Go tell it from the cliffs of Dover: Lame game over!
The victims did live the name of each criminal con not just under a mask of an El Eljon to tell,
Go tell it from the mountains, over the hills and everywhere,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
Go tell it from the cliffs of Dover: Lame game over! The victims did live the name of each criminal con
not just under a mask of an El Eljon to tell, and now arriving at the doorstep also of many a Maria and Jon is their own organised criminality's hell and returning spell that they committed under a hijacked identity even with and against members of their own community and family, and they will feel the truth's wheel at the sound of a church bell not just in Brighton, Rome, Dover, Haggerston, Hitchin, London, Hove, Oxford,
Romford, Mimigerneford and all over the world, as the saints, who are the eternal holy souls are marching in on earth even from hell and purgatory, as they have volunteered to commit a white lie and to confess a mortal or other cardinal sin that they did not even do, and even became under the now expired contract with the devil for a while a demon's kin to gather the evidence for utmost evil, and so, even hell is now
accounted for thanks to numerous a holy volunteer spy. And suddenly, faced with the evidence, not even the highest hierarchy can their responsibility deny nor any longer the truth in all things unpunishedly and
unchallengedly defy, and God certainly revokes all diplomatic immunity for any aristocracy
without His light's nobility and evildoers cannot anymore in any shore on impunity rely, especially not of
archbishopry, bishopry nor any papacy. And, by the way, it is time to announce the return of Jesus Christ simply by no longer denying and defying His eternal holy matrimony with Mary Magdala and for all their incarnations, as soon the heretics in the majority of church hierarchy will suddenly not just look stupid but also ridiculous as pink panther and moonpig cupid of their own dirty phantasy. Need I say more?!
Oh, yes, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene never got that far to tell the truth and spill the beans with peaceful means before, as they were mostly in the early stages subjected to the kill by the mercenaries of every babylonian whore, who also wanted to control their Holy Rose invisible shore. But, you see, Adam and Eve alias Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala are finally of that bullshit lore shore and every unholy see free and simply sail plainly and quietly and anonymously from now on in their tiny little Holy Rose See and I expect many of the secret society members will suddenly no longer discuss matters and even neglect the game of the tee, as you never know, there might just be a team of the MI5 waiting to arrest under terrorism law everybody, who took part in a very revealing plot's secret society draw that was even for Her Majesty the last straw.
And nobody will answer an unrepentant sinners silent scream from his nightmares, when awake is finally the conscience and there is neither amongst the victims nor the evildoers a winner, as too many have suffered and died and were even lied to and for too long already justice denied because a culture of cover ups under diplomatic immunity and impunity the
truth defied and many under abuse of power and authority even to their principality and not just to their own country about the facts of most unholy murderous acts lied!
Amnesty only for one day - today - but for that you have to write your confession without concession, also of those, who were involved in the murder and cover up of it of Savash Saka and other victims, and hand it in personally to the MI5,
which will present itself in person discretely, as known are already every sinners' evil deeds! But after today
there will be no more mercy shown in reduction of sentences, as too much numerous a holy soul's heart from the latest wounds and from reopened ones by secret society stones internally bleeds.
Go tell it from the mountains, over the hills and everywhere,
here and there, that the more threats are being made and curses
muttered from Rome to Dover via Brighton one can easily point
and identify every lie and con, who them uttered, as the Rosecrucians and
templar knights et al are all the same out for
five minute fame, who throw their pebbles under their secret society mask,
who are furious and at the same time curious that they just could not succeed
not even on Halloween to break up the only one good God's eternal living
creed, and suddenly the Vatican secret societies pay to whole Anglican
and RCC church hierarchies outside Rome neither for their repossession of a
dome nor a church no longer briberies nor their extra-class and drugs and hired thugs bills,
and suddenly even fake-clergy in Sundon, Brighton, Hove with pretend-piety has turned
into cold turkey broth on the church hall stove, and the once arrogant Ol' Italian style boys
of an artificially gay inner circle of world dominion delusion and Eunuch masterrace obsession and perversion has arrived at a life, in which even their ritual knife no longer creates a culture of pestilence and decadence and crumbling is their red brick Brighton church visibly, as the truth has touched ground once upon a time even in Brighton and Dover from the lurch,
and an old man at the sea saw forthcoming that their last curse would be the
end also of Rasputin's last return's organised network of crime, and the bell
did long toll on the notorieties of the hell of the
secret societies of a bishop of Londinium, whose bishopry does humility and honesty but
not organised criminality and heresy lack,
as once too often the secret societies attached to a priory that beasts hatched and
with churchhouse chosen candidates matched, did too carelessly stolen church treasures and bodyparts and other evidence illegally stack, as they cashed in wildly on bribery and piratery and organised pestilence, also in Southdown, and North and East and West, under the bishop's diplomatic immunity and impunity.
Once too often died a holy soul, whose ritual murder was plotted under the BoL pyramid
roof of St Paul's, ask the grandmasters, who did about it in St Magnus boast, and
who now each other at the prospect of Whitby's outcome toast with every unimaginable but true foul.
Do I some never known fear of God finally on All Souls, All Saints and on Rememberance now detect even in fake-clergy, female and male, that makes them surrender
voluntarily to the MI5 before then with their complete devil's den, and hand in their every knife and gun in a just today valid amnesty?! It is up to the evildoers, and we know their names and masks and put on their real faces without hesitation before the whole nation their long overdue shames in a courtroom, and none of these secret societies can really
afford to reject this offer, as listed are already all bearers of cones by undercover wolf shearers and special license for arresting powers' bearers, and most of them played secretly
evil bride and bridegroom and stole Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's heirloom and did with evil Martha's help seakelp as future masterrace of evil witches and wizards groom.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
And now from an old newsletter, somebody, who no longer copes with artifically crushed hopes but shouts his disgust at the lust of fake piety deacons, priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals and popes, and exposes all their evil that they committed not just under dopes, and he added in his report to the MI5, what they had in their confessions ommitted.
'Can I have a word?!'
By James John Westcott:
forth and do just that, despite threats and bribery offers,
that are in itself book filling, and I hope I did all I could to do
break up the structures of evil with all my gifts, as God had asked
from me, to bring about to the truth the right shifts and to heal all
man-made rifts - and, by God, were they fabricated and manipulated by
organised criminality and aryan fascist heresy, and I can honestly say
that I went on Jesus Christ's way and lived nonetheless despite the
threats and slanderous cheats and murderous treats of hell even by
some, who said with us the following prayer, and lived the truth to
tell, and now it is time for the evildoers all the fouls that they
threw from the pulpit and the pew at holy souls to confess and to
clear up locally and internationally their own mess.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, who have
been unspeakably mocked and treated with blasphemy - and that is the
highest violation of God's commandments, that every Vatican and
Anglican church hierarchy has made its own self-serving amendments to
the truth and have corruption as the norm in every shore and in every
nation, and I do to that kind of hellish institution and mass
manipulation for mass execution out of worship for mammon not conform,
and I despise everybody, who did rape and abuse holy souls in any form
and systematically turned into a brothel almost every monastery and
boarding school dorm, so that the victims would turn against God and
would blame to God's and Jesus Christ's name the shame - but the
contract of the devil with God is now null and void, and that is, why
I all company of hell avoid.
'What we hear of goodness in the silence of our heart, let us have the
to tell with wisdom.'
by James John Westcott
We give our life for all those, who are no longer able to tell and live the truth, and we thank
those, who, despite their own fears, and without gain, are unafraid
to witness to the truth.
We use our voice for families and communities, who are terrified to speak out.
May those, who have a voice relinquish conformity, and speak on their behalf.
We give thanks to those, who are able to speak for the voiceless, the innocent,
the vulnerable, the tortured, and we remember now in silence: ... and
all who, have laid
down their lives for the truth and were killed through ritual knives and through
organised criminality and by those, who subscribe to death as their
aryan fascist
doctrine and heresy.
We ask for the rights of conscience to be respected by governments and national
groups in our land and everywhere.
Our Father, let us face temptation only to deliver us from evil and to
separate us from the evil ones. Deo Gratias. Gracias!
James John Westcott
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
'Can I have a word?!'
By James John Westcott:
forth and do just that, despite threats and bribery offers,
that are in itself book filling, and I hope I did all I could to do
break up the structures of evil with all my gifts, as God had asked
from me, to bring about to the truth the right shifts and to heal all
man-made rifts - and, by God, were they fabricated and manipulated by
organised criminality and aryan fascist heresy, and I can honestly say
that I went on Jesus Christ's way and lived nonetheless despite the
threats and slanderous cheats and murderous treats of hell even by
some, who said with us the following prayer, and lived the truth to
tell, and now it is time for the evildoers all the fouls that they
threw from the pulpit and the pew at holy souls to confess and to
clear up locally and internationally their own mess.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, who have
been unspeakably mocked and treated with blasphemy - and that is the
highest violation of God's commandments, that every Vatican and
Anglican church hierarchy has made its own self-serving amendments to
the truth and have corruption as the norm in every shore and in every
nation, and I do to that kind of hellish institution and mass
manipulation for mass execution out of worship for mammon not conform,
and I despise everybody, who did rape and abuse holy souls in any form
and systematically turned into a brothel almost every monastery and
boarding school dorm, so that the victims would turn against God and
would blame to God's and Jesus Christ's name the shame - but the
contract of the devil with God is now null and void, and that is, why
I all company of hell avoid.
'What we hear of goodness in the silence of our heart, let us have the
to tell with wisdom.'
by James John Westcott
We give our life for all those, who are no longer able to tell and live the truth, and we thank
those, who, despite their own fears, and without gain, are unafraid
to witness to the truth.
We use our voice for families and communities, who are terrified to speak out.
May those, who have a voice relinquish conformity, and speak on their behalf.
We give thanks to those, who are able to speak for the voiceless, the innocent,
the vulnerable, the tortured, and we remember now in silence: ... and
all who, have laid
down their lives for the truth and were killed through ritual knives and through
organised criminality and by those, who subscribe to death as their
aryan fascist
doctrine and heresy.
We ask for the rights of conscience to be respected by governments and national
groups in our land and everywhere.
Our Father, let us face temptation only to deliver us from evil and to
separate us from the evil ones. Deo Gratias. Gracias!
James John Westcott
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda the Martyr
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
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Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena