Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Friday, 26 April 2013

Tent of the Holy Family : Jesus Christ says: 'May the darkness commence for ...

Tent of the Holy Family /Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene :

Jesus Christ says: 'May the darkness commence for those, who spread purposefully of heresy the bread', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

  Jesus Christ says:
'May the darkness commence for those,
who spread purposefully of heresy the bread',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And Jesus Christ says:
'May the darkness commence for those,
who claim to represent my church
on earth as popes and archbishops past and present
and who had been entrusted with the truth
and spread purposefully of heresy the bread.

Did I not tell you that what you do to the
holy innocents and vulnerable and sick
and ignorant you do to me?!

You lied to millions about my most holy sacrament,
the holy matrimony, which I shared with Mary Magdalene,
albeit for a brief time because we had our destiny to fulfill
and endured again and again, also with our children,
who were so brutally murdered and taken from her
right after the birth even on the way to the cross -

but you never gave about her and them the slightest
toss, and to this very day show no compassion and no mercy
and no willingness to admit that you withheld the truth.

And so, I hold you accountable for every single soul
that you corrupted and tried to kill and for smearing
the reputation of a holy soul with your very own foul
and filthy phantasy and I also charge you with
every related organised criminality and bribery in order to bully
and push through your heresy.

Popes and archbishops and rabbis and imams:
You are herewith officially
charged before the Heavenly Judgement Court
and also in the worldly domaine and with you
all of your hierarchy and Elders, who purposefully
and most maliciously went to war with the faithful
holy souls of humanity to spread unbelievably
evil heresy and made it the norm
and forced innocent souls on their knees
to your lies and spies to conform,
and you even made them pay
to your fake gate to God
a membership fee.

You stole treasures that were created in pure faith
to be shared freely with my flock and you even
charged them for your stale bread and sold
them in poisonous wine and the wrong oil
in your market shares and dumped on them
the worthless stock.

I hold you personally accountable for the slander
and murder of all my holy souls, and make
that from my family as Adam that I had with Eve,
as which holy woman would not feel ashamed,
if she was stared at in her innocent naked state, as God
has made her, by some maliciously commenting and
manipulative snake and beast, who could never get
into paradise but only did phantasize about its
true trees and how they could get rich and powerful
with charging for looking and selling false stories
in artificial glamour and unholy glories for
a membership fee?

My wife Eve and our son Cain was also
unjustly slain, and you carried on shamefully
and unblushingly to put on them even later
as Sarah, Yocheved, Ruth, Mary Magdalene and
even on Moses and  John the Baptist
to this day with your own babylonian whores' false
allegations and accusations in your shores
to make stick your very own ever bigger stain.

Our patience was more than a human heart can bear,
and I hold you also accountable for my wife's and my children's
and all holy soul's because of your heresy and organised criminality
caused tear, and the world will see you from now on
for what you are: a spiritual and criminal con,
who tried to mess with and play even El Eljon
and mocked the true daughter of Zion,
and brought her and hers=mine always and
again to the slaughter.

I AM the Giver of Life, and I AM even your Master,
and you will feel the reality of this message in your
bones ever faster, when returning at you and your
accomplices will now your very own stones
in your every domaine, and your laughter
at rhymes will stop right now, when the ending
stops in the courts with your own name,
on which will be put, even, if you hide behind
illness and old age and playing the frail
your very own shame and blame, as you
failed your true sins and crimes even this Easter
to confess and that was your last chance
finally in truth and justice and holiness to enhance.

And you no longer will dare into our eyes
to glance and I won't let you off the hook
for your responsibility and accountability,
as you the lives of holy souls took and
the foundations of true believers with your
slander shook, and almost destroyed my
true flock and family of holy souls with all
your fouls.

No longer can you escape my judgement,
as I have already passed and announced
your sentences to the latter before my court even on earth
at night in your worldly domaine before
the jury, including one in a matter
to do with ol' Drury, and you will have received
it by now also in your kitchen hearth.

And you might pretend to be suddenly
humble and over your own bones to stumble,
but you were captured with your secret society cones
and recorded is your every notoriety, as you never
ever believed that God truly sees and hears all,
and can bring you one day from your secret society
ladder to fall, but you know that your own stones are
already coming even back from all your former allies,
whom you forced and bullied and bribed and threatened especially,
when they became bishops to act as your spies
and to spread your heresy and lies and make them sell
them as the truth.

And the two living popes, former and present:
You might confine yourselves voluntarily
to more humble settings but known are your
own personal bettings from your false knights
and unholy dames, and you have done nothing
to put wrong right, where it matters, as you
still cover up the Nazi-lore and Junta-bodies
that you even on your premises store and
your shore even deals with human lives
as a commodity and imposes on them under false
pretence furnished with your temple decadence
heresy and prevents holy men from joining
their holy women on earth, whom God has long blessed
from heaven in holy matrimony and granted
them sanctuary in His true Holy Rose shore
that is my home and that of all true and holy  souls
and who honour and respect my wife Mary Magdala and
my children Jacob and Zara-Zarai as my family
and they also know the truth of all our incarnations
and will point now also officially the finger at you
in all nations and take you to task on your every
secret identity and secret society mask simply with the truth
and the facts of your  most unholy acts, and then, every devil's den
will no longer mockingly pour poison into the mass wine
from their flask and take themselves an anti-dote -

imagine, what millions will say, when they find out
that you yourselves did them betray, by going with heresy
from the truth astray, and by spending much needed money
for example on anti-dotes and bribery for synod votes?!
Or on neighbourhood spies, who even in your records
over centuries spread their lies and each of you still
denies that my children and my wife were subjected to the kill,
and we had of that countlessly a fill.

It is time that your own conscience does in you your
greatest unknown fear - that of God's Justice - instill
and it comes through the truth that cannot be silenced
anymore, as it has landed safely my ship in my very own shore
and in that is not a single babylonian whore, as we do
your fishing methods and nets skip and no longer go to
your death doctors and nurses, when you have
once again gaslighted us and poisoned  for a lethal drip
from your Egyptian catnip.

You know that I have made myself clear,
as your time to fly from your high horse out of the bookshelf
is indeed near as my street of the right creed is to you now closed,
as you have too long and once too often in your own greed
and weed overdosed, and even poisoned the gardening water,
with which a truth loving priest a vicarage garden hosed.

But on your organised heresy and organised criminality
the books have just opened and will never be closed,
as they are part of the book of condemnation and death,
and all complaints will be all followed up that have
put poison into my holy marriage's and family's cup
and even into the poisson and that were made
by holy souls, who obeyed God's voice and made
the right choice always and again and finally had the courage
to come forward even from a Muenster and Muenchen
and London hospital ward and defended Jesus Christ's
and Mary Magdala's eternal wedding wreath.

As our family is the original family, and all holy souls
were conceived by us in heaven, where God keeps them
safe as stars until such a time, where they can come down
or heal from above all holy souls' scars, and God personally
as every angel all evildoers and  traitors from His kingdom on earth
at all gates bars, and condemned will have to carry a new cross
to every holy soul's station of suffering, and admit that they have
themselves committed, planned or ordered on my family a hit
and smeared them with the evildoers' own golden cowshit.

And to the Archbishop of Canterbury I say: To walk with oil carpets
and to talk talk with oyster and shell about desecrating the next
church bell is not my way, and especially not making churches
into hell from the lurches through bribery and organised blasphemy
and heresy, as that is based on organised criminality and meanwhile,
even the  court gates have had so many complaints that they have to employ
already me, as they know I was already as John Donne a legal
entity as heavenly roy and not just in secret poetry, ol' boy, and
thus I have prevented with my little family your ultimately blasphemous
debates - and the living saints asked my wife to represent them
personally from outside, as inside the temple bar many a false secret society bride
that abuses Mary Magdalene's name does hide, and puts on her all the false
shame and blame but I won't allow them her with false allegations to frame.

As I AM indeed to my true living creed=my family, near.
Did I make myself clear?!'
And, Nero - you are nobody's hero!

Isous Christos


Anno Domini Iesu Christi 26th April MMXIII

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Abraham says to Sarah: 'Enough blood is spilled and too many holy souls killed through Hagar and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abraham says to Sarah: 'Enough blood is spilled and too many holy souls killed through Hagar and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality', 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

11:39  -  Public
'Enough blood has been spilled and holy souls killed due to Hagar's bloodthirst', says Abraham to Sarah, 'and God is no longer in the mood to allow her and Ishmael's followers to sell heresy as real food. As that has had a most destabilising and evil effect on my kingdom on earth, and has even split and hit many a once holy kitchen hearth due to Hagar's and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality, and it is high time that all holy souls against that devil's bloodline peacefully but determinedly stand up and from all this evil greed and lust for power and weed defect and help the authorities all violence and crime before it can spread to detect. And all true holy souls will know in their heart, if they are Abraham's and Sarah's child, as they are also born as a star and only ever want to heal another holy soul's scar and do all evil company from their house bar and sit only with holy souls in one room and celebrate with a glad heart at every wedding also the memory of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene as the holy bride and bridegroom, as they did once with Abraham and Sarah. And the holy souls do not dwell on decadence and spiritual pestilence but keep to God's commandments their allegiance.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Every Egg represents a holy life - Abraham&Sarah's/Jesus Christ's&Mary Magdalene's Family of Holy Souls, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove Sigrid Eliora Kuck 21:51 - Public Already in Abraham's and Sarah's time the eggs represented deceased family members, as you...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain,
who was actually not a murderer,
but Abel was by somebody else slain,
who to this very day still does
in his intent kill and puts holy souls
with his evil through his mill
and puts on innocent righteous
truth- and peace-loving poets
a false character stain.

And what is wrong with it in Kuwait and in Saudi-Arabia,
and for that matter to the latter
in letters and verses of once beautiful
compositions of true love and understanding
and human dignity and a pure heart's beauty
that a true sheikh or king simply
becomes a legal entity and withdraws
from his country's long heritage of holy
poetry that everybody with a noble heart
and thought to God's glory betters,
and with many a true holy story?!

It is not the truth that stands in the way
to the light and the true riches of God - on the contrary,
it is its main asset, its absolute currency, and when
the truth and justice are being cheated and treated
as mammon's enemy, then there must be a devil's den
at work and cast a spell on a once beautiful soul
that rather imposes on holy souls its hell than the
truth in all its beauty and living words and letters
to tell.

Could it be that too comfortable got the life for a privileged few
in their desert oyster and luxurious tent turned palace
accumulated in shares by an unholy see shore that
secretly belongs to the babylonian whore with her

Time will all tell, but Jesus Christ suddenly does break
and let bounce back and does back track every single
evil spell, as that is His power, and He knows, who glows
in holiness even in a mosque or tower or church or synagogue
or tent, as somebody, who is humble and living the truth
does even the slightest sin and especially greed and lust
repent and act on it, and not order on holy souls across
every or within one's border a hit.

Did I make myself clear?! I hope so, as God is to
all holy souls near, and does especially in unholy ones
with secret society cones even under their headcovers
a never known fear of His justice and peace instill that
comes at the cost of His judgement passed over those,
who did in heresy and greed overdose and caused
too many lives lost.

Iesous Christos Akbar!
With greetings also of one A. Atar, who met Jesus Christ,
and was instantly healed from one hell of a soul's scar,
when he recognised that he did also once glow as
Abraham's and Sarah's star.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius
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Monday, 15 April 2013

Tent of the Holy Family /Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene : Every Egg represents a holy life - Abraham&Sarah's...

Tent of the Holy Family /Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene :

Every Egg represents a holy life - Abraham&Sarah's/Jesus Christ's&Mary Magdalene's Family of Holy Souls, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

21:51  -  Public
Already in Abraham's and Sarah's time the eggs represented deceased family members, as you can see on the banner behind. Mary Magdalene brought a stained egg to the Roman Emperor to 'remind' him of her husband Jesus Christ's death, and she knew that one day the truth would emerge and all wrong would be put right - and that day would also mean the end of the most unholy and longest fight of God's enemies against the truth from the beginning of time, as too cosy got the world of heresy with organised crime and enforced its mammon worshipping principles on all nations and tried ot wipe out all holy souls and God's creation in many a demonic-diabolical turned pagan-theological man-made mutation. And Mary Magdalene at least had survived the bean to spill, and to rip off the faces many a mask of anybody, who is somebody in an evil secret society hierarchy, who also did her children kill, and mocked even in Judas apostle last supper the reality of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's holy matrimony and of their family that was not to be, and  the Judas apostles reunited in a room that was never an 'Upper' but one of doom and gloom, and excluded from the Eucharistic feast the true bride and bridegroom. And that truth does also around the corner loom of every single dome that laid a claim on yet another fake maid and never was God's home. Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Olive bread anybody? Fresh bread, by Mathair Sigri...

Olive bread anybody? Fresh bread, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:50  -  Public
Mind you, it becomes so boringly repetitive and obvious even, as these kind of 'king-makers' and 'reborn insects turned queens' are of each other extremely envious and thus, one the other with poison injects and with an unknown virus spread from a phial from her secret society infects. If you encounter such spiritual pus you better 999 dial, as they might have threatened you not to do so, as they pretend...Expand this post »
Mind you, it becomes so boringly repetitive and obvious even, as these kind of 'king-makers' and 'reborn insects turned queens' are of each other extremely envious and thus, one the other with poison injects and with an unknown virus spread from a phial from her secret society infects. If you encounter such spiritual pus you better 999 dial, as they might have threatened you not to do so, as they pretend that they the ministry of defence also a helping hand lend but in reality they are just empty boasters and vicious toasters, who every law and rule to their own amendment bend and altogether in more or less 'high places' their bribery money spend - but rest assured, once the real authorities have latched onto them, they won't even show in your neighbourhood anymore nor in their corrupt shore their faces, as then they would have to admit that they even stole as a mole from each other the laces and secretly cursed each other during the graces.
And last, not least: The Fake-Elders, who play fate welders, and others, who have their sins retained, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
+1 And many church Elders must be prepared to also answer to God and to the authority, why they knew and did not take up their responsibility - as mainly, their selection process is so corrupt and secretive, due to the potent...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:43  -  Public
Midnight, and such commotion on the pavement, must be a Judas apostles' predicament.
Kushta Anastasia, Iesous Christos Anastasios: AKATHISTOS! AKATHISTOS! AKATHISTOS! R.I.P. John Donne, It is done! by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
18:36  -  Shared from +1  -  Public They probably play the 'Magic Flute' after midnight or 'Cats' with conical magic hats and wearing bespoke capes that make them look like a bat - anyway, that is not Jesus Christ's way, and...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:42  -  Public
But then, there are even more fools, who think they rule the show and want to controll even the international opinion poll than mass produced footstools - if you come close to one of those, who in their own importance overdose, better take from their suggested path an unexpected u-turn stroll, as they might just be planted on you with greetings of somebody else's wrath.
Update: Only a Fool would try to snatch Mary Magdalene's footstool, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Only a fool would try to snatch Mary Magdalene's footstool and on it creatures of heresy to hatch, as God never created beasts in a batch but the evil ones found now in angels returned from heaven their match, who only preten...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:39  -  Public
Stand  up to evil, and report a crime, especially, when you see under a false pretence a pseudo-policeman in disguise a church bell chime, who throws at holy souls on behalf of his secret society by creating the impression of impunity and diplomatic immunity and under a witness protection programme orchestrates even against his supposed colleagues, who are in the way of organised criminality,  falsely incriminating filth and grime.
From Fraud to Organised Criminality, take your pick from the neighbourhood for the nearest plots of lodges or covens, of whom every single one under the diplomatic immunity their taxes and fares dodges, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
From Fraud to Organised Criminality, take your pick from the neighbourhood for the nearest plots of secret society lodges or witches covens,  of whom every single one under the diplomatic immunity and impunity scheme their ta...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:34  -  Public
And the holy souls rather leave a sandcastle behind that has put them with its evil network to the grind and follow the call of their Heavenly Father: Bita tem, gelem gelem!
R.I.P. Richard Harris, you are not just remembered as Dumbledore but in gratitude for also guarding the truth as a secret keeper of Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See shore, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 16:41  -  Public And now we ask from the Jesuits and from the Knights of Malta: What is it going to be - lies of spies or the truth and nothing but the truth! As long overdue is your contribution to the one...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:30  -  Public
And God's mills might grind slowly but thoroughly and eventually the truth will its seeker find and suddenly over from Rome to Dover is the most unholy fight.
Devlesko Dad develesko lav la o li Jacob o Zara-Zarai »
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome. In the Name of the Fathe...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

14:26  -  Public
And as much as the indifference is still watching on, how whole groups do each other kill - the viciousness and evil intent is even worse and evermore malicious amongst the evildoers, who spread their heresy and want to eradicate all truth and peace and prevent human beings from leading a life in holiness and unity in basic human dignity - and if we are not careful, and do not on evil the beans spill...Expand this post »
And as much as the indifference is still watching on, how whole groups do each other kill - the viciousness and evil intent is even worse and evermore malicious amongst the evildoers, who spread their heresy and want to eradicate all truth and peace and prevent human beings from leading a life in holiness and unity in basic human dignity - and if we are not careful, and do not on evil the beans spill, we are responsible, if our children are subjected again to the kill of those, who play master-race and put their secret society masks on their face - but God might just suddenly in them also again simply through the truth in a courtroom the evildoers own gloom and atmosphere of doom instill and teach them respect and fear of the law again, when He Himself in His various manifestations causes even the highest pyramid hierarchies to shed of repentance a tear and feel in their bones under their secret society cones suddenly coming back at them their every stain and cross station that they inflicted upon others, as God does not take lightly to mammon worshippers, who commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and want to replace Jesus Christ and His true holy family of holy souls with anti-Christ clones and fake religious sisters and brothers, of whom not a single one about the poor and meek and vulnerable bothers but just for fun also in black magic ceremonies even in cathedrals after hours smothers and , and with a fake nun and pseudo-priest even under the use of a ritual knife and gun directed at horrified holy souls with utmost notoriety aims and their lives maims , and at the  next society dinner party as the fat cat society 'visionary' decides about the upcoming arranged marriage banns between the latest recruits and ladder climbers of his secret society, as he is the king-maker, is he not, and thus feels himself even above the crown of yet another majesty, whom he does in reality not even respect but is of the honours list a frequent taker also for his gentlemen's club, and for his organised war and whoremongering circle he also produces with professionals many an illegitimate cub to secure the next generation of the brothel family of heretical self-deluded grandeur - it is time to let the mud spill over its own kingdom of  a polluted corrupt see from Rome to Dover, so that at least one day one can have some grass again under one's feet and of truth a feast even in every street - and for that God will simply render powerless of every bat its army and fleet.Collapse this post
Sinti and Roma Holocaust Victims Remembered »
Romani Rose, head of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, reminded those present at Wednesday's inauguration that racist sentiment directed at gypsies in Europe remains alive and well....http://www.spiegel.de/fotostr...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

God asks: Have you been made lord or lady yet under your secret society masks?, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Having been made a lord or lady yet? I thought you take, what you can get for worship of mammon and over holy souls and the Holy Spirit publicly in blasphemy to fret?, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Having been made a lord or lady yet? I thought you evildoers and heretics take, what you can get for worship of mammon and over holy souls and the Holy Spirit publicly in blasphemy to fret? Jesus Christ sees and hears all and He has on you also His watchful eye set and will take you to task and rip off your secret society face your mask through hard facts of  most unholy acts, and then, every devil's den even of highest status suddenly finds itself out of an honorary bookshelf but in a cell that is their own self-created hell because their victims lived the truth to tell and to break any secret society's and witches' coven's Egyptian and whatnot black magic spell,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

12:21  - 
Shared from +1
 -  Public

Having been made a Lord yet, ye Lords of fake justice ? Or having received for loss of integrity but for corruption and blasphemy and heresy and worship of mammon a special honour degree courtesy of some unholy see - as certainly things like this would never be endorsed by institutions of elocutions in Westminster, Cambridge or Oxford? Or, for that matter, in Mimigerneford?
Ding, dang, dong, Frere Jacques no longer plays with the truth ping-pong nor does he want to look to holy souls like King-Kong, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Ding, dang, dong, Frere Jacques no longer plays with the truth ping-pong nor does he want to look to holy souls like King-Kong with the latest footstools fabricated in Hongkong: From Fraud to Organi...

WEDNESDAY, 3 April 2013

Ding, dang, dong, Frere Jacques no longer plays with the truth ping-pong nor does he want to look to holy souls like King-Kong, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Ding, dang, dong, Frere Jacques no longer plays with the truth ping-pong
nor does he want to look to holy souls like King-Kong with the latest
footstools fabricated in Hongkong:

From Fraud to Organised Criminality, take your pick from the neighbourhood for the nearest plots of secret society lodges or witches covens,  of whom every single one under the diplomatic immunity and impunity scheme their taxes and fares dodges,and covers up crimes and tries to rid themselves of evidence of their decadence, whilst their bell chimes.


Eliora's Writing Class

 by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sigrid Eliora Kuck <mothersuperiorohr@googlemail.com>
Date: 3 April 2013 11:33
Subject: {Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene} Update: Eliora's Creative Writing Class, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Eliora's Creative Writing Class,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

You don't even need to leave the house, in order to get all the plots, as your neighbours
provide you with them, as they make visible in word, thought and deed their evil intent
favourably against the true holy family's=disciples' creed.

The neighbours also deliver the desecrated spots and cursed cots, the evidence for framing
a holy soul with alleged decadence or pestilence even in his own garden or her house
or by lying about crimes and filth and grimes and spying for money or property or
a lease, or for a holiday or a new coat, the colour code of their ranks of pranks' secret society
and witches' coven, the mode of attitude and gear change in the war of powers of principalities
and some are in the upper class and some in the rockbottom league and mingle in all circles
of organised criminality. Some will start 'to befriend', then something borrow, afterwards something that they wanted to get rid of anyway 'give' or lend but then starts the expectation of a return for their investment, and they start to feel themselves like high priests and priestesses in imaginary vestments or in golden robes of royalty in their childish phantasy that is all about blasphemy and heresy, which they commit purposefully.

The neighbours also play at times at face value holy but behind their family's back even as a paid
prostitute under the name of Maria or Mary Magdalene or in a stiletto on the table as the silver crescent stripper for the captain of a tea clipper more than just heretical roly-poly
and also commit high treason towards Jesus Christ's true shore, and have a part in abductions, blackmail, drugs and human trafficking,
framing people with integrity and abusing their position of authority.

The neighbours also volunteer as silent witness without testimonial and depending,
on how much they are being offered from which side, they either proceed also in court
with their false statements giving or make in silence to cover up a crime their suddenly profitable
living, whilst they get themselves ever deeper into the depth of their man-made hell
of initially just doing a small favour with a tickling flavour but with one sin committed and
already the truth at that stage betrayed and ommitted they are in the hands of all, who
are opposed and want to silence and see dead Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene's family,
including the children Jacob and Zara-Zarai, for eternity.

And thus, the heretical murderous fables at church hall marketender stables
have evolved over time and even collectively has taken over from Rome to Dover,
without the need to leave even one's dwelling, through somebody's spouse's in just anybody's house's
with their organised crime, culminating in their neighbourhood church's heretical and diabolical chime.

And without even wanting to see their gaslighting schemes and lamps, they force it upon you
with their abuse of keys and leaving poison in your bottles - but what they forget is that they
also left DNA-evidence of their own decadence, and once too often they too loud and prematurely
they celebrated publicly and openly the rewards of their criminal and heretical pestilence, even
in shrines and churches and cathedrals and courts of injustice, where a high court judge, who once
used his deceased father's disability parking badge for a whole year boastingly to secure a parking slot,
where others had to play for their slot,  even does in his high office
a poor woman begrudge, who has the guts to speak out the truth and does not even ask for peanuts, and
who is standing by her man, who never played with her life, nor their true friends, catch as catch can.

You never even have to leave your house to collect every single plot, as even from a Street of Whitecross
a resident one day in repentance makes a pilgrimage to a building with a white cross, where survived
has that holy woman and the holy man all his efforts to wipe them out, only because he wanted to be
some Roman Emperor style ruler - but he forgot that there are others also aiming at the same big empire
society, on which they can impose their vision of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Indian and whatnot slavery
and collective notoriety, as they rather liked the idea of a fascist state and hope that it is still not too late
to even in the synod  and in parliament restart on slavery reintroduction the debate, even though some
meanwhile pretend of their secret society temple, Drury is it?!, the poor people a helping hand to lend,
whilst they with their tax evasion and oil shares and manipulation of the public opinion poll and twisting
Jesus Christ's commandments with their selfish unholy amendments all laws bend and treat all their
assets, including their in-law-family that they gained in a secret society draw, as the last straw.

Local neighbourhood is a pool of intrigue and fatigue alike, once stopping is the bribery of every corrupt
unholy shore and even the fins are under investigation of the highest pike. And add to that unexplained
deaths and false allegations by disappearing witnesses and the loopholes of funeral directors and crematoriums,
and church owned graveyards or vicarage gardens,
whose staff toast now with their employers every secret society that even to the last moment still about
body parts transfers and dumpings in mock funeral processions and even without any last respects boast,
even over and under and far away of a forest hill, where through their own hell's grinds are next to
the old Deptford mill some rather repentant minds now the beans also on many an organised crime
with real police work spill.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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