as that is sadly badly again needed, when one hears and reads all the war- and whoremongering scapegoating and greedy and weedy and seedy egomaniac empire brown and black leather coating.
Azkarah, remember, THOU SHALLST NOT KILL »
This is an excerpt of the sermon by Catholic Cardinal Clemens von Galen, delivered on Sunday, August 3, 1941, in Münster Cathedral, in which he risked his life by openly condemning the Nazi euthanasia...

Sigrid Kuck

12:21 PM  -  Public
In Gran Canaria one does whistle for communication, which might be a useful skill also for survival and worth an international revival for the one holy nation, although my grandfather, who was a wise and holy man always did in me the fear of God instill also by saying gravely: 'Maedchen, die Hosen tragen und pfeifen, und Haehnen, die Verrat kraehen, soll man beizeiten den Hals umdrehen.' (Girls, who wear trousers and who do whistle, and cockerels that betray one cannot trust and are to be silenced and ignored.) And that is, why I don't do either. He wanted me to play the zither and the accordion, though, as he said that this had helped him and others to survive the Holocaust.
How to report a crime »
MI5 - The Security Servicehttps://www.mi5.gov.uk/CachedShare Shared on Google+. View the post.You +1'd this publicly. Undo The Security Service (MI5) is a British intelligence agency working to...
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Sigrid Kuck

12:20 PM  -  Public
Jesus Christ cut Martha off already back then, as she tried to make Mary Magdala's house into a devil's den, and at face value pretended to be the mother hen.
Mary Magdala: Akeres Ha Bayis, BETH QUSHTA - House of Truth by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Mary Magdala: Akeres HaBayis / Mistress of Jesus Christ's House of Holy Truth Mary Magdala: Akeres HaBayis / Mistress of Jesus Christ's House of Holy Truth by Mother Sigrid Eliora I am Mary ...

Sigrid Kuck

12:18 PM  -  Public
Not hidden at all from those, who have answered God's call. Be it a pauper or a princess or pearly king or queen or a stately home owner from the Pall Mall. God bless all holy souls, who stand up to evil and prevent against Jesus Christ and His beloved holy family any hits and fouls.
Hidden Souls, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Tuesday, 20 November 2012 Hidden Souls by Mother Sigrid Eliora Hidden Souls by Mother Sigrid Eliora There are still souls among people - from nowhere and everywhere clear voices go to deaf ears ...

Sigrid Kuck

11:54 AM  -  Public
Truth and retaining of sins and condemnation is the simple word that counts, when every sin to a capital one amounts, and the sinner still throws his stone at the one, he rather wants to kill than in man again fear of God to instill and to bring justice and law and order across the border about. One of these days God might just almightily, when He has had enough of being treated in His guesthouse as prisoner rough at His assassins shout. And He already lets bounce back all curses and lets money flow back from blackholes into public purses, and thus even doctors and nurses lack the funds to wish upon others or misdiagnose gout.
Living Eschiatology »
The Celtic Church of Naomh Ceadda is alive and well and will to all the truth tell and does not need for this a building nor a bell, as it is the living creed of Jesus Christ and simply stays away fro...
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Sigrid Kuck

11:50 AM  -  Public
A bank for a church of Jesus Christ? Sounds to me like the constitution of an Anti-Christ, especially, when silence crowns its capital sin and the official head treats Jesus Christ and His kin as clowns. No wonder, one of these days God also from face to face over grace frowns.
1936 - and some very sad facts about the treatment of the Roma and Sintii in and after the Holocaust - Abbey of the Holy Trinity Haggerston / Cill Trionoid Naofa Haggerston »
1936 - and some very sad facts about the treatment of the Roma and Sintii in and after the Holocaust - Abbey of the Holy Trinity Haggerston / Cill Trionoid Naofa Haggerston

Sigrid Kuck

11:27 AM  -  Public
The art of deduction is used also by God, before He makes from the records of His book of life His final reductions by retaining purposeful sinners' sins against His holy kins, as there comes the time, where He no longer their crimes takes and over their filth and grime and curses returning back to them their confidence and sandcastles simply to point zero shakes.
KUSHTA is the word of truth that is God's only but diamond cut sword, and that was spoken already by Boaz and Ruth »
Sigrid Kuck10:59 AM - Public Jesus Christ's family and mine, the holy souls, who feel and live the meaning of KUSHTA, truth, in their bones, and who know each other for eternity and were already...

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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