Tenta o Abraham t'a Sarah /Tent of Abraham and Sarah

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

KERIBEN O YAHWE! OPRE! In the Law of Yahwe we dwell!: THE ONE GOOD GOD Jesus Christ by Mathair Sigrid E...


by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

The old gods are long dead!

Jesus Christ is the living bread.

He IS the truth in the flesh, the way and the life,

and He has brought with Him justice, sweet justice,

and His Infinite light with Mary Magdalene, His eternal

beloved one and only wife, instead of death,

and with every breath they are being sustained

by God the Father from heaven under His

blessed wedding wreath that He bestowed upon

her soul for eternity, as she was already as Eve

Adam's spouse and in His 'house' the Mother

of the eternal family of holy souls,

and to Abraham and Sarah the stars

promised to them to be good and never

ever to betray Jesus Christ's way of the truth

that they guarded always with their life

again and again, and that was written

also by Boaz, who dictated the history

of their family until then and His prophecy

to Ruth.

And only the real Elders from the stars

know, how to heal with God from heaven

all the holy souls' ancient scars that the old

gods with their worshippers had inflicted upon

them, and it was the old gods, who told some

Israelites, whilst Moses was on the mountain top

to replace the ONE GOOD GOD's name with Hashem

and to declare the true ROMA=stars in the human beings'

form mad and plem-plem.

But the stars always knew that they from the one GOOD

God did stem, and had Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene

as their Father and Mother in all their incarnations,

and that is, why they moved rather as wise nomads

outcast by the nations than to compromise the truth

of the holy matrimony that the ONE GOOD GOD

from the beginning of time has protected ultimately

to the end of the era, when the contract with all evil

had run out. And as the old gods of evil are dead

their followers chase their own beasts' tail, and do in

every attack against the holy souls now fail, as they

had built on sand in the first case, and the ONE Good God

will now finally at all evildoers their long list of sins

against His kins not shout, but with His tears cried

in front of those, who against the family of the Holy Rose

spied and lied and their truth defied and even their existence denied.

In truth and justice we cannot overdose but sins are retained

for all, who have from repentance purposefully refrained and

the truth in evidence falsely retained

and witnesses  as prisoners unlawfully detained,

and who have taken piratery treasure, or had a part in holy souls' reputations being stained,

or who had themselves several lives slained and purposefully

ignorant holy souls to evil ordained.

All, who dwell on this earth right now, know, what they are doing,

or what they fail to do.

The holy souls have fulfilled their part and they have nobody

killed, nor have they windowsilled - they only have obeyed their

ONE GOOD GOD Jesus Christ and His Father from heaven

and might have in a sinner the fear of true love and justice instilled

that go hand in hand as THE truth under God's Infinite Light,

as the truth is God's indestructible might, as it brings

law and order across every border

and to Him tirelessly 'HARKNESS' sings, even in the blackest

of darkness, as the ONE GOOD GOD is the Giver

of miraculous wings for holy souls, who at the very thought

of the concept of sin in icyness shiver.

And they only dwell in a paradise, where milk and honey

free freely for all holy souls in a never-ending ever-flowing river.

And where tiny little boats are with turtledoves rowing, who are

from afar even above the clouds are visibly in true love glowing.

And the ONE Good GOD will be towards all, who wanted to destroy

His good and perfect creation in their punishment and sentencing

be His true might showing, and He will hold Judgement Court

day and night to end the world's most unholy longest and

totally unnecessary fight.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

KERIBEN O YAHWE! OPRE! In the Law of Yahwe we dwell!: 

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

ASHEN DEVELESA: 'Savo chik, p'uri dai?' 'Grandmother, what is in t...

ASHEN DEVELESA: 'Savo chik, p'uri dai?' 'Grandmother, what is in t...:

'Savo chik, p'uri dai?' 'Grandmother, what is in the ground there?', p'uch chavori

'Savo chik, p'uri dai?' p'uch chavori, kai Sinti troopas mariben t'a slayvas t'a stariben o diviengo bengiben o chavori reper opray saukon bauro khev, andraul chorn o leski baur chiv avree o desh t'a dooi thausanta.

'Grandmother, what is in the ground there?' asks the little girl at the place, where the Sinti were prisoners and slaves of the devilish terror of madmen but the little girl remembers especially the hole to this very day because there lay a lock of her best friend's hair on the side plus twelve thousand others.

'Savo mokhto, p'uri dai?' p'uch chavori, kai Sinti troopas mariben t'a slayvas t'a stariben o diviengo bengiben, arva chavori reper opray saukon mokhto, andraul leski dai nashado paupalay. Chavori akanaw aura dai giaviben t'a dik' dai as leski.

'Oma, was ist denn da in der Box?' fragt das kleine Maedchen, an dem Platz, wo die Sinti Gefangene und Sklaven in den Faengen der teuflischen Wahnsinnigen waren [in einem harmlosen kleinen Satz], aber das kleine Maedchen erinnert sich vor allem an die Box, weil ihre Mutter seit dem Tag verschwunden ist. Das kleine Maedchen hoert immer noch ihre Mutter singen und sieht ihre Mutter sie anlaecheln.

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

'Chinamengeri!, A Letter!', bita chavo, says the little boy - by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

'Chinamengeri!, bita chavo.
A Letter!',
says the little boy.

For Violet and James

by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

'Chinamengeri!, bita chavo.
Chinamengeri avree nasvalengo k'er.
Gulo dai, na kek ja andray.
Bita chavo kekar biser leski saviben
palal lesko jau develesa,
sar li kekar paulay avree kai bangesko k'er.

A Letter!',
says the little boy.
A letter from the hospital.
Mummy, please, don't go in there.
He never forgot her smile for his farewell,
as she never came back from that hell.

Tachiben - haiaviben - pokonyos

Truth - Judgement - justice of the peace

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Monday, 25 February 2013

'Guilty' or 'not guilty' - we must start to live in terms of judgement time

When I was a jury member at court the presiding judge gave us a crash course in law. The most important point he made right at the start: 'It is actually you, who are the judge, not me. My task is to ensure that procedures are followed correctly but the judgement has to be made by you jury members. You ARE the judges. And I will decide the sentence accordingly to your judgement.' Many in the jury felt very uncomfortable at the very thought, and were not there voluntarily, which made it at times extremely hard to even discuss the facts without people taking different degrees of views regarding the crime - as some had a lower moral standard than others, just like in wider society.

In our society there is an element of not wanting to take responsibility for one's actions, and almost anywhere we are told in the advertising 'we deserve this or that', 'we should cheat', and we are constantly encouraged by the media to not judge, lest we do not want to be judged. The whole point is, when we serve God and are responsible human beings, then we live our lives in a holy way, so that we can be judged anytime for anything we think, say or do. At least, that is, how I live and how I raise my daughter. We are aware that God can judge us anytime, and that all of heaven knows, sees and hears, what we are doing, saying and thinking.

In my professional training I was also taught to constantly monitor my actions and to be able to explain, why I did make this decision and not another. And I also practice this in my daily life - I let myself guide by God; it is Jesus Christ's voice of my conscience that makes me tick and act in the best possible way for my child and my neighbourhood, my home and all, who are in my care and, of course, for myself and in my community.

We are all called to take up our responsibility, and politicians, if they want to stand a chance to be taken seriously anymore, better start living up to their words, and to lead by example a life that does not need diplomatic immunity but that has moral standards that are not in need of impunity. We are all called to serve God and our family and community selflessly, and much has gone wrong with the role of a father and mother and with the maltreatment and neglect of the sanctity of holy matrimony and the God-given gift of life.

Man must not play God - I would NEVER try anything that is against God's commandments, and when a couple cannot conceive, then God has a reason for this, and He might have other plans for them to be beacons for their wider family or community.
We must also not abuse our spiritual gifts to push the boundaries of science to a point that we mess up the delicate and beautiful and by God created balance of forces. Science is a tool to try to marvel in God's creation, but if we mess with it, then we are mocking the Holy Spirit.

Holy matrimony is the first gift that God gave to Adam and Eve - and it is sacred to husband and wife, and from this unity and being holy as one in flesh and in the act of love serving God and give all glory and devotion first of all to God is the kind of light that is the purest of all - when a husband and wife joined by God in heaven think and do their all to make each other happy and wish nothing but happiness to the other and together to serve God in the act of lovemaking. Any child that is conceived in this holy act will be holy and then in the continuity of leading a holy life as a family we raise God's angels on earth, with a natural outlook and ease of the wholeness and holiness of a life in the bosom of a holy family that lives to serve God as a unity, and that is aware of the roots of its souls and history of a people and family.

I grew up and raise my child in the awareness that we either live in voluntary blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony, and indeed, no two people can truly be happy as a couple and will never be one wholly and in holiness, if their souls have not been joined by God in heaven. To be married 'in the eyes of God', that is the only blessing that truly counts. No civil partnership nor vow on earth that has not had this joining of souls in heaven witnessed by other holy souls present, can replace or fulfill this special bond between two souls. And God has a way to prepare these two souls years ahead for each other, before they even meet. If we truly listen to our hearts, then we will always know - we get into trouble and loose our way, if we don't. That is, when things start to go pearshaped.

So, sexuality, in my view and in my belief, is the most intimate, beautiful and harmonious and wholesome holy tool to serve God and the souls God joins us with, in holy matrimony. And when we are separated for some reason outside our control, then we nurture this love in many other ways, God shows us, how. It goes without saying that in a holy relationship faithfulness comes naturally.

When we are single we focus our gifts on our family, our friends and our community and work, and again, we are being shown the most wondrous ways by God to do so most creatively.

To me, most discussions in the public I find most disturbing and painful, if they encourage and aim at immorality as the norm.
One cannot please many masters and one cannot serve many masters at the same time, and my Master is God, the ONE God, and what He commands to me is my life. Full stop. That clashes these days a lot with what is sadly being taught and spread widely, and I feel that as a society we are more and more lost in political correctness than in God's law - we must look to those, who do follow Jesus Christ's way alone, the way of the truth, as only the truth can heal and lead to justice. And law and order that come from God are the only living values that will ultimately help us survive and thrive, not compromise in the sanctity of holy matrimony and in neglecting a holy life as a family.

John Donne has held a beautiful sermon on this subject, and one wonders, why these days so-called churches do not simply remember the simplicity of God's commandments - and Jesus Christ even simplified them by saying I AM the way, THE truth and THE life. If we simply follow this simple way we would never purposefully hurt another and certainly not offend each other and especially not God.

I am shocked and saddened evermore, how so many unashamedly and unblushingly blaspheme God and the Holy Spirit, and they should not fool themselves, that God will not take them to task on this one day. If we live our life in the understanding that every day could be our last and we could face God's judgement also in this life at anytime, then we would not mess around so much. God sees and hears everything, and it is Him, who gives and takes life and attaches or detaches an angel's wing, and He demands from us, to judge, when He commands us to, foremost ourselves, so that we can stand up to those, who against Jesus Christ, and His family of the Holy Rose commit all sorts of crimes and heresy in the bookshelves. It is about time, that we started to judge ourselves, and remember that, as I learnt in court very quickly, all is being reduced just like in the heavenly court one day: 'Guilty' or 'not guilty'. And, in court, there do not exist fifty shades or more of grey but every evil is reduced to 'yes' or 'no' - and that is the time, where even a criminal will ultimately start to realise that he would have not committed his crime, if he had known that one day his deed would be so clearly outlined as for what it was: inhuman, evil, vile. And he would have wished, he had been rather walking for the truth instead of for lies the extra-mile.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius



by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

that was especially committed under diplomatic immunity,
as revoked from now on is any kind of impunity also for
stealing and dealing with public and church treasures,
and anything that has been under the disguise of charity
withheld and in blackholes for the richest of the rich amassed




Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Sunday, 24 February 2013



by Mathair Sigrid Eliora


sagt einer, der endlich die Schuldigen
fuer den Holocaust verantwortlich macht, und
nicht mehr laenger sich ueber Gott im Namen von einem
gottlosen Hashem lustig macht, sondern nun
den neuen Faschisten noch vom KZ-Sammelpunkt
aus seiner Erinnerung heraus mit Fakten fuer die
Gerichtsakten nachtraeglich Kopfschmerzen verursacht
und immer baenger werden von den hereinflutenden
Sinti und Roma Beschwerden nun auch so manche

denn erwacht und nicht mehr
sprachlos und ohne Stimme sind Jesus Christus wahre
Schafherden, denn sie koennen vom Himmel aus nun
frei reden und um Antworten fuer ihre Gebete bitten,
die selbst gehoert und gegeben werden in und von Schweden
und an anderen Orten, wie zum Beispiel in Essen-Werden,
denn fuer die schwarzen Ledermaentel hat es sich
nun endgueltig straffrei ausgeritten und zurueckgezogen
ist auch posthum fuer viele die diplomatische Immunitaet,
denn fuer die Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit ist es vorm Juengsten
Gericht und fuer jedes versteckte geheime Verbrechergesicht
nie zu spaet.

Und in Stuttgart wischen gothischen Tuermen aus und auf Sand gebaute
Zellen und ein Schloss fuer 'den Boss', der sitzt auf seinem
schwarzen Ross, und gibt um Gott und schon gar nicht um die
Menschen den geringsten Toss!

Durch deren Tor kommt und geht nur der Tod, aber die heiligen Seelen
ergreifen mit Gottes Hilfe von dieser Wahnsinnspillenvision die Flucht
und schauen nie mehr zurueck auf die versprochenen Luftschloesser,
die nur Brutstaetten waren von allem, was Boese ist, und die nur
Blasphemie und Haeresie und Sklavereiketten halten auch in ihrer
Herrenmenschenbesessenheit Gebaren -

tja, haetten die Fremdenlegionen-Reiter auf ihren hohen Rosse nicht so
ueberheblich angegeben, dass sie straffrei bleiben, wenn sie heilige Seelen
so richtig wie im alten roemischen Stil wie Vieh in den Wahnsinn und Tod treiben,
und sich alles, was sie ausmachte, einverleiben und dann wieder als Zielscheibe
des Spottes ihre Opfer aus des Drachen oder der Schlange Rachen
an- und ausspucken, dann waere vielleicht verborgen geblieben
jedes Holocaust Schicksal der Sinti und Roma, aber auf diese Weise durch die
grosse Angebermentalitaet Gott Jesus Christus Schafherden auf Seiner heimlichen
Reise tag und nacht alle Seine besonderen Gaben verlieh,
und allen Verbrechern an der Menschheit
nicht eine einzige unbereute Suende oder verschwiegene, verzieh.

Und so wird nun auch noch manche gediegene und aufgrund falscher
Tatsachen verehrte Persoenlichkeit noch aufhoeren, ueber die heiligen gebrechlichen,
kranken und armen Menschen zu lachen, wenn Gott mit Seiner Gerechtigkeitswaage, anstatt
Seine Wut ueber die Welt als ganzes zu speien aus dem Bauch des Drachen
mit der Uebeltaeter Sulphurrauch, den Stab tut brechen und Sein endgueltiges
Urteil fuer die ewige Verdammnis tut ueber die wahren Schuldigen sprechen.
Denn Sein ist die Kraft, die Herrlichkeit und die Seeligkeit fuer die Ewigkeit
unterm und ueberm Himmelszelt. AMEN

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Tachiben, keriben, haiaviben - pokonyos! by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Tachiben, keriben, haiaviben - pokonyos!
Truth, justice, judgement - Justice of the peace.

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Thursday, 21 February 2013

YAHWE, we will wait for your trumpet to sound that calls to us: OPRE!

YAHWE, we will wait for your trumpet to sound that
calls to us: OPRE!

by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

YAHWE, we will wait for your trumpet to sound that
calls to us: OPRE!
As I can feel it in my bones that you are already
on the ground and have defeated the spiritual pus
with their secret cones and their facial but
racist and not true in identity and anything but
holy beings as only lookalikes-racial clones,
who pretend the ROMa=MAN=MENSCH, a helping
hand to lend and to assist their spiritual journey
on earth but who are just infiltrators and evildoers and foes,
who cause purposefully woes to give Jesus Christ's and
the ONE good God's holy souls a bad name in their
own kitchen hearth, only because they obey God to
not give into the temptation of a nation's manipulation
by refusing not to bully the one holy nation
through war and threats into the golden cattle's way of slavery
and corruption, and rather keep walking in the footprints
of Jesus Christ, with and without shoes.

And the traitors put their own created trouble's and crime's
shame and blame on the holy souls especially of the Roma and Sinti and Jews,
and the poorest of the poor everywhere,
and on all, who have resisted to believe the heresy that is preached
from a pulpit by a culprit mostly even for money and property to the pews.

What to do, when the dead gods, who long surrendered
to the One Good God, had not even one follower left
to inform the world
that they passed away peacefully and nevermore
have to meet the evildoers, who simply wanted
to stay bad and drove even them with their
constant nagging and blaming and shaming mad,
when the demons messed up things themselves,
and put only evermore contradicting lies by their spies
with the help of the last evil ones and their lent cones
in the bookshelves.

But now, even the old ox has calmly and quietly
surrendered, and received its horns' cover from God
in the presence of all, who also answered the ONE good
God's call, and so, finally, His holy souls can dwell
 free from the slavery of the beasts
of hell not only in heaven but also on earth,
as the victims of the evil ones lived to the world the truth to tell,
and they will distribute for free for the holy souls
the peace and justice of the ONE good God Yahwe
as their feasts.

And now even the ox has started his pilgrimage
of repentance and penance, as Satan has been defeated
and of his resources depleted and his evil breed is locked
up in its own cage, as once too often the evil ones
attracted the ONE good God rage over their heretical
pestilence and murderous decadence; so much so,
that it became even all too much for the ox and the snakes
and screeching mandrakes, as they all turned against each other
and accused of high treason their former sister and brother, whom
they finally also denounced as 'family' - as just too contradictory
and obviously messy in the first place had been their every
clone face and false story that never was even to their
dead gods worthwhile any glory,

as these kind of evil and nasty creatures have selfishness
as their main features and a sulphur smelly place as their base
and they only produce little demons galore and to fill up for
desecration a once holy space, and they never anything in
humility confess but even for mass as the babylonian whore
dress and only go for their piratery treasure the extra-mile,
whilst they behave as hypocrits with bibles under their arms
towards the true holy souls of heaven on earth vicious and vile,
and poison even their food in a holy kitchen hearth, as only
killing servants of the ONE good God Yahwe, brings them
into a good mood as their daily food.

But God the Father with His beloved only begotten Son Jesus Christ
long enough in the cold watching on these organised evil activities
stood, and simply sends the evildoers into their own burnt out
wood and lets them drown in their selfpity's flood, as they only
ever evil brood and brew and thus, the Holy Trinity lets the
purposeful sinners concoct their own toad stew and slurp
their pyramid tea with spiritual pus in the pew, and lives
anew with His true and original holy family away from every hell
and free of any desecrated bell a life without a ritual knife
and continues to multiply the angels on earth as they are
already in waiting also in heaven to write on the blank pages
a most holy and peaceful and eternal story omnibus
of the new era of human dignity and personal nourishment
in the bosom of a most loving family that has been always
using its spiritual gifts to heal all man-made rifts and never
even thought of going to war to make any shifts and that
never did make with war- and whoremongers a shady deal
but that abhors sin and treats all holy souls with utmost
respect and friendship, as they have been  from the
beginning of time their next of kin.

But the ONE good God had to spread them sometimes out,
as they were endangered in any one nation, and so, He put them
into many a varied position that they dutifully and beautifully
filled with His inspiration, and obediently and with utmost humility
they served Him with the love that He also showed to them
over the brim. And when a flood comes, He will show them,
how safely to swim or to fly or to walk onto new grounds,
as He might have to send them to unknown territory
to protect His holy souls from the inhuman bloodhounds
and they will hear in their sleep ever so deep, when He
Himself the trumpet signal sounds.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Inline images 1

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

God and the holy souls' family of heaven knows, who is one of theirs! And their souls' family tree does not rely on blood heirs! By Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

God and the holy souls' family of heaven knows, who is one of theirs!
And their souls' family tree does not rely on blood heirs!

By Mathair Sigrid Eliora

15:51  -  Public
And the world continues to be fooled by heresy of a story that has lies at the beginning and end, and is so easily in its evil intent to comprehend, and God will now personally the heretics into their own nirvana, into nothingness, with their false alpha and omega send, and no more spiritual gifts to them lend, as they did every single commandment to their selfish amendment bend, and abused all their abilities to spread ever more heresies and to create rifts. And instead of making to the truth the right shifts, they bake stale bread and poison the wine with the spiritual warfare of the boar swine and snake, and swim in a most murky unholy corrupt dead see or pool brine - but whosoever fights the truth and mocks the way of Jesus Christ, commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Himself, and that God and Jesus Christ won't take from anybody anymore in any shore, and thus, all spiritual pus simply in its own insignificance drifts, and over not only from Rome to Dover but also in Avignon and for Dom Courtison is over the decadence and pestilence and blackhole high finance and out their every story and clone character from their fake family story omnibus. There is only ONE God, in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and they have names and those are free of shames and blames, and they bear in heaven visibly their crown and on earth in every incarnation each family member holy behaves and of inner nobility royal and in their hearts and souls to God always loyal. And they know each other, but are mostly unknown by the crowds in their true identity, as too much has been the high treason in any given season against the one and only holy souls' family of God from the stars, and they know, how to heal at any given time all holy souls' scars and they do even in the darkness in holiness glow but no longer clear up behind the heretics their mess and make them from now on confess that they are a spiritual con.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Azkarah! Kushta! Reper opray! Tachiben! Mary Magdalene's Stations of the Cross/Mary Magdalene reper opray leski trishul eskay achimangeray »
Manush! Manush! Gulo Manush! Tiro dukaviben! Tiro rat, tiro gulo rat. MAAANUUUSH!!! ABA, Mauro DAD, Muk may ach lesko dukaviben - lesko juvel - GULO, GULO MAAANUUUSH!!! Mauro tikneski pakhni - Too ked...

Inline images 1

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Wilsberg sagt zu Kardinal von Galen: 'Ich hatte da so einen merkwuerdigen Traum!!!'

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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

08:05  -  Public
Wilsberg sagt zu Kardinal von Galen: 'Ich hatte einen merkwuerdigen Traum: Da hat man in einem Kloster mit einem scheinheiligen Kreuz in Wien unsern Herrn Jesus Christus unter so einen vertrockneten Baum gesetzt, und ihn mit einer Drogennadel verletzt und ihm Buddhaalptraeume gegeben, und ihm eingeredet, er waere Buddha in diesem Leben, und zwar der Herr Kardinal hat das selber durchgefuehrt in einem...Expand this post »
Wilsberg sagt zu Kardinal von Galen: 'Ich hatte einen merkwuerdigen Traum: Da hat man in einem Kloster mit einem scheinheiligen Kreuz in Wien unsern Herrn Jesus Christus unter so einen vertrockneten Baum gesetzt, und ihn mit einer Drogennadel verletzt und ihm Buddhaalptraeume gegeben, und ihm eingeredet, er waere Buddha in diesem Leben, und zwar der Herr Kardinal hat das selber durchgefuehrt in einem geheimen Massenprogramm mit jungen Maennern; na, der, wenn das herauskommt, dass der junge Maenner mit Drogen und Hormonen in Massen heimlich dazu erzieht, vom Weg der Wahrheit abzukommen, und sich selbst hat wie ein Heuchler-Buddha vor seiner Bekehrung benommen und sich auch noch aegyptische Meerkatzen als Geliebte gleich im Dutzend genommen, dann ist bei dem der Ofen aus, denn ueber den haben nicht nur Gott und Jesus Christus und seine Opfer eine Stinkwut im Bauch, denn der ist der Oberteufelsadvokat und der vergiftet noch im Petersdom heimlich, still und leise Schall und Rauch mit seinem oestlich angehauchten Schmauch. Da muss sich doch der Ratzinger denken: 'Nee, der tat die laengste Zeit meine Schritte lenken, denn auch ich habe mich mal versteckt hinter dessen Strauch und habe genug von dessen Lug und Betrug und falschen Prophetinnen und Propheten-geschichten und Klauen von Gedichten und lieber mit der wahren heiligen Familie einfach untertauch, und dann kommt die Wahrheit eh ans Tageslicht, wenn so ein Judasapostel mit Papstambitionen endlich steht vor einem weltlichen als Juengstem Gericht, denn der hat auch organisiertes Verbrechen selbst hier in Muenster auf dem Kerbholz, und ist darauf mit seinen Anhaengern auch noch stolz. Tja, dumm gelaufen fuer ihn, denn man sollte nicht schon im voraus feiern, nur weil man in Fortune cookies entsprechende Zeilen gesehen hat.' Und von Galen antwortet: 'Tja, ich wuerde sagen, jetzt geht es dann endgueltig den Haeretikern an den Kragen, und die Sinti und Roma muessen nicht  mehr laenger verzagen, denn nun sind die falschen Apostel in der Zwickmuehle, selbst hier in Muenster und in Rom, und ueberall, wo die ueber die Wahrheit gelogen haben, dass sich die Balken verbogen haben selbst in Kirchen und in jedem Dom, nicht nur unter dem Namen Peter und Paul, denn dass die die heilige Ehe von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena verschwiegen und dann auch noch bekaempft haben mit ihrem Rosenkranz-Totentanz als Ritual, das ist die Hoehe, und die werden nun, da die sind schachmatt, einfach mal symbolisch in den Zwinger gepackt, wo sie dann auskurieren koennen in der frischen Luft ihre Anabaptisten-Faschisten-Floehe. Schachmatt, wuerde ich sagen fuer die haeretischen Priesterkragen, denn ihre Opfer tun nicht mehr laenger immer baenger auch noch ueber eine satanistisch angehauchte Papstwahl verzagen, sondern nun mit einer kriminalrechtlichen Welle ueberall in der Welt zur richtigen Zeit und an der richtigen Stelle die Schuldigen anklagen. Na, ich kann schon die Holzwuermer hoeren, wie die erleichtert aufatmen, dass sie endlich Ruhe bekommen, und sie keiner von diesen heimlichen roemischen Reichherrschern nicht mehr tut hier im Antiquariat stoeren. Wie schon Jesus Christus vor seiner Rueckkehr und auch jetzt wieder sagte: 'Die Welt tut den heiligen Seelen gehoeren, die Suende verabscheuen, und selbst im Traum endlich nicht mehr angegriffen werden koennen, denn die Haeretiker haben ihre geistigen Gaben verloren, und koennen niemanden mehr bedrohen im Schlaf oder vergewaltigen oder mit Bestechung betoeren, denn die haben einmal zu oft gerissen, als sie noch dachten, sie waeren die Meister, als Woelfe ein Schaf, und beim Lesen dieser Zeilen die nun auch nicht mehr lachten, denn mittlerweile selbst die Schweizer Garden schon ueber die wachten und ihre Kollegen von anderen Gesetzesorganisationen mit sich brachten, denn die nicht mehr laenger eine falsche Organisation mit falschem Grundstein ueberdachten, sondern sich auf Jesus Christus Weg der Wahrheit allein machten, und ueberzeugt waren, als sie Spuren von Gift auch fanden im Messwein.' Mathair Sigrid ElioraCollapse this post
'Opre! Gelem! Gelem!', Kardinal von Galen teaches Wilsberg, 'und wer die Wahrheit fuer Haeresie haelt und sie ersetzt mit schmutziger Phantasie, wird aussehen ganz schoen meschugge und plem-plem!', by... »
Wilsberg erwacht nach einer viel zu langen schlaflosen Nacht voller Bangen, denn es hat ganz schoen in seinem Antiquariat gekracht, als es sich hat fuer alle Haeresie in den Regalen ausgelacht, denn G...

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Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Jesus Christ raker: AKT KUCH, TUMAY DEVELESKO MERIBEN! Listen carefully, ye Holy Souls! by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Listen carefully, ye Holy Souls!

by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Iesous Christos raker:
Tumay tachiben mus raker o jiv,
saukon yek' mus ach opray kitanay la basiben
p'eeriben anglay miro trushalesko drom
chalo miro tachiben o konyiben.
Miro tachiben t'a o miro famalia kee Mary Magdalene
jiv o mauro k'eray,
varekai amay lod.

Listen carefully, my Holy Souls!
You must speak and live the truth,
everybody must stand up together to evil
and walk on my way of the cross full of my truth and peace.
My truth and that of my family with Mary Magdalene
lives and is our home, wherever we dwell.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

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Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

All Holy Souls do from the Stars stem. And God heals with the truth all their scars. And the heretical church hierarchy He from His tent bars.



by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Racism is a tool for those, who want to prevent Jesus Christ's heavenly kingdom of the Holy Rose on earth,
and they use more or less intricate masks for their greed and lust for power and system of sin.
They will not even hesitate to expose their next of kin to corruption, organised criminality, abuse and immorality, as most
are subscribers to some form of heretical society, secret or not, and lead a life of lies as hidden spies in a facade of
all walks of society;

but secretly they carry out tasks even against their own democracy or monarchy and commit
with their double-face unspeakable notoriety and hypocrisy and outright blasphemy against God, the Holy Spirit
and Jesus Christ, in order to abandon God's law and order and to wipe out the Holy Trinity, and drag into their filth, grime and crime
without hesitation even their own family involuntarily, and abandon at first secretly all holiness and morality and decency and when encouraged by their company or secret society in a draw of 'opportunity' pick and mix they even make it publicly a position of climbing the ladder to a status of sad five minute 'celebrity'.

Or in another setting, like in churches, there is a slightly different process of candidate vetting for their international corruption and mercenary- and slavery network without mercy - young holy children are being groomed and one day suddenly through their own parish doomed, whilst the evil ones suddenly as Scheinheiligen-Altarservers and deacons bloomed, as they were chosen by their parents and the church to be dedicated secretly to the devil and they give a vow at the same altar at night, where others received the heretical bread by day, to commit utmost evil in any kind of variety, starting with neighbours, colleagues, former friends, relatives and within society. They start to slander, twist words, blackmail about sins that their victims did not even commit, or, when higher up on the ladder, they might even be the executor under pseudo-diplomatic immunity and the promise of impunity of a hit, either with poison, a gun, a ritual knife or through strategically placed elocution leading to a scenario of a murder disguised successfully as suicide, as, once a member of freemasonry or other similar secret society, there are many, who help under the seal of the twelve's silence of their lodge or coven, who help in the cover up and hide the evidence from behind the oven.

But that is hardly ever mentioned, when somebody suddenly has to resign, or turns out to not have been after all so benign; and most of society is so used to financial irregularity even in local authority or higher up in the pyramid hierarchy and sudden separation or divorce in their family that they shrug it off as one of those things, and as long as their lifelihood is not threatened they go along with the ever increasing racism, prejudices and outright attacks on God's holy family, until it is too late to claim, one did not know about what was going on really in society.

But we have come to the point that even holy children know, what they are up against and as they listen to Jesus Christ's voice in their conscience, they see and hear everything and become God's eyes and ears and they do not look away, when a child or adult is in tears and they comfort with God's strength and all their spiritual gifts, to take away somebody's fears and try to  heal as many man-made rifts, and it only takes one child to make even for whole mountains a gigantic shift, and suddenly a whole evil pyramid hierarchy that manipulated with Public Relations, Marketing and Racism disguised as science in a multi-disciplinary internationally organised so-called academic society, claiming to be supported by royalty and to show pandemic loyalty, does into insignificance drifts; when it turns out that the scientists stole even their thesis from a holy brother or bought their doctorate for a donation to the university and then abused their facility even for a post-mortem or to take out a body to bring it without consent to a cremation, or burnt purposefully patients with radiation or chopped off breasts and wombs needlessly in many a barbaric operation, or imposed and enforced on Roma and Sinti sterilisation, or destroyed their teeth or spread heresy disguised as liberation theology, only to prevent the truth from coming out.

The war of powers and principalities was about preventing for the one holy nation to manifest peacefully and in unity and for all to live in human dignity in either voluntary blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony, as has bravely been lived and defended by the truly holy Roma and Sinti, who were already the Magi, who believed in the prophecy about Jesus Christ and kept also in their midst over all this time the evidence for their truth, and also knew the complete version free of perversion of the book of Boaz, who dictated it lovingly in their free time to Ruth.

That is the real reason, why this unbelievable wide-spread high treason has been committed against the one holy family of holy souls, who from all corners of the world lived all this time undeterredly the life as holy Nomads as commanded by their Lord and King of Kings and Master Jesus Christ, and even in slavery they did not compromise and kept their vow and that is, why a Joseph Ratzinger did not towards them mercy and compassion show and neither does any of his cardinals, who are anyway yet another bunch of groomed heretics, and some even openly have a track record of Satanism and paganism and try 'theologically' to commit
blasphemy against the Holy Trinity - but whosoever goes against the Holy Spirit has signed his own condemnation, as that God won't allow and He will in matters of blasphemy also no more mercy show, and simply takes away the smoke and mirror glow of the mammon worshippers, who hide behind vestments and mitra and heavy golden staff, and they will end as heretical smoked kippers in their own corrupt unholy see, and abandon their ship will be the true and holy skippers suddenly, as no holy soul can any longer stand to play on God and the truth foul - as the ash is a gift of the Holy Spirit, and whosoever does it  mock, will come to
approached finally in this lifetime for the Heavenly Judgment day by Jesus Christ's true Roma=Man's flock.

And then, every devil's den will be left to its own unholy women and men, and the dead will have to bury their dead alone, and on all heretical clergy will come back and at their freemasonry and other pyramid hierarchy will come back from the ashes their every stone.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Mary Magdalene says: Don't make me laugh - the seven demons were my envious neighbours, the sour and bitter lemons

Mary Magdalene says:
Don't make me laugh -

the seven demons were just my envious neighbours -
the sour and bitter lemons, who never led a holy life but
one that was based on a freemasonry raffle draw
and on a ritual knife that they used accordingly
against the person they drew with the shortest straw,
and that was sometimes even their own husband, partner
or wife.

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Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Jesus Christus spricht!!!

Jesus Christus spricht!!!

Jesus Christus spricht: 'Tja, wer seine haeretische Suppe
wegschuettet nicht, geht auch noch als falscher Kaspar
vors Juengste Gericht, und verliert noch als Grimaldi-Clown-Kopie
sein Geheimgesellschaftsgesicht;

denn nicht jeder Clown ist manisch-depressiv - mancher
ist hinter der Fassade ein ganz besonders guter himmlischer Detektiv,
so wie mein Papa, der war eine wunderbare Clown und Kuenstler,
aber nur heimlich, und kein Fahnen-nach-dem-Wind haengender Guenstler,
und geht nur zum Staaten-Zirkus, um auch da mal gruendlich aufzuraeumen,
was sich da abspielte des Nachts in gar boesen Fremdenlegion-Spion-Apparaten,
die unschuldigen Seelen in der Uebeltaeter Spielhoelle schicken in Alptraeumen,
um tagsueber Regierungen absichtlich falsch zu beraten, damit die dann die
Verantwortung uebernehmen muessen fuer all die vielen Geheimgesellschaftsleichen,
die sie verbuddeln in Palast- und Abtei- und Kirchengaerten mit dem Teufel geweihten Spaten.

Na, mein Papa hat mir vom Himmel aus gesagt, dass Gott hat genug gehabt
von all diesen Luegenbraten und diesem Betruegen und hat Satan, den Teufel und die
Daemonen miteinander in ihrem eigenen Unkrauthaufen ausgesetzt, denn die haben
Ihm zuviele Male die Wuerde und die Reputation Seiner Engel verletzt, und mit falschen
Versprechen selbst Seinen Sohn Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena und ihre Familie
der heiligen Seelen immer wieder absichtlich versetzt und sich immer weiter von der
Wahrheit entfernt in immer neuen Geheimgeselllschaften gegen die Rueckkehr von
Jesus Christus zu Maria Magdalena und gegen ihre Wahrheit vernetzt.

Und am Ende haben dann auch endlich die gefallenen Engel sich gegenseitig
verpetzt und sich aus ihrer Naehe vergretzt, sodass sie nun zur Strafe ganz allein
sein werden, denn sie sind nie mehr erlaubt unter Jesus Christus Schafherden,
denn dazu haben sie zu lange gewartet, und gehofft, dass die Wahrheit in den Dokumenten
einfach verstaubt, da sie die Ehe des heiligen Paares nicht wollten und lieber dann doch
mit den Daemonen und babylonischen Huren herumtollten, und haben zu viel absichtlich
mit heiligen Seelen gezofft, und sie haben Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena
durch den Kakao gezogen, und ueber sie gelogen und sie betrogen, dass sich selbst
in der Hoelle schon die Balken darueber verbogen, damit ihnen ja keiner ihre Wahrheit glaubt.

Doch nun hat Gott sich vor sie gestellt, und hat, wo Er nur konnte alle Erzsuender und
Hochverraeter angebellt, und so haben die Uebeltaeter sich gegenseitig Fallen gestellt,
denn jeder hoffte, dass er eine mildere Strafe im Schlafe aushandeln kann, wenn er dann doch
noch Jesus Christus endlich erlaubt als Maria Magdalenas Mann.
Aber nun ist auch Gottes Geduld endgueltig alle, denn keiner von denen hat ueberhaupt
mal Ihm gezeigt irgendeinen Respekt oder Huld, und Ihm auch noch gegeben fuer ihr
selber vermaledeites Leben die Schuld!!!

Und dann auch noch die Frechheit besessen, Ihn anzuklagen bezueglich ihrer
Suenden und der Verzoegerung, die Wahrheit zu verkuenden, Ungeduld.
Na, da hat es Ihm dann endgueltig erreicht, und da ist dann selbst Satan mit dem Teufel
erbleicht, als die gelesen haben ihre Namen mitsamt Geheimgesellschaftscode
und Maske - und da hatten sie keine Wahl mehr und mussten zugeben, dass sie
nie taten nach Heiligkeit und Wahrheit streben, sondern taten als Scheinheilige
immer nur, um Jesus Christus Ruf zu verderben, mit ihren Besitzen, Geld und Ruhm
und Macht angeben. Tja, meine Lieben, es hat sich nun selbst fuer den falschen
Michael und Raphael und Uriel und sonstwen Falschen Fuffziger auch in den
Privatbanken ausgelacht, denn die tun sich nicht gerade fuer eine Anklage vor
Gericht bei ihren kriminellen Kunden bedanken, und auch nicht die Transportunternehmen,
die ahnungslos gestohlenes Kargo verschifften auf Kirchen- und Pseudo-Regierungsauftrag hin.

Denn die Meere gehoeren auch Gott, und der mag es gar nicht, wenn
man Seine Schoepfung aussetzt dem teuflischen Hohn und Spott, vor allem nicht
vor Gericht,
denn zu sehr hat Er mit Seiner Familie ob dem Hochverrat geweint Rotz und Schnott,
und so wird Er nun einfach sang- und klanglos erklaeren Seinen Feinden in allen
Gemeinden durch Seine Abwesenheit fuer immer und ewig ihren Bankrott.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

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Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Empress Sissi (Elisabeth of Habsburg) has a question to Victoria, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

From an Empress to a Ruler, who does on an elephant smother:
Sissi has a question to Victoria -
for your eyes only!

Tell me, Victoria,
whatever happened to my chequebook from Coutts -
I can't seem to find it here in Vienna -
and from under to top of one hill after the other
sends me that woman Angela with her sister Clara;

Victoria, I entrusted that blanko-cheque book to your care,
as it was meant to be paying for Franz-Joseph and Rudolph and
our girls and me the possible exile fare, in case Wilhelm
tries to expand his empire behind our backs, as he has
always done with his secret Anabaptist society cone;

of course, in your presence he pretended to behave himself
and even showed you our photographs in the bookshelf
but, make no mistake, he is one hell of a vicious and malicious
empire snake, who wants everybody to lie at his feet, and
every street around the world named after him,

and he has no friendship with God nor Jesus Christ as
Wilhelm loves only Wilhelm over the brim.
And he is even involved in Ludwig's murder, not that
you seem to care, and he also has Rudolph and Mary
Vetsera's blood on his hands and did not mind to
put us all even with the Viennese clergy hierarchy
through even more of his spynetworks' grind.

He even slandered Ludwig's reputation, and had
letters forged and spread by young men across the nation,
when he found out that Ludwig and Rudolph had agreed
that they would not turn against Franz-Joseph after all-

and it was Wilhelm, who stirrs up trouble also in Russia
and in Bavaria, Croatia, Magyarorszag, Serbia, Geneva, Romania
and, of course, blames all his organised criminality
mainly on the Jews and the Roma and shames and names
us as mad for wanting peace and law and order across
every border;

Victoria, it is a principle to sort this cheque book affair
out - can you kindly give this Angela woman a shout,
and tell her to stop to send me her hidden curses of gout
and loss of hair in the mail via some of her advertising campaign -
she is definitely one to watch, as she even wants you slain
and puts even here in Vienna and also in Budapest, and
lately also in India, on you many an untrue character stain;

that tells me your own Mr Brown - don't you think
that you should not treat him like a clown, as I noticed
behind your back recently by him quite a frown, and
he always seems to want to copy my every gown and put
it on you, and I don't really think you would this kind of
cup of copycat malice drink - you can have any dress made
by my own dressmaker at my expense as a gift, you
only have to ask, and I have it made for you but I do not
like that you wear lately also, just like the others in the
European courts, against us a mask;

and one of these days, God will take you personally on this
to task. So, Victoria, but for now I still need to know, what
became of my chequebook with the blanko cheque -
I would not like the idea that some future queen in your
country might use it with my name Elisabeth and possibly
makes even a bloodmoney payment against my own family
from it, or orders by some terror organisation against some
of her relatives on moral highgrounds a bloodhounds hit.

And, Victoria, I heard to my horror that you and yours
have organised Scottish and English hunts not only against
foxes but also against Roma and Sinti and your enemies
as baits - and that
is beyond my even worst imagination, as that would be
against God and Jesus Christ's own family and thus
a crime against the humanity, the one holy nation.

Victoria, Victoria, I wish I could end this letter
better and exclaim: Gloria! But the darkness that
you emanate lately and draw towards you is as far
from singing to God 'Harkness' as you are from
being even a humble servant in the one holy nation.

We must lead by example, and I spend my days
now evermore trying to escape the babylonian whore
in every shore, as  heretical and chilling to the core
is all this Freemasonry
and lately also Fascist lore, and not all enlightening
but simply frightening - but, fortunately, my heart
with my soul unceasingly for world peace prays
and tries that not one of any spies goes from the law
errant ways.

I await your answer Victoria, and you only need
to talk to God, when you found it and if you do all
your sins repent against me and my kins. You know,
what I am referring to, as otherwise you will be
with your soul condemned for eternity and nobody
will even remember your name, except for all your
long overdue own shame and all the blame you put
on others, and a holy woman, Victoria, not smothers
nor with evildoers bothers.

I will know, whether and when you have confessed
to God and reported to your Primeminister also
against us your plot with the archbishop, as Jesus Christ
is about to put you otherwise in this matter also
publicly on the spot. With an exclamation mark,
and not just a dot.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

R.I.P. Lord Mountbatten
King Ludwig of Bavaria
Rudolph of Habsburg
Mary Vetsera

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Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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Kaiserin Sissi (Elisabeth von Habsburg) sagt zu den Wienern unterm falschen Heiligenscheinkreuz, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Kaiserin Sissi (Elisabeth von Habsburg)
sagt zu den Wienern unterm falschen Heiligenscheinkreuz,
by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Jetzt muesst Ihr mir wohl oder uebel zuhoeren,
Ihr Scheinheiligen und verhakten Kreuzler, die
heimlich immer die armen Messdiener und Diakone
behandeln wie Klone und aus ihnen machen
mit Bestechung und langsamer Geschlechterverwandlung durch
Hormone und Drogen und Euren Lackaffenstil und unmoralischer Hohen-Messen-
Prateranbandlung in Euren sogenannten 'Hoechsten Kreisen',
in denen Ihr nur zum Schein tut Gott und den Kaiser, meinen Mann,
preisen, aber ihn insgeheim verflucht, bei Eurem grossen haeretischen

Tja, hier im Himmel bleibt mir erspart Euer verlogenes Gebimmel
und Euer Pathos, den Ihr ablegt hinter den hohen Mauern
zum Treffen Eurer vereinten Geheimdienste einmal im Jahr
auf dem Berg von Athos, aber auch da tat Euch Gott persoenlich
auflauern mit Seinen heiligen Soehnen, und von deren Gerichtsprotokoll
beim Juengsten Gericht wird Euch nun auch auf Erden der Kopf
noch bis an Euer Lebensende in diesem Leben und dann fuer die
Ewigkeit von Euren Orgien droehnen, und da hilft Euch auch nicht
mehr, so zu tun, als taetet Ihr vor Reue aufstoehnen, denn nun
werdet Ihr auf Gottes Befehl Opfer Eures eigenen beissenden Spottes
und Zielscheibe Eures gegenseitigen Bankrottes, wenn Ihr muesst
alles, was Ihr geklaut habt oder unterschlagen an Steuern in
schwarzen Loechern an all die armen Laender zurueckloehnen.

Und dann kommt da noch Eure ewige Verdammnis ins Buch des Todes
eingetragen, denn Ihr wolltet ja Eure eigene Perversion machen
einer unmenschlichen Lebensversion und langsam, aber sicher
sogar alle Menschen=Rom, ersetzen mit kuenstlichen Maschinen
und Euren Golems aus kuenstlicher Erzeugung - tja, in Euren
Klosterzellen, die nun als Gefaengnis dienen, da koennt Ihr nicht mehr
schlagen kuenstliche Wellen, und zurueck an Gottes Nation gehen auch
alle teuersten Parzellen von Land und alle Leute kriegen aus Eurer
gestohlenen Piratenbeute ihre taegliche Essensration ganz kostenlos
und die Wahrheit frei dazu, und zwar einschliesslich von Maria Magdalenas,
und ihrer Kinder Jakob und Zaras Kreuzesstation, und die der Sinti und
Roma in der ehrenvollen Version.

Denn die haben nichts gestohlen, und verachten alle Suenden
unverhohlen, und geben sich nicht mit Suendern ab,
die dann auch noch arrogant und verachtend auf sie schauen
Und ich ueberlasse es Euch, Euch gegenseitig auch fuer Eure
Luegen uebers Pentateuch und in den falschen Suren von Huren
den Hintern zu versohlen.

Aber ich raeume hier noch kurz Euren Schweinestall im Kloster
auf, denn es ist Gott zu Ohren gekommen, dass man sogar Seinen
Sohn Jesus Christus hat in seiner letzten Inkarnation einmal
zu Euch mitgenommen, und da hat er als Diakon unter dem Vorwand
einer Impfung Drogen eingespritzt bekommen, und war danach
ganz benommen und konnte sich ueberhaupt nicht mehr erinnern,
dass Er eine Suende begangen hat, denn das habt Ihr ihm vorgelogen,
da Ihr ihn wegen Seiner Rueckkehr habt von vorne bis hinten
belogen und betrogen, aber Gott hat alles gesehen und gehoert,
wie Ihr so getan habt, als haette Er Eueren schmierigen Kardinal betoert
und wie der Teufel immer im Schlaf gestoert -

dabei war es Euer eigener scheinheiliger und daemonischer Teufelsadvokat,
der Kardinal, der mit seinen Bischoefen hat Jesus Christus unter einen
toten Baum gesetzt und ihm eingeredet, Er haette einen homosexuellen
Hang und sollte lieber Maria Magdalena umbringen und fuer verrueckt erklaeren
lassen, und ausleben unbeschwert und frei hinter geschlossenen Klostermauern
mit dem Kardinal seinen [perversen] Hang. Tja, Kardinal, Du wurdest von
Gott und Jesus Christus und so ziemlich jedem ehemaligen Diakon nun endlich
verpetzt, die Du hast, weil sie die Wahrheit sprachen, mit Deinen Todesdrohungen
und Verrohungen von der Kirche vergretzt.

Aber nun kommt alles heraus, und dann wird endlich geschlossen
Dein jedes Teufelshaus und Dir wird auch vor einem weltlichen
Gericht die Maske gerissen vom Gesicht, mit jeder wahren Zeugengeschicht,
denn auch Deine diplomatische Immunitaet kommt nun zu spaet, wenn
Gott persoenlich mit allen heiligen Seelen aufmarschiert Hand in Hand
und fuer alle sichtbar zeigt Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalenas
fuer die Ewigkeit gesegnetes Hochzeitsband und alle mit dem Finger
auf Dich zeigen und alle ueber Dein jedes Teufelspfand Dir ihre Meinung geigen,
denn unsere Familie nicht laenger ueber Deine Blutschand schweigt, sondern
sich vor der Wahrheit verneigt.

Ihr blutruenstigen Kardinaele habt Euch zu lange in Spiegelsaelen
international und in Korruption verzweigt, und gedacht, Ihr koenntet
Euch verewigen in einer kleinen Kirche, wo Ihr regelmaessig beschmutzt
die heilige Ehefirche von Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena mit
Euren perversen Ritualen und darueber angeben, ohne bestraft zu werden
in Euren Freimaurerannalen, aber da habt Ihr die Rechnung gemacht ohne
Gott und Jesus Christus und die wahren Schafherden, die Maria Magdalena
anvertraut haben ihre Beschwerden, und Gott ist Sein eigener Wirt und
Jesus Christus Sein wahrer Hirt. Und so habt Ihr die laengste Zeit
ungestraft und oeffentlich verhoehnt heilige Leben und Gottes Sternenkindern
verursacht hoechste Qualen - Ihr habt auch verkannt Kardinal von Galen,
der auch seine Eindruecke aufgeschrieben hat und sie uns erzaehlt,
und der wusste auch, dass Jesus Christus hatte sich in Kanaan mit
Maria Magdalena entgegen dem Wunsch seiner Mutter Maria vermaehlt.

Ihr seht, meine Seele kennt diese Situation nur zu gut, und ich rieche
immer gleich neuerdings, woher der neueste alte haeretische Wind weht,
und Ihr nicht in Millionen von Jahren jemals die geheime und doch so einfache
Sprache unserer heiligen Familie versteht, denn Ihr seid ja so beschaeftigt
mit Eurer Haeresie und schmutzigen Phantasie, dass Ihr immer  nur alle
Tatsachen verdreht.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

P.S.: Ihr habt meine allerhoechsten Toene in aller Reinheit gespielt auf meinem eigenen Instrument wohl gehoert,
denn sie haben Euch ganz offensichtlich sogar bis Rom und in jedem Dom empfindlichst gestoert - Ihr habt die laengste Zeit heilige Seelen im Schlaf gestoert und gewaltsam betoert, und Eure jede Geistesgabe Euch von nun an nicht mehr gehoert.
Gott hat mich vom Himmel aus Euer falsches Gebimmel sehen lassen, ohne dass ich Euren entweihten Boden betreten musste, und darum auch Jesus Christus nun endlich die Wahrheit ueber Eure Luegen ueber ihn wusste.

Inline images 1

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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The Empress Sissi (Elisabeth of Habsburg) knocks from heaven at the door of the Church Hierarchy, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Empress Sissi (Elisabeth of Habsburg)
knocks from heaven at the door
of the Church Hierarchy

It is me, Elisabeth! The time is over
that you could declare me insane or made
for wanting peace, law and order across
every border from Rome, Vienna to Dover
and all over the world.

Wherever I went you had your spies and snipers
and your female and Eunuch snakes and vipers
on my back tailed, and that is, why so many a
peace solution failed - because it was you,
who every single time one of my family again
and again with your own sins and crimes nailed,
and you have the longest time with your filth,
grime and crime plainly with the help of
our true friends on your cruises sailed
with your stolen church and palace treasures,
your human trafficking and war and whoremongering,
your drugs dealing and pretend Faschist-like mass
grave and deadly experimental pseudo-healing.

As I have here the testimonials of your victims
all over the world, and it does not look good for you,
as you have been identified each with your real
face under your secret society mask as a spiritual crook
and mercenary spook with heresy in your Alchemist book, and your
poisoned mass wine distribution in many a cask that
you gave to holy souls at mass from a flask,
who were in your way, as you did everybody
and most of all: God and Jesus Christ and His
truth betray and tried to let holy souls look like
they did from the truth stray.

But all along it was you, who ran the biggest
ring of organised criminality and you lacked
also visibly obedience to God and humility
and because we dared to challenge you on your
heresy, you started to team up with our European
relatives to have us killed off or discredited or
slandered, so that you could unhindered pretend
under your Scheinheiligen-batwing that you had
only our souls' highest good in mind, when you
sent Franz-Joseph and Rudolph and Ludwig
on your slander campaign grind;

but, you see, God did now posthumously all
your bloodthirsty spells and desecrated bells
to your name with your long overdue shame and blame
bind; and now you won't anymore in any shore
any new recruits for your evil lame game find,
as your reputation will emerge with your true face
in every nation, as you have the longest time thrown
at the holy souls your artificial heretical insemination
and forced upon holy Roma girls your devilish
impregnation, only to kill them straight way and
to have their children become your slaves, whom you
abused and drugged and thugged underneath your naves.
And all of heaven knows also, where exactly you have hidden your sceletons
in anonymous graves.

And those holy souls now march from heaven down to earth
to meet you face to face in your now purifying kitchen hearth,
as the authorities have been informed and have secured the
evidence of your decadence and spiritual pestilence,
and I did some photographic documentary myself plus my
poetry as testimonial and there is more that you were not able
to steal with your shore, as I entrusted it to our true friends
in anonymity until such a time, when even your highest pyramid
hierarchy will be taken to task without their secret society mask
on their every notoriety and organised crime.

And that is the time, when your church turns out to be that of the liars
and false lions and tigers but that of the cats and snakes and whatnot
dragons and bats, as by then even your rats will have jumped your
sinking ship that never was the church of Jesus Christ but that of
the greedy and seedy and weedy Anti-Christ.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
R.I.P. Savash

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Kangeri o Develesko Roazius/ Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose" group.
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