Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


 We are an independent Catholic order in the Anglican-Catholic tradition open to all clergy and laity, who believe in the spiritual church of Christ free of heresy, and free of any secret society lore. We follow Mother Eliora's rule of the Order of the Holy Rose (OHR), which is affiliated to Bishop Ralph Napierski. We are trying to nurture and nourish the flock of Jesus Christ, as He commanded us to do, with His living word. Jesus Christ, is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. We share all our spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit for free. We live in either voluntary celibacy or in holy matrimony and try to lead by example by living a life in holiness and peace. In whatever way we can we use our gifts to heal any man-made rifts, to stand up to evil and heresy. We are following in Christ's footsteps and resent all ways of violence and war and greed, and urge all political leaders and monarchs to find all ways of peace and without weapons and free of corruption that enables all people to live free of slavery but in true harmony and loving-kindness with each other. We can only ever lead by example, and as disciples of Christ we serve only God in the pure waters of the spiritual Holy See of Jesus Christ, which is His living word that is our daily bread. By listening to His voice and acting upon it in every single detail and by surrendering our lives in all aspects to His commands every single day anew we are His living body, His eyes and His ears. We abhor even the smallest of sins and repent without fail, if we should have sinned unwillfully as soon as we become aware of it. Repentance is the way of purification and continuous spiritual renewal and growth and thus of bringing us ever closer to God's Infinite Light and into His living presence. All, who truly follow Christ on His path home to God are our beloved family, the holy family of God consisting only of His friends. We always wish our enemies well and pray for their soul's highest good. We abhor the path of wrath but we also stand up firmly for Christ's law that incorporates God's commandments delivered to us by Moses. The Holy Truth of Jesus Christ and His own family has been from the beginning of the early church undermined and partly twisted also by continuous efforts of heretical networks to this very day. Christ will put all wrong right and we use our gifts also like in poetry and arts and the performing arts to make the holy truth heard in the living word in infinite creative ways and outlets. We will publish soon more a blog with the history and facts of the Anglican-Catholic and the early Celtic Catholic church. We teach and labour for free in our local neighbourhood as well as internationally, wherever we are called to. We obey Christ in regards also to our possessions - lay members are called to lead a holy life, and to share in whatever ways they can their spiritual gifts and as nuns and monks we do not own property and follow in humility in the footsteps of Jesus like St Chad, who refused a horse and rather walked on foot even as a bishop. St Etheldreda shared her wealth and used it later for Christ's church and religious life. We believe that no order should own property itself and should make no profit out of their work but share all for free. Thus we teach for free and heal for free, and we also give away our artwork for free, perform for free and publish all our writings for free, or share whatever gift we have been given for free, f.ex. by cooking and baking for free. We have many ideas to spread Jesus' living word in deeds - like f.ex. restaurants that are run by volunteers and where food is free in exchange for other gifts people can offer, i.e. their time or food and ingredients. We also nurture our local communities in all ways we can and engage with our neighbours on a voluntary basis, by visiting the sick, or helping out with babysitting or with homework, tutoring etc. - all small steps and ways but even or especially a little smile goes a long extra-mile...

Those of us with children try to raise our children as John Donne expressed it so vividly 'as holy children to refill the earth with angels to replace the numerous fallen angels.  God's commandment is 'to go forth and multiply' and for the Master of the House to keep his house in order and to be faithfully serving God in holy matrimony with one wife', as it was always the custom, until celibacy was wrongly imposed by man going against God, although voluntary celibacy it is a most precious gift of God to any holy soul, who is selflessly serving God in this way to give their whole life wholeheartedly to their neighbours exclusively, for a period of time or forever, as both ways are radiating God's light for man in purity and true love. You can tell from the sparkle in their eyes for the needy and the vulnerable and the meek and holy, and in their gentleness the servants of God but towards the purposefully unholy we must stand up and be firm and lead even more by example and challenge evil in any way that the Holy Spirit guides us toward.

May you experience the bliss and endless joys and the living power of the eternal truth as well the mystery of suffering in Christ's Name for the constant purification of God's kingdom.

God bless you!

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